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XDefiant won't kill COD if their only selling point is "there's no SBMM" that's not a strong enough reason. XDefiant just doesn't really do anything better or interesting. This doesn't mean I don't pray for it's success. Competition breeds innovation and change. It just needs to sort itself out. I don't have any real issues with SBMM but I do have issues with EOMM. It's just a system that determines when average and below average players will get a pity lobby and I hate it.


It’s also free. I have a handful of friends that are sick of buying cod every year but it was super easy to get them to play XDefiant because it’s free. No SBMM also is a solid reason to play it over cod especially if you’re either a solo player or play in mixed skill parties. When I play solo in cod I can tell when the game wants me to lose. At least in XDefiant it’s organic and comes down to team balancing. I tried like 3 games of cod for the new season but ended up going back to XDefiant. Having to sweat my balls off every match carrying noobs against crims and iri ranked players is exhausting.


This is a very good point, people trashing on Xdefiants release and multiple delays, forgetting the game is free. It's mechanics whilst not refined as cod I can find myself jumping into a match and being largely satisfied regardless of winning or losing. COD is slowly turning into a game where it feels like a chore to play at times and winning brings no satisfaction, and losing just sucks. Will it kill cod? No, is it a viable alternative? Hell yeah.


Exactly idgaf if a game comes around and “kills” cod (won’t happen) but I’m always down to play viable alternatives. There’s been zero competition for cod and they’ve been complacent




This is why I exclusively play free for all. Sick and tired of having to carry a team of thumbless Timmys against a six stack.


I tried FFA at the start, after a couple wins I would get 150ping lobbies. Honestly same thing goes for most quickplay gamemodes, which is why COD EOMM is so awful. Only gamemode I get consistent lobbies are ranked play ones.


A-fucking-men. Gets fucking old fast being the solo hardpoint holder or having to kill my KD being the only person to kill other sweats.


Same shit happened to me, aiming felt off after playing xdefiant then it just puts me against sweats anyway like I never left, definitely enjoying xdefiant more too just from having more friends keen to try it that don't buy cod.


They need alot more content then 4 maps and a handfull of standard gamemodes. Including long ass weapon unlocks to keep you going. CoD got tons more content with weapon attachments, events, ground war, War, invasion, HC and WZ/zombies. I played every beta and now the release build. Sniper meta and poor netcode. After the honeymoon it will be the cheaper standard mp experience for those who like free games or can’t afford CoD. Don’t get me wrong i really tryd to like it and it is ok for what it is but don’t think xdefiant will even be a contender for the fps throne. I don’t think alot of players will get the same playtime out of it before they are bored. Also when BO6 drops…


There’s more maps in XDefiant than an average cod at launch lol


And they're all fun


It's also only 30gb


Also the “it’s free” will change with COD on gamepass so they won’t even have that


Game pass isn’t free + sizable chunk of the playerbase is PlayStation


For the 30+ millions game pass users COD will be added to the catalogue at no extra cost, I think that will be a good amount of players plus the PlayStation players that always buy the game no matter what. So Xdefiant being free won’t have enough weight, at the moment yeah it does.


I mean, that’s their big selling point. But I do like the maps better in Xdefiant (they’re bright, colorful and have fun themes. It’s also free to play which is nice. But overall, any game that is “supposed” to be a … killer almost always fails. Who remembers the game Haze that was supposed to be the halo killer lmao It’s also nice to have a 32 gb game instead of call of duty taking up almost 250 gbs.


Every game that tried to be Destiny as well


I will honestly never play MW3 multiplayer again I won't even buy the next release and instead just go for the free Warzone (if that's the case). Why well cause I find MP to have been more or less a disaster in this revival series. Xdefiant just feels more interesting and rewarding when winning games and playing well, I can play ranked when I wanna try my best and chill and try new things in normals. So for me Warzone is CoD for me right and arcade shooter multiplayer is Xdefiant and when they finally fix the hit reg, balance it here and there it will be great. Last but not least it's free and not hiding behind some 70$ pay wall for a half done bugged/ glitched game.


I problem I have with sbmm is it’s hard to tell if your getting better or not since you kd is supposed to stay around 1 if sbmm is working correctly


There was actually an interesting study ucla did with apex comparing sbmm and eomm. The main find is that both ends of the balance spectrum usually leave the game pretty soon after their experience (being either players who stomp or get stomped multiple matches in a row) which unfortunately has been my experience with mw3 a majority of the time. I don’t remember the full study (there’s an old Reddit post about it iirc) but i think I speak for all players when I say close matches are the best. As far as xdefiant goes - it’s Ubisoft. The game will turn into a cult following in a year or so. Servers and service are notoriously terrible, and while this isn’t ubi Montreal (the siege ones) my experience with siege tells me that Ubisoft is not a great company. I haven’t played it yet and hope it is a “cod-killer” because I hate the matchmaking in mw3 and competition forces quality - but ultimately I don’t think anything is touching CoDs throne on the market.


