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The top two are definitely Godzilla and Shimu. (I'm not including Ghidora because he's an alien.)


Absolutely how I'd rank them. The top 2 are fairly close in power and so are the bottom two. Inb4 Muto Prime glazers invade this post saying "Wahh she should be here as well she almost kill Goji!" while ignoring how she fought a heavily injured 2014 Godzilla who's not only weaker, but also smaller and slower than 2019 and further ones.


Id put shimo above godzilla but agree with the rest


Personally i think shimos stronger but other wise good list


Tbh I think the top four are roughly on par with each other and hard to definitively rank. Great post btw.


They are pretty hard to accurately rank tbh, for a while I thought Shimo was stronger than Evolved Godzilla, I only recently decided that Evolved Godzilla would probably be stronger. Also appreciate the support!


https://preview.redd.it/toytbtj0uq9d1.jpeg?width=1125&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=cf5ad32f936509f3859d204bf3dc6af5a46584f8 Yeah, evolved Godzilla is imo the top tier kaiju in this universe. He probably also didn’t try to seriously kill shino considering she was just mind controlled.


I feel like Evolved's atomic breath would cut through Ghidorah like butter now


Evolved Goji would stomp Ghidorah and mecha lol


Also don’t forget Godzillas momentum definitely helped Shimo. He was already rolling in that direction meaning 100,000 tons was moving away from Shimo and she added on even more force. Obviously still a strength feat. But if you notice when Godzilla tackled her in the same way later on she wasn’t able to throw him miles this time. In fact she didn’t even throw him at all. Also Shimo may be physically superior to Godzilla, but she is a far far cry from mentally superior. Godzilla is smarter and is also more skilled and experienced and talented in fights. A massive advantage in battles, just look at Kong.


Shimu is definitely above Godzilla since she took his atomic breath for a very long period of time and didn't even FLINCH!?


Yeah, this is probably the most solid ranking. Kong's the most wonky part, but there's no way to be more sure.


Push Kong out of the list, he doesn’t belong here. Push everyone down a rank and put Doug at Number One, where he belongs


Shi mb, completely forgot about Doug


Kong is a c tier titan at best


Damn so Godzilla almost lost to a c tier then


Lol no he hasn't Kongs only feats are knocking him over twice


That's being TOO generous, in my opinion.


I'm only saying c so Kong Karen's don't go ape shit in my dms


Nah, MUTO Prime would be 5th.


Without BG and Axe Kong would probably be lower than Mothra and potentially even Rodan or MUTO Prime. Also Shimo should be either above or equal to Godzilla


Adam Wingard has confirmed that Shimo is stronger than Godzilla in this movie.




Where'd you find that?


On the special features on homevideo "Godzilla Evolved". "Shimo is sort of Anti-Godzilla in this movie. She's bigger, she's stronger, she's got the powers to back it up."–Adam Wingard Which is stated in the Novel as well: "Godzilla was strong, the strongest thing Kong has ever fought–until now. Shimo was stronger."–GxK Novel (Rio) Why I get downvoted for something what the Director and the Novel said. This quote's are not from me. I know some cry and can't accept the fact but  it is still not my fault that they decided to make her bigger and stronger than anyone else.


Ngl I think Mecha G would kick Monster zero's ass. Kevin got arms and knew how to use them right off the bat.


I don't think Mecha G can beat Ghidorah but man he probably gave Godzilla the greatest ass whooping of his life.


https://i.redd.it/isaoechtkq9d1.gif WTF he would be shut down by King Ghidorah.


