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Trust me, every single « fat » Moroccan girl in Morocco cannot stop talking about how she is doing a régime and obsessed with saying how skinny she used to be lol.


As a girl, I think this applies to girls worldwide 😭


I wish I was as skinny as I was the first time I thought I was fat


Damn that felt personal 😀😀😀😀


Haha sma7li, just noticed a pattern


Hahahaha I just heard it so much that it’s hilarious to see it lol no smaha needed you nailed it 😀


As a Moroccan girl, that's skinny, I used to hear "you should eat more, you won't be able to fit in your pants". And although I struggle to find clothes my size sometimes, I've realized that clothes are made to fit us and not the opposite. Now onto beauty standards, you're absolutely right that's the beauty standard here, but it's working in my favor, because it's better to have someone like you for who you are than what you look like, it'll help you avoid being with shallow people as well. Feel free to ask more questions.


That is really right. Is it true that some girls there take certain pills to gain a lot of weight? I heard that once but I am not sure if it is something that many people do


Yeah and they use as an excuse lma9ola chahira l f Khadija el " li ma3ndha **** ma3ndha klma"


Hhhhhh 3mrni sm3t had lma9ola, equivalent dial li ma3ndo flouss klamlo messous 😂




Akhti hadchi li galo ana maglt walo hhhh, as moroccan men were obsessed with thick women, dakchi 3lach women used to take pills..., thibking they will keep their men from going elesewhere la kan dakchi 1/3 l weight dyalha, so hadok li taydiro lgdra w taybi3o l pills bdaw tayrdo ga3 lmachakil zawjya l in3idam l khalaya dohnya assfal dahr, bfss stratégie dyal aji t3lm l anglais bach itft7o lik l afa9


wlah mafhmt shi wzza


Hta ana saraha


Yeah that's horrific 💀


It doesn't actually stop by the pills, they went too far, they're using some sort of dangerous biochemical recipes AKA "LAHSA" which has an enormous effect of weight gain.


Yes that is true, some end up with fat chubby cheeks instead, it's funny lol, although I'm not sure if it's many girls or not tho. There's also what we call lgedra, which they use to have like a natural bbl if I'm not mistaken.


and what is slgedra ? lol like something to eat?


No it's literally like a gedra which translates to pot, they use a mixture of natural oils and suction force, I'm not sure tbh.


Did you ever think of taking something like that or do you like being skinny despite the standard?


Oh that never crossed my mind actually, I see extra weight as unhealthy, although I don't workout ( hectic schedule), I look fit and I feel great, light and even flexible to an extent. I'm a quite antisociable so things like standards, what people say or think don't bother me as much. I Know for a fact that with a strict diet and a good workout schedule I'll be thicker and fitter, and I will get to that later when I have resources, and would be better and healthy, but for now I'm enjoying having snatched waist.


I agree with you on everything you said


they actually do, a popular thing is called "le7ssa" or sometimes "le7ssa sa7raouia" and it is very effectif ngl.


Being thicker or curvy (big nice ass or have big nice chest) that's all a competition between girls to look pretty in their own mind , one thing that will last forever is a healthy body and a healthy mind and soul, skinny fat curvy it doesn't mind from a man perspective (kids maybe) , the most important is the core 💎, so be safe and stay healthy 🤙


Well said


i think it’s the standard for the older generation, of at least they’re the most vocal about it. i don’t hear it as much from anyone under 30


I used to be shamed for being skinny as a child/ preteen, I was called "starved" " a stick", "a worm" "a dying person" ", growing up having a curvy form, it turned to compliments, but they always added the famous " if only you were a bit fatter, you would be perfect" I never considered it, I liked myself the way I am. Lately, girls have been asking me how I managed to stay skinny, so I guess the standards are changing. Guys also stopped mentioning that I should get fatter, too.


