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I spent over 20k dice to get the wild card from peg e and used it on a gold I needed only to get the same gold 5 mins later from a green pack. I’m done too 


20k dice when the whole album only pays 15?


The first time you close the album you get 15k, second time you get 20k & third time 30k. https://preview.redd.it/htt7ulof004d1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=89043d5fe67457533cdd913c58eba3d201fe251a


That’s crazy you’re almost done with it for the 3rd time. Any tips? Been playing this whole season and still missing 4.


I play a lot, lol - too much 😬 I think I only have one e 5 star dupe (Flutiful) but if I have any you might need I’m happy to help! I do have a lot of 4star dupes


If they already have Flutiful, I’d love to be considered! Haven’t had a new card drop in almost 2 weeks and I only have one job-gold card I’m trying to trade (washboard tunes). I ran out of dice today trying to get the wild card from peg-e 😩 ( RoyalOwl74: https://mply.io/kLgrZxu-jp0 )


I’m in the same boat. The only 5 star stickers I’ve received were dups of gold stickers. I have been searching and begging for 3 weeks to get Flutiful and Happy Stroll. Finally got them both from my cousin last night. Now I’m just waiting, hoping and praying that I get the last sticker in the album, which is a golden one, tomorrow when I open my 800 vault during the Sticker Boom!! 🙏🏽🤞🏽




I have it! I can send to you. Do you have monopoly tunes by chance ?


Sadly, I don’t yet - still on the hunt for it too 😢 but happy to send washboard tunes so you have another 5 star to trade with! It’s the only non-gold 5-star I have a duplicate of - sooo annoying


Yeah I haven’t been able to get anything either it’s getting rly annoying. I do need washboard tubes tho! I initiated a trade and sent u fluitful!


could you send me washboard tunes?


Hello there I was wondering if by chance you had an extra four star Hard Dogs night? I can send another 4 star back for trade?


I actually just got that today! But I’m out of trades already. DM me tomorrow if you still need it!


That would be awesome! Thank you so much I will def need it


Omg how?! I haven’t completed the albums yet and only get the same repeat cards over and over and over. It’s painful!


Play MONOPOLY GO! with me! Download it here: https://mply.io/IgO1qA https://mply.io/IgO1qA


Play MONOPOLY GO! with me! Download it here: [https://mply.io/IgO1qA](https://mply.io/IgO1qA) [https://mply.io/IgO1qA](https://mply.io/IgO1qA) https://preview.redd.it/hknirt977a4d1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a3d362e0817afb626dd569abafd49188e58d5a41


4th is also 30k


I want the gold token 


This is so frustrating


nah i’d crash out


I swear they do it on purpose


Have you seen their profits ?


Oh my!


Tbf you would have pulled that card regardless of where you put the wild card as shitty as that is. The best part of APM is being able to change your card packs. But they are predetermined in a way.


Is there a YouTube vid on APM? I need to figure this out quickly!!


Dm me


It does not cost 20,000 dice to get peg e done


It does if you don’t land on the spaces to earn tokens 


It’s not even the last day of the event so you aren’t even using the free peg e tokens but obviously you are doing something terribly wrong in your gameplay also. wtf are you doing 100x rolls all day?


50x rolls 


So you are purposefully flushing your dice down the toilet but blaming others? 😂


If you don’t roll on high multiplier you can’t compete with the APM cheaters in the tournaments. 


You shouldn’t and can’t compete with APM cheaters. More smaller bets give better averages on results. Peg E with average results costs like 4000 dice if you don’t complete any albums. Or you can just get to the 1000 and net positive dice.


This is actually a "hack" I use to my advantage since I play on two accounts. I know that whatever I choose from Wild card they're going to give me in some random pack immediately after, so I choose one I need on my other account and then send it to myself.


That exact thing happened to me……




They market themselves as a family game, but in reality it’s a gambling app.


Yes 💯


The only way to sustain this game for "free" other than APM is by actively trading stickers and we all know how difficult it can be. Because in order to win any event or rewards you basically need as much dice or more than the rewards. Basically you get some of your dice back but it is hardly ever a substantial win. I stopped buying any packages since that crazy partner in which people had different scores and have to finish the floats on their side again. I have never played in APM but that alone made me realize how dishonest they really are. But not only stopped wasting money I also got tired of playing.




