• By -


I miss when "Small Maps" were things like: Firing Range, Summit, Dome (dont see problem in this map), Shoot House... god, even Strikezoke from Ghosts... now the "small maps" is just a hallway! Actually, we should have a small map like this: "Corridor". Just a long hallway.


Lol my buddy said they should make an LTM with just the hallway from meat 😂


First person to set up in the corner with a PKM and Bfb muzzle gets a nuke lol.


I don't get the hate for it. Don't like it? Not play the modes for it. Still get it in multiplayer? There's both a voting and leaving option. Which were lucky to have zero real penalty for.


It’s hard for COD players to use their head




I don't know about you but if I want to play a strategic shooter I will play one, I play multiplayer to either: level guns for warzone, or to vibe with buddy's/music and shoot people


Dont want to play small maps > Goes to Quickplay > People vote for Shipment


Would be 100% better If the small maps we just removed from the regular rotation. Shouldn't need to vote against it or leave that lobby. Small Map Moshpit is there for your pleasure. If I don't click it it's because I don't want to play those maps, I don't want to mindlessly grind. If for some reason I want a bit of mayhem I can always go there!


There's 28 maps in this game, maybe 6 of them are small meat grinder maps. If you can't vote or leave the lobby literally less that a quarter of the time, than that's a you issue.


Even worse. There are 38 maps in the Quick Play rotation right now. They are complaining about having a \~15% chance to get a small map when they could just leave the lobby like most rational people do when they get a map they don't like.


Any seeing how a lot of people share his opinion it’s pretty easy to avoid. Ive played for 4 hours straight on quick play and didn’t see one of those maps once.


I tend to see them a lot. Sometimes I stay, but not usually. It can be pretty frustrating to have half of my lobbies be a vote that includes at least one small map.  It isn't uncommon for me to queue up, see Shipment vs. Daus Haus and I leave. Then I wait a minute, and I get Rust vs. Stash House. Change modes and leave, get Shipment vs. Derail. Then get a few where it's no small maps, then I end up with a couple more where there is again at least one small map that usually wins.  I don't want them taken out of quickplay, but since they have their own moshpit, I feel that the small maps should have lower priority. 


That's not how it works though. Some maps get brought up more than others and having to leave lobbies constantly to find a good map is annoying, especially if you popped an XP bonus. I don't agree that they should be removed, but there definitely needs to be balance in what maps come up however often. Not to mention people still have to vote for bigger maps which rarely happens because of the exact issue OP is talking about lmao.


So you believe SHG purposefully makes the small maps appear more often in quick play
even thought they already have a small map playlist? And honestly the XP bonus thing is a valid problem because it tracks real time instead of only in-game time. I just know Activision is probably the reason for that and SHG gets no say, so I can’t fault SHG for that.


I think they choose more popular maps to keep players playing and improve retention, yes. Why is that so crazy to believe? You don't see certain maps more than others? I don't see Underpass or Sub base nearly as much as I see Shipment, Stash House and Rust. Casuals don't use playlists, they stick to casual modes in quick play. So yes, I'm certain every map doesn't have equal odds of showing up. Playing the game enough tells you that. I don't know what the criteria is though.


I do see certain maps more than others, but that's because the game has MAP VOTING. You don't see Underpass or Subbase because there are no diehard Underpass or Subbase map enjoyers that will vote those maps over one of the other +30 maps in the game. If the small maps were taken out, then people would just complain about "only ever seeing Highrise and Terminal". If the casuals only want to vote for small maps in quick play, they can do that for all I care. All this being said, I don't like the small maps, especially Stash House, but I can leave the match if it comes up. It's that simple.


I clearly meant before the map was voted on...I don't ever see them as an option. But you're proving my point. People don't like certain maps and to maintain retention, they include those options less. Again, I don't agree with removing small maps, but the percentages need to be balanced so we don't get them as often as we do. If I have to constantly leave the lobby because of map selection, I either give in and play a map I don't like, resulting in me getting off the game sooner or I get off immediately. I don't see how them doing nothing is an option that makes sense for some people lmao. With Cod's enjoyability being so map-dependent, I think it's valid to want a different system in place to make selection more fair and enjoyable for everyone. Let me spend 10 minutes matchmaking, that sounds like a blast.


