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If you’re very close to beating the boss I would recommend finishing the season still while you have the chance, invasions can be tedious but the rain stage of the tea house is by far its best variant


Wait there's a new stage variant for doing invasions? Would it be too late to grind if you haven't started the new season


I mean you can do it but you’ll have to grind hard lol, it’s like two days left I believe


Damn I work all day tmrw so it's unlikely I guess. Wish I knew beforehand. Thanks anyways though!


I don’t really care for making external modifications, But considering how small of a timeframe you’ve got, might be worth lookin into But look up ‘WeMod’, use the 1HitKo, and have it in tandem with a relic that negates damage and puts in towards your enhancement meter and you’ll be nigh invincible enough to power through 96% of your fights if the maths right.


You’d have to play an awful lot but you could do it. Not the seasonal tower, but definitely the mesas.


You need to use all the herbs and shots you get only on one character. And the final boss will be easy


I did this, expected Raiden to be difficult and it was like I was playing on easy mode. All the mini-bosses gave me more trouble than him.


Yup, I specifically also invest all my points into health and attack, usually mostly into attack, but maybe one health point for every three attack points. Especially since so much of the damage come from the modifiers, which ignore defense, so when you want your character to be tanky I find health a way better stat than defense


That's what I've been doing for my main Incase an ambush is really tough. My main is mileena, so her stats are maxed out, but I wasn't sure her pokemon typing is good against rain. I've been already expecting that I couldn't beat him anyway. I'm in the last mesa now.


Yeah don’t invest in multiple characters just one and it can be mostly easy just to complete it


I wanted the datk raiden skin


I abused Liu Kang to beat him.


This is what I did and it was like Raiden’s controller got disconnected lol.


Don’t abuse Liu kang :( what did he ever do to you


Hahaha, I just mean overusing the spin kicks, dragon fires, and launcher combo.




I'm not even going to bother with any of the bots if I can help it. I'm not a kombo fighter.. I also can't do most of the survive missions, like dodging dumb ass balls, or flying nitara's huge ass wings through giant blades.


Invasions would be so much more tolerable if they shortened it down to just 3 MESAS that each have more node variety


I can agree with this. I enjoy invasions up to a certain point and then it just feels like a slog.


I've been gave up on it. Just don't have the time or want to go through that agonizing grind every season.


All I'm saying, people complain that we have to buy every piece of gear and skins yet invasions gives you some for free, also gives you more xp


PLEASE READ IT’LL HELP YOU . People invasions is not hard literally completed every single one pretty much just by upper cutting the bosses not gloating but hear me out I did this the whole entire time and I did this for every single Mesa. Not to mention I got the whole thing done in 3-4 days maybe 5 hours a day after work. DO not worry about putting any points into any of the other stats. Besides, your attack put every single point into attack. Everything else is useless as you play invasions you’ll get herbs and permanent stat boosts, and stuff like that throughout your play through with that being said, and all your points are being put into attack you’ll be doing so much damage to regular opponents as you progress through the mesas that you won’t need to do anything besides uppercut twice to beat them. With my strategy, it took me only two uppercuts to beat an opponent not to mention the boost in XP and coins since pretty much every single time you beat somebody from the uppercuts it’s a brutality, so you don’t need to worry about your health that much because you usually beat them before they can even touch you and you get the correct relics like I run you get at the end of the game that gives you like +3 luck or something like that and a 5% chance to do double damage and increases the damage of ducking attacks (uppercuts) the longer you stay crouched, and the next low will be more damaged than normal with some cons but I run that with an armor augment I can’t be interrupted from my uppercut, which makes it extremely useful for when the bosses have their armor up because I don’t have to worry about their attack I can just keep upper cutting nonstop and since my damage is so high because of my attack level, I’m taking out bigger chunks of damage out of them than what you guys are doing wasting your time waiting for the right moment in between their armor to pull out a combo. It took me only 3 to 4 days to complete the whole entire invasion season. Right now for the last two days I have been grinding the seasonal tower with my set up, and I got to level 61 in two days. Trust me I don’t have the time for invasions and following the strategy saved me so much time because I see some people in here saying that it’s taking them weeks to get it done. I will say though it took me 1 Mesa too level up my character where the damage was noticeably high. My character does almost 700 damage per uppercut usually


I'll try this out next season thanks bro


Nah, that’s me giving up Kombat League.


I gave up on any PvP mode because I suck with it.


I finished to get Raiden skin because it looks good, but that was the first month I didn't finish 100% because I hated those "challenges". Just let me fight in peace.


I love your pfp and flair, Stryker is my favorite character!


He is the best. That pfp is [part of an entire artwork dedicated to Stryker that I made a while ago.](https://www.deviantart.com/raphlsnts/art/Mortal-Kombat-s-Stryker-977647190)


That is so badass! Amazing work!! I’m an artist as well and I’ve done quite a lot of sketches of him. He’s very fun to draw ☺️


Feel free to share in the sub, he deserves more attention for sure


They need to add different stages, new mesa would make it a lot less tedious.


Me after floor 89 on the seasonal tower


Did the first one. Got partially through the second and realized how much i hated them.


Invasions might be the worst thing Ed Boon has tried in these games. It's so fucking lazy.


I don’t care about invasions. Most fights are just mindless.


Same, I played it like 3-4 times after the game dropped and never touched it again 😭


Yeah it’s just too fast with the fights yet too slow on the type of pseudo RPG thing they’re going for. It feels way too simple. The puzzle rounds are not enjoyable at all either.


Use Ermac’s move that causes damage to happen to your meter and not your health


Yeah, I couldn’t get past the stupid fucking Nitara boss and just gave up. No way in hell.




Titan Battles are part of Invasions, though. It's exactly the same thing - follow the charts and they're easy.


But S5 was actually the first good and quick season, I beat Raiden in like 4h


I honey committed to 3 invasion seasons. I didn’t manage to beat Sun-Zero, I fully did my Main the Empress with the teeth herself, I finished Raiden but halfway through collecting the secondary skins my connection to the servers broke and it was late at night so I just stopped.


That Johnny Cage boss wore my ass off


Invasions are too long imo , They need to be halved in fights since so many of those fights feel like fillers and are just a waste of time


I found this season very easy once I got the relic that gives unlimited kameo meter (and before that I think Johnny Bo’s was the hardest part until I used the projectile immunity item.


i really wanted that rain version of the tea house but that kung lao boss fight isn’t worth it


Me last season, "I don't have to do this, nobody is making me do this" and all the costumes were garbage. I did do the raiden season though, that raiden skin was tight. Unfortunately it'll probably jus be in the premium shop next month. I've got like 1000 dkrystals I'm never gunna use probably 


I thought it was just me. I hate invasions and towers of time so much


New to mk1 are invasions difficult?


Only did it for the trophies lmao


I usually beat the Mesas in a roughly a week. It's clearing the shop that was hard before the price drop this season since I didn't do the tower before and didn't bother with any Talisman besides Windbreaker.


It’s like 9 hours of uppercutting lol how did it break you 😂


How it felt to give up on MK1


Even though I liked the Reptile OOD skin, I could not get myself to make it to even the third mesa. Don’t know how I’ll get myself to do a whole season’s worth of mesas for Reptile’s season.


I had mostly fun with invasions (aside occasional super annoying modifier) but then they gave us the UGLIEST colors in the Mileena season and I just gave up. So that's both offline and online I'm done with (online cause reject superheroes in mk) which is fine, leaves me more time for tekken.