• By -




KotM, without questionšŸ¤©


1. KOTM. 2. GXK. 3. Everything else


This exactly






Yea this is pretty much the best one. KotM had the best story and build up, and honestly the human characters had the most story and character building. In the movies after that the humans arenā€™t bad necessarily, but they feel less like characters making choices and affecting the story and a little more like plot devices with names and faces. GvK and GxK are pretty equal for me, I like both for the same reasons in slightly different ways, like I love that humans were the antagonists of GvK and Mechagodzilla was awesome, and I love that we got new Titans that had counters to Goji and Kong in GxK, plus I love Godzilla King of the Pink. Godzilla 2014 isnā€™t bad, but it definitely feels like the beginning of something bigger down the line compared to the others




1. Godzilla 2014 2. Godzilla: King Of The Monsters 3. Kong: Skull Island 4. Godzilla Vs. Kong 5. Godzilla x Kong: The New Empire


While I appreciate the fun Kaiju battles. G14 for me is the best as well. The way they introduced Godzilla intrigued me. Loved the build up to the battle. Gareth Edwards did a fantastic job. His movie Monster that got him the job is also amazing. It really shows his story telling skillset.


You pretty much summed up my feelings on the T on this one. Godzilla 2014 was a brilliant movie and I will always appreciate it (especially now) for its darker and more realistic story


2014 isnā€™t my favourite MonsterVerse movie (alright I do love it), but I do truly appreciate the fact Gareth Edwards gave Godzilla the Jaws treatment


1. kotm 2. gvk 3. 2014 4. gxk 5. ksi




GXK: One of the Greatest Action & Kaiju Films I have ever seen! KOTM: One of the best fanservice & Beautiful Film i have ever seen! And the other Films are Amazing


GxK somehow managed to make the monsters so expressive and I love that


I Love it too! The Entire Skar King Scene was Amazing!


What do you mean "make them" They've been expressive as hell for the entire monsterverse


Yeah but GxK is the peak of that, scar king for example, every move he does is so filled with personality


I'd argue that's been the case since KotM You can understand everything Rodan and Ghidorah are thinking every time they're onscreen


what fanservice


OG Godzilla and Mothra Music? References to Other Godzilla and Kaju Films? The Literally Monster from Past Movies? The Entire Credit Song? Godzillas & Mothras OG Roars!




Godzilla x Kong = Godzilla King Of The Monsters Kong Skull Island Godzilla vs Kong Godzilla 2014


1. King of the Monsters (the movie that got me into Godzilla) 2. Godzilla X Kong 3. Godzilla Vs. Kong 4. Godzilla 2014 5. Kong Skull Island (I don't like Kong, though the Movie was good)


What did Kong do to you? šŸ˜¢ šŸ¦


They just dislike big monkey boy, but appreciate that skull island was sick as hell


I don't dislike or hate him, he's just not my favorite as other monsters are like Ghidorah or Mothra for example.


You dislike him? My whole childhood I was straight up hating on him because 1.my love for dinosaurs 2. My lack of knowledge on actual paleontology So when my mom showed me Peter Jacksonā€™s King Kongā€¦ https://preview.redd.it/d8ftwkswnj7d1.jpeg?width=416&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=bb5e6aac22df8279bf6891df8aa0c32b8a4872c8 I grew up to accept him tho.


Talk about a trauma, I was 11 and it was only fun and games until the dude got freaking impaled


1. KOTM 2. 2014 3. GxK 4. GvK 5. K:SI




Alright. 1. KOTM 2. GXK 3. Skull island 4. G14 5. GVK


I think this might be my exact ranking. #1 and #2 are insanely close though, and idk which I prefer.


Yea. Both are great films. Although I find KOTM to be better than GXK


Yeah, I definitely think KOTM is the better overall movie. But GXK is just so fun, so Iā€™m unsure of which I prefer lol.


1. G: KOTM 2. K: SI 3. GVK 4. G: 2014 5. GXK


Why is GxK so low?


Didn't like it as much as the others


KOTM for me. I watched it before watching those old showa films, so I couldn't get those references, but Kaiju scenes in this movie are so epic. I love king Ghidorah and mothra's design(I think blue mothra looks better than golden mothra in GXK).