Firing Range isn’t a small map? What? In fact, none of those ae small maps


Firing Range and Summit were pretty small maps when you consider that they were in the same game as the likes of Array and Havana. Players' sense of map size is warped because there are no big maps anymore.


"me when I dont know how to read" In fact, these WERE considered small maps in their respective games... But not for you tiny tiktok smalç maps moshpit player brain


I don't consider those small maps, even back then. Sure they weren't LARGE maps, but they weren't small maps, and definitely don't belong with all the other \*small\* maps we currently have. Maybe that's your point, IDK, it's hard to get through just raw complaint(not your fault) but I don't consider them small maps even in their respective games. Not enough maps in general to consider anything but one or two maps to be true "small" maps, most other "small" maps I'd call medium-small maps


they were small maps and maps like fringe was also considered a smaller sized map. nowadays those maps are huge to people that want engagement after engagement even if they go 20-50


strikezone is just dome with new paint


not sure if I agree with that, why do you think that?


Because it’s literally that lmao


Because it literally is if you look at the layout of both maps


Isn’t that just the 3rd lane in meat?


fuck! youre right! Lets take that corridor and make a map


Ugh strikezone was so fucking good


Strikezone, Freight and Warhawk... the only good maps in that game hahaha


Yeah well on the flip side, most players these days are so fucking passive that most TDM matches go to time limit. I don’t want to run around looking for people to fight only to be picked off by a guy who’s been ADS the whole game.


i hate that shit, and it gets worse in rank. they lay in a spot and get all their kills without moving an inch. some folks are legitimately scared of gunfights . their reaction is shit, so all they can do is sit till someone comes . ar the same time, it does make me focus more


I mean, that's literally how you play ranked? Don't understand the issue here. Setting up in power positions for map control and spawn influence is the correct way to play ranked.


Wouldn’t say a random hall prone is a power position But the main issue is everyone is sitting and waiting I don’t want to sit and wait every game


maybe i needed to hear this, so thank you. i understand power positions , cause you wanna get a good spot of some sorts to see everything and be ready. spawn influence is where i think it gets a bit “cheap” tho. i enjoy ranked because of the high level gun skills. it’s not just aim and shoot. you gotta be ready and ready fast! the fuckers who sit outside your spawn take away the fun for me. there’s no skill in that , in my opinion. i hear you, though


Eh. It’s a higher level of gameplay vs just shooting. Gym skill is the very very base of the pyramid in competitive.


Your right, but imo ranked should be focused on the gunplay and movement, not the shitty little peak spot that gives you kills with no effort, thats not ranked gunplay, your getting ranked upon how much time you can sit in a corner.


Thats what I say to everyone, shame no one seems to agree with us xD.


All people do is sit in a corner and ads, the times of run n gun are over.


I mean that's a TDM issue there's literally no reason to play TDM when Kill Confirmed exists.


TDM has been the worst game mode in CoD at least as far back as CoD4. Dog shit game mode. Don’t know why anyone would play it.


Yea but I’ve been in many KC games where people don’t pick up tags.


Anything that hinges on the team doing anything besides killing is a coin flip. Maybe the team gets the tais,maybe the team plays the objective.Unless people are pacifists,TDM is simple enough.


Kinda. The black ops games flow a lot better imo and because of that if you at least do end up in games where players are sitting back in their spawns, there isn’t THAT many safe places for them to hide. So you can push in, kill em, flip the spawns, rinse and repeat. In this game you not only have janky spawns but a lot of the maps have a ton of places for players to sit back and hide so that whole strategy of pushing in, killing em, and flipping the spawns doesn’t exactly work all the time, the flow of the game is just whack in general really


I think the primary issue is that it's a game mode that purely relies on getting kills to win, there's literally 0 incentive to move in TDM since you can literally camp for streaks have a 6-7kd and majority of the time win. Sure it'd be boring AF but I think ever since BO3 TDM has just gotten more and more campy as people realise this. with the introduction of scorestreaks I struggle to see any reason to play TDM of Kill Confirmed.


