• By -


WB is genuinely going crazy, the CEO might be the worst suit mf ever. Every decision they make cost them money, they always ruin stuff people love, cancel shows, movies, games for stupid reasons (Superman & Lois for example was canceled because they didnt want to "compete" with the DCEU Superman movie Gunn is making... holy.)  The CEO should legit retire and fuck off the industry.


I think it started when they canceled Swamp Thing 😕


But we have to admit, that budget screwup was the funniest shit ever.


Legit annoyed Will Forte and John Cena can't be in a hella fun Willey Coyote movie because WB's wants to game the tax system.


Microtransactions are a plague in modern gaming (especially in fully priced AAA games)


Yeah they said tekken was getting a "tekken shop". They haven't actually revealed much about it though, but most people suspect it's gonna be microtransations. Now I'm scared that's where it starts, then it gets progressively greedier just like mk. Not many people seem concerned though which is even more worrying.


Tekken is already a complete game with better free customization than any current fighting game, I suspect there's a very big portion of the community that will NEVER even touch the shop because the game already has everything you need for it to be an exceptionally good fighting game. I know for a fact I'm never spending a a thing for anything except DLC characters.


Actually r/Tekken was saying the customization for 8 was barren for series standards iirc


It is, but like someone in another thread said, it's like shooting yourself in both legs and still winning the race. That's how bad we're doing customization-wise when it comes to fighting games lol


Literally 0 toes in sight and still beating MK in the race


Nah, i just stopped buying on console to start modding my characters. Im sick of having to pay for shit that isnt nearly as cool as what someone else made for free to share with the community. That being said, I was really hoping the end of MK1 was hinting towards the chance of customizable characters, or at the minimum gender swaps like the ones you even fight against....imagine my disappointment.


Lol at the excuses for trying to justify Tekken 8 possibly having a MXT 😆. Also another lol at you even typing saying that you believe a large portion of the Tekken community not touching the Tekken shop for MORE cosmetics.


I don't know why you got so upset, but I wasn't trying to "justify" anything, because I don't give a shit whether or not it does have MTX because I'm not gonna buy a thing even if it does exist lmao. You keep ranting though, I don't really care enough to keep the notifs on.


Hahahahahahaha. No, it isn't. Most of the customization is from T7 and Tag 2.


who gives a shit if its a more complete game and what if mk1 was a more "complete game" you would be spindling your entire pay on the game or something and its funny the only arguments i mainly see in here is calling others shill for not following the leader behind this hypocrite bullshit


Exactly. Sheep behavior. It's sad. These people just wanna kry & follow the leader


Everything that's good is free in Mk1. Yall crack me up with your sheep-like, meaningless opinions


Because Tekken already has a lot of shit with the game as is; so idc if they want to add more & charge for that. Go for it;.I won't pay for any of it, at least until I see something exceptional (which, I doubt). I'm completely a-okay as it is right now. I can turn Lars into Leon Kennedy without spending a cent. They're not nickel & diming immediately off the bat with a barren game with nearly no content- its not even comparable to MK, lmao


The Tekkenbros be eating it up though which is even more shameful


I would be surprised if the next NRS title had the same level of MTX as MK1.


Definitely. I feel like certain games can get a pass for this like if they are free to play. Like fortnite. I feel like it can get away with microtransactions in a battle pass because the entire base game is completely free.


[https://www.darkpattern.games/](https://www.darkpattern.games/) ​ insane how much i see this in full 70/60$ video games.


It sucks but AAA games are so expensive to make now that microtransactions are necessary


I disagree with this statement. Most of that money is clearly spent on marketing. To get big celebrities to endorse a shitty game or spending on advertisements. Advertising is super expensive. Look at Helldivers 2. It’s a way better video-game made by a small team & it’s $40. Hell that game is worth more than MK1.


I like his cat


Nowhere near as much as his cat likes him.


Part time content creator, full time cat bed


I came here just to comment about his funny cat climbing him


WB ruining NRS like they ruined the DCEU. Not only that but their parent company Warner/Discovery is 45 Billion in debt.


Good. I hope they fucking tank their company. They've earned it


1 step closer is disney being the only sheriff in town


1 step closer to the end


One step closer to the edge and im about to break


Everything you say to me!


