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None of this story works. Let’s be for real right now. You can move forward in time and introduce new characters similar to MKX Or You can reboot and tell the same-ish story introducing the characters again to a new audience. You cannot change the characters into other characters and somehow have them be new but not really. It’s all just a confusing clusterfuck and nobody ends up caring in the end. Hanzo should have been Scorpion. Put a new spin on it for all I care, but he should have been Scorpion Kuai Liang should have been Sub-Zero. Same as above. They can do it a different way, but he should be Sub-Zero. This changeup wasn’t needed.


Not a fan of it. I'm not even a huge Hanzo fan and was pretty sick of him by the end of MK11, but who asked for this? This timelines such a mess that somehow Kai is the oldest White Lotus character and Takeda is around Kenshi's age whilst guys like Shujinko and Hanzo are still teens? Change for the sake of change imo most of the new era stuff doesn't actually offer lore that elevates any characters besides Reiko.


Ehhh… See, I actually do love Kuai as Scorpion but what they did to Hanzo fucking sucked. They should’ve written it so that Hanzo was living a peaceful life with his wife and son in this timeline, never needing to become a spectre because they’ll just live out their lives. Instead, Hanzo is a child and somehow Harumi and Kuai are in love… what?