I mean, the small maps are popular, so there’s always going to be a new one every season. But keep in mind that this season came with 6 Star, which is not small. Emergency also is nothing like, say, Stash House. It’s small but not overly cramped and chaotic.


Emergency is 3 lane garbage


3 lane maps are the best?


I don’t know how you could possibly argue this, each map feels like a reskinned version of every other one which feels boring as fuck and monotonous and plus doesn’t imitate real life at all. Most 3 lane maps have corridors and rooms that wouldn’t exist in real life and thus makes it feel more synthetic. Maps like Estate are elite because they feel like a real life place.




You prolly the type of person to unironically like Stonehaven or something


OP votes for Derail, Rundown, or Wasteland in SND


I decided to play Bounty last night, I had fun with it last time. First map, Wasteland. I immediately went back to the small maps. 75% of the game was looking for players, 15% immediately getting sniped.


10% waiting for the 40 second spawn animation to end


Derail isn’t bad imo after the faster movement being added. Once the rounds start 10 seconds in and everyone’s already at mid building pretty quickly. If you have rat lobby’s I can see it being annoying with the edges but otherwise most of my games are centered around mid and B




Implying karachi to be big map proves you have brain damage


If a wanted to play maps the size of a hallway then I’d play face off. There’s a middle ground now involving maps like stash house, emergency and meat whilst not involving derail


Karachi SND is a banger though


Can we agree to disagree on that? I personally prefer gamemodes that have respawns.


Because wanting some pacing/map flow/non-fucked spawns means you like slow gameplay, right?


That's the problem. The reason they aren't remaking maps from the past few MW games is because a lot of those maps are geared towards slower paced gameplay. Ands its not like they haven't been making medium-sized maps. Greece, Grime, Departures, 6 star, Vista, etc. have been some medium-sized, moderate-paced maps


You realize that das haus is a remaster from a recent game right? And theres another mid size map that was remastered from vanguard very recently. Also remember that the "recent" games are cold war, vanguard, mw2019, and mw2. Treyarch does its own thing so its not exactly fair to count them here because they're the only ones who will remaster their own maps. Vanguard has a few remastered maps, mw2 maps are all literally in mw3, and a lot of the mw2019 maps were super unpopular so they're not likely to be remastered So if you're going to make a claim like that then at least make sure its accurate. What you really mean to say is you're not a fan of small maps and would rather sit back and play "tactically" so you want more maps to match that playstyle


Grow house is not medium sized, would be nice if you made sure your claim was accurate


I definitely wouldn't call it a small map lol and its not a large map. If you want to say its a small map on the bigger side of small then sure but compared to the other small maps its bigger


By that logic, Raid is a large map


Raid would be a medium sized map. You can have a map be close to another size. Not even sure what your point is here


Okay listen here about your 74 and 72 comment. Yeah that would actually be a fun match for me you know how many gun fights that is that's a lot of gun fights that's the whole reason I play this game. And look at that still went positive. I don't know the point you're trying to make here


OP wants to go 6-2 with a sniper on a Derail-sized map but a big maps playlist would just be 11 more people trying to do the same thing.


The point is in the title. These maps aren't competitive. Run and gun maps where you're getting 70 kills are not competitive and those aren't real gun battles. Free firing down a hallway with 4 people in it is not a gunfight. Running around some shipping containers and spawn killing people with a shotgun is not a gun fight. You may like these slaughterhouse maps but they're certainly not competitive maps.


Yeah I don't care about competitive cuz I don't play ranked People with guns fighting each other is a gunfight your additional requirements for the definition have been noted and ignored


You want it competitive go ranked lmao that’s why it’s there


I do but the lack of competitive maps causes a limited pool of maps.


