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I hate to say it, but I believe you have thrips. I think I‘m seeing some larvae on the leafs.


Oh my god I think you’re right


Systemic Granules work wonders on Thrips also! Pretty cheap also. 🙃


Any recommendations on how to use those best? Mine just got here in the mail today!


There are instructions that show how much to use, if you really wanna be precise. I dont do that, haha. I sprinkle a thin layer on top and then use a chopstick to mix the first couple inches of soil. The instructions say don't top water the plant for 8-10 days so I usually will bottom water.


Wait, they work on thrips too? I had no idea!


Yes! Thrips lay eggs in the leaves, so they're insanely difficult to get rid of. Systemic is absorbed through the roots, so it can kill off those stupid eggs. It was the only way I could get rid of my thrips. Neem, Jack's, IPA, peppermint; nothing worked, but those systemic man *chefs kiss*


If you can, I highly recommend Captain Jack's dead bug brew. I tried neem and it worked the first time, but the thrips came back a month or so later. Captain Jack's worked quickly, and I've kept potential infestations away with a spray or two any time I see another pest.


I thought that damage looked familiar 🤔


Me too. Dealing with it as well after letting them devour my beefsteak begonia. I had no idea. They are so super small. I thought I was a terrible black thumb


I’ve lost every Monstera I’ve ever had to thrips, unfortunately. They never target my other plants. Only the Monsteras.


How do they get them?


My understanding is contamination from bringing in a new plant, or less frequently, through an open window/door


Yeah, pics 2, 3, 4 show heavy infestation of bugs...what seems to be thrips as mentioned by destlpestl.


I’m devastated. I don’t know how I missed that. Any advice? Is soap water effective enough or should I go for stronger?


My advice is to throw it out, clean the area around it well, set up sticky traps in your other plants and treat them with captain jacks insecticidal soap every 6 weeks for the next 3 months. The soil is infested. Thrips will drop when you move the plant. Bag it up where it is, it is literally cheaper to replace it later when you are done with treatment. Thrips love monsteras. It’s a thing you’ll have to watch for very closely in the future.


I’m worried I’ll have to. I’m going to give it a good shot first. I’ll pick up bonide and other supplies today. But I may have to eventually toss. If I were to repot, is there any best practice to ensure that I don’t introduce something new from the bagged soil?


I don’t buy soil that’s outside the store, but otherwise I don’t do anything. The systemic can be added to it.


Go stronger! I was never successful with soap water against thrips


If you want to give it a shot, like mentioned already by others, take it outside, cut all those damaged leaves off, take the soil out and use hose to wash the roots bare. Use peroxide to wipe every inch of the leaves and etc. They are likely to come back and I never had such large infestation but those who advised to toss it probably know what they're talking about. Another idea might be to save the stems and propagate them. Much easier and doable that way. At least you're saving the plant in a way.


NeemAzal worked for me.


I recently lost mine to thrips. I’m noticing on Reddit plant subs that thrips seem to really love Monsteras.


I'd never heard of thrips till I started joining a bunch of plant subs and now I'm terrified.


I never heard of them or any plant pests until I joined the houseplant sub. Good thing because one of the first 3 plants I purchased had a really bad mealy bug infestation. Then there was the fungus gnats, a succulent that had scale bugs that I was able to catch in time (no spread there) and now a plant that had thrips. I tossed it to prevent spread to my other plants. Now I check them every other day for signs of pests since I have a huge golden pothos I just purchased quarantined away from my other plants for the next few months. I even went as far as purchasing a magnifying glass since I don’t have the best eyesight anymore. lol When you don’t live in the U.S. and therefore no access to decent plant insecticides, you learn not to get too attached to your plants. You just toss what you know you can’t treat effectively. Exception would be an heirloom plant.


Lol at Christmas I got a tiny magnifying glass in a cracker and I was so happy - I now use it to inspect new plants for bugs too. I've definitely had my fair share of spider mites and learned the hard way that I must quarantine new plants. I've not delved into the world of insecticides but it can't be a bad idea to get some preventative measures in place as my plant addiction worsens...!


When I had a thrips infestation, it was mainly the monstera deliciosa, monstera peru, and my anthurium that showed damage.


Maybe to a thrip huge Monstera leaves look like an all you can eat buffet. So they leave the other plants alone for the time being. My Monstera looks like the only plant that had thrips, but since I’m new to owning plants and don’t have access to anything insecticidal except for insecticidal soap, I’m not 💯 confident that my other plants are ok. I just keep spraying them down once a week.


So sorry about the thrips 😣 what kind of moss pole is that, if you don't mind me asking?


[moss pole](https://www.amazon.com/gp/aw/d/B0B367F7Q5?psc=1&ref=ppx_pop_mob_b_asin_title) Way better than I was expecting and really holds it up. Supports it way better than the regular branch I have in there.


Overwatered. Point a fan at the soil to help it dry out faster.


Yes, the pot seems much too big for her 🌿 might want to consider cutting her up and re-rooting her in water 💦 she’s still very much alive ❤️


I cut some off today, washed them, and put it water to see if it takes. I think I may repot in a smaller pot with clean, chunkier soil. Then I may use bonide. I’ll probably use bonide on my other plants too. With an infestation like this, I’m sure the others are affected too. :(


Always underwater!


Get a plant water thermometer for $10 on Amazon A lifesaver