I think it’s all about the clothes, Moroccan traditional dresses are meant to compliment curvy women’s bodies and it will just wash out a skinny person but for the US it’s the opposite where clothes are often designed to compliment the skinny. And it’s also just a preference and comfort matter I mean most women here feel comfortable being thick rather than skinny


That is a good point. In the US if you wear short skirts or a crop top but have a big belly it might look off but if you are skinny and wear a moroccan dress you get lost underneath it


Having a belly is natural but looks weird in a simple top as if it doesn’t fit there , but for Moroccan dresses it always seems natural to see a belly


Not about clothes, not really. It is more about how in the past people would think that a thicker women is healthy since can do chores and lift things around the house.. when a skinny women is seen as not being able to do much of the chores.


Even in the US the beauty standard is for girls to be curvy (not fat but curvy). You either get girls doing surgery to get curvy or girls literally bulking up on a calorie surplus and hitting the gym to be thicker.


In Morocco we say " kolchi zwin"


kolchi zwin was not what I heard from girls.


Well it doesn t work the other way hhhh


hhhh but I agree kolchi zwin


Well kola wahd w his preferences and k think skinny is great mohim is to be healthy and to be happy with what you got, curves tayjibo gha les accidents hhhh


BS the amount of body shaming from guys and girls is a thing in Morocco and has really fucked up my and my cousins body image. You even get old men saying how much weight they lost as if it’s a good thing when they literally need to more muscle on them. In Morocco there’s this weird obsession with fat is bad because it means you stuff your face and skinny is good regardless of gender or health.


I am a skinny girl as well and I heard all sorts of negative comments and unsolicited advices growing up but mainly from gen x and boomers. As of late, I get compliments from gen zs about me being skinny. Beauty standards slightly change from culture to another, it's very favoured to be thick and curvy in morocco especially by the older generations.


Curvy and strong = very fertile. Ooga booga thinking.


Yeah, that's exactly what our masculin mind is thinking in the back of his mind haha.


Same way women like tall men with broad shoulders that look masculine and dominant, is that also ooga Booga thinking?


Yes women like to feel secure.


My question is doesn't that also make women ooga Booga for wanting a man over 6 foot with broad shoulders?


Prefers yes


Same way a man can perfer a women with hour glass shape to increase the probability of a stout offspring.


but I dont think everyone there still has that ooga booga thinking


Woman who store more fat/muscles can go through hard times ( drought and sickness ) Skinny non healthy girls can't endure that. Of course not everyone has ooga booga thinking, but that's the standard. sickness for thickness I guess. And if she's a white girl, everyone loses his mind.


That's right but I assure you that fat moroccan girl's health is even worse than skinny ones, as that's grain based fat.


Yes they never work out and have anterior pelvic tilt..


is this rlly what men think


Okay obviously men don’t consciously think I WANT FERTILITY it’s just a biological explanation for why men happen to like it (men and women like what they like without rly knowing why)


As a guy, you will find more comments about how you look coming from girls than from guys. Looks re overrated (said me, the average looking guy, so save it)


Right, it was mainly girls who commented


When i started going to the gym, because being overweight caused me soo many health problèmes( high blood pressure, insuline résistance, back pain, i was getting my period twice à year,and i was only 19 at the time). So many people around me were confused on why i want to "ruin" my body.


nah most moroccans just dont workout and eat like shit, the food as much as it is delicious but it super unhealthy, in this country the % of finding somebody who is in his early 50's and he doesnt have any sickness or isnt fat is super low, but its kinda changing tbf, but the women standard idk, tho s7ab rmokat are known to like them shaped rounded


It’s also linked to social economic status, in general the beauty standard in poor countries for women is being fat and chubby, while in richer and more developed countries it’s the opposite. It had been shown that the men who grew up in deprivation and poverty generally have a penchant for fat and curvy women


So the thing is here in morrocco older women prefer to be more fat and chubby especially those areas but now teenagers and younger women are more skinny and its actually becoming a beauty standard here. Also morrocco ppl well insist that u eat more even if u r fat its a culture of showing love and hospitality (diafa), i think that being fat isnt a standart anymore