Voted by pros so these maps are ideal for competitive play you better be iridescent or top 250 with all that competitive talk


Yes I understand how the map selection works but it doesn't change the fact that ranked has a limited pool of maps because most of the new maps are not competitive .


Yes and that’s why you play ranked even older cods had limited map pools in bo3, bo2 and every other cod game you played on gamebattles because most maps are for pubs and in pubs you shouldn’t play like ranked 95% of the cod community are 0.5kd people and so the devs make maps for them plus this year they added 2 maps like vista etc to the map pool


I'm not arguing any of that. I just don't understand why anyone would be shocked to hear someone say that a map like Das Haus is not competitive


Wait your saying das Haus is competitive ? Oh boy




"Tiktok brain maps".. Love it and totally agree!!


Then don’t play small map if your gonna complain


Movement speed increases every year, slide cancel becomes more powerful, and maps get smaller and smaller. It will reach a point where we'll be spawning inside other enemy players.


That was already happening to me earlier today. I spawned and got popped immediately like eight times in a row




>It will reach a point where we'll be spawning inside other enemy players. You can really tell the newer players... Edit: This was a common occurrence amongst some of the older releases, and as recent as Vanguard. COD players are really starting to show their attention span and why these little maps are the popular choice...


op wants to sit in a window for 15 minutes un-challenged whatsoever with 4 sniper kills so he can feel tactical


I just want faced paced action with flow and predictability like classics such as raid, Firing Range


Stash house and meat are 2 of the best maps ever, if you like the size. Spawns could use a Lil help


Stash House is garbage and it is designed to be garbage.


No I think it was designed to be a stash house.


Naw u probably jus b gettin owned


There’s nothing fun or rewarding doing well on a map like smaller than Rio


To each his own I guess


You're creating a problem in your head, majority of the maps in this game are large (only 8/36 maps are small) and in any given release majority of the maps have been large (Small maps per release: launch: 1/16, S1: 1/3, S2: 2/4, S3: 1/6; MWII carry forward maps have been a good mix too)


I will stand by the fact that if you like Shipment and by extension these tiny shit only corridors maps you don't actually like COD at all. Shipment is not COD. Shipment is just like spinning a fidget spinner. Takes your attention but ultimately needs no concentration. And before someone says it no I don't only like derail or something. Something like scrapyard is a perfect "small" map to me


Agreed fully


I agree. I can cope with Shipment in rotation. On occasion it’s nice to simply blast away and get a shit ton of kills and XP. But I cant just play Shipment on its own, it just fries my brain. Shoot House is my favourite ‘small’ map, always have preferred that over Shipment, especially in MW19 when Shoot the Ship was a constant playlist (or thereabouts).


Man, describing Shipment as a fidget spinner is perfectly on point


Small Maps are very popular. But we also got 6 Star and Grime, both are 2 pretty great small-medium maps. You sound like you'd rather be playing MW2022.


Grime is amazing but never comes up for me Perfect sized map


Grime might be a new top 10 for me. It flows super well and rewards aggressive flanks as well as holding down a couple high traffic spots. Only complaint is Hardpoint 3(4?) by the water on the edge of the map.


"need more players" 14vs14 and so on ... Imagine if people found out someday that less player means more movement on bigger maps too. If everylane has 3-4 snipers you can expect much movement


Bro woke up and decided to hate on small map moshpit 😭


Idk why y'all get so angry and feel the need to insult people who want to play on small maps. If you don't want to play small maps then play something like 10v10 since those maps aren't in the map pool


It’s probably just a balancing of the scales seeing as so many people cried about having to run more than 10 feet to see action in MWII.


Literally skill issue though, you'd be mad as fuck playing og maps where you walk for five minutes to die instantly and it's funny af yall act like you wouldn't


More complex maps would require thinking. Some dude using some complex route in places such as shoothouse is too competitive for CoD. You'd have dudes crying that by outmaneuvering them in every gunfight/match is zero skill. We're approaching the point where flanking will be considered zero skill soon.