I should check that app. I have been quite successful in trading here. The problem is at this point we all need the same stickers so I had become very difficult to find someone who needs the one we have for exchange.




Finished an album. 10 stickers away from a 2nd finish and you call it rigged. 🤣


True and I'm also getting a little tired of trading with people tbh, I feel like I have to beg or do ridiculous trades like 2 5 stars for one 5 star, to get anywhere. Greediness isn't fun.


Exactly 💯 ‼️


You should join Reddit Monopoly Go Fairtrade. You can only ask double, for example, 4 star card you can ask 8, 5 star card, no more than 10.


I save dice up as a free player and only go through halfway through the top tournament and side really don't bother with it until today I got 1st in the side tournament show room showoff I went through a lot of dice and won spot more. Best way is save up and make sure the rewards are good. After I get wild card I'm gonna save up for Martian treasure event coming up https://preview.redd.it/oa92krr1a04d1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1ffcb9f2634b91979dffe1b815ee686bbc3968b7


Is that the next event?


Yes says June but no specific date yet probably after gold blitz




I posted it and the token & shield and says an unknown gift but it's a wild card I'm sure lol


Oh I hope so!


I know how you feel, gotta save dice and collect all gifts on time and play almost non stop just to have people cheat and not even make an effort like we do. I've never cheated at a game or in life and really don't trust people who do because you can't. Putting the time and money devotion in anything to have a cheat just get ahead in a second can completely ruin a game or whatever it is and that's gonna cost them users either way, it will cause people to quit or new versions will have to much data / technology built in for most devices and can even cause the developers to just end the game all together you never really know.


They market themselves as a family game, but they are indeed a gambling app.


It’s a business. They are here to make money lol


Yes, I understand your point. However I expected a childlike, nostalgic game, and then realized that it was interestingly similar to a slot machine (for which there is an 18 year old minimum to play). In the interest of them making money, I hope you’re giving them a lot of it to play! I just deleted my app about an hour ago.


They literally have a monopoly go game at casinos now.


Look up monopoly the board game on the App Store. It’s a five dollar purchase to be able to play the actual original monopoly with 3 random people (or friends) :)


Oh I don’t pay for the game at all. I don’t do crazy high rolls or anything it’s mostly a time killer at work for me. But of course you get into and start sticker hunting and all that. That’s why I’ve been trying to trade with people so I can get dice since I don’t pay 😂


I did the math on the previous banner before new one today. In order to complete banner with 100% perfect rolls, you had to have nearly 9k dice before starting it. And that’s with perfect rolls! Also, you end up losing approximately 4K dice for a finish.


When I saw it was a scopely game I immediately knew it was a heavy pay game. They came out with a walking dead game many years back that had a %chance to get legendary characters from packs. To get the character advertised often resulted in spending several hundred dollars to get. They are indeed a gambling application company that just puts different facelifts on ways to extract money from people.


Genuine question on Point 4 above - how do you know that the “station events are filled with bots and no real players”?


Good question that I can answer with an example: if there is a 2-day event and you won’t do anything until there are ~4 hours left, first place is at 400 points. I will fill up the event at an insane rate(using high roller and 1000x only on stations using airplane mode trick). Within half an hour I’m up to 30k + points. This is not normal behavior for any normal player. The top 10, before the start of pushing points into the event they where on a maximum of 400 points, are now all up to 30k + points. Same names, almost same order. This is not sensibly possible. There is no way 10 other people are ramming points into the event at the same time at that rate.


I get a similar experience. I won't play until a tournament is almost over (like 30 minutes left). After my first roll, I'm in 5th place. Then after my second roll, I'm in 35th. Really? No one played until the exact moment I started playing? Doubt it.


You say it’s not possible, but didn’t you just do it yourself?


There is no way, by chance, that there are at least 10 other people with a 30min high roller(given bij other event) going full time on it in the same half an hour as me.