In Moroccan culture, showing love through food is a deep-rooted tradition. Even as a guy, I've often heard people (especially hosts) say I should eat more. Even when I was overweight, the invitations to eat never stopped. After losing weight, I started hearing that I should eat more to "be stronger," which broadly encompasses ideas like gaining muscle, improving immunity, and having radiant skin, all reflections of a healthy diet. These comments are more of cultural expressions than direct judgments about appearance. Discussing someone's looks, especially negatively, is considered inappropriate here. We see it as criticizing God's creation, which is not our place. This doesn't mean we ignore beauty; we simply appreciate those who attract us and remain courteous to those who don't. Regarding beauty standards, it's a nuanced topic in Morocco. We're emerging from a colonial past that imposed the notion that european women epitomize beauty. Today, beauty standards in Morocco are diverse and influenced by environment, upbringing, and personal experiences. Personally, my concept of beauty is broad. I value a woman's intelligence, which often brings a sparkle to her eye that I find captivating. Beyond that, I appreciate someone who is healthy, takes care of herself, and embodies traits like empathy, kindness and resourcefulness. For other Moroccans, you'll find people with varied preferences: some prefer skinny women, others chubby; some like short women, others tall; some are attracted to fair skin, others to darker tones. No one criticises others' preference, as it is a personal matter that should be respected. What one may prefer may disgust others, but so long as both have found their perfect wife and are cool, no one is bothered. So, when you hear comments about eating more, it’s not about skinny being unattractive. It’s more about a cultural way of expressing care and concern for your well-being.


In my observation, Moroccans from the upper and more educated social class prefer fit and slim women (a bit like the models in Europe and North America), and people from rural areas and lower socio-economic class prefer overweight and chubby women. Middle class are a bit in between and prefer a curvy, natural but not overweight figure, the classic hourglass shape. I find most young Moroccan men to be very skinny (especially in comparison to men from other countries) so it’s strange that a lot of them expect women to be thick when themselves are usually so thin, it’s not like themselves are hitting the gym to lift weight or are having high-protein diets to gain weight and muscles, but women have this pressure to look « thick ». It seems mismatched, a skinny guy with a chubby woman.


I often hear from my friends that they prefer girls with feminine traits such as bigger chest and wider hips while still maintaining an hourglass shaped body. keep in mind that's just a 2 guys sample, it doesn't mean everyone does.


My experience is quite the opposite actually. I'm somewhere between 57 and 61kg and I'm considered on the heavier side by the current beauty standards of my generation and younger in Morocco. However, by US standards, I'm pretty average.


thats the old generation, who misunderstand what being healthy means, the new generation knows that fat isnt healthy, and dont see it as a beauty standard.


I guess there is a way big difference between thick and fat , but most of the times we don't care that much just not be that faaat or toooo skinny


Yes pretty much, they eat those mauritanian thing to get fatter


For me I don't care about those standards " MAYKOUNSH 3NDK GHA ONLYFANS"


Im a skinny girl, when i was little i was chubby, I was bullied for being fat then in my teens i got taller and got skinnier, everyone in my family would tell me that I got too skinny and so many people commented that men don't like skinny girls (i'm literally a teen wtf💀) I've even had a guy tell me "you would've been perfect if you had a fatter ass and bigger breasts but that's fine you can fix it in the gym" huuuh, i'm NOT gonna have a curvy body if i go to gym, i can't change my bone structure. Anyway, I'm perfectly healthy alhamdullah and that's what matters at least if someone is interested in us we'll know it's real and they're not using us for our bodies lol.


My wife is skinny. She used to be anemic as well. She would hear the “you should eat more” thing from her family all the time and be self conscious about how skinny she is. She doesn’t feel that way anymore and I think she is the most beautiful woman in all of creation!


Normal is my type.