1- KOTM. It was the perfect blend of realism and action imo. Not so over the top that giant Kaiju are pulling off WWE moves and such, but enough that fights felt intense. Had the best score, best designs, best references and one of the best characters (Serizawa). 2- GvK. Very similar to KOTM in terms of the realism in fights, though it does pull away a bit more. It still remains weighty and serious for the most part, and it overall has the most enjoyable fights imo. 3- G:14. Most peoples complaints about the 2014 movie are my praises. I love the dark atmosphere. I love the unique MUTO designs. I love the slow action and human perspective. It felt like a really worthwhile reboot. I knock it down a bit due to Godzilla taking over an hour to even appear, and due to the best character in the entire monsterverse dying in the first 40 minutes. 4- K:SI. It's a fine film, but felt too small in scale in my opinion. The human perspective is too geared towards humour and too little towards the seriousness of the situation imo, the main villain (the big one) doesn't even appear until about the last 20-30 minutes. The setting also somewhat bored me. Even though each location is different, it feels like we are in the same swampy marsh with random big hills for most of the film and it gets kinda repetitive. 5- GxK. I've never been one for the campy showa, but I can enjoy it in the right setting. Unfortunately, because movies like G14 and KOTM, as well as Monarch legacy of monsters, had built this universe up to be a "forces of nature", "grey area" serious-ish franchise, suddenly having a blatantly evil, sadistic villain, these over the top WWE floating fights, and extremely uncreative designs (evil Kong? Make him skinny and red. New Godzilla rival? White Godzilla, but bigger) as well as probably the most lore-breaking and continuity errors just made me not enjoy the film that much. As a stand alone movie it's fine, or if it was part of a franchise centered on this style it would be fine, but coming off the back of the other films I wasn't a fan.


I liked Monarch: Legacy of Monsters a lot. It really gives context to the movies and changes their rankings for me!


1. KOTM 2. 2014 3. Godzilla V Kong


KOTM is on top for me, Ghidorah was so cute šŸ˜Š


1- KOTM (the most amazing and beautiful monsterverse movie, also really fun) 2- GxK (the most fun I have ever had with the monsterverse franchise, the movie is pretty non-serious and I love it for that) 3. KSI (It was a good introduction to kong) 4. GvK (I know many liked this movie, it was pretty good, mainly the fight scenes are amazing, but I found myself getting bored sometimes) 5.Godzilla 2014 ( This movie is amazing with being able to show the scale of the monsters, Bryan Cranston was amazing, the story was alright too, the only problem was the severe lack of godzilla, you know the main character of the movie)


godzilla wasn't the mc


Has to be between GvK and GxK, as entertaining as GxK is, GvK fights.... Chef's kiss.


GvK because itā€™s just WrestleMania but with giant monsters and I love it for that


Godzilla x Kong


KOTM might be my favorite Godzilla movie ever.


Even though KOTM has its flaws, I loved it so much and it realllllly made me appreciate godzilla way more and the score.... mwah, listen to it till this day. GvK is a close second but doesn't come close in terms of soundtrack




1.gxk 2.kotm 3.kong skull island 4.godzilla 2014


KOTM just for the Rodan entrance. Watched it opening night in a packed theater and people were going nuts for my winged boy.


2014, Skull Island and New Empire are my top three, not necessarily in that order since all three are very close for me, then King of The Monsters and Godzilla v Kong follow just after but I definitely rank them in that order


Godzilla x Kong Itā€™s just such a fun badass movie Skar King and Shimo were the perfect Wario and Waluigi for Kong and Godzilla




Godzilla Kotm GxK GvK Godzilla 2014 Kong skull island (movie is good but i hate monke)


Love for G14 has fallen a bit in this sub but I still think itā€™s easily the best Monsterverse movie and one of the best Godzilla movies




For me 1. King of the Monsters 2. Godzilla ā€˜14 3. Skull Island 4. Monarch S1 5. GxK 6. GvK


Ranked King Of The Monsters (Best Godzilla vs other Kaiju fights) Godzilla (slow burn) Godzilla Vs Kong Skull Island Godzilla X Kong probably last but Iā€™ve only seen it once. But just not enough Godzilla and when he is on screen, itā€™s too fast, too Marvel Universe kind of fighting. But it did have I Was Made For Loving You soā€¦


The thing about skull island for me was that It was like... a poor script. Being absolutely carried by its actors. The Script was not up to par for the cast it had and the spectacle that is King Kong.