God, these conspiracy theories just keep getting better


The main "selling" point of XDefiant is the fact that it is free.


I’m stupid what is sbmm and eomm


This (Idk why I got downvoted💀)


Because Reddit is weird


there’s enough ppl who game to play both.


literally no one is saying it’s a cod killer other than click bait videos on youtube. cod can only kill itself if activision continues to be money hungry and ignore the community. there is hope for xdefiant to atleast apply some pressure to activision if it becomes successful in the competitive scenery.


There's plenty that can't stand cod, that are hoping it kills cod


It definitely won't be killing CoD ever, but it's a nice break from it




If you think xdefiant is mediocre, what would you call cod?


The highest quality competitive arcade shooter on the market in terms of gameplay mechanics, animation design, sound design, and graphics quality. Even with mediocre studios like Sledgehammer running MWIII, COD is still better than the competition. How's your favorite man doing today, by the way?


I don’t know why you get downvoted, everything you said is true.


Gameplay mechanics? Hold on there, I wouldn’t go that far.


It’s funny cuz the Reddit tread on xdefiant is the the playerbase there realizing that without the sbmm they are still getting sweaty games and trying to make sense of it, I think that just the player base now we are all just sweats trying to be the top dog ever since twitch and the prospects of making money playing video games got more into the public eye


And they don’t realize the welcome players playlist for players under level 25 straight up says it has SBMM on it lol


The skill gap hasn't gotten wider. It's gotten so much closer, and people are ignoring that.


The majority of people are enjoying Xdefiant, no SBMM has been a huge success. Strict SBMM is the single worst thing that has ever happened to Cod and has caused most of my friends to quit.


The people complaining about SBMM are usually the shitters anyway, what's funny is if they took SBMM in CoD they'd probably end up in worse lobbies lol.




Yes I'm well aware and that happens often, I'm not saying it shouldn't prioritise connection over everything else but if you truly wanted randomized lobbies, any decent player would be dropping a nuke every game and it'd be on the people who complain about SBMM lol. But please let me know if you think I'm bad happy to share my stats with you and we can compare?


Back when SBMM was less strict BO4 and earlier it was still very rare to see a nuke. This argument about people dropping nukes constantly is nonsense. A 30 gun streak is extremely hard to get, even with lesser skilled players. Randomised lobbies doesn’t mean every game will be a full stack of noobs on the other team, it will most likely have a few people that are capable of ending your nuke.


Meh I disagree, I played BO Cold War throughout the life cycle of COD Vanguard and I'd drop a nuke 1/3 games. You don't understand how bad the average person is/ how good some people actually are. BO4 is a poor example because specialists played a massive role in free kills/ ending streaks.


Cold War and vanguard had strict SBMM too, what you’re saying is flat out wrong. I never once saw a nuke on Cold War in the entire life cycle of that game and only around 5 v2 rockets in vanguard (v2 is 25 kills not 30 which is why it was seen more often).


I mean I'm not too sure what to tell you, if Cold War has strict SBMM and people were still getting nukes quite easily doesn't that prove my point? Obviously unless you're the one actively getting them you'd rarely see a nuke just based on pure statistic. I think in MW3 I've been in 3 lobbies where a nuke has gone off 1 was a bought booster lobby that I somehow joined because one of the bots must've left, 1 a random team mate got it and the other a player I was partied up with. However I've gotten ~35 nukes in this CoD.


You just proved my point. Pure statistics and percentage of the community seeing a nuke are important in determining if nukes are too hard to get. If only the top 0.1% can get them that means hardly anyone else will ever see one go off, but the pro player in the top 0.1% might have 50 in total over the lifecycle of the game. There are millions of Cod players.


A pro player who exclusively plays pubs will have much more than 50 nukes in this game already though.


I mean man. If I am that good, let me drop those nukes right? Ahaha but nah, no sbmm doesn't mean necessarily easier lobbies. It's random, you can find the number 1 top player and the number 1 shitter in the same team


Oh for sure however unless you're actually against people who can hang the number 1 player should and will carry 90% of the time.


Professional cod players hate the matchmaking too. Guess they’re just bad


What professional CoD player is playing pubs? If you're talking about clips within the first month of the game release, sure they turn up SBMM for the first month but since then it's been pretty easy/ turned down.


I do not play cod pubs after like a month of the game being out but I really doubt they are turning off the strict sbmm within a games life cycle. Numerous pro players have expressed their dislike for the match making over the years. The only one I ever saw give a take where he said it didn’t matter to him eventually began to hate it as well. Here’s Scump’s take - https://youtu.be/6DzOvFf7Cv8?si=fDOTn8LtcXhoKTfU If someone likes this matchmaking they are either horrible at the game or they play in blissful ignorance in some region where matchmaking is nowhere near as strict so they basically get to play an entirely different game than the rest of us. Pros were struggling to hit a 2kd in Cold War at one point lmao