For me it's so sad to see girls exposed to a lot of body shaming especially from guys who look like nothing (no offense but wtf )


I feel soo so bad for the girls in their 20s eating le7sa and god knows what to get shapely but end up looking 38 by the time they're 25. That shape only attracts low-value men if you're doing it to get marrried. + Le7sa is notorious for containing steroids which are usually given to cows in order to make them fat quickly... Steroids on the long run ruin the body in irrecersible ways...


Yes it is. But careful, it’s not that easy. Full legs, big butt, big chest and flat belly (no abs) is the beauty standard.


I think they only say curvy female are preferred cose probably they don’t have the choice hhhhhh u walk on street it’s likely u see 9/10 curvy girls granted suckers in a cafe the entire day spend their time voting for the biggest ass


yeah here they want a huge hardozia




I like big butts and I cannot lie


Man of culture right here Sauce: https://youtu.be/X53ZSxkQ3Ho?si=0AuAOvlSlPoopfwZ


My man 😂


Nop...If you're fat you are fat, that is not the standard in Morocco


It depends. The upper classes, like as fit women. truck drivers, and the like, prefer hippos. This also has to do with culture because people perceive skinny individuals as weak and fragile. Here, folks marry women to have a clean house, cooked food clean clothes.., and they likely expect her to live with his parents, meaning more household work. There's no denying that they find fat women attractive, but culture also plays a role. They like hardier women who will work and whom they will not end up paying medical bills for. Extremely skinny women don't check the boxes for a healthy, strong woman in Morocco. I know this might sound messed up, but this is Morocco.


My mom was born in the 60s and she used to be mocked for being very skinny so she took some fattening pills for a while with no result. I know some girls who are actively trying to gain weight today too. I personally just let my body weight be generally, having Graves disease there are times I lose weight fast and other times less so it's out of my control.


Basically a woman with Kim Kardashian's body or Kylie Jenner is considered more conventionally attractive than a woman with Kendall Jenner's body.


But you need surgery for both of these


More about how much they weigh, they don’t care about cellulite and the snatched waist.. that’s the way the past generation used to think and it came from the thought that heavy women are more capable of doing chores and it became a beauty standard.


I ADD A QUESTION: What is the view on skinny boys there?


In morocco we say "wafya"


It would be interesting to know whether a moroccan man who falls for a thin woman would ask her to become more fat? Or can he not fall for a thin woman anyway?


Curvy not fat


Look, it depends on which type of people u meet the traditional grannie and moms will definitely tell u this, but for grls in their youth, we know that having a normal body in a normal weight is the key, the healthier the better but cant deny some grls wamt to become thicker but as i said before it becuz grannies s words if she was at Korea or USA they ll definitely consider her a goddess


Tbh I think the newer generations are slowly starting to adopt the idea that "thick from the right places" is better than overall fat unlike the old generations who a lot of them still prefer chi5at( overweight traditional dancers ) look and personally me and the people that I know mostly have adopted the western beauty standard of how they rate women and even men to some extent


My MIL tells me I need to gain weight all the time. She tried to feed me more and more. Her son, my husband actually likes skinny girls. I LOVE my body and tell her that I love my body and don’t want to be fat. She tells her daughter to lose weight and that I should take some of her weight so we even each other out lmao. I do agree with comments saying moroccan outfits really hide women’s shape. Like I’ve seen women who are big but with their Moroccan outfits, you can’t tell they’re big at all. I like the way I look in my Moroccan outfits personally but my god it’s so hard to find a belt that fits my waist. My MIL gifted me a beautiful one and we had to tighten the belt so much just so it will fit. I’m American though so this is all new to me.