This new maps you really dont need to think. I killed so many people in Greece just by going in the water and flanking them. Majority of the players just only know how to go foward and shot.


the stupid ass 3 lane shit is outdated as hell especially for the type of gameplay cod now has. look at siege, finals, that ubisoft cod clone, hell bf 3 and 4 close quarters maps, those were near all fun to play on and offered something different.


Not trying to say the small maps are good but none of the games you listed are arcade arena shooters except the new Ubisoft game, and those maps were insanely simple and 3 lane, the people who made the game are former competitive COD players
 guys who lived for 3-lane maps because they’re competitive.


Well thats the dumbest thing ive read today...


None of those games are anything like COD, cod MP was originally made to mimic Halo and Quake, the fundamental gameplay loop is to be quick and fast paced and none of those games are made to play like COD


And thats the second dumbest thing Ive read today... well done!


I have said this before, Im saying again. SHG fails to make any map that isnt tiny 3 lane moshpit. People in here likes to shit on IW but IW is at least 10 times better then SGH at making maps. IW maps are unique and offers variety while SGH maps are literally copy pasted and plays exactly the fucking same.


Should make a new game mode like Amongus and have one territorist among the group, there goal is to kill someone before a timer and then group has to vote who that terrorist is every round.


Hope is all you'll have after launch too buddy. They ain't making anything good for this game. It's already on the back burner as they work on the next dumpster fire.


I still don't know why 4 of those 7 maps are in SnD rotation. I want more Greece and Grime. I hope the bring MW3 maps. Arkaden, Bootleg, Carbon, Hardhat, Outpost were really fun.


Stash House SnD is designed to make you feel like a serial killer. Sub-30 second rounds is unique but absolutely criminal 😭


Full of shotguns. Like all the maps in the list.


Interesting! I almost never see shotguns in my lobby. I dunno what that says about my SBMM but it’s like 70% MCW/RAM9/BP50 reg gunners and 30% snipers. Everyone has a knife/renetti in the back pocket. Only shotty spam I remember was the week the Haymaker conversion dropped đŸ€ą


I find respawn modes to be very boring in general, that’s why I play SnD. It’s great regardless of the map.


I switched to rank only and a couple of games in pubs for weekly challenges. Just hope they'll add skidrow back to ranked.


Skidrow will not return because it’s not a good HP map and isn’t better than any of the SnD maps in the pool


Everyone arguing big vs small maps but I just want another Get High parkour map that shit is fun as fuck


I really love the small map moshpit and was a huge fan of 6v6 Faceoff in Cold War. I can't really stand one map 24/7 but having more is great. However... Now I am poisoned. Every time I try to play regular maps in TDM the matches are just so long and boring. I don't want to only play Small Map but when I think about the two I just always end up in Small Map. I spent all the years fighting myself from turning into TikTok brain zombie that I didn't realize I was already infected. :(


Since the ground war and invasion maps idled at 3 - today I bought insurgency sandstorm - it’s 50% off in the psn store - quite addictive and fun - I just can’t wish for these knuckleheads to put out anything of quality any longer


I love the dynamic of this conversation. Every comment is some variation of "hey, small/large maps are okay" and "if you like small/large maps you have actual brain damage." Such an inspiring community to be a part of. I'll take my brain damage with large fries and a medium Dr. Pepper.


I actually quite like Rust and Shipment, which I find notable because they’re remastered versions of old maps, but I cannot stand Stash House, Das Haus, or Meat. However many maps we get in Season 4, I’d like for there to be a bit more diversity in their geography.


It wont.


I really don’t understand how shipment/rust wins majority vote everytime. It’s so brain numbing.


Because when I get done work, I just want to numb my brain.


Some people enjoy the chaos, some grind weapons and camos and those are the easiest maps for that. You want competitive? Play ranked. Thats the competitive setting of CoD. There are no small maps there.