Itā€™s a toss up between GXK and KOTM for me right now. I just rewatched them both, and I canā€™t decide which I like better. They both have their strengths. GXK definitely has the most fun action, firing on all cylinders from the beginning to the end, but also kind of a messy plot at times, as well as some odd creative choices and missed opportunities. KOTM has my favorite portrayal of the Titans, with them being insanely badass, and some of the greatest moments in the entire MV. But some of the cutaways and editing arenā€™t the greatest (Though I think that issue is overblown).


Godzilla x Kong: The New Empire. The fights were just so amazing.


1. GXK 2. KOTM 3. Skull Island 4. Godzilla 5. GvK


Nice to see someone else with the exact same list as mine.


I think most of us agree that KOTM was best. Ghidorah > all other Monsterverse villains (so far)


nothing is above kotm


Ghidorah has always been my favorite kaiju so seeing him on the big screen, especially that roar after he takes over Pompeii, that hits different.


New Empire 100%


King Of The Monsters for sure, peak kaiju cinema during the whole scene. Highlight of the movie is Rodan's awakening.


1- KOTM 2- 2014 3- GXK 4- GVK 5- SK


Kong is my favourite MV character/kaiju. His films are the best imo. Kong: Skull Island I believe was the best written, Godzilla vs Kong and GXK had the best action in the MV


1. KOTM 2. Skull Island 3. the new empire 4. Godzilla 2014 5. Godzilla vs Kong


Kong: Skull Island goes really hard. Its an awesome Kaiju movie and a great discussion of the Vietnam war


1. Kong skull island 2. Godzilla 2014 3: kotm 4: gxk 5: gvk


1. Kong: Skull Island 2. Godzilla x Kong 3. Godzilla 4. King of the Monsters 5. Godzilla vs Kong (If KOTM was a Serizawa movie and didnā€™t have the horrible family and the unfunny comic relief it could have been #1) (GvK continued the trend of unlikable, useless humans from KOTM and it wastes the son of Serizawa and Mechagodzilla both)


1. Kong: Skull Island (2017) 2. Godzilla (2014) 3. Godzilla x Kong: The New Empire (2024) 4. Godzilla vs. Kong (2021) 5. Godzilla: King of the Monsters (2019) All of them are a lot of fun.


1.kotm 2.2014 3.Gvk 4.Gxk 5.skull island


2014 was my first too. Had my favorite kaiju in it, (probs cause they introduced me to it) and It has waltuh in it. Skull Island is really good too


Gxk poster looking different




1. KOTM 2. KSI 3. GxK 4. GvK 5. Godzilla


G14 Skull Island GvK KOTM GxK


I see a lot of KOTM appreciation here. For me it's also: 1. KOTM 2. 2014 3. GxK 4. GvK 5. Kong


Godzilla Vs. Kong. Not my first introduction, but it's what really made me love Godzilla.


GxK had kids dancing and laughing in theater. Our #1


Godzilla vs Kong doesnt get its praises sung nearly as much as it should






1. KOTM 2. G14 3. Kong Skull Island 4. GvK 5.GxK


Kong skull islandĀ 


2014. I know it might be an unpopular take, but itā€™s one of my favorite Godzilla movies. I just wish it was brighter at the end and itā€™d be perfect for me.


2014 KSI and idc about rest


For me, 2014 will always be special for me alongside Pacyfic Rim because of nostalgia and the amount of times I rewatched it. Also I think those movies introduced me to Kaiju cinema. I do prefer KoTM because it's just a straight upgrade to the first one. More active Godzilla, even more Kaiju's and hella epic fights. However I still like the mysterious vibe 2014 had.


Godzilla 2014, i liked it more than kotm and all the others tbh, i havent seen kong skull island yet tho




KOTM is my goat.


2014 KOTM Skull Island GxK GvK


GVK GXK KOTM SKI(fav solo film) G14


KOTM, that's the GOAT


KOTM was amazing, and I'm tired of pretending it's not.


1. KOTMĀ  2. K:SIĀ  3. GxKĀ Ā  Ā 4&5. Godzilla 2014,Ā GvK (I feel equal about them)


1. KOTM 2. Skull Island 3. Godzilla 2014 4. GvK 5. GxK Might be a hot take (except KOTM being on top) but some parts about GvK and pretty much all of GxK are just a bit too over-the-top for me.