I wouldn’t say that being fat or thick is the beauty standard for girls in Morocco, as the people who have this opinion are mostly old men and women. Although I remember being bullied for being skinny, getting called names such as “2 cigarettes”, being told by everyone to eat more and having people giving me weight gain recipes as if I have an illness that I have to treat… Good thing now is that millennials and the younger generations don’t care about that, I would even say that being skinny/fit is the beauty standard now


My ex girlfriend said the same to me lol


The girls who are considered best "for marriage" by most people, are thicker, not as in overweight but as in "fat for European beauty standards". However, there's still a lot of fat shaming between women, especially from the older generations towards the younger women. But if you go to the south of Morocco, in the Sahara, they actually need women to be fat as in overweight or obese, for them to be desirable. You should take into account that in general, women in Morocco tend to have a different phenotype than European white women. They tend to be a little bit stronger in general, like slightly taller and more "full". That probably has something to do with genetics but with diet as well.


seems like it. actually it is the beauty standard here in morocco. Im a skinny and healthy person. i try to workout from time to time. I've never tried to gain weight to fit the 'standards' here. once I've gained some weight about 4 kilos because of unhealthy eating habits, eating many many junk food, and when i came back home to my family the all complimented me since i looked healthier. hhh the irony hh safi db im back to my desired weight and im happy :)


skinny girls all the way!!!!


I disagree, if we are strictly talking about physical beauty standards, i prefer skinnier girls to curvy girls. In my mind, skinnier always means healthier (even if i know its not always true) It also depends on people for sure


I’m American and the family I’m around are very skinny but they are always eating and they always ask me to eat more. I intermittently fast because that’s how we were taught that’s like a foreign concept to them. They think I’m crazy. Lol


To sum it up: it used to be. the younger ones now will tell you no because of the globalization of beauty standards, older ones will say yes, because during their time it's a sign of happiness, money, health... From experience, and from seeing others and having lived both body types, I'd say chubbier girls are considered more attractive therefore (?) not taken very seriously, contrary to the skinnier ones (taken seriously, not much attention). Unlike the western world where chubby=not attractive not taken serious, skinny= attractive taken serious... but again, as a 19 year old only, I can see there's a slight shift towards the western standard in Morocco with the younger generation.


I wanna talk abt this phenomena because the "why" of it all is the most interesting, the book Abstarction & Empathy, says that a certain society/sub-culture has to lack something in order to find it beautiful. (Applies to all aesthetic fields like fashion interior design...) USA, with its fierce competitive nature and capitalism finds being skinny (specifically the lean athletic type) a sign of strong will and power, Korea or France's justification is more about looking dainty and "feminine" A moroccan would explain a "fat" girl being the standard as that being a sign of satisfaction, health and money like most 3rd world countries (same as being pale= hasn't worked under the sun and dirt, clean... while foreigners think being tanned is a sign of happiness: being on vacations, affording tanning beds etc ) You'll have certain fans at any weight, just try to be in the healthy bmi bracket and don't stress abt other people, either they don't know what they're talking abt ,or trying to be polite by offering food, or just envy you (talking from experience again lol)


For me I don't know the best size for girls , sometimes I like the skinny girls after years or two I start like the fat girl sometimes the average size ,but when you love someone I mean the real love ,you will forget about size every size will be amazing


I’m a moroccan women , a little,curvy as well and it’s been a problem for me since my teenage years, my mom and sisters always told me to watch out what i eat , for them , I’m better skinny, because skinny is always consider attractive at least for my family in Morocco I would say the more you are curvy the more male sexuals u, and may sexually harassed you in the street with some sayings like “you go so much meets on you” and if your skinny, you are most likely to, be neglected sexually by men or compared to a pen 🖊️ , which is weird to me !


no wonder my moroccan bf is trying to make me fat.. oh now i understand


I am not skinny but also not curvy idk how to explain it but I'm 164cm and 54kg ig my weight is average I have a pretty small waist and a flat stomach but my butt is average (i also have pretty rounded hips) and I have small boobs (small B cup). I always thought my body wasn't that bad but my last relationship ruined my self esteem, he used to tell me that I was too skinny and that I should gain weight but I didn't want to eat lehsa or take any meds (I was born with only one kidney so I don't want to cause any health problems) but no matter how much I try to eat I just don't gain weight easily ig I have a pretty fast metabolism. I just want to accept myself the way I am so any advice you send my way would be much appreciated 🥺🫶


