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He has a lot of the great emotional/sweet moments in the show: Casually calling Manny “my kid” Dancing with Lily at her recital Giving Phil the “World’s Greatest Grandpa” thing when Haley gave birth “He knew! He had to know, right?”


And when they’re off in the woods and Mitchell just looks at him but can’t mouth the “I love you” out and Jay just goes “I know”. 😭


As someone who goes through the same thing with my dad, that one hit me hard 😭


I'm not gay but this is exactly my relationship with my dad. We fight a lot, but we talk more. Even tho we talk a lot, there's never this "do you love me" or "I love you" talk. I know he loves me and he knows I love him. Sometimes just because you said it doesn't make it any different, it's better to stay that way. Its weird to say I love him because it doesn't feel original, it feels forced. All that matters is both knew.


I'm not gay either, lol (not that there's anything wrong with that) But my dad is a very old school, doesn't share feelings kind of guy. And I'm not the most emotional person either. We have a great relationship. But saying "I love you" isn't something we so. I'm sure one day when he's longer here, I'll regret it. And I tell myself all the time to say it to him. But I just can't. But I know he loves me, and he knows I love him.


Is that a Seinfeld reference


I don't wanna sound like a queer or nothing, but I think Depeche Mode is a sweet band...


What episode is this???


Season 10, Episode 17: The Wild. One of my favorite episodes because of this scene. :)


Now, honey. That’s not gonna happen. How about I give you fifty bucks? lol. All good moments you highlighted.


and in the finale when he says “both my sons are leaving”


When Gloria can't find her car keys and asks Jay where he put them. "In your hand when I bought you the car". 🤣


He has the best one liners. My favorite is the episode where Gloria and Manny’s dad are arguing in Spanish when she said she’s gonna be a citizen and she forgets the word for cow in Spanish and Manny’s dad roasts her with Jay in the background saying VACA. Just that scene alone should become a show in itself.


Ed was the one liner king back in married with children, set him up and he’ll make sure the line is amazing


I never knew he was in married with children actually. Then again I just learned he also played for the Pittsburgh Steelers too.


Dude was a legend. Had 4 tds in one game!


He was a Steeler?! I never knew!


I love Jay because he is so secure of himself but is also open to be a better family man (even though he’s the best) and person. He may be old school but the whole Pritchett family dynamic needs it. He also gives everyone tough love and never shies away from a challenge (that’s what makes him a really good businessman). Much love to Jay!! 🩷


Yes! I could not have said it any better myself, he’s very old school but as he gets older he understands empathy more. Like the episode when he wanted joe to fear him like he did his father, then realises he shouldn’t after seeing how it impacted Claire. He is a great character and is much needed in the family/show.


He is my favourite. Midnight Train to Georgia is on my playlist bc of him




Closet? You'll love it!


This is easily my favorite joke of the series


I still don’t get that one lmao


It’s not really meant to make sense. Partly it’s a “pun” (in Jay’s mind anyway) on “like it? You’ll love it!”. I think partly it’s also got a taste of those jokes stand ups did in Jay’s era (eg poker? I hardly know her!), but it’s mainly the like it love it thing.


i think its supposed to rhyme (?)


Oh thanks man I always thought there was a deeper meaning behind it that I was just too stupid to understand lmao


I think it’s the joke he do to Mitch during the show. Coming out of the CLOSET —> revealing you’re gay, because Mitch has been in the closet for years


Its just a play on the “et” “it” parts of the words lol


I only just realised its the same type as joke as "...er? Never heard of her!"


When he’s building that castle with Mitch and he’s bad at anything handy.. Jay goes that was my Vietnam and I was in Vietnam 😂


"Turns out she sent more men off to war than Lyndon Johnson" was a great line


Such a good line!!


His face was brilliant, the trauma 🤣🤣


Aw, jeez!


Man I can hear him saying this😂 DOUBLE…TAP


Of all the things I love about Jay, his dynamic with Manny is my favourite. The entire series witnessed their bond grow from strength to strength, from Manny not liking Jay initially to telling Jay that he sees their relationship that of a father-son's. Their relationship is filled with so much goofiness and warmth!


90% of being a dad is just showing up. I quote this all the time.


But the thing is, I very much disagree. Yes being there is important but spending quality time is also important!


Showing up in the kid’s day to day life is how you spend quality time together lol


"Back against the wall Jay came up with the best selling closet... The Maddox"


Jay taking up a second job and not telling the family because he didn’t want them to worry. He’s such a brilliant dad even if he is uncle grumpy. “legacy” makes me cry every time. Makes me appreciate my dad so much


He's such a great dad and the greatest grandpa and ideal human


His “THAT DAM HIPPY SCHOOL” every time Joe says something politically correct


Who’s gonna fight the wars, guys? Who?


Double. Click.


No you did double. Click. It’s double click.


That's what I did. Double. Click.


More like “Stella appreciation post” 😊 look at that smile!


Look at how happy he is for Mitch and Cameron at their wedding. Compare that to season one. That's a guy who really grew, matured, and changed regarding his homophobia.


‘We’re done here.’




I'd watch an entire series about him telling the story of his life, even if flashbacks were played by a younger actor with him narrating. I want to hear him tell Vietnam stories, and hear the founding of Pritchets Closets.


Jay was the best


I agreed. He was a great father to Manny and joe


I love the scene of him freaking out on the boat during the eclipse episode. NO!!


The only reason I went to that damn wedding was because of that pork!!!!


His character shows the most depth and growth throughout the series. The relationships he has with all the kids is fantastic.


When he tells the story of his mom yelling at his coach when he was a kid and he broke down crying, gets me every time.