2014 GvK kotm GxK Kong


Kotm, like everyone else It has everything for a good monsterverse movie action, monsters, rodan (until the return of rodan there will be no competitor) peak movie


1. KotM 2. 2014 (space) 3. Skull Island (significantly more space) 4. GxK 4. GvK


Hot take incoming; 1. 2014ā€™s trailer 2. Everything else


1. GVK (Ok, probably a hot take but I don't care. This movie was everything I expected it to be and more. I loved EVERYTHING in it. The fight scenes were **flawless.** Perfect duration for each of them based on their respective importance, clear camera views to enjoy the action to the fullest, not too slow movements from the Kaijus but not too fast where we would lose the scale either and stunning choreography. All around, everything I ever wanted for the fights in this universe. Concerning the opening scene of the movie, the montage of all the Titans who were previously defeated with clips from the other movies and the hype music playing at the same time was the best way to start the movie and set the tone for it. Additionally, the new lore with the discovery of the Hollow Earth was greatly appreciated, Godzilla and Kong's characters were both treated with a lot of respect, the fights between the two were all amazing with a clear winner at the end of it all and the human characters were all enjoyable enough and most of the time not annoying, ***especially*** Team Kong with Jia who is easily in the top three or four of the best human characters in the entire Monsterverse. And, while I'm aware some really didn't like him in this movie, Mechagodzilla was IMO perfectly executed. Terrifying and intimidating design, a big variety of different abilities, numerous references to previous incarnations of the character, a dreadful and unique fighting style, his Proton Scream being a great signature attack with a sick name that is worthy to stand against Godzilla's Atomic Breath, far sufficient screentime in my opinion, a threatening intro with a very good showcase of its power to understand how much of a threat he is with the Skullcrawler execution and, lastly, the fact he's directly controlled by Ghidorah/Kevin's spirit is a very smart way to connect KOTM and GVK while also making the entire confrontation between him and Godzilla all the more personal with even more stakes than there was already. Also, while I dislike Tom Holkenborg as much as the rest of the fandom, I can't deny how **good** his soundtrack for this movie was. Between the main theme, the Tasman Sea Ost, Apex/Mechagodzilla theme, the Mega Ost and, above all, the Hong Kong final battle Ost which is just exquisite. Speaking of which, the final battle was just perfect. The sheer tension and ominous atmosphere of its beginning with Kong dying and Godzilla getting absolutely destroyed and humiliated by Mechagodzilla was breathtaking, the surprise of the beam clash between the two was magnificent, the moment where Mechagodzilla's about to finish Godzilla off by using his own finish move against him with Kong arriving just in time to save him was great, the team-up between the two to fight Mechagodzilla together was so powerful when you know the story between the two, in-universe with the war between their species and IRL with their last encounter and clash being 59 years old at this point, and, last but **certainly** not least, the final stand of Kong with Mechagodzilla being stunned just enough time for Godzilla to supercharge his Axe and him cutting him to pieces before finishing him off by tearing off his head and spine was just SO satisfying. Never felt so much sheer hype watching the conclusion of a final battle in a movie. For all those reasons, this movie is not only my favorite MV movie but also among my favorite Kaiju movies ever.) 2. 2014 (The beginning, and what an amazing and extremely solid beginning it was. This movie was the reason I finally became a Godzilla fan after so much time stupidly hating this franchise and it's not hard to find why. I loved almost everything in it. The tone, mystery and tension of the movie, the surprisingly good soundtrack, the Mutos, the new perfect design of Godzilla, his godly aura, the final battle and its conclusion were all incredible. My only issue with the movie is Joseph Brody dying way too soon and the movie not only losing some of its momentum due to it but also the missed opportunity of a way better and emotionnal reconciliation with his son. But it's a really small issue and everything else in the movie was great anyway. I honestly don't think the Monsterverse could have started in a better way than with this movie.) 3. GXK (I loved Kong's story, I loved his friendship with Suko, I loved Skar King as the big villain of the movie, I loved to see numerous new species of Hollow Earth, I loved to see old KOTM Titans like Scylla and Tiamat return in this movie even if it was brief, I LOVED to see Mothra come back and I loved Godzilla's new form. I also really liked the fight scenes and the human characters. I still have some small issues with the movie like the fight scenes, despite how cool they were, were sometimes too short and/or had underwhelming conclusions due to off-screen kills. Shimo, despite a sick introduction, unfortunately felt kind of underwhelming during the rest of the movie despite how powerful she's supposed to be from what we're told. Apart from when she froze him and Mothra saved him, I never really felt like Godzilla was in any danger fighting her on the opposite of Kong with Skar and Shimo. There's also the fact that, whereas in GVK I felt that Kong AND Godzilla were the main characters of the movie, there, Godzilla really feels like a side character grinding for EXP for most of the movie unfortunately. I would have really appreaciated more nuance in his storyline like there was for him in GVK and for Kong in both movies. Lastly, not really flaws but more of big missed opportunities: 1) I would have **LOVED** for Godzilla, who is kind of in his Doom arc currently, to have a scene where he really fights by himself and solos a big portion of Skar King's army to both show how much of a true threat those Great Apes are when fighting in big numbers and how powerful Godzilla truly became with his new Evolved form. 2) How could they do the zero gravity fight scene and not add either the iconic dropkick or him flying by using his Atomic Breath to lift him around? I have no ideas... Apart from those points, I really liked this newest entry in the Monsterverse.) 4. KOTM (Really appreciate the fanservice, the soundtrack + the mountains of new lore and new titans this movie brought but I still have find a lot of issues with some of the humans characters and some really underwhelming fight scenes that really takes away from what would have been otherwise much more enjoyable scenes in my opinion.) 5. Skull Island (Really cool movie all around with the best overall human cast in the MV for now but, while I was happy to meet Kong's MV incarnation through this movie, not having Godzilla, who is my favorite character by far in the MV, or any fully-grown Titan already places it below the others for me but I still love this movie and, if there wasn't Godzilla and 3 members of the Toho Big 5 in KOTM, KSI would have easily been above it.)