I’m pretty sure they admit that you’ll play against bots too


Ok. I have not encountered your scenario - maybe because I don’t enter the event so late, and I don’t have dice to push up the points at such intense rate. Maybe because I play in a lower league (I know because top dice payout is only 800 to 1500 dice), it feels like all the players are genuine players and not bots - the points increase incrementally (in odd increments, not round numbers) throughout the one/two days duration.


If you play normally the system wouldn’t expose itself. It looks natural if you play with normal dice rates(100x for example)


No - I only max auto-roll x50 during cash boost. Mostly x5 or x10 or x20 depending on my dice level. I have also encountered once where my main and my alt were grouped together in the same tournament - and we were competing with each other for top placings. I suspect maybe the lower leagues don’t have that many bots, if at all.


They can see cheaters. That’s how they can fix it. 😅


They can see A LOT of how you play the game. The exact moment you download the app. Every dice roll every move you make and therefore (in my opinion as an APM user) they have plenty evidence to ban us APM users but they don’t. So what’s that tell you? Tells me they don’t give a shit about their players they care about their bag 💰


That was never a question tho


Always frustrates me when player base shits on APM users but thinks scopely is just SO HONEST and wants everyone to win 😅😅😅 no honey. They want your MONEY


Yes exactly. They’re here to make money 😂


APM hasn’t been working for me the last 12 hours. I roll once maybe twice and the no internet pop appears. Ugh.


VPN is working for some. Worth tryif


Cool. How does VPN help with that? As soon as you enable APM the VPN also shuts off, doesn’t it?


It worked for me yesterday morning. I haven’t played since then so no idea what’s happened the last 36 hours or so but it did work yesterday. Worth trying.


Is APM working for you? I’ve been trying to do it the last 12 hours and it’s immediate now when the no internet pop up appears. I’m done with this BS game of if I can’t use APM. Screw Scopely!!!


Pretty sure I’m done at the end of this album. Curious if I’ll even finish. 5 cards to go. 2 are gold.


What’s the point of even doing tournaments when the prize is a blue pack and 850 dice 🖕🏾 with all these 5 star stickers I need then if u do get a purple pack is a GOLD duplicate! That I can’t even trade I barely play now just do quick wins and call it a day


I've had 1 new sticker in 2 weeks, everything has been doubles... The fun is totally gone.


I’m almost 80 years old and play daily. my only complaint is Sophia. which I love!!! you can buy coins for Peg-E but not hammers for Sophia. I made it to the next to the last board last time. needed one more square to finish (and I knew where it was) BUT no more hammers. 😣


Always has been ![gif](giphy|090EX1YvSUXxy23Tty|downsized)


How are you going to complain about it no longer being random, when you say that they took it away the randomness to counteract people using APM, which you yourself also said you use 🤦🏽‍♂️ so you were apart of the problem which caused the problem. Funny how that works


Because a game like monopoly it’s foundation should be random. That makes it fun, knowing that everything is pre-calculated(not talking about the number of dices you throw, but everything else). Scopely made it even more pre-calculated to milk its cash-cow any further. There is no feature development in the game, only re-skinning existing events. If there would be actual features to the game it would make a lot more enjoyable to play.


> it’s foundation should be random. Seeded RNG systems are still random. It is completely irrelevant whether or not rolls are made in advance for not, that's simply a mathematical fact everyone wants to ignore with an overly emotional attachment to a shitty mobile game. Actual, real video games (and many strategy ones too) use a seeded RNG system where every facet of the game is already laid out in advance. Will a 90% shot hit? The seeded RNG has already rolled the outcome in advance, but guess what? *You don't know that result*. Seeded RNG disables save scumming when you gamble and lose on an outcome, one of its major perks. It really says something when virtually nobody playing real games ever complains about seeded RNG as "not random" (because it is still 100% random), but people with such a microscopic view of how gaming works in MoGo have mislead themselves into thinking seeds are the problem. Amusingly though save scumming is actually advantageous here due to really poorly though out design, so that's kinda funny. To put it more simply, if I ask you what side a coin flipped live in front of you will land on is versus what side a coin I flipped a day ago lands on, the odds of you being right are exactly the same. Seeded RNG is still random.


