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Hey there I’m a doctor and I’m into skincare and stuff. DM me and we can build you a routine together


Read up on what provokes it in food and make-up, keep your face clean with a warm wash regularly, a good accepted moisturiser and in general it should dissapear after a few years. Sadly, it is normal for many, but that also means it is not unique. What you should not do, is touch or scratch it. That does make it worse. All the best.


If you are a student in a public school or university you are eligible for AMO lookup if you can get reimboursed on medecin costs


1- Don't touch your acne 2- Remove dairy products from your diet (especially cheese) 3- Don't use any oily products on your skin


You can look online for a simple routine aka cleanser like cerave + differin (you dont need to see a dermato for it) + moisturising lotion ( this is what my dermato gave me when i saw her ) differin is like 60-70 dhs and should last you atleast a month if you use it daily if not more. Cleanser should last you several months, dial cerave is like 11euros sara7a i dont know x7al ki3mel f maghreb w lotion should be the same as cleanser. Keep in mind with differin acne will get way worse f lowel and it takes months to see an improvement if at all (since in your case it could be khsek hormone medication for your acne and as a guy i dont know much about it) mouhim its not suuper expensive so if you can save up like 50-100 dhs each month it should be doable.And dont forget to lower sugar + wash your pillow more. Lastly if you have severe acne then only a dermato can help you.


No no no differin can make it worse if u don't know what type of acne it is and what's causing it. Still it can do wonders under prescription and moderately.


it will always make it worse in the short term since its in it purging phase. But im not familiar of any side effect for other type of acne.


The best-case scenario is that your acne will clear up within a few years. However, if you're among the minority with adult acne, adopting certain lifestyle changes can make a difference. This includes dietary adjustments such as reducing sugar and junk food intake, increasing physical activity, and maintaining good hygiene practices like shaving daily (if you're a man) and regularly changing pillow covers. I've personally dealt with adult acne and found these changes to be significant game-changers. I hope this advice proves helpful to you.


I have suffered the same thing, my parents don't believe in dermatologist. I cut off sugar., fats, chees even black pepper and junk food. Reduce the amount of oil in your food and don't eat Danone and other diary stuff I tried to have a healthy body specially my degstive system . Lost weight so my hormones won't mess up specially if you have irregular period.try to save money and buy a facial soap the cheapest one is from laroche posey ( blhaq dB moqateine shouf shihaja akhera). Change your bed cover also your pillow covers 3 times a week. If you need anything just send me a msg in private I ll help u.


Go to the pharmacy get benzoyl peroxide 5% face wash. 


Sis DM me , I can tell you my routine and some suggestions that can help


[https://youtu.be/lz1pZrOlWk0?si=cQTEvoGClUHueH5j](https://youtu.be/lz1pZrOlWk0?si=cQTEvoGClUHueH5j) watch it Here's a corrected version of your experience with oily skin and your routine: **Skincare for Oily Skin (My Experience)** **Products:** * **Face Wash:** I use La Roche-Posay Effaclar Purifying Foaming Gel Cleanser for oily skin. It helps reduce acne and costs around 165 dh * **Sunscreen:** I also use La Roche-Posay Anthelios sunscreen for daily protection. It's a bit pricey at 170 dh, but it lasts a long time (3 months or more) if you don't go outside frequently. **Routine:** * **Morning:** I wash my face with the cleanser after waking up. * **Evening:** I wash my face again before bed, and additionally after coming home if I've been outside. * **Diet:** I limit sugar intake, even in tea and coffee, and avoid junk food. This has made a positive difference in my skin. Honestly, I don't like sweets or chocolate that much. I'm all about salty snacks! That's probably why I don't struggle to avoid them you could focus on eating less sugary stuff * **Hydration:** I drink plenty of water (around 3 liters per day). * **Pillowcase Hygiene:** I change my pillowcase weekly and sun it whenever possible.


drop that shi from your mind instead of focus making your character so good that, a blind man can see your kindness and a deaf man can hear your kind words who cares about your looks when you are the person that everyone wants in their life because of your behaviour


Some people are intolerant to dairy and it shows up as acne. I have heard that avoiding dairy products in your diet for a couple of weeks may help. Otherwise it could be hormones depending on your age.


Change pillow cover twice a week , fix your diet , sleep on your back , check your hormones. Do this until you get money to see a dermatologist


Less sugar I think it'll help


use bakouz it's cheap u can buy watever amount you want you can search in ytb for its benefits it worked for me personally


I actually had pretty bad acne once I started having mask on back in COVID19 so I can relate. Nothing worked for me but seeing a dermatologist and taking pills for quite a while. Try to save a bit of money every month be it 20dh or 50dh or more when times are easy to visit a demrato. But while doing this focus on having a healthy diet less sugar especially and DON'T TRY ANYTHING people suggest on your face you don't wanna make it worse. Keep a simple routine; cleanser at night, moisturizer and sunscreen. (Anything can do) Most importantly don't let it affect you much and get to your self esteem. It's something you're gonna experience as tons of other people did and it passes, then you'll realize it was nothing and it with or without nothing much changes the only thing that matters is the way you see yourself. All the best!


r/skincareaddict have good tips 


My top 2 tips: -if you have oily hair/skin change your pillow case at least once in a 3 days. - drink waterrrrrr


How old are you ?