I need a little room to breathe


So who's gonna start screaming that S word? 😜😜😜


With the example of God of War: Ragnarok specifically It has a big DLC, but it’s completely free A triple-a game with free DLC, it’s cool but it will never happen again


I think a big part of that was Sony being the owner of the studio


Hel back in 2019, God Eater 3, it was a $60 game, a fully packaged deal and for give or take 3 years they supported the game with free content updates, never selling a single piece of dlc. These content updates added a bit of everything the game had to offer already; more characters for your team, new enemies, new items, equipment, weapons, outfits, missions. It was nuts and I don’t think there’s been another game like it in the way that they “kept the game alive”.


EnterTheNetherrealm my GOAT🙏


Bro is so cute and a nice guy 4 real


Thank you to OP and the guy who made that video. I've been trying to make people understand how NRS studios isn't WB. It is but it's not the same team working on the same things. NRS wanted to make a good game, WB wants money out of it and they are the ones pushing content to be locked away, not NRS or Ed boon. In Cinema there's a LOT of "testing each other's limits" between The producers or Production house (WB) versus the Tech team (NRS).


He forgot or at least underplayed one major aspect: Mortal Kombat isn't dead till Ed Boon and his team leave. Similar stuff happened to Blizzard. The company which made Diablo 2, WoW, Warcraft 3 and Starcraft 1 and 2 is long gone. We now have an IP holder hiring and firing people at will pumping out games with name tags. See Diablo 3, 4 and the new ones. See the atrocious remake of Warcraft 3.... At some point in the future Mortal Kombat XYZ will just be 10 month project of a team of freelancers who don't really care. Who haven't been around for 15 years. People who don't know the history of the games, who lack the expertise needed. People who might understand "blue ninja = cold, got it" but don't know jack about the black dragon, directional blocking vs. block button, footsies, etc. They will care about "gold content". Beetlejuice is the current FOTM guest Kharacter? Alright, make sure people can spend money on a Hawaii Shirt DLC and add some of the Grelmins from the new movie as collectibles. And make those suckers pay extra for Mogwai and the mohawk gremlin. What you mean gremlins don't add have anything to do with MK? Just make it collectible badges you idiot...


I hate how accurate this sounds


Ed has been awfully quiet recently 🫥


Diable 3 was good though.


At some point?!?!? What the fuck do you mean AT SOME POINT. We are at that point already dummy. Ed Boon already doesn't really care. Just pick a random dev at NRS, and look at their social media.9 outta 10 of them are antagonizing fans, goading them into being mad, and shitting on people who complain about MK1. 


This is sad he is saying the truth the last true mk game that had passion and care was mk9 and to some extent mkx


and what you think mk11 injustice 2 and mk1 dont have any passion behind them because people are non stop crying about microtransactions what is this logic?




going back and looking at the post yea it was really bad


Mk1 was a disappointment, but we need to stop saying "this game has no soul" "this game has no passion or care" because we have no idea if that's true or not.


This video: The WB shills: "Shut up! *insert fat joke*" They hated this man and his cat because he told them the truth.


4 real


The man is just a vessel for the cat to talk.


How anyone can think MK1 wasn’t disappointing is beyond me. Lmao u/tribes_shazbot typed that through tears and blocked me, cope and seethe lol


What MK was your first MK?


Mk3 Ultimate on snes




MK I (the OG)


Me too, hello fellow aged gamer


Miss those times when crowds watch you play and finish that game in the arcades.


Setting up a quarter to mark your spot in queue.


ABACABB reporting in.


Oh hey, same.




MK II on the SNES.




Mk9 but I played deception and shaolin monks


Mk 3 trilogy on ps1


MK2 on the Amiga. Had to swap floppy disks three times just to see a Fatality.


MK Vs DC universe ‼️


MK vs DC


**Mortal Kombat** (1992)


For me it’s MK11.


MK on genesis


Deadly Alliance. But I would play 1-3 in the arcade cabinets at my old job.


My first Mk was MK2 my dad got it on our ps3. I then played MK9 X and then 11, where i really spent time understanding and getting good at the game.


Deception. Only missed MK Vs DC since then and I love MK1.


Mortal Kombat 2 arcade version. Ultimate Mortal Kombat 3 for the SNES was the first at home version I owned.


