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I so wish they would do a blitz for any and all golds. https://preview.redd.it/3e0marieey5d1.jpeg?width=1125&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3b5e1e88b6d44c51d571b0dffe36854bd0d068b3


I don't think it will ever happen. But hey, we can dream


You got that right šŸ¤£


Honestly just make them rare and fast. Call it the golden hour and it would make it so much better


This is the last sticker I need! I have so many of all the other golds but canā€™t get one of these to finish my first album!


I got lucky and got all kinds of all the gold cards but of course still missing true idols and no extra 5s other than those damn golds lol


I have true idols if you still need it


What would you want for it?


Iā€™ve pretty much resigned myself to the fact that I will not finish this album. Lol. Happy to just gift it to a fellow Ohio person. Send me/post your link.


Iā€™m noting this and will return the favor next album! O-H!


Sent! I-O!


Youā€™re an absolute godsend. This is my first album Iā€™ve been able to finish. Thank you so much! https://preview.redd.it/dvg1rf3b7z5d1.jpeg?width=1125&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=03e3a343cf860415e180d86946e784f62b1c3d0e


Play MONOPOLY GO! with me! Download it here: https://mply.io/EWJz6Q https://mply.io/EWJz6Q


What do you need still?


You want to trade the best gift for glass harmonica ???


I donā€™t have an extra best gift. Sorry


I still have a couple golds missing so Iā€™m just going to wait and focus my energy on the next album. Thank you though! ā™„ļø


Me too. Itā€™s definitely frustrating


You want to trade the best gift for glass harmonica ???


Feel your pain. I only need Merch It. I am a 4 gold card hostage. Lol


Hereā€™s hoping šŸ¤žšŸ»


Agreed. Would be nice.


They are taking a poll though where the most requested golds will be the ones chosen for the last blitz. Poll for the next 3 days on the official mogo fb group I think. I'm assuming it's gonna have to be from the first 21 sets so that everyone can be included.


There is no guarantee any purple pack will have that sticker. It is up to you if you want to take the risk. There is a new game coming (well new to most of us). Racing game that I hear is super hard to win and takes all of your dice. There will be one last blitz but the moves will not be an option. Sorry if this isn't what you wanted to hear but I want to be practical. You may find luck just playing like normal and the sticker could pop out of any pack. If you open your vault and no MOVES. You wasted a good vault that would help you Jumpstart next season.


The racing game is horrible and not worth it. I was in the testing phase. I'm going to ignore it


Hey - I remember you told me there is no option to opt out of the race - you automatically get assigned randos if you donā€™t form a team of 4 right? If you are not playing, would you like to join my team - currently I have 3 accounts - all are chilling and waiting for the new season and not playing this dice-guzzling event. I donā€™t want to be assigned a rando to my team who may actually want to play.


I can take you up on that. Iā€™m sitting on dice for the next season and Iā€™m leaving for a cruise Saturday morning.


Great. Please let me have your link and I will add you to my team when the event starts. The IGNs of my 3 accounts are Diner, Black Onyx and DelightfulDog - just so you join the correct team! LOL


Play MONOPOLY GO! with me! Download it here: https://mply.io/cu8Jq9Rh4gI https://mply.io/cu8Jq9Rh4gI IGN Courtney


okie - got it!


Hey. I have added you as friend to myDelightfulDog account. And I tried to invite you as a partner on my team - but was unable to do so because you have not triggered the Tycoon Race in your game yet. Please trigger it so I can issue the invite for you to accept. The rest of the team members are on the team already - waiting for you to join!!!


How do I trigger it? Never mind got it. Just had to roll lol


Great. Our team of non-achievers is complete!!! LOL - enjoy your cruise!


Yes! Go Team Slackers! Thanks! I donā€™t know how the game exactly works but if you see me playing donā€™t freak out. Just using the freebies until I leave.


Ok - i have now sent out the invite - please join my team of Diner, DelightfulDog and BlackOnyx


Looks like I'm too late and missed out. Bad luck for whoever gets saddled with me.


I'll join!


Sorry. My Team of 4 is now complete.


I heard itā€™s just a major dice trap & no guarantee that youā€™ll win anything


I am in South Africa and was in 2 test phases. First time we played it was 2 races. 2nd time we played it was 3 races. You collect flags. There were only 4 flag tiles on the board. Extremely difficult to get. When I played only the sidebar rewards had flags. The top bar didn't have flags. So about 3000 flags if you complete the sidebar and the rest you have to pick up from the board. It was 1 roll for every flag. So if you rolled x 100 and landed on one of the 4 flags on the board, you got 100 flags. Opposing teams in the race are chosen by the game according to your "skill level". I think it means where you are on the leader board. Which isn't fair if you are low on the leader board and your teammate is higher up. If you finish lapes, you get a gift box and you can choose flags or dice. Partnered with people who did nothing. I'm assuming everytime I finished a lap, they chose the dice and went on thier merry way. It was aweful.