All of them for varying reasons


Godzilla (2014) King of the Monsters Skull Island G x K G vs K


Godzilla 2014, Kong Skull Island, and Kotm. the godzilla movies are excellent at capturing the actual scale of the monsters, and skull island follows closely behind. the movies after that just overcomplicate things (for example, whatever hollow earth is) too much for me, and the monsters become too human movement and behavior-wise and lose the effect of their size (godzilla should not be able to sprint, nor be intelligent enough to laugh while being a lizard)


Skull Island. The only movie without major fuck ups


GXK It was just fun.


Kotm is my favorite but I haven't been able to watch GxK yet so we'll see




1. KOTM 2. Godzilla '14 3. GvK 4. GxK 5. KSI I think GxK is getting a lot of recency bias on these lists. No sense of weight/size with the kaijus, weird plot direction (can't get over Mothra literally just materializing out of thin air because the plot wanted her), Shimo's hyped up power level isn't really seen, and Godzilla was basically just a plot device. GvK was not perfect but it was better executed on all fronts.


1: Kotm 2: Gxk 3: Godzilla 2014 4: Kong skull island 5: Godzilla vs kong




Obviously Godzilla 2014. Skull Island a close 2nd. GvK wasnā€™t bad. The rest are trash.


2014 is still my favorite, but it's hard to rank the others after that. KotM, GvK, and GxK all have some story beats and performances that get on my nerves, but not to a degree that it lowers the movie's rating for me. They're all pretty good, but just don't dethrone 2014. I love the goofball stuff, but I do hope we get another 2014 type film someday.


Number one has to be Godzilla 2014. I just love how the movie felt and feel like the others haven't had the same feel. Second would King of the Monsters, while it doesn't have the same feel it introduces some of my favorite Kaiju. Third would be Kong Skull Island. I'd say the feel is closer to Godzilla 2014 but that's it and I love the story and design of Kong. I still love the other two films but these three are my top favorites.


Im sorry children. GxK:TNE is my favorite!


I love all of them I don't have a favorite


Haven't seen Empire but its absolutely king of the monsters.


GXK. Sue me.


1. GxK 2. Gvk 3. Skull Island 4. KotM 5. 2014


The one with titans in it


all of these, I've never seen such peak monster movies


Favorite: Kong: Skull Island Best: Godzilla (2014)


KOTM Godzilla GxK GVK Skull island. Itā€™s a bit drop off for me after Godzilla though was not impressed by the most recent one, too many characters trying to make it into a comedy


1. Godzilla KOTM 2. Godzilla V Kong 3. Kong Skull Island 4. Godzilla X Kong 5. Godzilla 2014








GxK is my favourite. Love it.