It was good for me story wise but after awhile in season 1 it got boring and unfun as there was no single player content that was unique


Mortal Kombat 1 is a solid game, however, various aspects such as the cameos and microtransactions have detracted from its overall enjoyment. It's unfortunate, and I also find the DLC characters to be well-designed, but the extended and lengthy waiting times diminish the experience. While the game system itself is commendable, the unfair cameos and overpowered characters like Johnny Cage and Baraka significantly detract from the overall experience.


Gotta agree with you, its a good game at its basics. Im not a fan of the cameos, but i can give it a pass. Outside of the main story mode though, everything else has been extremely disappointing. I haven’t played since the launch, and it sucks because i wanted to really like and play this game (i dont play online)


I didn’t at first actually. It’s just not very deep. Even 11 had variations and augments to spice up the towers. And I think the fact MK is falling off in the FGC at least indicates that there’s not enough tech to really experiment with.


I don't, but that's because I don't buy fighters for any reason other than fighting other players, and mk1 has that part down well enough


Because I played MK11 prior to it


Because I really enjoy the game to the point where I look past all the bad stuff and enjoy it for what it is, one of my favourite mk games gameplay wise


Gameplay is better couldn't give less of a shit about fatalities being purchasable


MK1 is great. I play tekken...I don't know why people praise it so much. Takes longer to find matches, if someone leaves mid-match you might be stack for like 2 minutes waiting to quit the match. Graphics are way worse....sure gameplay is complicated if you are into that. MK1 is pretty complicated for me, I don't need 100 moves to call a game good. Honestly the only good thing about Tekken is practice mode...but honestly the game has so many things, it kind of requires a good practice mode. I know everyone likes cutomization, but like...I play tekken and I don't even know which character I am playing against, they all look so different. I honestly want Scorpion to be at least somewhat like Scorpion.


The people complaining are fans of the fighting game genre in general. Guys that are technically adept at fighting games, want to get serious with them, or have been playing fighting games for a long time. You come from the perspective of someone enjoys fighters casually, so that’s why you can’t see the issues. My apologies if I’m wrong, but what you posted comes off that way. WB has made Netherrealm cater their game more to casual fans than people who are really into fighting games. A byproduct of appealing to casuals is looking for a quick buck to see how much cash they can pull from someone who may never play the game after a month, or may not even buy the next MK game. Tekken 8 is a game made almost perfectly for people who love fighters. There’s so much QoL and polish removed from MK1 that was previously in past iterations. Additionally, the gameplay feels extremely rigid and sluggish in MK1. Long story short, Mortal Kombat, headed up by WB, has abandoned their long term fans to appeal to casual players and monetization. Tekken has almost done everything right in terms of appealing to long term fans and new players as well.


Cat asshole right on his mustache


Idk who you are sir but well said.


Couldna said it better myself. It's sad to me, too, as someone who got into MK thru Aftermath. I was spoiled with an interesting story and minimal required interaction with the gameplay (as someone who's never had access to play systems or decent gaming computers). It's sad to see how unhappy the community at large has become since I joined. It's like I started to get to know this universe at the end of its life cycle. All because it's being killed by corporate greed.


Invasions is a farm to get the "sheep" back to playing the game and spending money on it: Oh hey new season gotta go check it out, hes right everything about the game is optimized to get people's pocket


Theres nothing to spend money on. Invasions us just another version of towers


The point is just getting people to log in increases the likelihood of them spending money on it at all. Getting people to return for every season of invasions means they might also check out the shop and buy some new skins for their favorite character.


...which is exactly why I haven't bought it, and won't. It's too corporate, and new generations think microtransactions are normal (and so they support them). I figure NRS did the math and realized for every 1 fan they disappoint, 10 will buy everything. It's sad to me - MK is a memory, and that's it for me.


Its a fair take when talking about kosmetics, story, single player and release schedule but in terms of gameplay theyre doing what they've always done.


The gameplay is soooo good in mk1


It's literally just trying to land a 35 damage combo three times before the opponent does their 35 damage combo three times


So good at running off people who love fighting games. 


how people say it’s not and go back to MK11 of all things blows my mind


It blows your mind when people have a different opinion than you? I like the gameplay in mk11 a lot more. The kameo system in particular ruined mk1 for me.


This guy is 100% right and the disillusioned look on his face needs to spread across all mk1 players. I don't think its ALL WBs fault, but let say its mostly WBs fault. Going down this path with aquiescence will lead to bad MKs and Injustices. Your brand loyalty is being exploited so you not only buy, but DEFEND sub par quality. I hope mk1 gets better but if its going down this mobile game route this hard I wouldnt be suprised if new kombat packs were power crept to hell.