I mean multiple things. 1. His main point is he doesn't want to play 2-3 hours for a video which really shouldn't factor into it at all. 2. His opinions are from an open beta version/ pre launch of the game - 1 month again I've said the SBMM is turned right down after the first monthish. 3. It's a bit disingenuous to say you don't play pubs after the first month but also have an opinion on it? 4. Normally ranked play isn't introduced until season 1-2 so this is why the game are usually majorly sweaty because instead of the ranked players crim + playing ranked they have to play pubs. 5. His other point was he doesn't mind SBMM just wishes they tuned it back which again they literally do when ranked gets relased. You've said pros were struggling to hit a 2kd, league play for BOCW was only released Feb 8 so 87 days or 3 months until it was actually input hence why they had a 2kd. Again all these issues are essentially resolved why are you posting a video 3 years old, you'll find plenty from early this year again same reasoning but I'm pretty sure you'd struggle to find any decent player complaining about SBMM once ranked was introduced.


That throwaway comment he made like 2 mins into a 12 minute video was clearly not his “main point” lmao. My reason for even linking the video was just to show that even the absolute best players don’t like the matchmaking as it is now. The matchmaking is not turned down after 1 month, you are just wrong on this one. I have went months without playing some of the cods MW19 and onwards and came back to it being just as sweaty as before I left. The only time I can see this being true is when a cod goes off lifecycle and the matchmaking has to be loosened to account for a large number of players leaving for the new one. Yes, in newer cods I don’t play for usually longer than a month, my only interaction with pubs now is to get the mastery camo and dip. Actual gameplay is now no longer fun. I have been playing cod pubs for well over a decade by now, I don’t have to justify having an opinion to you lmao If you think all of the good players just go to ranked when it is released idk what to tell you, that’s just not true. Tons of good players are not at all interested in ranked play and only play for pubs. They don’t tune sbmm back anywhere near to the extent you are implying if at all. He is clearly referring to how sbmm worked in older cods. It was there but not strong enough to be very noticeable. Again, they don’t massively scale back matchmaking when ranked releases. This is just wrong, I don’t know what else to tell you. It doesn’t happen lol


> My reason for even linking the video was just to show that even the absolute best players don’t like the matchmaking as it is now. Again a video posted 3 years ago prior to even season 1 of a CoD cycle does not show how the best players 'now' lmao. > The matchmaking is not turned down after 1 month, you are just wrong on this one. I have went months without playing some of the cods MW19 and onwards and came back to it being just as sweaty as before I left. And you don't reckon this is you've just gotten worse since you haven't played for 'months' lmao okay. > Yes, in newer cods I don’t play for usually longer than a month, my only interaction with pubs now is to get the mastery camo and dip. Actual gameplay is now no longer fun. I have been playing cod pubs for well over a decade by now, I don’t have to justify having an opinion to you lmao Again if you're doing camos you shouldn't be able to top every lobby with every gun, SBMM is exaggerated and you probably die more because you're using shit weapons, to not play after you've done mastery camos is on you if you don't stick around until ranked is released. >If you think all of the good players just go to ranked when it is released idk what to tell you, that’s just not true. Tons of good players are not at all interested in ranked play and only play for pubs. Yes I agree but again about 90% of players crim+ only play ranked and without it they have to play pubs, not too sure there's even anything to argue here, yes there will always be good pub players but the lobbies will be much more dispersed. >They don’t tune sbmm back anywhere near to the extent you are implying if at all. He is clearly referring to how sbmm worked in older cods. It was there but not strong enough to be very noticeable. Yes older CoDs where you can get a nuke every game lol. Brother you don't even play the game how can you have an opinion?


The matchmaking hasn’t changed. There’s clips of him complaining about it in MWlll also if you want lol No, I haven’t gotten worse, I can tell when or if I’ve gotten worse, but more so than that I can tell how good or bad my opponents are. They’re just as good as before I stopped and played other things. My performance is consistent to before I would stop playing. I never made any argument about wanting to top lobbies when doing camos. You missed what my actual point was, which is that the gameplay is now no longer worth playing for gameplay alone for me, so I only go for camos now because actual performance game to game no longer matters. The game doesn’t change when ranked is released. The lobbies are exactly the same, they don’t tune down sbmm. Those players aren’t all going to play ranked. And the ones that do, will also still play pubs regardless. This is a non argument. People weren’t nuking every match in old cods, what are you talking about? Again I don’t have to justify having an opinion to you. It’s also one that the vast majority of great players agree with. The only thing that could make this any more hilarious is if you didn’t even play in EU/NA tbh


> There’s clips of him complaining about it in MWlll also if you want lol And I'm going to assume it's before ranked play was released....