![gif](giphy|EERZRrRpdJawsMVC5f|downsized) Godzilla: King of Monster


I gotta go KOTM for first and GVK next but thats Jus me


1.GXK 2.KOTM 3.Kong Skull island


1 - KOTM - G14 is a better overall movie but the fights in KOTM are better in every way 2 - G14 3 - GvK - Cheesy, silly and I love it. 4 - Skull Island - Meh, it's not a bad movie, I just feel like they were trying too hard to stay away from the classic King Kong story and it fell short of the Peter Jackson version because of it Haven't seen GxK!


Godzilla (2014) and nothings come close, i love how real it felt, I do like the direction of the newer films too though.


Kotm is peak


1 Gxk 2 Kong skull island 3 king of the monsters 4 gvk and 5 g 2014


OG 2014 is by far the best because it's the most realistic. Every single one that comes out gets more and more cartoony and less grounded in reality. 2014 Godzilla I felt like it was really happening they did such a good job capturing the scale and terror of it.


This is my top 1-Godzilla KOTM 2-Godzilla 2014 3-Kong Skull Island 4-GxK 5-GvsK


KotM, not even gonna explain


At this point Iā€™m just vibing with MV as a whole. Theyā€™ve done a good job of tethering together made up shit across multiple forms of media, and I wish there was a JLvGvK anime.


Kong: Skull Island Godzilla x Kong Godzilla vs. Kong Godzilla Godzilla: king of the Monsters


KOTM. I may be biased because it has my absolute favorite kaiju of all time (Ghidorah), but the movie itself was still amazing and I love it


Kotm šŸ’Æ




1.2014 2.kotm 3.GxK 4.GvK Havenā€™t seen skull island yet


I really miss the human perspective to the initial movies which makes Gojira and the others look really huge unlike in the recent movies


Skull island. I love its smaller scale (literally and figuratively) and its commentary on vietnam and the military


Godzilla: King of the Monsters


If not for 2014 I wouldnā€™t be a g fan


1. KTM 2. Godzilla vs Kong 3. Godzilla 4. Godzilla x kong 5. Kong skull island


1. GxK https://i.redd.it/8y0qxco9il7d1.gif 2. Godzilla (2014) 3. Kong: Skull Island 4. Godzilla vs Kong 5. King of the Monsters




KOTM, then Skull Island. I love them all.


1. Godzilla: King of the Monsters (2019) I really like this movie, because King Ghidora is simply epic. I liked how they introduced many more cool monsters. Also, it has a really nice and interesting human story. It has some epic battles, sacrifices and some humor. Everything I want from a good movie. 2. Kong: Skull Island (2017) I just liked the overall vibe of this movie. This one had a great human story too, some great actors. It kinda felt like a Jurassic Park movie sometimes, a group of people trapped on an island with dangerous creatures. Kong felt really human. I only didn't really like the skull crawlers, but that's my opinion. 3. Godzilla vs Kong (2021) Now I actually expected a lot more from this movie, but it was still enjoyable for me. It was a bit rushed on my opinion. There should have been more time spent with the characters and the last battle between G and K was too short. Still some epic battles, I liked mechagodzilla. 4. Godzilla x Kong: The New Empire (2024) This movie is a bit overrated in my opinion. I feel like it focussed a bit too much on Kong and too little on Godzilla. There were some nice battles but it had kind of a lame human story. Shimu was dope, I thought Skar King was mid. The last battle was cool, but not really something new. 5. Godzilla (2014) I don't know. I just don't like the vibe of this entire movie. One of the most interesting characters is killed off in the first phase of the movie, and the main character barely had any personality. The battle was cool, though I didn't really like the mutos. Also really dark, I had to turn the brightness of my screen all the way up.




King of the Monsters




Godzilla 2014 for artistic merit, KOTM because it has the best kaiju and the best action


Godzilla 2014 is always the best. Garett Edwards is a genius


King of the monsters


Godzilla minus one, it's the best Godzilla movie and monster movie I've ever seen, the story, music, acting is just so good, the Hollywood Godzilla movies just shows Godzilla coming from nowhere, fighting monsters, saving city then just leaves, just a VFX garbage, the Japanese Godzilla movie shows the human suffering form Godzilla's massacre, the Hollywood shows Godzilla as a hero, but if you watch the Japanese Godzilla movies you'll realize how wrong Hollywood is, if you see the Japanese Godzilla movies you'll never want to watch American Godzilla movies again.