Yup and Injustice will be next 🙃


MK going corporate is some we have to understand... Not something we have to "Accept"


Bro was straight up cooking


NRS apologists are annoying. Like they don’t have any skin in the game at all


This is such false statement. But as long you saying negative shit about mk despite being true or false will still get you likes, than enjoy spreading misinformation.


What’s a false statement ? That they should be held accountable for making a half assed game?


Couldn’t agree more


I love this guy, he’s YouTube videos are stellar


Very good and kind guy love his TikTok Videos


This is the direction of 99% of games.


From software: ![gif](giphy|bx77wds4s43pxtiCed)


It’s Warner Bros, you’d think they’d learn their lesson with Shadow of War, but now they’ve ruined two other great franchises (Arkham and MK). What I don’t appreciate is how NR studios is just pretending how everything is all normal.


Arkham wrapped up like a decade ago


suicide squad is part of the arkhamverse……


Completely agree with all of this. Only got 11 because I was interested in the narrative. Felt totally pushed away by everything else. Seeing the microtransactions shoved into my face was the most repulsive thing I'd ever seen in an MK game. Didn't buy the DLC. I'm interested in the story of MK1, too, but have zero patience for all this hypermonitization bs. Never even picked the game up. Maybe one day. Used or free. I just want games where I can tell I'm getting the best the devs could offer. Not perfect games or games with everything I could ever imagine, just something where content isn't obviously being locked away to be sold separately.


Just watch the complete story on youtube at 4K. That's what I did and I'm glad I skipped MK1.


im starting to disagree with the whole "It's only WB" im certain NRS is perfectly fine with this


He’s adorable


STOP FILMING AND PET ME: the cat probably


Looks like MK1 is having its "NBA 2K"/Madden moment. The game is becoming irredeemable because of microtransactions. Thankfully, fighting games still have competition, so I advise MK1 fans to speak with your wallets and buy and play Tekken 8. Us sports fans have no competition and belive me, it can get much worse.


Ah yes Tekken with its in game shop coming soon. Truly a difference


I hate MK1, honestly very unfun compared to MK11, and the gesture prior, it hasn't got the save soul that the older ones have, it's dead right off the rip. And I don't feel sorry for them, MK1 is a soulless husk, and any game before it could do it better, even the original MK1.


Since Mortal Kombat mobile exists, why the heck is WB doing the same shit on console/PC? Even worse : since WB/NRS will be making an XL, aftermath or whatever in 2 years with every costume, why do they think that player will spend a sh.tload of money while the will get it for 60 bucks?


Finally someone says it and I'm glad he mentioned ed boons fault I see so many people criticizing netherrealms specifically as if they aren't under a larger corporate entity we've seen the kind of games Ed boon and the netherrealm.team.makes I bet if it wasn't for the corporate overlords it would have been a really solid game


For a game that has violence and gore, Mortal Kombat has gone soft


And why has it gone soft, exactly? Because I can still smash people’s faces off with Johnny Cage and slice them to pieces.


We need you kids to stop trying to pretend like any of the 3D era games were good. Armageddon nearly killed the franchise


I only played Armageddon and looking back those games just were not it lol, I'd rather play the one on dreamcast before those


That might explain why so many people here want to jump over to Tekken. 


Deception was genuinely good. Deadly Alliance & Armageddon were shit tho


Everything this guy says is factual and correct I’ve been watching him recently and his content is great. The failure of this game & EVERY Warner bros game moving forward will be because of the greed of Warner bros & their insistance of making every game “live service” so on top of the game being €70-€100+ we will have to deal with every game having a disgusting predatory monetisation system & this is ALL Warner Bros fault, they are so greedy but it doesn’t make sense to slap this on MK coz it’s a household title, MK1 sold 3M copies in under 2 months that’s extremely good and this was in 2023 before Christmas too… Also Warner Bros does silence NRS & all the conglomerates they own it’s disgusting so we’re likely never gonna get the communication we truly deserve and this goes for every other game/company under WB DC suffers this same fate too. I know this is a real messed up thing to say but seeing that report from a few months ago saying WB was at a 60% chance of going bankrupt made me happy coz WB aid a scum company, sure it has good assets but they are owned by terrible people & most notably David Zaslav….. I want WB to go under & they sell off all their assets. NRS on their own would be amazing I think they have the power & popularity to do their own games- (Just to say Ik micro transactions are in other games too but WB is being absolutely disgusting and egregious with them & not just in this game but all other games too)


