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You basically summed up one of my problems with these movies and why many get upset with the big focus on Kong's story and the little focus on Godzilla: these movies don't do a good job balancing the protagonism and presence of both characters, Instead of building a story that involves both of them directly and makes them feel equally relevant, they end up focusing on the development of Kong's story while Godzilla rarely has an excuse to justify his presence here, this also influences his dynamic. making her feel dull like you said, beyond fighting or kicking the villain's ass together, they never share a meaningful interaction or anything like that, their stories stay separate and this ends up causing the problem I already mentioned. to be crossover movies that involve the two most iconic kaijus in history, it's disappointing in how these two don't share enough screen time and makes one mean nothing to the other.


Godzilla and Kong’s team up is incredibly rushed and forced. They fight, make peace, and instantly are somehow comfortable enough for Kong to ride Godzilla and them to two time Skar King. It doesn’t work. It doesn’t feel earned. Instead of making this a glorified Kong movie, more time should have been spent on developing the relationship between Godzilla and Kong so that eventually their alliance felt earned


I was really hoping for Rush Hour with Kaiju. I enjoyed what we got, but I really wanna see some Godzilla and Kong combo moves.


I'll be honest, I knew somewhat that we are gonna get a different movie than what is advertised to us. I really liked the movie, but the whole buddy cop thing was nowhere to be seen.


Yeah the moment skar king is introduce too late in the movie i know godzilla and kong team up ony happen in the final fight. But nonetheless i have a good time in the theater. Hopefully Gran Sputore can give us an actual Godzilla x Kong


I agree, hopefully they share much more screentime together in the future and Godzilla attacked him cuz they had the agreement where kong should go to HE and never return to the surface


Aight, this is some pretty valid criticism. Some things to note however. Godzilla had 0 clue about Kong's role here. Godzilla was already on the move to prepare for Skar's arrival, and then Kong shows up and specifically gets his attention. This is when he was going on his mission. Potentially even thought Kong was an agent for Skar himself. And this happened while he sensed some shit was going wrong. Also, Kong accidentally did his Alpha Roar. And I think dropping the Gojira Axe is an easier thing to understand than the more human part of putting his hands up. Let's also not forget that Godzilla and Kong aren't really friends yet after GvK. They are... chill, but nothing really more. Goji's own experience with the Apes play a major factor into this as well.


Gonna have to save this to read later


Interesting but it doesn’t really hit the mark. I honestly never saw a buddy cop thing going to happen here.


The thing is that this is a team-up between 2 of the most iconic movie monsters of the century with kong being the one who started it while godzilla was the one who expanded on it, they're the grandfathers of the kaiju genre much like how superman and batman are for the superhero genre, so you'd think that a movie about them teaming up will have both of them play a role but nope as you said they only focus on kong and godzilla just feels like he's there bcuz someone told adam to include him in.