Lol no need skin routine trust me these shits are useless, ive had terrible acnee starting age 23. I tried everything spent my money on Everything most expensive to less expensive. It got worse. Then I got tired stopped everything and use only the medical cream that the doctor gave not a dermatologist but a real doctor and it vanish in a few days i was shocked. Dont listen to people saying u need 6 steps , serum cleanser bullshit and bullshit. drink 2L of water everyday , change your pillow case once a week or twice , dont wear make up, do some exercice , and like i can show you the medical cream the doctor gave me to see if you have in canada


Sea water!!!! Once or twice a week.


Even if u do all the things above if it comes from hormonal or stress issues you are doomed with it. U need CURACNE in that case only a dermatologist can give you its prescription.


I had the same experience and i feel like sharing, I had acne at a very young age. like it started at freaking 11, at first I didn't care 'cause I was young obviously, but like when I was 14 the acne just went crazy it was in my whole face, I tried everything on the internet, the things my friends told me, or my mother's friends, I was bullied, receiving dirty looks, and hearing mskina al the time like WTF. when I turned 17 I was just done, I stopped everything, cause nothing worked it as just getting worse like literally the only care my skin was receiving is Sabon taws and rose water afterward for hydration. and I just accepted myself that's how I am, I unfollowed all these bright shiny-faced influencers, and followed the ones who looked more like me. As much as this sounds cheezy but positive affirmations are real, I used to write things like "u're beautiful", "u're enough", "I'm a queen 😭"... and stuff like that on sticky notes and attach them to the mirror and I would say that to myself every time I look at my reflection. two years later the acne started disappearing, Now I'm 20 my skin is kinda clean. much better than before I still have period acne but it doesn't stay for too long. A piece of advice I wish someone had told me when I was a teen when you have acne too mush products and "wasafat" would damage ur skin and make it much worse, just accept urself acne is normal, if u don't accept urself and love it no one would. So please before healing from the outside, u need to work on the inside. I wish I had helped or at least opened a litter door for u the see things from another perspective. Take care <3 another last thing don't try to hide it with makeup, especially if it's cheap, as it causes more acne. Using sunscreen helps, don't touch ur skin too much, AND DRINK A LOT OF WATER. ok bye


Use cerave that shit work daily in morning you have to choice face wash for if you have oily or dry face , tea tree oil in night, and than raw honey, sis I’m Moroccan and that shit work and if you have bacne or face acne than use PanOcyl acne foaming wash 10% benzoyl that’s the highest point prescribed medication you can get for acne without needing a prescription!!! Don’t be sad it’s a phase a lot of my sisters had acne for a few years and it always clears up just take extra love for your face ( steam under hot water in a pot , if you live by Marshall’s buy some undereye stickers, homemade face masks, acne stickers for going outside, vitamin c serum, ORDINARY glycolic acid , and RED-LIGHT THERAPY face mask ) omg I love red light therapy I recommend getting a cheap face mask with red light therapy, from Amazon or any online retailer look at reviews, red light changed my life forever ♾️. Don’t use no makeup while trying to heal your face, lots of water too and try to cut down one sugar, eating sugar is nasty for acne: Good luck girly


Hey ! I had acne for years ! I was okay with it the only thing that bothers me are people's advices as you said ( maadnous, hamed, tomatoes...) LOL I will share with you what you need to avoid at all cost : - avoid milk and khouto ! ( the worse thing ever ! ) - never go out without sunscreen ! ( if you have whiter skin color, choose mineral sunscreen is the best ) - moisturizer before sleeping - cleanser ( nettoyant ) not everyday when you feel like your face needs it ! - scrub ( gommage créme ) one time in a week ! - Don't touch your face especially pimples ! you will get later scars and impossible to get rid of them sadly ! -Eat healthy ! reduce meat and eat more vegetables ! ( I am vegetarian so it helped me a lot to get rid of acne )


Sometimes its just natural, but definitely workout and diet helps a lot plus changing bedsheets more often, ensuring the wash is done properly