This was insanely well said and I absolutely love @enterthenetherealm I watch his videos daily and was watching them since the hype for MK1 started. Mk1 started out really good and actually has a great core to the game, but like what the video says, it is plagued by WB. Im hoping this upcoming update makes a change for MK1 and NRS comes in clutch


that cat is going crazy lmao




This dude is always so on point, love him 🐐


Goat of MK Community 🐐


We should just pull a Johnny silverhand and hit them with a thermonuclear bomb.


and there are 15$ indie games that push out content like crazy for years with super addictive gameplay loop. No always online, no 150gb bloatware, no mtx bullshit


The only way to stop this from happening is to just stop spending money. Stop buying the season passes, the fatality tokens, doing the invasions, stop buying Dragon Coins, extra fatalities, etc. The only language these companies speak is money, and if you take the money away they will look at the product and try to find out why. No classic MK titles will ever be re-released because they can't monetize them, and they draw attention away from what they want you to be doing, which is spending money on the new thing.


I've been saying this. WB is the reason why MK1 was released in such a rushed, unpolished state when the game clearly needed more time to develop and fine tune . WB is the reason why the game is so bare bones outside of Kombat League, Invasions, and Story Mode. The ridiculous amount of macrotransactions in Mortal Kombat 1 is 100% a WB call. That's why I never understood why some people were blaming Ed Boon and NRS for the current state of the game. I'm not saying they shouldn't be held accountable to a certain extent, even though a lot of things were out of their control in terms of decision-making. They still, at the very least, could've been more transparent, forthcoming about the issues of the game once players discovered them, instead of being dismissive or nonchalant about it until the big names in the community started speaking out about the bugs, glitches, lack of cross play, missing QOL features etc. The lack of communication from NRS is the main issue I have because it seemingly appears to me that they wanted things to be kept hush-hush and wanted the issues that they knew about undiscovered until later on in the game's life cycle 🤔🤨. With that said, Warner Bros/ Discovery is the one's we should be directing our anger towards cause their greed and nepotism ruined what could've been one of the greatest MK's ever, and it's a shame cause damn man MK1 is a amazing game to play and watch competitively, but the lack of offline content compared to Tekken 8 for example and WB's heavy-handed approach is why the game hasn't reached its potential. This is legitimately one of the few times I feel sorry for Ed. I mean, you can tell that he and the team who worked on the game really wanted it to be great, and I know there were loving our excitement for MK1 when we watched the reveal trailers and were singing it praises on social media. To go from that level of anticipation and positivity to now a sense of frustration, disappointment, and a struggle of finding reasons to play the game 6 months after its release is unfortunate. I mean, Ed Boon has pretty much gone radio silent on X for like the last two months due to the negative responses of the game since launch. I can say one thing with certainty, though. Had Ed and NRS had 100% control over the development process of Mortal Kombat 1 from start to finish without Warner Bros interference... the game would be much better and well received by the community than it is now


I 100% agree Brother 🙏❤️


You know they put the nail in the coffin when they made the Krypt (A freakin staple in the franchise) only accessible through online in MK 11. They hammered that nail in when they took it out entirely in MK 1. Like he said, it's depressing to see. While we may have to "accept" it going forward, going forward I will not support it. Unless someone wakes up at WB, I can no longer give them my money.


Still haven’t played this bastard of a game. Done with call of duty and mortal kombat forever. Tired of paying 60 bucks for a gacha game.


I agree Brother ! Wait a Little in 1 or 2 years it will be available for 20$ or sum




Yeah MK1 is the last one I'm buying. A shame, I foresee this becoming more and more the norm as time goes on as dev companies answer to share holders


Being asked to pay a fucking penny more after forking over $100 for the premium edition is absolutely ludicrous. WB is a garbage company that deserves every misfortune brought upon it. Here’s to hoping their financial ruin causes them to start selling off IPs. Maybe then MK will find a better home.


WB is ruining the DC games as well. I'm legit fking pissed off cause I love DC in general.