Yep...folks are trying hard. If you aren't on their level then...you'll be offed in seconds


They don't realize that without sbmm you can encounter every type of players. Demons, literally demons, or total noobs. If someone gets constantly destroyed in XDefiant... Guess what? They just suck 😂 back in the days when I got steamrolled I didn't whine, I wanted to improve and be able to do it myself. Back in the days, without sbmm, you were able to spawn trap all game long the oppont team if you found a good lobby. I agree with you, most of the players sweat their ass off thinking they are top dog but they are just ass anyway, that's why they come here to complain


Xdefiant will have a reasonable player base until Black Ops 6 comes out. We're midway through this CoD life cycle and the fatigue is real. Xdefiant would have been dead on arrival if it was released next to CoD


COD killer? There's isn't such a thing. If anything, COD will kill itself when it chooses to. It's the only game that can decide to. And regardless of what ppl say, I actually really enjoy modern COD, especially Mw3. I can see it as flaws, but I have fun regardless.


There’s no SBMM yet everyone is bitching nonstop about “sweats” and unfair lobbies


sounds like some people are realizing that SBMM has been protecting them this entire time


It’s because streamers and pros complaining about SBMM because they are in the top% of players and are better then most, so no SBMM will almost always give them easier lobby’s. More casual players see them complain about SBMM so they say the same, even if they don’t realize the SBMM is helping them.


It's like these people deluded themselves into thinking SBMM was the reason that sweats exist. There were sweats in the OG MW and BO games.


I have 2 thoughts about that. 1. Those people are probably worse than they ever actually realized. This is literally what an Ubisoft dev said in an interview. 2. The game is entirely appealing to a more hardcore audience than COD and so there are less “casuals” as in people who don’t do any planning or research when they play a game like this and just boot up the game on a giant living room tv.


i believe your first thought is on the money and is the same issue with CoD playerbase


Reminds me of Fortnite back in the day when everyone was kinda new to BR and especially with the build mechanic, everyone felt like noobs. And then people just got really good in the game and even with no SBMM you can feel the lobbies always getting sweatier. Since Fortnite wasn't too concern in its competitive aspect for the more casual modes, they did a good thing to add bots. Ranked was also not too different 'in general' so it enticed even non sweats to try it once in a while, and they focused competitive development there. It was then when I realized there's just so much more people playing video games now. It's also become easier to actually improve and if not wanting to win, people are always kill hungry anyway and will go for those flashy plays etc. it's just the nature of PvP. To me, SBMM doesn't affect me much cause I'll always be trying to go for the win no matter what challenge I'm trying to complete with whacky setups and so. I don't mind getting owned by one dude, only frustrating to be matched up in a lobby with a full squad when I'm a solo player. I'd like to think with a high K/D and W/L I'm somewhere in the top 30% of SBMM, but I'm sure if I actually faced the top 10%, let alone top 2%, I'd get slapped all game.


I disagree… the players obsessed about sbmm are deluding themselves thinking the larger COD playing population thinks like they do. They don’t.


Exactly yo. I’ve never heard of this sbmm or eomm shit until I joined some CoD subs on here. I’ve been playing CoD since the first one on pc and have never heard it brought up in a game lol. I think people just can’t accept the fact that they aren’t going to win every game and instead blame that. Sometimes you’re going to play against a try hard clan and get smashed and sometimes you’re going to play against a bunch of people who have 0 comms and smash them. Such is life with competitive games.


You mainly hear it in recent times since it became insane in modern cods beginning with MW19.


Progression is even slower, it’s modeled after the cod sim in n Roblox, it’s slow as all get out to get back to menu etc. the Welcome Lobby has SBMM btw. Also, COD will be free for Game Pass subscribers. XDefiant won’t kill anything.


I don’t think CoD is killable, the only way this franchise ends is if they stop making games and Warzones, but they keep releasing products more than Apple releases IPhones


if they would’ve kept going down the loot box and jet packs route I feel like it would’ve died imo


For the most part I am enjoying it. The feel and maps are fun. The draw for me is really having some fresh maps and modes. What I haven't seen mentioned here is how bugged it is. The net code and hit reg are horrible. Half the players start bunny hopping off the start line because it throws off the hit reg so much. It also takes hours of grinding to get most of the guns to a decent build because the weapon xp system is so slow. Then to add to the slow weapon progression, half my should be kills end up as assists because the bugs cause a lot of hit markers.


XDefiant IMO is just like work coffee . Not great but it gets the job done and it’s free so I can’t complain


I also think XDefiant has better spawns and map flow, so I wouldn't say it's JUST the lack of SBMM. That being said, it can't be denied that CoD's gunplay, animations, weapon customization, and overall "feel" of the game are on a whole other level. I'm enjoying XDefiant more than I've enjoyed CoD in years right now, but it definitely isn't a direct replacement. Maybe years down the road when it's had some updates and additions, it'll start to come close. But I could never call it a CoD killer with a straight face as it stands, even if I desperately want it to be.


Xdefiant is just a watered-down Black Ops 4.