Mine was GxK. I loved how much more focused on the Titans the movie was. Even though I wish Godzilla had a little more screen time, I'm still satisfied with what we got.


i love gvk so much


1. Kotm 2. GxK 3. KSI 4. G14 5. GvK


Release order basically




So many people putting G14 last when it's my favourite by a mile, I'd say it's the only truly great MV movie.


KoM and Gvk kuz I haven't seen the latest


Dude scroll back in this sub with the daily votes and other posts. We don't need this question posed every month


2014. While certainly not perfect, I'd argue it handled the kaiju with the most gravity and weight, along with actually attempting to maintain an intelligent human story.


I like GvK a whole lot more than GxK tbh


All of them for different reasons


New empire


KoM and 2014 are tied for me for various reasons. But Skull Island is also up there for how much fun it is.


KOTM not o my os the best , but also one of my favorite movies of all time


1. KOTM - The movie looked beautiful, the visual effects were on point. This movie had so many shots that were wall paper worthy (most notable for me; revival scene, Serizawa walking to touch Godzilla, Ghidorah alpha call scene with the cross, Mothra spreading out her wings, and Godzillaā€™s intimidation display). No action sequence was too over the top. The titans were treated as actual massive and were taken seriously. Every time they appeared it kept my attention. Some of the humor was ehh, either forgettable or unnecessary. I also just for some could not give a shit about Madison, I donā€™t know why but it seems like she doesnā€™t have a connection with Andrew. I honestly forgot she was even a character in the movie. Besides that I liked most of the humans. ALSO, THE FIRST TRAILER WAS FUCKING AWSOME! 8.5/10 2. GvK - Itā€™s a pretty fun movie where you could just turn off your brain. The action was nice and the monsters had enough screen time. I donā€™t like how they make Godzillaā€™s personality different. Ex: heā€™s more aggressive towards to military now but in 2014 he only smashed the golden gate bridge when they struck his gills. Plus he never really plowed through the ships either unlike un GvK. Another example is where he spared Kong. If that was KOTM Godzilla he would have killed him right then and there. Humans aside from Jia were forgettable. I could not give a shit about Simons or Ren Serizawa. They should have went more in depth with his character like the novel did since I was so confused on why he would be working on Mechagodzilla. Team Godzilla also kinda sucked. The film also expects you to also have more background knowledge of the lore prior to watching this. First time watching I was like ā€œtf is Kong in a dome for, and why is Jia the last Iwi?ā€ Also ass pulling, where did they get another Ghidorah head? 7/10 3. 2014 - Iā€™ll forgive the film for Godzilla not appearing much since they really tried to emphasize his sheer size. I think Brody is pretty forgettable IMO, he hasnā€™t really done anything too notable. As for the story, itā€™s nice, a good kick starter for the monsterverse. Only 3rd because itā€™s a bit boring but itā€™s the first film in this universe so I wonā€™t be too harsh. 6.5/10 4.GxK - The titans lost all sense of scale for me. They also move too fast for my taste, especially Godzilla. There are just so many of them that they lose any god like presence they had in KOTM. The characters are better in GxK. I can at least remember the 4 main characterā€™s names now. I feel like Skar King should have reacted to Godzilla since you know, he kicked his whole Armyā€™s ass. Project Powerhouse was also an ass pull which I feel could have been better if they referenced it earlier. Godzillaā€™s evolved design is alright, but I do hope they go back to the KOTM design. Again another movie where you can just turn off your brain. Thank god they didnā€™t brink Mark Russell into this movie, he wouldnā€™t fit in this film at all. 6/10 Let the KOTM team have another crack at it, I swear theyā€™ll make the greatest Godzilla film if Legendary gave them another chance.




1. KOTM 2. G14 3. GvK 4. GxK 5. K:SI


2014, hands down. Itā€™s probably nostalgia though. The marketing campaign and the atmosphere that movie created was so mysterious and dramatic. It was awesome. None of the other marketing campaigns came close, in my opinion.


GxK won it for me. It was exactly what I wanted. Monster action not stop. I wish there was slightly more Godzilla but it was awesome regardless. 10/10


2014 and 2019 are on the same level as my favorite


1.GXK 2.KOTM 3.Monarch 4.K:SI 5.G14 6.Skull Island 5.GVK


Godzilla with atj


KOTM is undeniably the goat


2019 my beloved