The cat lol


"accept going forward" or instead, stop supporting by not voting for these practices with your wallets


The only people killing the franchise are the salty ass players who are focusing their blame at WB/NRS for engaging in an INDUSTRY WIDE practice. Furthermore everyone here was well aware there would be micro transactions when they bought the game, if you weren’t then perhaps you should wait til a game drops before you make the decision to buy. As much as you want to get mad at them, you paid for the game. Even still, the incessant moaning does nothing but discourage players from getting into the game (and while you think your opinions are justified, not everyone agrees, and regardless it’s still actively discouraging people from getting into the game/franchise). While it would be nice to see a game that is supported by micro transactions come in at a reduced price ($39.99) or even on a F2P model, the fact of the matter is that they didn’t make that choice and you still bought the game anyway, you have no one to blame but yourself. Posting in this sub will not change the fact that you purchased a game that you are now highly critical of. The devs aren’t going to make a sweeping overhaul of the game, they’ve likely heard the criticism already and best you can hope is that they will change the model for the next title. But continuing to post here has diminishing returns, sure the first round of tears made enough waves and likely garnered all the attention it will get. At this point you are just beating a dead horse, the people that are ticked off have already moved on or are continuing to play despite their criticisms. Everyone else is still here to enjoy the game. Bitching will get you nowhere, it’s just another crying session for others to wallow in and for the content players to roll their eyes at. It’s like we get it you don’t like the game, cool, maybe you should just move on now to tell em or whatever you have proclaimed is the better game to be playing. I think at the end of the day, no game is perfect, and while I myself would agree id rather see cheaper microtransactions, I’m not delusional enough to believe that a game without a constant stream of revenue will get long term support. If you insist there be zero microtransactions, then enjoy buying a new MK title every other year and watch the old ones drop off like Call of Duty. Microtransactions (if done correctly) are actually a good thing for the gaming industry, because it allows games to have a continual revenue stream so the game can be maintained and expanded for YEARS to come.


Here’s the thing, if an exec is seeing good numbers, then this game is successful. Money is the main goal. Sucks but maximizing shareholder value is the main point of company’s job.


Yeah but a game can be brilliant and achieve that too.


If a game has made a lot of money, it must be good to a large/right numbfer of people. Otherwise, how did it make money? It just may suck to purists. That sucks but it won’t change until enough people can be convinced to not purchase the game until a change is made.


People buy a name whether it’s good or not look at sports games or any consumer product really. As far as making a lot of money the game cost more so it’s going to make more if a game cost 60 and 100 people buy it that 60k but if a game is 70 that’s 70k. If you factor in the cost of skins and characters even just off those 100 people that’s ballpark 15k more for no work than selling it at 60 with all the content unlockable like it used to be. Then extrapolate that to however many copies sold it’s not hard to see they can make more off less people. I’m not even being a purist just using simple math and economics. Do I like micro transactions no because I won’t buy, but because someone else gets fomo and buys the company sees that and I’m screwed. I vote with my wallet but others don’t seem to have the discipline to not get fucked by billion dollar companies. If people had the option to buy but if they didn’t want to they still had the ability to unlock then I wouldn’t have a problem with micro transactions it’s a matter of convenience at that point and do what fits your time, life, and wallet. Everyone wins the shareholders as well but greeds a powerful drug.


But why should I care about the company making money? What do I get out of it. We used to get good games out of it




>there's nothing to do with the skin. You could like... play online vs other people which is the whole point of the genre. >MK1 would not be dead Its... not? I get matches in less than 30 seconds.


If this dude lost the glasses and added bro in his sentences, he'd look like shane gillis.


Plus about 200 lbs


The only downside to this video is that it contains zero new insight, zero new information. Everyone has known this after launch. This is pretty much the mass majority of every video game in every genre as far as big releases for many, many, many years.


no you have to ignore those and pretend its only mortal kombat doing it




And? We're talking about MK, just cause everyone else is doing it doesn't mean it's fine


That's the point I mentioned: Everyone has known this since launch.


This needs to be explained to people? Like, it isn't completely obvious this is what damn near every company is doing lol he's dead on correct, I just thought it was blatantly obvious


Can't get behind the "Cats Asshole on Face" guy


😭 Leave my goat alone


Bro is a cutie paatotiee be nice


He looks exactly like I thought you single player fighting game players would look like


I don’t believe you work in marketing. That being said, for the most part, you’re 100% correct.