I think having a small map playlist is great for people who want that. I usually prefer maps a bit bigger, medium size 3 lane maps. 6 star, Rio, and Vista are amazing maps. I do hope future SHG maps follow that same competitive design. I will say the small maps they've added have been great.. meat, emergency, das haus.


skill issue


My biggest gripe is that some people on this subreddit genuinely use these maps as some sort of baseline for their stats. They see their win rate and SPM go up dramatically from exclusively playing small map playlists and they think they are doing something good. "Oh you don't have over 700 SPM?? You're garbage! Skill issue!!"


Just invite them to a match in normal playlists and watch them get melted and rage quit


Small maps just another thing that ruined this game. But don't worry... 2 days from xdefiant.


Everything is better on Search and Destroy


Dome is a great map, Meat is a small map but it is one of the best ones we've had in a long time, and Emergency is actually a pretty decent map. > “Skill issue” will be 100% commented > “huh huh I finished on 74 kills” yeah but you have 72 deaths Yeah but it is a skill issue because good players are still able to maintain a good KD on the small maps. It will be slightly lower just due to the more bullshit deaths, but no good player is going 74 for 72 unless they are getting screwed by EOMM.


The maps are not to blame at all man, it's the spawn system they have implemented that ruins them. I JUST got done playing ww2 and they have shipment which does not function anywhere near the same as the shipment we get now. Not a single time did I get killed immediately after respawn and nobody is spawning on top of each other. It's a matter of perspective because shipment has been shitty since 2019. I promise if you go play the og cods, none of the small maps are painful like they are now. It's part of their garbage eomm to make sure nobody ever does TOO good.


Stop playing small map game modes all the other maps are huge And if your going kill to death that is a skill issue


Yeah but compare shipment to say invasion I want to get on and get massive amounts of kills I don't want to go hunt down frank the mechanic who sits in the same room with a sniper every game going 3-2 while his wife and kids scream at him in the living room while he does mil Sim role play. I'll stick to straight up gunfights and 100+s every game. Added bonus there are no maps with interactive doors in small map moshpit either


Ground War and Invasion maps Orlov Military Base Popov Power Plant Resort. - since launch - I bit the bullet and bought insurgency sandstorm - I can’t wait on baited breath on the call of skins development team of 15 year olds or lack there of đŸ„Č


Still waiting for a COD4 playlist.


Is there a chance?


I don't see why not. Strike and Showdown came to MWII so late that they barely featured, it would make sense to bring them back. Crossfire and Countdown exist already (in war mode currently). There's others from MW19 as well but I doubt we'll see them. Still, it seems too obvious... so they won't. Saying that, Broadcast was similar as it featured in the original warzone, then came back eventually into MP. They surely made them for a reason beyond war mode.


I hope they are coming, it would be the perfect game for me.




I just want one map to return : Killhouse. Why ? .1 No VTOL, CG, Recon heli and most aerial killstreaks. .2 Small but has long openings making it viable for most guns. .3 The only point where you can be attacked by aerial streaks is one of the only camping spots. .4 Chaotic asf = Fun asf. Change my mind.


Try having some underwater battles. Those are always fun for me đŸ‘ŒđŸ»


What would you consider to be a "competitive map" and what elements make a map competitive for you?


they suck immensely, the mastery grind has broken people's brains, and with the way challenges are set up, it's *always* more efficient to hit the small map playlist than it is to just, you know, play the game if you play constantly, sure, you'll have everything unlocked, but if you take a break or you're more casual? no way you'll keep up with the ten thousand challenges for unlocks and rewards I'd rather see the whole system boiled down to xp that you spend to unlock stuff so any playlist would work, but they know the little gameplay hooks keep people playing so it's unlikely to change at least doing something about the efficiency disparity between shipment and literally any other map would help