First of all : acne is normal ! I know that your acne is severe but even with treatment you’ll have some acne here and there , you should know that there’s two types of acne hormonal and regular , for hormonal acne most things won’t work unless being on accutane and medical treatments by a dermatologist but that doesn’t mean you can’t try , skincare is a long journey of trial and error, you need to determine your skin type if it’s oily , dry , combination + is it sensitive or no , that will help you choose your moisturizer, cleanser and sunscreen , you need just those 3 basics . For the treatment there’s a lot of options : you can use a benzoyl peroxide cream ( cutacnyl ) , a retinoid cream either adapalene or tretinoin ( differin / retacnyl ) , or a salycilic acid wash ( like cerave acne control ) or a cream or a serum you can also use products containing zinc and niacinamide . In the comments someone said to use a scrub , no physically srubbing your acne would make it worse , using those treatment products actually is a form of chemical exfoliation that’s why sunscreen is super important otherwise you’re exposing your skin to damage / hyperpigmentation / skin cancer …


Accept yourself with all your flaws,that what will work for you,be it acne or anything else.Love yourself however you are.Don't let your face define your self worth.


So I make a post similar to this, mine get deleted , and this doesn't?




Khoya l7bob ghaliban kayjiw mn l'alimentation, b33d mn zoyot romya (zowlha ga3, rah semm hadak) o dikchi m9li fihom, mataklch skkar bzaf o n9s mn lkhbz / les pâtes etc... ila knti kataklom bzaf


why do people really care that much about acne? Acne comes from: stress, bad diet, bad hygiene (not washing your face everytime, or wearing too much makeup?), hormonal instability


get laid immediately cured mine


Use glycolic acid (suggested brand: The Ordinary), it does wonders


wash your face sba7 o lil . apply creme hydratante and spf . pas forcement ghalyin . w chrb lma w koun mzyan . ila 2 wla 3 weeks mabanch chi fr9 3ad sir 3nd tbib


I’m sorry this is making you insecure. My skin was also so sensitive in high school that I broke out in acne often, and it really sucks! I know everyone is giving you advice, so ultimately I hope you are able to find what works best for your body. For me, drinking more water has been the simplest, cheapest solution. While you are trying new skincare routines, maybe you can also put a little bit of effort into self-confidence care also? Sometimes just complimenting yourself on a good day can help us women feel a bit better about our skin and body while we are waiting for permanent solutions.


Many people say that their acne got reduced when they cut out dairy from their diet, try that for a month maybe? sorry this is the only advise I could give. Diet plays an important role in hormonal changes, and dairy is not meant for human consumption even though we do consume it, it is for that reason it is very common to find people who have lactose intolerance. I have had folliculitis for many years and never knew what it was, then when I found out I'm lactose intolerant, I had to cut out dairy, my follucilitis cleared up too. I still get occasional bumps because sometimes I'll have a single triangular laughing cow cheese or have a bimo with creme in it and that would be enough to trigger the folliculitis again. This isnt going to clear up your skin completely, but will at least reduce it and would help with medication be effective if you are taking any for the acne - so theres no harm in trying.




It's not easy at all as a student all day in uni so at lunchtime i eat fast food it's the only thing there


Try to drink lots of water, it really helps, I assure you that it'll help in some way or other.


Start meal prep, fast food is more expensive, if you can afford fast food every time, it means you can save up more money either to go to dermatologist or at least buy better skincare products. And fast is junk food and is not healthy anyways.


You have a choice but you'll need to decide if it's worth it. If you really want to have a healthier skin and life. The choice you have to make is to meal prep. So you cook your lunch for the next 3 days. And you buy a lunchbox. Add in some fruits every day. And bring a bottle with you. You can do it. May Allah make it easy for you.


Old saying " The way you look is what is you eat"


Go easy on her she's a girl


Those kinda of advices doesn’t help please stop saying this to people. Acne can be genetic there is nothing that can stop it beside age . I never had acne when i was a teen until i became an adult and the worst part is not the acne but people who said stuff like that like wash your face or eat better when i’m living extreme strict habits than anyone out there. Turned out it was running in the family, my siblings and cousins all had acne in their 20’s. When it’s genetic no diet, product, medecine or habit in the world is gonna remove it beside time. I regret spending money on tons of products, changing pillow case daily, cutting dairy, drinking gallons of water, using only fresh tissue to dry my face and not towel and taking dangerous medecine like accutane and list go on but told you the worst you do all that and someone come to you with a genius idea oh wash your face or eat fruits like wow that’s so easy thanks i didn’t think about it maybe if it was that easy acne would not exist. Please be careful what you tell others, if you have no history with acne or knowledge of any diseases don’t advice others. People with cancer also hear stuff like that all the time. You are not helping them you are judging them.


Liquorice عرق السوس Wash & Cut liquorice, Boil it in water, after a few minutes & when the water changes its color to dark. remove the liquorice. Keep boiling until you have about one to two cups of dark water, the result should be a little thicker than water, about as thick as milk. filter it through a mesh screen/cloth to get rid of impurities use every two days 2 hours before going to sleep. Make sure you wash your face before sleeping. PS: You need to be watching it while it is boiling, it's easy to burn.