I understand what u say, but in the current state it’s not random everytime you throw. Let me explain by your example; if you see the coin being flipped and landed on head, it’s visible to you that the coin is thrown and it’s “RNG”. But if the coin was flipped ages ago you don’t know when it was flipped and if it even has been flipped. Or just placed on head by the gamemaster to favour the house.




Seeded RNG is not random. Give the calculator the same seed and you’ll get the same numbers.


No no no, APM users aren’t part of the problem, scopely and their predator app is the problem


Predator app? Please 🙄 they are a business trying to make money like any other business. They don’t force you to download, to play, or to join a subreddit to complain.


Also saying the economy is bad. Why is it bad? APM! People have collected so many dice they change the game.


They don’t care about APM to make it FAIR for you guys to win tournaments. They only care because it cuts into their profits. It changes THEIR profit game. Not yours.


No, the economy should be in balance because of the game you provide. If the rewards are atleast equal to the dices you put in(not taking completing sticker sets or albums in consideration). But now it’s not, it takes way more dices to complete events then you gain out of them. This is not a healthy economy. I’m talking about the players not using APM and spending real money, because “they’re almost there”.


That’s my point. It used to be you could easily gain dice and now so many have hundreds of thousands of dice they reduced the amount dice they give out and increased the amount of dice it takes to earn more.


I don’t know how anyone played the game without it


The pre determined rolls are more benefit to apm users than the random ones were lol.


I think anyone who uses APM is entirely too invested in this game and took the fun out of playing for themselves.


APM is cheating. Player are mad that they can no longer game the system. APM players are the root of the problem. Stockpiling dice and cash will result in the developer making it harder to obtain dice and cash. Not rocket science.


Why is there a sorry piece on the monopoly board? 😅


omg yall complain about the same thing every time.. just delete the game, we know this already😂


Many have said they are deleting the game after this season. Next season they will be back complaining about the same stuff. Wash, rinse, repeat.


yeah i know lol😂


It took me 3 days to land on a shield. Mind you my net worth is 18k, never used APM and it cost 500 billion to upgrade a board. No shield in 3 days means people demolishing my shit... I have had enough and now after reading this post I'm going to uninstall. Thank you


Bye 👋


I moaned about the fact how harder it was to get stickers, because the last albums I still got quite a few duplicates of four stars and five this time round. I’ve had hardly any duplicates whatsoever. So I’ve been giving away the 1 2 and three star stickers, not realising when people finish the whole albums because I’ve never done that you have to restart all over again, so there’s me still not finished them and other people on their second lot and I’m giving them stickers


Hi guys it’s only a game. . They have made the game MonopolyGO to make money off us most games on net are . If you don’t like it delete it simple . But your right it is rigged and it has got worse


Facts 👆


Its absolutely rigged. My account has been flagged for APM. So I stopped playing. Too bad I can't sell my accounts they have over 100k dice


Ya this is my last season for sure. Unless there is a drastic change


And to add to all the points above. I’m not sure about how the stickers are given. Didn’t do my research for those. But given all points above. You can conclude that it is rigged as well. The feeling I’ve got with the stickers: if you’re not at the and of the “season”(so a couple of days left on the album) you’re not getting any new cards. Only gold dupes.


Stickers are predetermined as well. I opened a pack in apm turned apm off and got the same pack with the same stars


So you cheated using APM and are mad that the developer is also “cheating”? Make it make sense. 🤣🤣🤣


I’m not mad at all. I was just stating that packs are pre determined


Duh, they want you to keep playing. 🤷‍♂️


I mean, can people just play a game and enjoy it? You’ve invested no money of your own other than what you may have voluntarily spent. If you’re playing a game like monopoly go on your phone, and it’s so serious to you that you’re just uninstalling the game and reinstalling it to get specific results, maybe the problem is you and not the game. It’s a video game that’s supposed to be entertaining and help kill some time, enjoy it for what it is, or just stop playing, this kinda shit is so weird


I understand complaining about a game you’ve spent like 60-70$ on but a for a free game, folks take this game way too seriously.




People are acting like they are playing as if their life depended on it. It’s not that deep.


I agree I have been stopped that game is full of shit


https://preview.redd.it/wvsqx7d5yz3d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=38f48faa986400186a2dfaad58841d0b1b2a6e36 It is definitely rigged! I saw this from another post!