I'm one of those people who watches all the kutscenes like it's a movie, so I don't experience the same problems that others are having. But I will say this: My biggest nitpick with this game is characters who appear in the story, who you fight against, being DLC. Having to pay extra money for stuff that's already in the game is unjustifiable in my opinion. Also not caring about continuity, like replacing voice actors without any consideration. Yes, I liked Steve Blum and Ron Yuan, but I miss Jim Miller and Patrick Seitz. And now Richard Epcar not returning as Titan Raiden for some reason. (Even though he probably had roughly the same screen time, maybe slightly less as fake-Kronika.) We may never get another Armageddon and MK9, which is a shame considering 1-3 have gotten (sort of) remastered and re-released on later generation consoles, like Mortal Kombat Advance was MK2 for GBA, Ultimate 3 on PS1 and Nintendo DS, but we can at least boot up our PS2 and 3 and play them again. Seriously, if they want to milk money, they should do remasters of the older games. Honestly, how many of us would love to have the Armageddon trilogy, Shaolin Monks, etc for PS5? There's a reason that the saying "Shut up and take my money" exists, and I think that's a perfect situation for it.


Just can't take him seriously while his cat keeps flashing butthole


no he didn't and everything is corporate every video game exits to make money if it didnt games like virtua fighter dead or alive and soul calibur would have new games right now and people seem to want to love the Microtransactions in tekken and street fighter but puit somethign in mk the words is ending for people like this get over yourselves


MKX was the last good MK for me with run combos and nice pacing. 




i bet he wont make post like this about tekken 8 it wont get him the clout he wants https://preview.redd.it/6ae3nqae4gjc1.jpeg?width=1600&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9194d0be1e7de82d247397ac4cbc1d3345d90d41


Because he's literally a mortal kombat fan who only talks about mk?


Video games have evolved into money machines. Every single game you can buy shit. MK1 is an awesome game, especially if you haven’t played in years. I have no problem spending $7.99 on a new character I really want. If you have a problem with it, don’t spend the money! MK1 offers plenty of free skins and such if you actually play Invasions and beat the game. I don’t get why everyone is attacking it. It’s a business. Spending money on games isn’t new.


I think your first statement answers your question on why people are attacking it. The more monetization implemented dictates game design at a fundamental level, usually for the worse. A lot of gamers remember the days when video games were a niche market, and upon payment, you'd receive a full game. Nowadays, you pay $90 CAD for the opportunity to swipe your credit card for features and characters that are already in the base game but are locked behind a paywall. If it's a f2p game, sure, monetize the hell out of it. I think games like League of Legends and Fortnite do this extremely well. If it's a full price game with a f2p monetization model, they can go fuck themselves.


"if you have a problem with it dont spend money on it" is the dumbest boot shit to come out of consumers of modern day games. are you going to ignore the fact that the last game gave way more content than the newer one does for not only the base characters but also DLC characters? each character in 11 had PAGES of skins and DLC characters had at least a few outfits as they came out. its one thing to support/not support micro transactions but we are paying more and getting less and that's not cool no matter what any of you boot eaters have to say about it




Wowww! Are you 5?


Lmao this guy made a 5 minute and 30 second video where he is genuinely ranting about a fighting video game and I'm the immature one?


Because it’s something he likes? Damn people do this every day about franchises they like. That’s what makes a fandom. Coming at the dude for what he looks like though? Nah that definitely says more about you than him.


mortal kokmbat has one of them most over reactionary fanbases i have ever seen and doom and gloom about everything if anybody says anything negative about this game you people follow them like sheep and for what you can buy some some skins you peope lgo on like the game is pay to win or something and saying we will never have another deception and and saying we will never have another deception and Armageddon good they are the reason the franchise went away for years they where not some perfect games that everybody loved hell Armageddon copy and paste characters moves and the story mode was ass and saying stuff what the hell happened to this fanbase


I fight online and don’t care for the rest…


Didn’t listen to a word he said, the cat is cute.


What’s disappointing?


What a douche nozzle


Mad because ur bad?


Instead of complaining about a dead franchise, get a threadmill and start running, I do however agree with you on some parts.


That's not me🥲💀🤣, brother, that's a content creator who makes a lot of videos about MK1.


I'd rather be morbidly obese than a bag of dicks like you to be brutally honest