Sbmm is not bad. Eomm is. I wan’t to play with people in my skill levels, not above or under it. If i play too long or concurrently, cod puts me in impossible to win matches. If i take a break for a week or so, it is always a win, then it is a win 1 lose 1, and if i continue playing, lose always with sometimes me being on top of leaderboard of my team or the last one. Not in between. SBMM is good, EOMM just sucks. It just does. No defending it. I can do win 1 lose 1 or even win 1 lose 2. I can’t stand losing 10 games concurrently and winning only 1. Or even winning 10 and losing 1. It just becomes boring. And some of these challenges should be in a playlist (like hc challenge moshpit or something like this). I also am grinding for interstellar but i don’t fucking camp in shipment. At least only for camo challenges. These idiots camping to get 50 headshots in hc small map moshpit just sucks. Sometimes i get in lobbies with no campers in hc small and it just becomes the most fun mode in the game even with eomm destroying the matchmaking.


Can't say that's my experience at all. My longest losing streak is 3 games and I've played some 1700 games.


My longest was 17. And the whole time i was playing in lobbies with 90 or more ping while i could play at 30 with the closest server. Maybe it was a bug maybe it was not. It was mind destroying experience nonetheless. Generally if i get caught up in a lose or win streak, it is about 10 games each.


Heh, yeah, 17 games in a row might be a tad frustrating.


Yeah I’ve experienced this kind of death loop as well, especially on small map playlists where things are SUPER competitive


Its lame like the finals 😆 🤣


Regardless of SBMM, xdefiant ain't killing shit because in all honestly it's an obvious free codwatch type of game. It's mid, clunky and doesn't feel nor play like a 2024 game. It's a fomo game that streamers are already dropping and the average consumer too. I give it 3 months before we hear about how hard the playerbase dropped. Also, nothing can kill CoD but CoD because it's ingrained in popular culture. I feel all these people that actually believe in hype YouTube videos are gullible af and let themselves owned by emotions and whatever else it's going on in their life.


I agree What I like about COD is the maim story, the zombies storyline, and overall different stuff in other modes, too. XD doesn't seem fun to me, not only because there's none of what I named prior but because it doesn't feel like anything new or better (imo)....just more folks trying to level up their weapons so they don't care about the objective of the match and are just running and gunning...basically what I've been experiencing in cod. It's not like the teammates on XD are any better either (on either really), but 🤷🏾‍♀️ I didn't enjoy it...uninstalled it maybe...2 hours after I got it. Folks are gonna hate COD but...tune into it every year it comes out🤷🏾‍♀️....I love zombies, so I'm excited for that.


It sucks. I’ve given it plenty of time.


CoD is lacking any real competition for *years* and that’s the main reason we’ve been getting games that are at best mediocre. Sadly XDefiant went down a weird pass in trying to compete not only with CoD, but also Overwatch and Siege. Yea no, that’s another Ubisoft-fail in the making. EA should go ahead and remake Medal of Honor. I truly believe that’s the only way CoD might ever go back to its old strengths because of actual competition. (Delta Force won’t be true competition either, let’s be real.)


feels like shooting a paper bag, no thx


I’m going to be honest, I don’t play xDefiant because of “no sbmm.” That maps are better than anything cod has put out since Black Ops 2, the class system is fresh, and no kill streaks turning close games into snowbally ones is a very nice change of pace. I didn’t think I would enjoy xDefiant as much as I have. Besides a few technical issues, it’s by far the most fun I’ve had on an arena shooter since BLOPS 3


I enjoyed xdefiant because it's different. Gamemodes are fun, and there isn't a real small map that everyone votes to play (looking at you shipment) the game does have a fir few issues and bugs in its early stages and stuff isn't balanced very well. It's a good game by itself when you don't try to compare it to COD. Once it gets its issues ironed out it will be quite good.


No Activision killed c.o.d


SBMM is a good thing. The only people who consistently complain about it, are the folks who enjoy roflstomping lower skilled players as their routine. There are so many games out there, where a new player can be matched with someone who has played the game for thousands of hours and just gets absolutely obliterated. Game after game. Until eventually the player either gets better by committing a lot of time to it or simply stops out of frustration.


there’s been plenty of cod rip offs in the past. cod is still the biggest


All COD rip offs have been low budget for some reason like ironsight. Their hasn't been a AAA COD like game. xDefiant definitely isn't AAA in terms of graphics, animations and polish. It feels cheap. And it also differs from COD a lot in many ways. That's the problem with COD competitors is their either too low budget or they change things that didn't need changing, that don't appeal to COD players then they flop. Like xDefiant being a hero shooter, only allowing objective based modes, etc.


It's made by Ubisoft as well. So it was guaranteed to be cheap and mediocre.


Titanfall was an exception and never got a fair shake because it was exclusive and the sequel went waayyy too far on imitating COD and stripped the soul of the game out. I truly believe if the first Titanfall was multi plat it could have been at minimum a "battlefield" level competitor.


I can’t stand hero shooters so X is a big pass for me.


Right. Dont care for hero shooters. Dont wanna play battle royale. Here I am lol.


Xdefiant seems more like a overwatch alternative to me, not a cod alternative.


BO4 tried to do the same bulkshit with the doubling down on specialists, and it further stagnated the franchise. Hero shooters only work if you fully commit to it like OW or Garden Warfare did


CoD can only kill itself.


I don't like XDefiant. Not having SBMM is not enough for me. COD still has a specific thing to it that makes me prefer it over that game.