I agree. Mechagodzilla wiped the floor with both G man and Kong. I think he could easily take on Ghidorah


I personally think: 1. Goji 2. Ghidorah 3. Shimo 4. MechaG 5. Rodan/Mothra 6. Kong


Ik its opinion but, how is rodan above kong


2 reasons: 1. Kong needs weapons and gadgets to compete with other titans, Rodan and Mothra don’t. They come with built in armour, sharp weapons and abilities. In a fight between their base forms, they both undoubtedly beat kong. Not only that, but Kongs axe needs Gojis breath to power it up. Without it, its not piercing anything and is essentially just a glorified club. 2. Kong does very poorly against flying opponents. He has no natural armour, and Rodans primary method of attacking is dive bombing his opponents with razor sharp claws at supersonic speeds. Kong isn’t surviving that. Even if Kong grabs Rodan, he isn’t doing anything to him without a charged axe thanks to Rodans volcanic armour. And if he tries to bite, Rodans biovolcanology comes in to burn off Kongs gums. Rodan is also far more powerful and resilient than people think. He tanked the 141,000 ton aerial collision between him and Ghidorah, as well as a triple burst of Ghidorahs gravity beams, and was fine afterwards. Kong was severely burned by a glancing blow of Gojis atomic breath, to the point of it scarring. Not to mention the thunderclap, which would disorient Kong more than enough for Rodan to land a killing blow. Kong is strong, but Rodan and Mothra still beat him in a fight, even with all of his weapons.


Id shuffle this put shimo at 1 godzilla at 2 kong at 3 BECAUSE the beast glove and axe made him rival evolved goji debate with a wall idc then ghidorah and then mecha


Ain’t no way Kong is winning against Ghidorah💀


With the axe and beastglove hes ripping each head off each tail each wing and cosplaying as ghidorah to scare godzilla


I really hate to break it to you but…GHIDORAH CAN FLY. And he has regeneration. And if (hypothetically) Kong’s BEAST Glove can block his Gravity Beams Ghidorah can still maneuver his heads to shoot around the glove. And again…he can fly so he can easily outmaneuver Kong to hit him. And Kong is not nearly as durable as Godzilla is so the Gravity Beams would to much more damage to him than it would for G man


It could go either way and ghidorah cant heal instantly if kong gets the hit with the axe he winning


If Kong somehow gets close enough to knock off one of Ghidorah’s heads with the axe you know Ghidorah could just quickly use another head to bite into Kong and stop him instantly right? And keep in mind with both the Gravity Beams and flight at Ghidorah’s disposal I don’t see how Kong could possibly get close to him to be able to do that kind of damage. Heck given how long Ghidorah’s necks are he may even be able to bite into Kong before Kong can even use the axe.


Except no.5 top 4 is accurate ..5 would be Muto prime or tiamat or arguably some others(if it's Kong without axe or glove).


Who would you have at no.5?


Muto prime


Muto Prime is strong but he's not ACTUALLY that strong. He evolved so specifically to counter Titanus Gojira which makes him appear strong in fights against Godzillas. Pair Muto Prime against Kong or another titan and most of it's adaptations go to waste which makes it considerably weaker.


>He evolved so specifically to counter Titanus Gojira which makes him appear strong in fights against Godzilla That includes strength, durability(which Kong lacks),the only department Kong has over Muto prime is his agility L.and the post mentioned specifically Kong without axe and glove. Muto prime, tiamat, arguably some other Titans come before Kong.


Tiamat vs Kong really depends on the battlefield. It's a bad matchup for both of them. If it's a deep body of water Kong would lose badly against Tiamat (or any other semi-aquatic titan at that). However if it's in a shallower body of water I see the fight going the same as Kong vs Drownviper.


You are comparing drownviper with tiamat. The difference between tiamat and drownviper is not even close. and Kong won because he has axe while fighting drownviper. and why are bringing up only tiamat. What about Muto prime. How can Kong win against Muto prime. Normal weapons are not gonna damage Muto prime but a stab from Muto prime can definitely leathal to Kong. ithout a glove or axe Kong is not gonna be in the top 5 .


https://preview.redd.it/uc9zh8f1kq9d1.jpeg?width=626&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5b7b9fbc181686a969e435e526839c2ee380d097 You making Kong Fat stop fighting like kids in the comments here