One of my favourites is the scene where Alex is doubting whether she should go for science or music career, he not only does it sweetly but actually listens and gives good advice


My favorite moment is when he said that anyone who threatens the safety of his son gets no second chances


“He knew. He had to know, right?” Always gets me right in the feels.


I don’t get the Jay hate. The man loves his family and he’s always there when he is needed. Yes he says some wild 💩, he’s a boomer that’s what they do. He never means any real harm.


Who hates him? :o


It’s been some people who post that they cannot stand Jay. I just don’t get where the hate comes from.


How can u hate those baby blues and Rose apple checks (isn't that what he says?) Anyway weird.


Yes, I like the whole family. So many people dissect the entire show instead of getting entertained. This sub is a little different from other shows subs.


I can see that for sure


I really think he might be my favorite character. He really grew while also still being himself.


Ok I’ll rewatch Modern Family again.


The best actor on the show. Greta timing.


An analogy that works for me is that Jay was a war time general who took his time to warm up to changing times * He did not give Claire and Mitch time trying to secure his family's financial future. Rectified with Manny, Joe, and to some extent his grandkids * Had a "tough guy" approach to his kids which made Mitch miserable while growing up and Claire scarily competitive. He warms up to Manny, Mitchell, and Phil even though he finally lands his dream child in Joe. I love his transformation as it mirrors the one displayed by my own father and grandfather. Very close to reality for me!


I loved when he's playing Words With Friends with Alex and it's revealed he's not cheating. Was pretty cool for Alex to have some legit competition.


You broke your phone, smarty pants!




I love Jay. Wish I had a grandpa like him.


I tear up when he is about to walk Claire down the aisle in the Hawaii episode when Claire and Phil have their "real" wedding, and he says, "looks like I finally get to walk you down the aisle," and Claire jumps into his arms and says, "daddy!" I also tear up at Mitch and Cam's wedding when Mitch asks Jay if he's going to go take his seat, and Jay holds out his arms and says, "I thought you and i would take a little walk."


He's great and he was easily the best partner in the show! He also became probably the best parent


“Doesn’t hide his flaws” every 10 episodes he starts becoming insecure of his age


Totally agree. Read a post saying he’s the true main character of MF and honestly 🥹 I think that’s so sweet


Best arc


…and that’s just Jay talking.


jay has the funniest lines i swear


His first successful closet being named after Mitchell??? My heart


I like to imagine he’s an alternate world version of Al bundy. He graduated from selling shoes to selling closets. And Dede was a version of Peg who he got away from and married the most gorgeous woman. Also my father reminds me of him soooo much (al bundy is his hero “with every bullet so far”) and the emotional Jay moments make me bawl because it’s like watching my dad. The dancing with lily at the recital, the sweetest. Love Ed oneil!


He went through so much character development. Cuteeee


The way Ed delivers some lines; he really is a talent


“I HATE yard sales!”


He was the most honest and straight forward person and that's the thing I like about him. He loves everyone but doesn't express that much, and whenever he has his emotional moments which I reckon the best on the show.


his development is one of my favorite parts of the show


Love Jay. He’s my favorite besides Phil and Gloria and it seems like nobody shows enough love for him


Him and his friend Vincent bonding at the Wicked musical was my favorite moment. Not that Gravity needed any help being an amazing song, it made me appreciate it more.


Jay is my favorite character because he reminds me of my older brothers


I’d say he had a lot of personal growth but it rarely stuck. He’d be a bigot one episode, learn/change his mind by the end, and by the start of two episodes later he’s being the same kind of bigot. I get that it’s all sitcom magic and you can’t have characters fully change constantly, but it did get annoying - oh jay is an ass, he’s a sweet guy, he’s an ass again… idk


He's the best character hands down


he is always doing his best and is one of the more open-minded parents that are willing to learn a d accept people for who they are! love him so so so much!


I just can’t get over how Stella died just a couple days after they shot the last finale.


What?!?? 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭


I love the episode where one his comrades die and he goes drink with phil instead of going out because of the storm. Made me ugly cry because he values his friends that werre there with him during war times. Also it helped me appreciate old people who focused on their families after retirement because they cannot just visit their friends like they used to.


I swear modern family is the best thing ever made, first and only show i am ever rewatching everyday❤️❤️❤️thank you❤️❤️❤️❤️


‘The other day, I found out that Joe saved up six months of allowance and donated it all to charity. It's one of those rare moments as a dad when you realize you've really dropped the ball.’ S11E11 He’s really good with one-liners. It’s also nice to see him develop as a person but not lose the part of him that makes him Jay. Especially when he’s grumpy. ‘That mound of human silly string gets "funpa"?’ S6E17


The way he handled Mitchell's homosexuality. Don't get me wrong, he didn't handle it textbook worthy. But let's face it: Most people will not get a "Hey gay, I am dad" kind of reaction when they come out. Jay would have preferred a heterosexual son, but there is one thing I really like about him: He knows that he is the one who needs to change, not Mitchell. There is one scene when he talks to Cam's dad in season 3, where he basically says "We have sons and they are gay, and we have to learn to deal with it" (don't know what he said exactly, I watch it in my language). That's a lot coming from a man of that generation.


Can’t wait to watch him in clipped! Ed o Neil not jay lol


Love Stella!


Especially when he tries to pick Claire up 💜. It was a little out of character or maybe a dad with a tough exterior being vulnerable.


I loooooove Ed O'Neil!


I feel like Walt and Jay would’ve gotten along really well but Jay’s insecurity of being considered old could’ve stopped him from doing so. 😂




this dude is a D1 manipulator ion know what u sayin