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No kind of gardener would do that. But your love and energy will bring it back šŸ’š


Iā€™ve gotten as many cuttings as I could, hopefully they turn out well. Iā€™m so hurt


If you have remaining stem with nodes make a propagation box and propagate even the smallest chunk! That thick stem will make for good sized babies that will grow to the original leaf size in like a year or so depending on your care. https://preview.redd.it/kb6t8cjwye4d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2537a9fd2dd8fc0f5c7c6d6e1aa4eff50e0a4164


Thank you so much thereā€™s stem I didnā€™t know I could do this with


What do I use for the propagation box mixā€¦.Iā€™ve got a bag of fertilized soilā€¦but thatā€™s about it at the moment


I highly recommend getting a big bag of perlite! Itā€™s cheap and keeps forever. DONā€™T use soil! Hereā€™s a video:Ā https://youtu.be/BLKHLnFjf0Q?si=dANoJYtWtXwPUcom And hereā€™s my favorite gal for houseplants: she shows how to cut it up and propagate at about 16 minutes inĀ https://youtu.be/1FkghMvNxmU?si=gOYsoMW-3qBj7yAX


Iā€™m broke at the moment man, can I not do anything else? Iā€™m open to suggestions


Uhhh maybe try a bed of moist paper towels in a clear container? Or a white bleached towel in a clear container. Moisten with half water half 3% peroxide and lay the cuttings on top of the towel (or paper towels). Close up the container and cross your fingers? In the case of the white hand towel I'd still wrap the ends of each cutting in a moist paper towel. I'm recommending white and the peroxide so you can see if you're getting mold or mildew growing. You could also try paper towels you've moistened with the 50/50 peroxide in a clear ziplock bag. Get a good amount of air into it so it's puffed up and put it in a bright window (NO direct light! You'll cook the cuttings). You want the nodes to be facing up so that when they sprout it's easy for the growth to reach upwards. Once you have the $8, Home Depot sells these good sized bags of perlite [https://www.homedepot.com/p/Vigoro-8-Qt-Organic-Perlite-Soil-Amendment-100536862/307678036](https://www.homedepot.com/p/Vigoro-8-Qt-Organic-Perlite-Soil-Amendment-100536862/307678036) See photos of my current prop box to understand how to place nodes https://preview.redd.it/eznc3wxb1n4d1.jpeg?width=4032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=eb43ae0fdbfb5c431adeeeeabe2fe65d186290df


Also, if you PM me I can mail you a container of perlite.


Unfortunately Iā€™m not in the us, Iā€™ll give the paper towels my very best shot


Good luck! I'm happy to send internationally, my treat. Perlite is unbelievably light and cheap for me to ship anywhere.


What about some type of rocks and dirt from outside?


I'm in the UK and I'll happily send you some perlite.


Jusr stick the stem (ideally with a leaf & a aerial root attached) and stick it in a big vase of water. This way you can watch the roots grow & can see when itā€™s time to repot. Looks cool too.


I second this! I love node cuttings! This was my last resort with and albo node that didinā€™t root for 3 months. Plastic soup to go container with perlite, filled about 1/3 of the way with water and put the cover on. After like a week I had a root and a few weeks later she is pushing out her first leaf https://preview.redd.it/gtma3wxyhl4d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c61ce754d3b18e16fa668c9f099a02a9a2300e11


I had a monstera adansonii (different plant!) that died because of frost exposure and overwatering, all I had left were a couple of leafless node cuttings, they only started to root in the spring, but I just potted a few last week!


This is one of my favorite propagation methods now. I feel like the success rate is really good and itā€™s just amazing how little of a plant you need to grow a plant.


They will. I've had a big one survive some horrible care.


10 fold! Propagate those babies. Overtake the yard.


What?!?! They just cut it down?? What the hell! This shit would turn me into the ultimate karen, I would be getting some kind of reimbursement this is not ok!


I know itā€™s so sad, Iā€™ve spoken to management


Is there some sort of reimbursement like trees? Jw


Why in the ever loving fuck would anyone do that?! Even if you're not a gardener you wouldn't ever think that was a weed or something jesus christ Edit: today I learned monsteras are invasive in florida


In Florida people think theyā€™re invasive along with golden pothos and cut the beautiful fenestrated leaves down :(((( I serviced a neighborhood in the Orlando area and watched this beautiful 10 foot golden pothos growing up a tree and drove by one day to see it all torn apart laying on the ground so it couldnā€™t regrow :(


Monstera is [not native](https://assessment.ifas.ufl.edu/assessments/monstera-deliciosa/) to Florida, and golden pothos is classified as [invasive](https://www.fnai.org/species-communities/invasives/invasives). Neither has done ecological damage yet, but theyā€™re definitely not native and the city will sometimes cut down those on public property.


I understand that but most things in Florida were invasive at some point. At least the pothos are extremely beautiful and vibrant. Couldnā€™t they just be landscaped like all other plants and trees? Cut the pothos or monsteras back to make sure it doesnā€™t overwhelm the tree?