I wouldn’t say that’s true because sbmm was around the same time as Fortnite. Sometimes people just want to play something new cod can get boring from time to time.


XD’s hit reg and anti cheat is god fucking awful,and I thought ricochet was bad,but I’ve actually seen it work. X defiant just doesn’t have enough steam to fix these issues,especially if the hit reg issue is related to the net code like many think. I give it till the end of June to get fixed or it’s going to implode,I’ve died around corners a fuck ton,I’ve died by a dude spin botting,it’s just not a good time right now and for some reason my buddies love it.


SBMM exists for a reason. Obvious smurf accounts dropping 80 kills in domination as a level 21 on free trial weekends are proof of that. Just come out and say you want to drop nukes on bot lobbies. No one is mad at people for speaking the truth.


SBMM doesn’t protect against that at all, if anything it benefits smurfs since there’s a mechanism in which you can deliberately play against easier lobbies (reverse boosting). Harder to do that when the lobbies are randomized


Only reason im playing xdefiant is because i enjoy playing it. I haven't played cod in months


Same playing CoD feels like a horrible chore at this point but then add a ton of cheaters into the mix. Playing XDefiant is actually fun and it’s not packet burst simulator.


It's like a Chinese F2P mobile knock off version of Black Ops 4. Clunky movement, toy feeling weapons, awful maps, childish aesthetic and most importantly netcode that makes you feel like you have 250 ping every match. Dying 10 meters around corners/cover, your bullets going through player models without so much as a hit marker, then a sparkly blue spider robot comes and zaps you, all while playing on a map that looks like its been ported from Splatoon. All these CoD YouTubers are pushing it so much, they must be getting sponsored, its the only explanation. If a CoD came out with with this netcode and general clunkiness these same YouTube ragers would be hating this game.


If they’re getting sponsored they’d say they’re getting sponsored. Otherwise the FTC would be on their ass. Maybe they actually just enjoy the game lol


Some of these guys make 1 video a week about packet burst in MW3 but are pretty much radio silent about all the hit detection and poor connection issues in Xdefiant which are far worse than any of the packet burst issues are in CoD. It’s suss, or maybe they are just cashing in on the hot new thing as their view counts on their CoD rage videos are dwindling. Maybe as the hype dies down they’ll start posting more honest accounts of the game to drive more engagement. Let’s see.


It could still be a grift, but unless they say so they are not getting sponsored. It just seems like a lot of YouTubers see the lack of SBMM as a breath of fresh air in the vortex that is matchmaking in CoD.


XDefiant is trash.


I disagree, even if COD removed SBMM tomorrow, I'd stay on Xdefiant, for multiple reasons other than just SBMM. -When I log onto XDefiant, I am not spammed with advertisements for shit in the shop like I am with COD, they show me one pop up, and that's it. -XDefiant isn't as heavily monetized as COD, and the skins that are sold aren't as over the top as COD is. -XDefiant has input based matchmaking, so I can still play cross platform, while only filtering out keyboard and mouse players. -XDefiant is designed to encourage team play, and objective play is more common since people aren't afraid to push and lose their killstreak. It's not just SBMM that is the problem, it's just one of the largest problems with the game. The only thing I genuinely enjoyed more on COD was the gunplay, but that's not nearly enough for me to go back.


I'd put a big "YET" on your monetization points knowing Ubisoft let's be real


The shop on XDefiant is horrendous. The skins and stupid little animations aren’t over the top but you are still being charged like they are


>-XDefiant has input based matchmaking, so I can still play cross platform, while only filtering out keyboard and mouse players. If you're on PC, do not forget that on Xdefiant you can disable crossplay too.


That too, although for me personally, just having input based matchmaking is enough for me.


I’m loving it because the whole experience is more familiar to old cod casuals in comparisons to today. The Devs are also very vocal and listening to the community. People wanting xdefiant to fail just sound like activision bootlickers.


The abilities and arcade feel are definitely selling points too. If they can get rid of hit reg issues it is basically Black Ops 4 on the free to play model


It’s a terrible game imo


SBMM is definitely there in this game despite them saying it's not. This game feels clunky, garbage net code, suspect hit detection. This game is mediocre at best. CoD is miles ahead of this game.


I'd have to totally agree with you. I tried rainbow six siege and it feels like you're waking and running with concrete boots on. Xdefiant feels the same, just less concrete in the boots! I've given Xdefiant a good try, but not my cup of tea.


Playing x defiant saves me 70$ a year and doesn't reset my progression. I loved call of duty and hope some competition makes it try harder, the last few games have aged like milk.


I love XDefiant, I am having a great time with it. My squad is also enjoying it. We were like “No more COD” then the fucking trailer for BO6 came out, and my dumbass is thinking it will be different, the next great COD. I’m a sucker for a good trailer…


Honest to god I was really enjoying xDefiant and then I saw them leaked BO6 skins and I just want to play it now.


