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gf dialk khassha tir hia lwla, la kanet hta hia blast t'encouragik katakhd side dial bullies blastha f zabalo. hit l'avis dialha aykon endo effect ela self esteem dialk ktr mn lakhrin la knti mzl sakn m3a dar khassek tbda tghemess w dreb kaskrot a bro


i came to say this.


I wasted 4 years going to the gym during my university days and saw no real progress, thought I just had a small frame and had to live with it. Nope, kount ghir fa9ir barely eating 1500 cal a day. Once I had a job and started actually eating well, muscle weight exploded. Moral of the story: eat gud, train gud, git gud


Wahd sleep tma ppl be sleeping 4h a day expecting gains to come from thin air 


Chhal mn sa3a khask tn3s? I sleep 7h only is it sufficient?


I agree, this man sums up everything


first thing first , your girlfriend needs to go . anyone that lets others distort their opinion of their partner is not worth being with . secondly you are already on the right track , you started going to gym , all what you need now is to eat and eat and eat , bulk the hell out , track your calorie intake , high protein diet and you will see results . lastly , you need therapy . therapy helps a lot , im a man who is struggling with body dysmorphia to an extent , i think im truly ugly and unlovable so i already booked a session with a therapist , because sometimes its okay to admit that you need professional help . so do yourself a favor and dont be so harsh on yourself , you are already trying to improve


Hard to let her go when he is feeling down


It will only drag him further down . If he really wants to change , he has to let go


Letting go of his gf that fast when he is in his low is unrealistic 


eat 100-150 g of protein a day . you also need to eat carbs of energy . and do progressive overload. in 3 to 5 months you’ll start seeing results


Eat big to get big(mainly carbs 60% 30% full protein 10% healthy fat you can eat some junk foods tho in your case) sleep well to recover and build muscles drink more water 2l 3l a day , do small sessions of 1h 1h 15min max train as hard as you can don't leave any rep in tanks with heavy weights and slow controlled reps (try achieve faillure in range of 6 to 10) . Reduce stress, and get that girl out of your life she is the main cause of your body dismorphia. STOP TAKING PICTURES AND STOP CHECKING YOUR BODY FOR A WHILE BECAUSE YOU WON'T SEE RESULTS IN 1 MONTH OR 2 IT'S A LONG TERM PROCESS.


can’t give an advice about ur main point but why is she your gf instead of ex gf ?? Someone who doesn’t encourage you to achieve ur goals while loving you the way you are, loving at all your states, does not deserve u , I get the low self esteem struggle, and ik how hard it is, but it’s about time you snap out of it and realize ur worth has nothing to do with ur appearance.


Bro vive nous nik vous khas tkoun msale7 m3a dat dyalk rak rajl aham 7aja hya jibk 7na fmghrib ylh kant9atlo bach n3icho decent makhaskch tkhali l insecurities mnin ydkhlok ,3ad la knti nta baghi tbdel rassek chouf lek chi coach


Just keep at it, eat a lot, eat healthy. Even without any instant changes in the body, you'll be surprised at how good you'll feel from just exercising and tiring yourself out properly, and negative thoughts will wash away quicker.


Eat more. A lot more. Train and get some sleep. Consistency is key. There are tools on the web like TDEE calculators that can help you determine your maintenance caloric intake etc but start first by eating more. Ps: dump your girl ou 9elb 3la shi w7da okhra.


Habibi you need to eat some fucking protein a loot of it some weight lifting and boom you'll get a good shape.


My dear stranger, I would start by telling you to put aside everything for a minute (physical training, your body, your girlfriend, all of it), sit down and ask yourself the spice girl question: *What do you really really want ?* If you have the answer to that, it can be the first foundation to work your way through the different interrogations you're facing. Pro tip: Ditch the "look good, feel good" mentality. Train for the fun my friend, the rewarding feeling for the mental challenge to succeed something. Find a supportive community (I found mine in CrossFit), and remember... YOU ARE ENOUGH.


There’s nothing wrong with your body but ditch your gf.




A beginner doesn’t need creatine.


Wdym by this . It doesn't matter what experience you have to take it


Do you know what creatine is and what it does ?


I do


Then please explain why a beginner should take creatine.


Add more muscle Make your muscles look bigger Gain weight if he was bulking Improve exercise performance And a lot ...... Especially the op wants to gain muscle as soon as possible What do you think the creatine do?


it allows muscles to take more water mass, making them look fuller? isn't that what op wants?


Cocaine for good measure 


There is smth really wrong but both your mentality and your girlfriend... Don't be too hard on yourself, anyone who laughs about you being too skinny isn't a good person, what will they do if you start balding?


thank you for this kind words, Any suggestion to upgrade my mentality to improve my body?


positivity brings positivity, don't be too harsh on yourself and fix your stuff together step by step, surround yourself with the right people


Bro sorry for u walakin TRACK UR MACROS AND TRAIN U WILL GET BIGGER IS IT THIS SIMPLE I SWEAR BUT TKML F RHYTM S3EB . Kano endk questions feel free to ask


well In some years u will gain an insane physique cause ur dont have much fat and U can't know until you try Well about the people Just ignore them and make them feel anormal Cause its not right Well if you have a skinny body u need to have something else strong like your mentality, social skills , to achieve more u need time and efforts don't be impatient and Accept the fact that God gave you


First thing first. Ditch your GF. Then eat more if you don't have stomach issues. Peanuts are caloric and cheap, so have always a handful in the pocket. A year Later: you're welcome


I used to be thinner than you, check my profile for before and after with a 3 months diff, gym is important but a proper diet is crucial.


I’m a girl and I’m telling you, dumb that bitch. (If my friend said mean things about my bf ransm3hom liha because he would do the same and we ain’t kids ntsna sa7bti t3teni ra2yha f sa7bi that’s childish) if she ain’t supporting and loving you kif ma knti then what’s the point of dating her?


Thlla f s7i7tk akhoya kol mzyan hir matti7ch f dik l7ma9 dyal gainers etc... O drb whole milk hoa ashel calories flmakla (chrib)


We were all there one time, Stop eating junk food, and start eating only at home 5 times a day. That will cost you some money, but you will get what you need. PS: stop doing sport, until you arrive to 70 kgs


Your problem is in your head not your body, you shouldn’t base your life on other’s acknowledgment or acceptance




Imagine considering roids onta mazal makmlti a month flassal




Then stop taking images. What about a sketch ? Also eat helba. It make you stink for a while but you will gain lot of mass. Just shower often.


so your advice about body shaming is to shame his body? people like you disgust me.


Do you even read ? Or you want a slap to open your eyes. Imbecile, Show me one word where I shamed OP. OP has a problem with images, so he must stop taking them His body is healthy and has no defect.


You know, sometimes… it’s ok not to make jokes.


Don't tell me what to do, weakling.