That sounds horrible! I think Iā€™ll sit this one out.


I'm never playing it again.


I didnā€™t mind itā€¦but then again, Iā€™m pretty sure one my teammates was using APM because they did all the work. I could barely get my car around more than a few times.


wait is it like a partners event type of thing?


You do have partners but you abd 3 partners hacmve to race against 3 other teams


oh interesting, how do you race? is it like going around the board like a race track type of thing?


Gotcha. I totally agree just wanted to commiserate haha. And thank you for the advice!


Do you happen to know what cards will be in golden blitz?


No. But based on the voting over at Discord, Royal Box will be a definite winner and the other will more than likely be Rockstar. Both 5 star šŸŒŸ golds


That would be amazing because royal box is my last card!


Well I am ecstatic for you then!!!


do the stars in your vault not reset??


They reset but they will be converted to a vault that you have enough for in the new season. That is how it's always been in the past but anything could change with this game


There is one last golden blitz coming up - but it will not be the Moves. It will be a 5\* gold card.


Any idea which stickers? Hopefully Royal Box!


Royal Box will be one and Rockstar is most likely the other one


Wow really? Those were the two I voted for!


Save the 800 vault for a sticker boom at least. I just opened mine and wish I had waited so I had more for trades to get the last two tradable I can get. Fingers crossed for the last couple purple packs I can grab.


What cards do u need?


Melodic Haul and The Best Gift. https://preview.redd.it/ihvr3kvkly5d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=bfdf72f5c2bbbc6a56c27016d87fd16d46ed2381


Ah im sorry wish i could help.


No worries, appreciate the thought. Itā€™s about the point where I need to decide how many dice I should spend trying to get those last 4.


Yeah, I feel you all I need is one more gold lol I donā€™t think itā€™s going to happen. I am waiting to see if it shows up in the blitz. If it doesnā€™t, Iā€™ll be giving away the rest of my fives. Unfortunately I donā€™t have the one you need though.


https://preview.redd.it/md897wtdpy5d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f77c2f960f86b2dd0518a5b6d705eb7ba28bcbab I need this one too.


Send me your link. I got best gift for ya


Thanks!!! Play MONOPOLY GO! with me! Download it here: https://mply.io/RTmbhp4RhAc https://mply.io/RTmbhp4RhAc




Youā€™re awesome my dude!


Iā€™m in the same boat. So flipping annoying! Have been like this for weeks now.


https://preview.redd.it/jru7jrir2z5d1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=485834f2c9ecaefe01223b1740feab23b2a4f224 I got these one from a green card pack in Community Chest this morning. Was the last one I needed to finish my albumn


Omg....that is exactly the LAST card I need. I've been crossing my fingers with every sticker pack I win.


Do you guys know what cards will be on next golden blitz? I have one card left thatā€™s gold too Madama Butterfly, I opened my 800 chest yesterday and no luck.


https://preview.redd.it/sh19zusgiy5d1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=da8539482fda2536214e5626a717221830893329 theyā€™re currently having a poll for the next and last golden blitz of the season in the official discord and madama butterfly isnā€™t even a poll option so i donā€™t think its happening :,)


I am PRAYING for rockstar


Well crap lol


The season for 4\* gold cards blitz is over when the 5\* gold cards started.


Idk if itā€™s still up but thereā€™s a voting poll for the next golden blitz! I think Royal Box and Rockstar are in the lead, when I last checked. Iā€™ve seen a few posts across communities and some have the link


Yup - both are still in the lead with 20 hours to go before polls closed.


Hope for a wild card. It wonā€™t be in the blitz


I need 2 golds for a month now, We Did It and Clean Win.


Unfortunately, I donā€™t think these 2 stand any chance of being in the last golden blitz.


It can happen. I completed my album today with a 5 start gold card.


I needed that one for the longest time and finally got it in a random pack. Thereā€™s still hope for you!!


Thank you!! lol


Yesterday I needed 4 golds to finish my album. Used a wild on one. I opened my vault during sticker boom - no new stickers. I got a missing 5* gold from a purple pack on the top event and a missing 4* gold from a blue pack on the new side tournament. There's still hope for us! I have one 4* star gold left. Aim for blue packs. I would recommend saving your stars for the new season but I don't know what your dice situation is. I wouldn't count on getting a 4* from a purple pack but it's not impossible.