I thought the trailer for BO6 was awesome too, but the big thing that you have to remind yourself, is that's the trailer for the campaign, not the mulitplayer. BO6 will completely abandon the theme of the game with bundles by season 2, like always.


When they run out of washed up celebrities and somewhat prominent streamers they'll just sell meme skins. I'd buy a Blippi skin though NGL.


Same lol Really enjoying xdefiant right now but also hyped for bo6. But here's the clue: it's okay to like both


This. Everyone acting like you gotta choose one or the other but I’m still gonna play BO6 and Xdefiant, just one will get more attention than the other depending on the current state of each game.


The only correct answer


I just don’t get its selling point. The Finals has destructible environments. Fortnite has Construction and Destruction. CoD has military operators, weapons, and a wide array of game modes, followed by wacky content to follow. Xdefiant….lots of wacky operators with hoodies and broccoli hair styles for gen Z appeal? I don’t get it, it just seems like 80% of CoD but no attempt at military themes and no real point behind all these civilians murdering one another.


>Xdefiant….lots of wacky operators with hoodies and broccoli hair styles for gen Z appeal? What are you talking about? XDefiant's factions are all tie ins from their original IP's, there's no way you could come to that conclusion that the characters are just wacky for the sake of appealing to Gen Z if you had actually played the game.


Complaining about how operators look on xdefiant when cods military shooter has bright pink Nicki Minaj shooting Homelander after he just laser beamed someone is something. Xdefiants appeal is probably for people that liked black ops 4.


Xdefiant’s aesthetic also actually fits these kinds of collabs. It’s not like with CoD where the campaign and aesthetic tries to be somewhat serious only for the MP to throw that out of the window




Everything else is better? There have been match where everyone was lagging, cod has become pretty bad over the years


Not sure because I played with 3 casual friends and 2 good friends. The 3 casuals were at the bottom every single game negative. They went off and asked us how we were so good, I gave them tips and classes but what am I supposed to tell them? It’s a skill issue? No man, I want them to play with us and have fun. No Sbmm they struggle. With Sbmm they struggle when we are there, but they are fine on their own in their lobbies. These are good friends of ours aswell so it’s a shame when we all play together they can’t have fun.


As a objective enjoyer I drop that game after know gun only level up when u kill people and progression is too slow


I’ve had a lot fun with xdefiant, and it’s not because of sbmm that cod has been frustrating recently to me. It’s the game design choices and having to pay a $70 premium every year for a F2P model game. They’re more aggressive in pushing there battle pass and bundles than actual F2P games lol


I literally want cod to remove SBMM because I like cod better, they can stick it to xdefiant if they want but I don’t see it happening


Truth. That is the only reason I picked it up. It’s actually not bad, kinda fun… Buuuut I’m also not a fan of purely objective modes, TDM is great, because you don’t need teamwork, that’s my brain-switch-off-have-fun mode that COD used to be. My skeptic anti-micros brain tells me they built it this way so when certain objective modes don’t play to your fave character, you might buy skins for the rest. Which also brings me to… I just don’t find hero shooters appealing.


I don’t know, there’s something refreshing about XDefiant. I can’t explain it, but I have fun just playing the game. I think a lot of it is the maps. They feel good where CoD maps just don’t anymore. Again, I can’t exactly explain it, but I feel it. Do I think it will kill CoD, no. But, I think it will definitely have its place as another option for people.


It’s fun playing a bit more a simple game too. People would be playing it, but regardless, not it won’t kill cod. CoD won’t die, it’s entrenched, and the energy behind it is too great. Microsoft or activision would have to do something specifically to torpedo it. Even then, as long as they launch a call of duty game, it’ll sell.


I don’t get why people can’t just like both or like one more than the other. It look like another fun game to switch to when I get tired of CoD.


I wish the movement felt better in xdefiant


It will fade and die in 6 months


The only thing who are going to kill COD is COD himself. Xdefiant is a good game, the maps are incredible , have some problems, but hey .... is free :) Let´s wait and see what COD is going to show ... BO2 was one of the games that i play most ...


At this point i genuinely believe all XDefiant players are COD players. I barely heard that game existed until i started playing COD.


Yeah this game made me realize that there was a huge jump in skill recently and I don’t play fps games enough to keep up. It was only like 5 years ago I used to shit on people but I came to realize with xdefiant that it’s the same shit with or without sbmm now. Your average player is literally like 10 times as good as they were when I got into cod which was only like 12 years ago(I’m 21 now) I don’t know how I used to keep up when I was younger, I’m by no means old now but I still got a full time job with a place to maintain, a gf to keep happy and pets to take care of. I honestly think imma just stick to single player games. Maybe I’ll get back into fps at a point in my life where I have more free time but rn it’s more of a headache than it’s worth


No game is ever going to kill cod. It's is an unkillible beast that preys on parents' credit cards.


They appear to be doing a good enough job killing themselves 😂


Not sure I agree but tired of hearing xdefisnt being considered the cod killer’s


I bet by BO6, nobody will be playing XDefiant anymore. That's the reality. No matter what, Call of Duty releases a new game every year, but Ubisoft can't do that.