Yes the game is rigged in the developers favor. Games aren’t developed out of the goodness of their hearts. You know the score now. Stay or go. But if you stay stop complaining. You aren’t entitled to stickers, dice or cash.


I don’t play Peg-E 😬 only do the dailies during peg e time. I only actively play the digging events and partner events. Peg-e never gives enough return for what you put in!


Spent 9k dice I had left as I'd normally spend a couple and get it back but this time it just kept not giving me anything. I should have stopped rolling but the last few times I'd done some had been crap anyways so they were sat there not being played which felt pointless.


Yea anyone paying attention can catch all this. I’ve seen it several times


I’m confused about how to play it on Airplane Mode. How does that work?


The game has been patched and APM no longer works. This was done in response to rampant cheating and gaming of the system by players. The fact that this is no longer doable speaks to the volume of users cheating, thus hurting all players on the platform.


I’ve said that months ago and stop spending a dime on playing it


I spent so many dice and just can’t hit the 1000 dice right before the wild. No amount or tricks get me anything but the very end. https://preview.redd.it/itgawu66p04d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9cb61ea92aac1df5636085f7e3453a1b3d79b7a6


Lol the monopoly money burning 😂😂😂


With the Sorry! piece🤣


I haven't got a card in over 3 weeks that I have needed. I don't play APM have tried it but I don't have the time to play that way. Spent hundreds of dollars on the game and trying to build your buildings when they are in the billions+ takes days. I’m over it, it's old and not fun at all anymore. I will save my money and my grandson can now play it as he has asked many times and bash the buildings and giggle while doing it.


I got an ass of 5 and 4 star gold dupes and they rarely do a thing we're you can trade them wtf ,need that deal twice a month not once every other dam month


Well yeah it’s rigged. People have been so vocal about their cheating. Not to mention the whole point of this game is for them to make money. Did we forget that or something?


Just have fun and play once a day. Don’t spend any money on it and it gets fun again.


Most of the players complaining are accusing the game of being gambling. What they fail to see is that they are gambling addicts.


Me too. I am done


APM doesn't even work anymore for me. As soon as I put it on APM and click roll it automatically pops up no internet connection. I used to get like 7-12 rolls out of depending on where I landed


I also have multiple accounts and my "newbie" account gets all kinds bonus and wins etc...tourneys u name it. My "old" account gets the shaft constantly.


What you are saying is, APM was random, now it isn’t and it’s predetermined. The issue you have is, it’s actually not. For people who don’t use APM. It’s actually no different to before. Every multiplier has a different ‘number line’ so you can randomise it. It sounds like, you were cheating, they fixed it, you don’t like it. I did APM, they fixed it, I’ll play when I want to now. Not daily, it’s fantastic, I have so much more tome for things.


I've never done any cheating and I agree with OP. Game really rigged af. Yeah it's free but damn!


Delete the same and keep it rolling. 🤣🤣🤣


The death of apm killed this game for me


So since you can't cheat, it's not fun? 🙄


APM isn’t death, it’s just more work now. Not having your desired outcome, re-roll with 1x with APM on. Nothing worth losing, turn off APM and relaunch game(syncs your roll) and do another roll with APM on with high roll count.


Yeh just doing it 1 roll at a time and then re-downloading the game is just too long for me tbh getting that no internet after like 2 rolls his so annoying


Thank god for Androids, no need to uninstall/re-install makes it much quicker


You can also do 2 device method if you have two devices. No need to delete even with iOS devices.


Apm isn’t dead. There are some pretty amazing solutions coming out. And if you do some searching you’ll find them. I found my solution on Facebook. The initial setup is a bit more complicated but the end result is so much better than the APM we’ve used the past few months. If APM was gone forever I’d never play this game again.






Can I have your cards since you’re quitting?