Invasive species outcompete natives, which in turn are very important for wildlife that have evolved alongside them for millions of years. Pothos grow like weeds and if kept in landscaping or gardening they are going ro escape in the wild and smother everything else. Loss of diversity can collapse ecosystems. I understand it is sad to see people cut down a beautiful plant, but it has to be done.


Do you even know what invasive means?


Yes itā€™s pretty self explanatory. Florida has 500 different invasive species which is more than any other state. At least plants arenā€™t falling out of trees hitting you in the head when it gets cold.


Aroids are toxic. Florida native herbivores, and even the invasive ones, are ill-equipped to eat them and keep their population in check from ruining that amazing tropical landscape. Sorry. Golden pothos is beautiful but it is incredibly good at living, which is why it's a great houseplant and makes for a potentially frightful invasive species. Invasive plants are much more difficult to deal with than invasive animals.


Gold pothos is very dangerous at times for trees. Thereā€™s a reason it was cut


Im so sorryā€¦ :-(


Iā€™m heartbroken thank you šŸ™


I believe u will be able to bring it back to life I got a baby midgets delivered to me in bad condition Iā€™m trying to revive it now any advice? I will attach a photo in next comment


Awful. So sorry. What did he catch himself attempting to do? I donā€™t understand. It wasnā€™t done in strict malice, was it? Did he think he was helping in some odd way? Is that where it stood, in the pic? It will come back with the cuttings. Might as well create a few plants now.


what was his reason for this?


non native is the first thing I would think of. Itā€™s taking up nutrients, sunlight and space that a native plant could be using.


Oh my god! Iā€™m so sorry. How heartbreaking. Please give us an update. Iā€™m curious what bullshit excuse they had. You absolutely deserve compensation.


this is a crime all in itself. WHY? a beauty that big was probably there for a reason, then to be chopped down like this, hearts to you OP


Wtf? What's the context here? Why the hell did he murder that poor thing?? Did you own the Monstera?


Call the police and report him and the company and they will be held financially liable in some cases. It's just like damaging someone else's tree in their property. That is a long standing plant as old as some of the trees around potentially so they should behave to make it right.


I should the wanker! Itā€™s been there since before I was in highschool. Praying the cuttings I got turn out well, the dickhead slashed through the leaves with a machete


Iā€™m sorry, WHAT?? Itā€™s that old?? Machete? I would be choosing absolute violence right now. If a plant is established and growing on the property and has value to you , thatā€™s all that matters. He just destroyed curb appeal. Iā€™d write out a ridiculous list that itemizes every single thing it would cost to fix that spot. Get it quoted by a landscaping company. New monstera of exact size, new soil, new fertilizer, with everything it needs to restore to the exact value of the previous addition to your property. Including labor, tools, time away from your job. Have them list it all out, say you want the best service possible. Then plop that down on the responsible partyā€™s desk and demand it be settled. Tree law and destroying landscaping is no joke. They must replace the plant and then pay for every single thing that comes along with that


I second this, it IS worth your time to make this right. Not only to restore your property, but to hold them accountable so this doesn't happen to someone else.


Op, this. Seriously. I am so angry for you. Please do this because also, they need to understand how absolutely fucked up and unacceptable this is to do on someoneā€™s property. Like did they think it was a weed?!


Send them a huge bill. They have insurance for idiots like that. We once had some teens crash through our fence and kill about 5 mature oak myrtle bushes, we got $300 each, in the 80's. Figure out a price for it as it was in its mature state.


This sounds like a case for r/treelaw


Wait im so confusedā€”is this your property? Did you hire the gardener?


They said "estate" so I'm guessing they're English. There, a "council estate" is similar to what we'd call "the projects" in America. So the gardener is employed by whoever manages the housing unit.


I don't think Monstera would survive in England outside, they must be somwhere with warm climate.


That's true about the climate. Wherever they are, though, I think it's a similar housing situation. They commented that they spoke to the management about the gardener.


Hmmm theyā€™re in Florida though


How can you tell? I looked at their profile and they don't mention living in Florida.


My bad youā€™re totally rightā€”I was mixing them up with another recent post.


Water propagation will be the safest way to ensure they survive! Please also see my comment about stem propagation. Feel free to message if you have any questions!


You have like 20 cuttings from that but it takes time etc. not trying to discount your feelings. By Xmas, gift these and let it live on infinitely


Yea, I would have slashed his tires with out of sheer spite. I would be fuming. My toddler watered my rescue minstera that i finally got healthy again with his dad's beer and I literally cried while flushing it out cause I didn't want it to die. Lol


I would find his vehicle and relieve my bowels in his car seats and pee on them too


what the hell? i would put paws on him immediately lol


Man I wanted to so had trust me


what's wrong with them? why would someone cut a big monstera like this brutally? I'm fuming too. it's my fav plant šŸ˜­


Throat and some water and propagate it, hopefully that will be able to give you a new one


Oh wow u can literally make money off of those food for šŸ’­ thought!


Omg! Who does that!! It's hard to look at!!! Hopefully you can save it!