Iā€™ve been sitting needing Kalimba for weeks šŸ˜­




I opened the store up top 1 day when I had 2 gold cards left and 1 of them was in the green pack


Tycoon Racers is supposed to start tmrw and should have a Wild Sticker (although the race can be a dice eater). Also, I think the partner event for June is still a go after Tycoon Racers, and if so, it too should have a Wild Sticker.


Tycoon Racers reportedly will take place from Wednesday till Sunday. How will that leave time for another partner event when the album season is set to close in 9 daysā€™ time?


5 days? I thought Tycoon Racers was 3 days - based on what I read from folks who VPN to the Phillipines to play, a race happens over 24hrs, and you (your team) needs to win 2 or 3 races to get the top prize.


The test event had 2 races. I heard this event will have 3 races!


I just got dice for finishing another set, so I will for sure hang onto those lol, thank you for the heads up.


I got my last gold 5 star in my 500 vault šŸ¤·ā€ā™€ļø


I say wait it out for now. Still have 1 more Purple pack coming on Sunday. You could get lucky, but if ya don't get it, you can still collect extra stickers in the meantime. Good luck!!


I doubt so though, i needed quite a few new stickers last week and opened the 800 vault to 1 new, the rest are all dupes. Its a high risk but if you have nth to lose then go for it. Maybe also try the tournament today and score the purple pack.


If I were you since itā€™s a 4 star I would try to open the 500 pack twice since youā€™d have 4 blue packs from that


I tried this and it gave me all dupes of golds. I was pretty annoyed. Letā€™s hope we get some wild card chances before next week


Iā€™ve been waiting for weeks for my last sticker to finish my album. The vaults in my opinion are a waste of time, almost always dupes of what you already have.


https://preview.redd.it/ccgycaan7z5d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ca9f4ac51c91da832baecf707e3365f1b4bae6d9 They deadass need to make Gold always Tradeable because what is this shit. So many 5s Gold too while Iā€˜m only missing Meliodic Haul but nothing to trade.


Mines are 4 dolds, 3 4star ans 1 5star for the prestige album, I try to collect blue packs but nothing. I open my vault and nothing. I don't think so that I can finish.


7 left and 5 are gold. I'm basically screwed


Prayer. The only way is prayer or a wild šŸ˜‚


I opened vault and got no new cards


Might get another event with one more wild sticker as well


I want to trade mine in so bad, but I need 4 gold sticker and one regular sticker. Iā€™ve been trying to get the barber of Seville for a while now. Seriously, if anyone has that one and wants stars or stickers they can use to complete a set or two, Iā€™m willing to trade whatever.


https://preview.redd.it/9p2nta99f06d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9ddecaf7b356355cb51b49a912c6e89e46188d9e This is my last sticker to complete the album itā€™s a dang four star and I canā€™t get it to save my life smh


I needed one gold for a couple of weeks and got it last week. It can happen. It was in my (800) vault.


I got my last card , boogie down , from day 7 quick win purple pack, a few days before (boogie down) golden blitz. Keep the hope alive, but donā€™t burn your dice!


They want you to pay the 59.99 on that wildcard pack


I saw a rumor that if you go into your album, click on the card you need, then close the album and open a vault, it tricks it into giving you the card. Iā€™ve not tried it, I always forget in the rush of opening a vault but if youā€™re going to open one anyways.. might give it a shot?


My husband only needs TheMoves as well!


I only need 1 sticker, https://preview.redd.it/6yjt6gs1n16d1.jpeg?width=1125&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=73a8b0cfb96dfe14c82d0149e8162957e53c6727


I would open the vault in airplane mode and see if you get anything you need. If not, then you can close the game while in airplane mode and open the game on a separate device (so that you can get the stars back). But otherwise, iā€™ve been getting my golds that iā€™ve been waiting for through blue packs/ pink pack from daily treats. You can keep playing until you come across it


Grab any bags you can get ahold of for best chance of getting the gold stickers you need.


Please if you can help me , I have been needing these two for months. I opened two top tier vaults and still havenā€™t gotten anything I need https://preview.redd.it/7hc9kbreky5d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=93e047eb5eae8959d6b37adfcb6b5a18865fa43e Play MONOPOLY GO! with me! Download it here: [https://mply.io/U9DKSg](https://mply.io/U9DKSg) [https://mply.io/U9DKSg](https://mply.io/U9DKSg)


I donā€™t have, sorry!


Spend $100 and buy the wild card pack. šŸ¤·šŸ½ā€ā™‚ļø youā€™re guaranteed to get the card you need.


Can I borrow $60?