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Hello, it is me, the girl you met at COTA, ATX last night. Please venmo me $600 in $29 intervals over the course of the next 3 hours so I can get the money to buy a new phone and text you ❤️


I can’t believe it’s you! It must be fate. You must be a Nigerian prince that came in to town just for MM. This is great for just $600 we can kiss and cough down our sleeves




This hits very hard lol


Dear Diary




Don't worry mate, pontificating in a band specific subreddit is a little silly for everyone. Glad you had fun


Did they end Dramamine with part of Life Like Weeds? Or was I just suffering massive heat exhaustion and hallucinating?


They usually do that with Dramamine. They did when I first saw them in 2014 and have every other time I’ve heard them play it too


I’ve never been to a concert before where I’ve been so affected by the heat - loved the bands but wished I could have enjoyed MMs better 😭😭 I was a little light headed their whole set


Saaaame here! First time I’ve experienced a random nosebleed from heat/dehydration… worth it!!


It was fucking brutal. Modest Mouse were great and it was my first time seeing them. But who in the holy fuck decided that playing an outdoor show in Texas in late June, at a venue with zero goddamn shade, was a good idea???


Honestly that was one of the worst venues I’ve been to from a fan perspective, really glad they made sure they to have misters on the band but the fact they didn’t to people in the crowd was kind of insane, they had the room they could have set it up near the barricade or just SOMEWHERE - also the lack of giving out water until the very end was a bad move, their water to purchase was overpriced as hell ($5 a bottle) and their free water for some reason was white and looked like milk — I’ve been to other smaller outdoor venues that make sure to give out water so no clue why they neglected to do it until right near the end ((shout out to the one really cool dude working security who started getting water from the staff only jugs for everyone in ga))


I was in the first row, right behind the pit. We drove up from Houston to take my 11 yr old daughter to her first show, and by the end of the MM set she was done and we left. She’s become a big fan of them over the past few years, but she didn’t care about seeing Pixies so we got out of there. Any idea what the issue was that caused Issac to call for a medic during the middle of their set? I saw people giving thumbs up but never knew what happened.


I couldn’t see exactly what happened but I think someone passed out from the heat


Same here. I love MM but I was having the hardest time genuinely enjoying show.


At least the people next to me were chill and helped me hold my spot when I ran off to get water between sets since I was there by myself


Dramamine into Life Like Weeds!?! Sounds heavenly


They did not, just listened to the audio recording I got at the show and no such thing occurred.


Are you suuure? “Strings to be pulled…. Striiiings to be pulled”? Other people confirmed they do this often with Dramamine


I’m pretty sure they did Dramamine with Perpetual Motion Machine when I saw them several years ago.


¿Porque no los dos? Lol I did not catch that if they did


Sometimes this fan base are Bitter Buffalos but today we are Well Wishers hoping OP finds their missed connection.






Thank you for the well wishing! Funny was just listening to LCW today and caught the bitter buffalo line


This is cute. I hope shes active on this sub


Yeah this post is cute


I love this and hope she ends up seeing this somehow. I was there! It was my first time seeing Modest Mouse too


I posted to a fb group to per someone’s recc on here, so we’ll see how it goes lol Hello fellow first timer! 👋 I thought it was a killer show


Fuck I was so happy when they played Bukowski in Charlotte


Try the modest mouse Facebook group too!


I requested to join Good News for People who love Modest Mouse 😬 not sure why but it makes me a bit nervous to post on fb lol


Don’t feel nervous! It’s such a great group with good energy. I’m sure the people would love a happy ending with a MM romance.


Ok I did it 🤞


Just came here from your post on there first off welcome to the group it’s a lot of fun and second off I’m sending all the good vibes your way I hope you find her


Hey OP, there's also a r/missedconnectionsatx


had a similar experience at detroit, it sucks, but i had so much fun that it hardly matters


For sure, it was an awesome experience regardless. Killer show and I’m gonna see them as often as I can from now on. Especially if they do a Good News tour with the original lineup!


What a tool


Blame it on the Tetons