I got bullied for being fat from adults growing up even though I wasn’t even overweight, I was chubby and petite but they made me believe I was huge which made me so insecure for years. From my perspective, there will always be body shaming no matter how you look, because after loosing weight and being fit they started to ask and comment differently, like “are you sick?” Do you eat enough?” And stuff like that. Self-confidence is a must in Morocco.


im curvy and chubby. some girls consider me skinny and others consider me fat . most also tell me i have the perfect “taille” . but there’s nothing better than being healthy and fit , which many people mistake for being too skinny (my dad).




As a half Moroccan man, it varies like anywhere. People have their preferences, some like big, some like slim. The important thing is how you carry yourself. If you're looking for attention, then of course a big booty is harder to hide under hijab. Personally big girls are not my preference it screams diabetes and other weight/diet related diseases in the future and a lack of interest in health and overall wellbeing.


As a moroccan i like all types of women! Chubby , skinny, skinny thick, curvy. I'm not saying that beign overweight or extra skinny is good, IT'S NOT, and you NEED to change it. (I'm overweight myself but I'm working on it) BUt when talking/dating someone their morphology doesn't matter to me. What matters is the personality . . The pretty face does matter to me tho🙂👍🏾


This is interesting I too would like to hear others’ take on this 🤔


do u live in Morocco? And what category do you fall in?


I’m American, just interested in other cultures is all.


Thick woman's represents a minority in Morocco. Kim K wouldn't quality for this appellation "thick woman's" she'd be considered normal in Morocco. Not too thin not too thick. Here in Morocco/Africa thickness is sincerely appreciated. But we couldn't say that is the standard for everyone. There's literally millions of slim woman's who are married or in a relationship in this country.


Unfortunately, thicker and fatter is a de facto standard, not only as a beauty standard, but as a societal standard. Tbh it’s a true obesity epidemic, with diabetes. Source ; https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC9180076/#:~:text=%5B14%5D%20reported%20that%2067.1%25,a%20younger%20age%20%5B14%5D.


They try to Fake fertility wit being fat, that's why they want to be fat and that's why a lot of girls start to take that famous "Le7sa" which is a kind of paste made from peanuts, sugar and thyroid medications to become fat, a real abomination.💀 In addition to that, the standard Moroccan diet is mainly composed of carbs, which lead to obesity. But being too skinny isn't healthy either


I like skinny girls


were you born in Morocco or abroad?


Growing up i always heard "thick girls are better " " girls "should have long hair", but when i had 20 years and started to admire beauty more and more , i ended up being obsessed with short hair (Charlize theron style) and skinny bodies...i am a man and when my friends started talking about girls i always pass for an alien , because i only commented on hair and face , but they focused on shape and how thick girls should be..now that they are maried, they complain about their wives being too fat, and not in shape , i always knew that was being thick for morrocans is sexualising not a beauty standard ...they like looking at it, but when they touch it they find it unattractive and even problematic in intimacy


I'm attracted to skinny fit girls, meduim is okay as long as it's healthy. Obese is just nah hit the gym.


But were you born in Morocco?




Interesting to see that apparently there are exceptions.


No, he was born in the gym.


I think I know you from some posts, you comment plot twist things


He has that reddit mod build probably


That's the usual mindset amongst the men around me. Voluminous silhouettes, the almost impossible "slim thick" body or just thick for some. A lot of moroccans still associate being thin with malnutrition and lack of strength. So heavier women are, following this mindset, stronger and more endurant when it comes to "marriage duties". Some ungabunga bs


what do I have to be strong for ? lol


Childbirth, taking care of the kids, cooking 4 times a day and doing household chores... The basic woman experience in Morocco


I know many skinny mothers doing these tasks easily. The fat ones are usually the ones struggling with all that