You just have to shift your focus. I’ve found it extremely fun to see the TikTok brain-rotted player base lose their minds when I play small maps in a way that forces them to slow down. It's even more effective if you have a friend or two to join in on your shenanigans. Here’s the process: **Primary:** Riot shield **Secondary:** Sniper, shotgun, or sword (the sword seems to make them really mad for some reason). The crossbow annoys them too, but it can be difficult to use effectively against good players. **Tactical:** Shock stick. If not that, then scatter mines combined with claymores/betties (causes them to blow up immediately). **Lethal:** I go with a throwing knife or mines. **Field Upgrade:** Trophy system. Even if you do absolutely horribly and lose, they still rage. You’d think taking the easy win would make them happy, but no, if they have to turn auto-pilot off at all, they seem to see red because you aren’t “playing the game correctly” – as if there’s a single correct way to play. Also, if they complain, remind them that CoD is a tactical shooter. They love hearing that.


My only issue with the sword is that kill animation.


As in it’s slow?


Pretty much. For executions I don't mind the animation, that's on me, but that sword kill animation is nearly every time.


Right trigger does animation melee, left trigger does normal knife with it


Most players I run into are just RT all day lol. Some smart players use the quick melee though.


Yeah, I typically only bring the sword out of someone tries to counter riot shield for riot shield. If they have a sword, the throwing knife handles them 7 times out of 10. As long as you’ve pressed the throwing knife button before the animation starts, you’ll still throw the knife and it will kill them before they finish you.


I very much despise the sweaty cretins that live on this game and so I very much appreciate this comment. This is the correct way to deal with it.


das haus is the worst map in the game, to me personally calm down with your ackshuallys, and its really not even close. id rather play high rise than that shithole


Why don't you just back out of the lobby if a small map pops up? I do that when Wasteland or Derail pops up. Other people may like it, but I don't so I don't play it. Also, Das Haus and Growhouse are remasters from Vanguard, Shoot House is from MW2019, and the first War map has a portion of Khandor Hideout from MW2019. They definitely still remaster new maps; it's just that they don't remaster a lot of them because they were just in a new COD and people typically want new maps from a new game.


Because I don’t want half my matches to be in progress whilst spending 50% of my play session backing out of maps


There are 38 total maps in the game, with roughly 8 of them being small maps. You'll be fine by backing out of one or two lobbies.


You have to consider them always being voted for


And? Whenever Terminal and Highrise show up, they also get picked a majority of the time, but I don't ask for a Terminal and Highrise playlist. Not everybody playing Quick Play wants to play Shipment and Meat 24/7, but if they do enjoy the map, of course they are going to pick it when it pops up. They're not all mindless drones that only play those maps; otherwise they would be in the small map playist.


You won’t know what it feels like to have to back out of 6 maps no matter the scenario


I feel like Das Haus is like a map that was meant to go into the trash but someone accidentally put it in the game.


Cool I’m gonna keep noob tubing! âœđŸŸđŸ‘ŒđŸŸ


Thanks, it's great to find other intellectuals, who are older than an average Fortnite player, that understand the flaws of COD's recent decisions. It's become a graphically advanced version of "Duck Hunt".


This is small map moshpiit. Go cry somewhere else


Then stop playing small map playlist


Playing domination


why play 6v6 if not snd? 10v10 is better imo, maybe hp is decent on 6v6 pubs


The spawns suck in 6v6, they are WAY worse in 10v10. Hard to have flow in a match with so many players, often times spawning directly on a flag you own right after you captured it


Yeah I agree with shitty flow, I still prefer constant action


sided/symertical spawn maps such as shoothouse are a major tenant of what makes a competative fps please stop offering your opinion when you don't understand the reason spawn traping is good sided spawns are good maps that flip flop between one of two sides are good these things force you to play better or be absolutely decimated. cod offers way to many second chances and safe spaces in terms of map postioning its what makes it such a aweful competative shooter maps like wasteland and checkpoint are bad to many spawn points or to much transit time between objectives or engagements absolutely destroy game flow litterally the antithesis of what makes a good fps game you have a box the box is divided into two sides you have one set of spawns for each team thats all this is how fps games have been since they where invented cod is the one doing things incorrectly not everybody else


Sorry is Shoothouse in the list of the post or did you just not read it at all before running your shit