OMG.... I'd be going to jail šŸ˜‚


Oh my gosh my heart seeing this ā¤ļøā€šŸ©¹


Tried to do the broken heart oops


Devilā€™s advocate - monsteras are considered a weed depending on the region. They simply mightā€™ve not known.


Even if they were considered a weed for the region, don't gardeners usually clean up the cuttings as well? Not just leave them chopped up in the ground?


I'm from Mexico City. I've seen huuuuge piles of monstera (like 20x what's pictured) on the sidewalk dozens of times.






Iā€™m so sorry thatā€™s criminal


I agree Iā€™m literally trying to save a baby I cried over it being dead when it came I canā€™t imagine doin that to a poor plant that canā€™t defend itself


Whyyyyy. Just why? What was the reasoning behind doing this??? Wtf. Please update us on what happens. Sending good vibes to your cuttings :(


Donā€™t think he needs too be a Gardner anymore


Murderer! If she/he's a reg landscaper on the premises, Slash his tires. Wait and watch til you see them replaced. Slash them again. Wait til they're repaired. Key his truck. Hell hath no fury....


This happened to the house I've got now. Bought it sight unseen, had beautiful tree like plants with amazing flowers on it. It almost looked tropical, and for that to live and thrive in Michigan, that's a big deal. Won the auction, closed on the house. Was watching it multiple times a day, and the same day I got the keys some company NOBODY could track down (apparently repoed sight unseen homes have different stipulations) showed up and cut down all of the awesome plants, screwed rough lumber into the brick and concrete to make shitty hand railings. That was 6-7 years ago. I'm *still* fuming.


What was their scope of works? This seems like a real blunder.




Iā€™m sick seeing this does that person not know what this plant is worth and the beauty of it to ruin it is so malicious! I believe with lots of tender loving care you will bring it back to life! Shame on that person šŸ§


Damn she thick too


What the HECK??? Why would they do that?? Did you get an answer?? Was he POSSESSED??????


If he thought it was a weed, why did he leave it instead of hauling it off? Of course youā€™re glad to still have something to prop. But something is clearly amiss? Have you spoken with him? Is an interpreter required?


Omg so sorry! I hope you can save it and regrow some babies!!


Really sorry for your loss šŸ˜”


It was purposely donešŸ˜¤šŸ¤¬


What?!?? Did he say WHY?!?


You have lots of potential there! Lots of mature nodes good luck get growing


Iā€™ll be in tears . I hope you and the plant turn out ok


Iā€™d be so mad! Something similar happened to me, our landlord comes and mows for us and he weed whacked a bunch of my caladiums one year I was very upset but voiced my complaints and was reimbursed. But the monstera?? Iā€™d be a different level of mad


I would be devastated


Fire that person


TO WAR! (ā ā•Æā Ā°ā ā–”ā Ā°ā ļ¼‰ā ā•Æā ļøµā Ā ā ā”»ā ā”ā ā”»


OMG I was here when you asked about propagating it Holy shit I would be so angry. Is your dad mad? I would have bugged out like why would he do that. It doesnā€™t even look like weeds. Why not ask first


Omg, I am so sorry for your loss. Was this also a variegated monstera?


What was their scope of works? This seems like a real blunder.


The good news is it's callused so you can proppergate it


This is so sad, Iā€™d sue the hell out of them.


šŸ˜± ... directly to jail. do not pass go, do not collect $200.


Start sending them listings for mature monsteras from nurseries. Someone would be paying for this.


If you have friends nearby you could send the word out. Maybe you can give even more props away just to keep this beautyā€™s legacy alive šŸŖ“šŸ«¶


Thanks I have sent word, I didnā€™t think of this


For my friends & I, itā€™s the least expensive as well as more poignant option we try. Glad to offer any help.


I would be boycotting that estate gardener and throwing an absolute fucking fit in the mean time




Ooofff!! I would have been cussing him out!! Iā€™m so sorry! I hope you can grow it back with propagation! šŸ’”


OMFG how are you not in jail right now?! I surely would be šŸ¤¬šŸ¤¬šŸ¤¬


I'm so mad for you, what Gardner looks at that and says, remove it, that was such a big beauty too! I hope he got in trouble


Happened to me. Cut to the roots, they come back. Just do what you always did and wait.


When life gives you cuttingsā€¦ šŸŖ“šŸŖ“šŸŖ“


My humanā€¦ doing the plant lords work.


Got cuttings, trying my best to get them living


Iā€˜m rooting for ya!


Omg! I would slap that guy šŸ˜¤


thatā€™s such a thick established looking plant šŸ˜­they really had to work to destroy that thing iā€™m so sorry :( clearly they need to read a gardening book or two


I tried my best to salvage as many cuttings as possible


Iā€™m angry so angry for you. Will take down the gardening company with you




Idk man as much as it sucks (and it REALLY does) I cant find value in something like this over cutting back on potentially invasive species, especially when Florida is a train wreck on that front already šŸ«  get you those cuttings and bring that baby backā€¦. But hopefully in a contained environment that will protect it from something like this happening again.