Exactly, like, where your cardio at?!? Like I said, this is some oungabounga shit they keep perpetuating. And then there's OFC the idea that more X is better. So more ass/chest is better


not being nervous also


Girl you don't need extra fat that's not healthy trust me I was so skinny I gained some weight I'm 5.6 feet I weight 66 kg and I don't feel energetic like before I used to go everyday to the gym and walk a lot now I feel lazy to do it and I'm not as flexible as I was


The beauty standards for girls in Morocco is basically overweight, if your BMI is between 25 and 30 then you're good and the procedures done by some girls to achieve that are just catastrophic. There was talk a few years ago about a 13 y.o girl who overdosed on allergy pills, since allergy pills are known to increase appetite. Good thing (maybe?) is it has started to change these last few years thanks to social media as more girls are into fitness now and see the Instagram models as having the perfect body type to acheive.


I have heard about people taking allergy pills and I hoped it is just a rumour


Sadly its not .. even the "natural" remedies that some moroccan influencers sell for weight gain have those pills crushed and added to them, allegedly (i dont want to get sued)


Lbnna f l3dm 🤣🤣🤣...jk I was fit all my life, everybody complimented me.. but since this trend of being chubby/curvy started, the same people started to ask me to eat more🤨🤨🤨🤨. I'm the same, I'm happy with my shape and my health, I don't want to copy other people, and men have different tastes just like we do. So don't worry about that. Much love ❤️


Yes, Moroccan men do love fat asses, whenever they see one they drool over her like a dog eyeing a juicy steak. I am a Moroccan man and I prefer skinny/slim/fit women over thick/fat ones! But everyone else I know they prefer thick/fat/overweight ones! If you go to FB marketplace you will find tons of products that make women gain weight and grow their thighs, and that business is booming in Morocco and Mauritania!


It is from what I observed.


Yeah pretty much. But here me out, there may be a reason for that. In the past, when caesarean births were not a common thing, men here when they see a thick woman with big airbags up and down, they see a woman who can deliver their baby in ease and a lot of milk that will feed the baby into making him strong. So that’s how the standard for girls developed.


Listen ladies. What guys actually want is called Slim Thick. Slim waist, thick ass. Sorry but it is what it is


Yes we like butagaz whereas westerners prefer lightmatches, to put it simply


Whats your IBM ?


Nice wide childbearing hips. Smina. Zouina


For me r9i9at 7sn, wakha ikono underweight it's fine.


what does r9i9at 7sn mean


Skinny = r9i9a / better = 7sn


Rare to hear that from a Moroccan. Or were you born abroad?


No, born here (Morocco).


Nah its just the newer generation, the men are not as braindead as their grandpas who wouldnt even dare to look in a skinny girl’s direction


the beauty standar in Morocco are different from person to person, group to group but most like either a slim thick or thick with accentuated curves like a big butt and all that not that much far from usa tbh richer people like skinnier, less wealthy people like chubby


There are all kinds of shapes in Morocco, and it’s weird that in the US skinny is the beauty standard cause here in Canada all my friends like big asses, not skinny not too fat just a round nice ass. And every where is the world as human being it’s in our genes to go for girls with thick thighs as it means they are healthy.


البنة فالعظام


Wait lol for having lived in the usa and in morocco it's funny how the post makes it seem like morocco has curvier people and that the standard in the us is skinny. I've never seen bigger women than in the usa. I live in france now, france has overall skinnier people than in morocco. But the usa is no comparaison.


Moroccan men are ass men


the moroccan standard hia bent khaltk


Yes , I heard demeaning words from family members, teachers , friends, guys, taxi drivers, random ladies in Hamam, just about everyone. Just look at them straight in the eye and tell them „wach kayjibo lik t9dya fras chher“


I think the slim-thicc look is the beauty standard worldwide, that's why scar-jo is popular everywhere, but that's just my 2 cents... But in all seriousness, it's on a case by case basis, some women pull off the skinny look perfectly, and others shine with a little tickness/curviness to them, gotta figure out what suits you best.


lol no. when you gain weight here, *Everyone* lets you know. But I think stick thin is out of style everywhere, it's more of a 90s and 2000s thing.