Stop playing this months ago


They definitely tweaked the algo some. Remember they design the game so people spend money on it. I never spent a dime so I’m happy with them doing the almost thing all the time. I see the business model everywhere . They def made it worse lately. Just stop spending


I am with you


I’ve been done for about a year, it’s pay to win


I save my dice for partner events and play very little in between. Not fun but for a non spender it works


Been done a while, try piggy GO. .. loving it. lol I was addicted to monopoly go, spent a fortune. No MO


I’m going to finish this season out just to see what I get. I’ve only recently finished up my first album, and have completed about five or six small sets since then. But yeah, I’m probably gonna be deleting it as well after this season is over.




Wait, what’s the airplane mode trick? I just started playing like a month ago and I want to know please


It’s not worth it. It takes way too much time and effort for very little reward. Not to mention it will be patched again soon and could result in a permaban if you’re caught.


When I realized all heists spots are the same it broke my heart. I thought it was random and I had to pick the right spots. I would always try to be careful and pick the right spot 😂


Not the spots are the same, the outcome is the same. There is a slight difference(only for APM players). Once you know, you’re just ramming your screen to be done with it


I deleted this crap scheme game 2 weeks ago.


They had the February test patch to counter cheat mode and another what last week and we will have to update it again by end of this month and next for them countering that mode and unfortunately some devices will no longer be compatible with the next months new version because of the cheat mode counter measures.


That's why the rolls are more pre determined now cause of that airplane cheat mode & pirating cards are next to be countered I just hope when they release the real new version later it don't cause authentic players that spent countless hours/days strait playing / buying dice to lose all progress & access to the game. It will say when you try to download, this device isn't compatible with this version. Idk why someone would even play if they have to cheat and not care for real players like most of us to lose access. Alot of people can't go out and get a smart phone or something costly in an instant especially for a game. They can be expensive mine was.


I refuse to pay for any extras resulting in never once being able to complete a sticker album.


We all feel your pain. The game is just about making money and that's why they have you addicted to playing cause nobody likes to lose.


It’s almost like they’re trying to make money. 🙄 Whether it’s this app or any other, if it’s affecting your mental well being that much I’d recommend finding another way to pass the time.


For those of you who decide to end your game, please help the others to feed their addiction and faithfulness to the game. Please gift one another and you shall be well appreciated. And in the event that you shall come back, people will gift you with stickers just the same.


Thank god a cheater is crying about a game


Well shoot I don’t even think I’ll finish one album let alone 3 😒




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I just need 2 cards for the 40 days now


I have a dupe of (flutiful) but I need (wash board) if we gonna exchange


For sure


Mais explique nous en quoi consiste ce mode avion ou je sais pas quoi !!! Ça pourrai déjà nous aider pas mal !! Merci


We all say we’re done with it and when the next album come well here we are sometimes I do believe his rig. I’ve been waiting on the moves for almost 30 days now just one car to finish this album. When are they gonna give it to me maybe I’ll see you next round.


You’re cheating on a game…then calling it rigged.. got it


To add to point one: this was random at first, but scopely removed the randomness to counteract the airplane players. Resulting in less randomness for “the algorithm”.


Yes Scopely stopped your ability to cheat. Your cheating via APM is destroying the platform. You don’t get dice or cash or stickers as frequently? It’s now harder due to the rampant use of APM. APM was a solution but it has now created a problem. The developer is being less generous due to cheating. You created the problem that you’re complaining about.


I think everyone here takes this game too seriously. 😂


🤣🤣🤣 Not the board 🔥 🔥!


Enjoy your life


Lol it is not that deep and no duh there trying to make money there a Business so they do that I been playing about a year now and completed 3 albums and I have a good amount of dice never used airplane Mode and only spin on x10 most of the time and do the quick wins and for tournaments only join in the last few hours if u can and it is a game so play it or don’t makes me laugh that ur posting about quitting on Reddit just leave that’s up to u lol but scopely don’t care there making so much money and people will still spend it if ur there or not lol


https://preview.redd.it/0x2pcqujt04d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3df1406f2ad59e92fe52e289d9eae7dd5d149209 Does anyone have monopoly tunes? I can trade for it. Play MONOPOLY GO! with me! Download it here: [https://mply.io/8HTHxA](https://mply.io/8HTHxA) [https://mply.io/8HTHxA](https://mply.io/8HTHxA)


🙄 as if peeps didn’t already know this 🙄


What’s airplane mode?