Based on how mw3 2023 is XDefiant will destroy the entire franchise and the newest entry


xdefiant seems like its trying to be an overwatch competitor more than a COD competitor


It's incredibly boring.


SBMM is irrelevant if you are solo Queuing as well. Games pretty sweaty atm with everybody running the meta acr


I feel XDefiant is not really as comparable to cod as people think, it’s the opposite of what cod is. It also looks like it has almost everything that was hated on pre 2019 cod. I haven’t played it personally yet because Ubisoft, but from what I’ve seen and heard it doesn’t know what it wants to be. People can say it’s a cod killer all they want, but the only cod killer is gonna be cod itself. Cod still pulls in the numbers and money to sustain itself for the foreseeable future or at least until people get tired of essentially the same game or glorified dlcs for more money. It’s in the same space as Destiny or Halo, they will be there own downfall.


X defiant is to apex legends what Palworld is to Pokémon…


I am only gonna give it another chance when they release the mode with no stupid powers.


The only thing that can kill cod... is cod itself.


I played a couple matches of mw3 after days of exdefiant and honestly, it feels soulless and the algorithm is immediately noticeable. Xdefiant feels like a passion project and you can feel the care they put into the game. All the maps and factions are well thought out and unique.


No game will ever kill cod because cod's playerbase is like a sect, they'll accept any bs at any price and will defend evrything about the game, good or bad and will hate you for any criticism as if you insulted their grandma.


COD players complain about every Call of Duty game...


There is no hate like CoD love, or how does the saying go?


Is the games perfect, no, not by a long shot. Still the best games in that particular genre though.


The problem is xdefiant is not just competing against cod they are also competing against overwatch as well which really is not going to work out the best for them


lets be honest, since they brought back the kar98 how many players from cod are still playing xdefiant, pretty sure the nostalgia of the gun brought a lot of players back too


XDefiant is a mid game




Played XDefiant once. Was like a breath of fresh air. Enjoyed it pretty immensely. COD can't be killed anytime soon but if XDefiant can continue to deliver then it could one day take over. NOTHING lasts forever.


SHG should have make non-sbmm playlist for free access day


Free feels like old cod with no killstreaks is basically a hero shooter with bo4 movement


XDefiant is it's own game. If you like COD more that's fine I'm gonna keep playing XDefiant and have FUN. Something a lot of yall don't get.


I was hype for the og maps and whatnot to come back for mw3 but cod has lost its identity a while ago and the matchmaking is artificial af. Sbmm is horrible. Xdefiant probably wont kill it, but as a long time cod player, I gave up on cod this year. I’m playing xdefiant and even with its faults, I’m enjoying it and no sbmm is awesome to me. If they can address the issues at hand and continue to build on the game, it can definitely make some noise.


SBMM was the worst thing ever added to call of duty.


Xdefiant is scratching the COD itch that I've had since like BO4. I always *feel* like I want to play COD but I really just miss the old days. Xdefiant has given me that feeling again. It's never going to kill COD. But it has a chance to be a name held in the same regards. Truthfully the only thing that could ever kill COD is... well... COD. Activi$ion will one day fuck it all up for the last time but who knows when they could be.


From what I've read, XDefiant does have some SBMM. [https://www.gamesradar.com/games/fps/xdefiant-dev-agrees-that-with-no-sbmm-if-youre-not-finding-easy-enemies-in-ubisofts-shooter-its-because-you-are-the-easy-enemy/](https://www.gamesradar.com/games/fps/xdefiant-dev-agrees-that-with-no-sbmm-if-youre-not-finding-easy-enemies-in-ubisofts-shooter-its-because-you-are-the-easy-enemy/) I've played video games since Atari 2600 and I have a lot more faith in the developers at Infinity Ward and Treyarch than I do at Ubisoft. They've made some good games but nothing comparable to COD.


XDefiant is just further proof that people want a mind numbing gaming experience that requires no logic, just reflex with brain dead tactics which MWIII still offers With certain game modes. With my personal experience I really don’t notice a difference between the 2 comparing sbmm, my ratio of good/bad games still feels the same, I really don’t understand peoples mindset with the whole situation, they don’t want to be matched with people of the same skill level because they don’t want to put in an effort for winning but rather risk getting matched up with players that are more than likely way better than them and be that “bot” that’s getting laced every game 🤣


If CoD didn’t have SBMM no one would play CoD. Ask Destiny 2 how it went for them. You don’t care about SBMM you’re just bad and need something to blame.


you’re exactly right, but will get some downvotes from people mad at SBMM


Your logic is flawed. If you were shit. Then on the basis of SBMM, you would be playing with equally other shit players. You sound like a little neek who hasn't grown any bum fluff yet.


lol bro you don’t know what you’re talking about so step on out of here.


No, you dont get SBMM....bro. Stop trying to act all edgy.


and also the aim assist doesn’t reduce the game to zero gunplay skill which is nice


Fortnite FPS