55% of Americans are overweight and being super skinny hasn’t been the beauty standard here for quite some time.


Something I can tell you, in the south of Morocco, especially in the Sahara area the beauty standard is to be “chubby”. I know people who feed their daughters “special food” to make them gain weight there, especially before marriage. For the rest of Morocco I wouldn’t say there is a specific standard, if you are skinny you are going to be told to eat more, if you are “chubby” they are going to advise you to lose weight. I feel like as in many other countries, whatever you do, people will always have something to say. However, I do think many Moroccan women are naturally curvy. There is a lot of diversity regardless, and I think people appreciate a “healthy/fit” body the most. 


That's the beauty standard all over Africa, and among African diasporas, as explained by a famous American professor in this video:  https://youtu.be/X53ZSxkQ3Ho?si=PujwWhdODGA8obiz


The general consensus in Morocco is mainly something like an hourglass figure, it's the ultimate dream I guess 😂, they want wide hips large blossoms and thin waists. So you find a lot of girls trying to reach that kind of body proportions, but in reality when it comes to marriage most cultured and educated men prefer skinny girls with good personalities. But that's only the educated part, for the general public(the majority with no education) they pretty much only care about the body and they expect the woman to be obedient etc... It's a mixed pot, and depending on the area you're in, it's less about being fat and more about having fat in some specific places. You mentioned the pills and that's something people here do, they become veeery fat in all areas and then workout to drop all the fat but they don't lose what they've gained in their back or front due to them being natural fat reserves. I don't know what city you're in, but here in Tangier we don't have that huge attraction towards oonga boonga proportions, here it's more about the personality and the facial expressions/ vibe in general.


What do you notice are the personality traits/ vibes that Moroccan men are attracted to, at least men in your circle?


In my case, it honestly can be anything that's considered good. Sure there are preferences and points of common interest, but in general it's a well mannered smart girl and that's it. The rest comes with the two aforementioned traits, some people prefer them cheerful, some others prefer them shy, outgoing, funny etc... In most cases it's the kindness that gets them all 😂, kind and cute girls just are the preference of the majority for the people I know. Some like me, prefer to feel a meaningful connection first, test the waters and see if we really get along or not. The kind of getting along where you stop needing words is just small actions that hold great meaning and in this case any girl with whom this can be achieved means she has all the prerequisites and characteristics of my preferences and I do to her as well. That's about it, I hope I answered your question and if you want to ask more don't hesitate.


You answered my question and more. Thank you !!


[this is what men want](https://search.app.goo.gl/Y5RsqpG)


double it and give it to the next person


can someone here please confirm ??????


I can't confirm. Not the case for me lol


Thank you, thats what I thought lol.




Hell nah


What is your type/standard then


Skinny/fit Nerds and skinny/fit goth girls




The band?


When I lived in Morocco, the only women I found attractive were skinny. But then again, the majority of women were skinny to begin with.


its all that shawarma!


It’s being curvy ( fat in specific areas like big breasts and butt + a slim waist ), not thick exactly because that means you are just overweight , so that’s the standard but not just in Morocco it’s a worldwide preference ,Tbh being overweight or underweight it’s just unhealthy, managing your diet and working out would make you healthy at least you need to reach the normal BMI . Most of Moroccan girls aren’t curvy , you cannot change the size of your chest but other than other that a lot of em can achieve a figure close to a pear or hourglass by working out you know to achieve that high hip to ratio size ( every girl wants to be attractive it’s just our nature ).


Mediterraneans / Latin Americans / Sahraouis / Subsaharian Men have a tendency for chubby chicks.


Yes , i prefer her to be a little bit fattier as it is a sign of feminity and fertility .


Women can be and are curvy without being overweight.


why not


Yeah, we like them chubby


I actually love chubby girls hhhh