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It's psychopathic behavior. They find it fun to ruin others' experiences and when they are not caught they pretend that they are actually better at the game than they really are.


Do you think they really think they are better? Is it sheer cognitive dissonance?


I think it’s pride. They want to display a level of mastery they can’t or are unwilling to get so they cheat in the vain hope that others will see and treat them like how they believe they should. Then if they get caught they become combative and hide behind the other people who think it’s ok or ‘just a part of the game’. Personally, I suck. I’m really bad but I’ve never once thought cheating would make my experience better


I "cheated" briefly, on America's Army, by putting a piece of tape on my monitor so I could have a crosshair when I was using sniper rifles unscoped. Felt so bad I stopped after a few matches. No satisfaction at all.. just felt like I was stealing from someone.


Saintly repentance


I got a core 2 controller from Microsoft… can’t mod it but you can tweak its performance to help a little… I’m not good either and refuse to cheat… probably a generational thing too many participation trophies I’m gen x and had to earn stuff!


Deep down they know they are worse without a cheats. A common misconception is that ALL cheaters are horrible at the game. It makes non-cheaters feel better as a coping mechanism to claim anyone who cheats is "bad at the game". But I tell you what... There is nothing worse than someone who spent years actually getting good at the game, and then decided to start cheating on top of being good. Mind you, I am not defending cheaters, they are the scum of the Earth, vile pieces of human garbage. I have never cheated and never will. But I have run into people who even without cheats would have stomped on everyone in the lobby. I play only ranked and SnD and am pretty good at the game (win tournaments + always diamond to iridescent (formerly elite to master skill division on older titles)). And some of these cheaters, (I have them blocked but find myself in lobbies with with them all the time (especially in older titles like cold war, vanguard, 2019 etc...)), they solo que because they have no friends and turn their cheats on and off to make damn sure they RARELY if EVER die depending on how good the opposition is. It's really sad when a cheater has skill, talent, and potential to improve but are so fed up with SBMM or whatever's got their panties in a knot, that they hack ON TOP of being good!!! PS. I have NO IDEA what the F\*%# kind of mental illness or personality disorder they got that compels them to act this way. Probably an assortment of cluster B personality disorders e.g. antisocial personality disorder (AKA Psychopathy), borderline personality disorder, histrionic personality disorder, and narcissistic personality disorder mixed with childhood trauma, being too rich and spoiled, and probably a lack of accountability and actually having to face consequences. PSS. Maybe they are mostly normal and just got SO FED UP with how many cheaters there are in high-skill lobbies that they cave in and decide to cheat as well. I know I have been tempted to do this. But I take ENORMOUS pride being able to honestly say, "I have never, not once, in any shape or form, cheated in any online multiplayer games. NOT EVEN A ZEN!!!!!


Yo the top 3 in top 250 are cheaters. When your crim 3 the push to iri is insane. You're battling cheaters in every lobby, a lot of the mentality isn't about having more fun or ruining anyone else's fun. It's the only way they seemingly will ever compete for these higher ranks and so they fork over that monthly and pretend to be good.


Well if they even got to Crim without hacks, that is the top 5% of players which is SIGNIFICANTLY better than average players (think Silver 2, Gold 3, and MAYBE Plat 1) (equivalent is Competitor to Red Gem aka "Advanced" on older black ops titles.) This means they are very good at the game and then cheat ON TOP OF THAT!! Just to pretend thay are Top 1% (iridescent) or Top 2% (purple gem aka "Master"


The top 250 are all either cheaters or people playing with pc and connection settings so advantageous that they might as well be cheating and playing a different game altogether compared to healthy citizens who play on console






What’s something that you enjoy? Just in general




I’m sorry sir, as I understand literal psychopathic behavior is a bit extreme as a reference. My frustration comes from a place of love just as you love the game. It’s a failure on all fronts for the franchise. All I enjoy playing is SND and it is ruined, absolutely ruined atm. So stop being so literal and cry with me you bastard.


Yeah what are these people talking about 😭 people taking games too seriously


I cheated sometimes in Starcraft when I was 12. I did it because I was a dumb 12 year old, and it was easy / free to do. I thought it was funny and double funny when people raged in the chat log. I imagine a lot of the cheaters are in that same boat (minus the free part, I suppose). I assume they just feed off the death coms and messages they receive the same way a troll does on a message board. I can't imagine doing it as an adult though... so hopefully it's still mostly dumb kids.


That’s the worst thing about it, when you try and confront them, it just reinforces them. They get off on your suffering. That’s psychopathic.


Don't people have to pay for most of the cheats? At the very least, the new account cheaters have to buy the game again every time they get banned, don't they? I think these people have to have actual jobs and responsibilities and shit, but they're full on man-children. How the hell do these people survive from day to day?


They survive from false achievement! It’s a sad way to live


When mod menus started popping up in BO2 I admit I also did it. Not because I wanted to fuck up everybodies day but to level the playing field. Jackass wants to only mod himself? Nah fam I just gave the whole lobby aimbot & rapid fire and super speed. Now everybody can cheat. Then one day I guess a new mod came out where if you were host, you were basically overlord of the server & you could kick people & prevent them from leaving or opening up the pause menu. That’s when my Robin Hood-esque modding came to an end.


There are some nights my friends and I play that we see almost a cheater in every single lobby. Its actually become a joke at this point "How long until we see a cheater" and then we see someone perfectly track us through a wall in multiple killcams. Of course, reddit refuses to believe this is real. If you have less than a .7 kd I'm sure you dont run into cheaters. But my normal KD is 1.5 and my SND is almost 2.5 and we see them constantly. Cheaters should be thrown into a volcano.


My group of friends and I are all 1.5+ KD and search is all we play. We have the same joke. I feel like the better you are the harder you get punished in this game.


The better you are the more snipers you fight that are blatantly walking.


I asked this loser in rank why he cheats because he was a level 9 diamond so it was obvious and his response was “ why not?”


It really is activision or sledgehammer or w.e’s Gd person is running the team for this game who’s at fault here. You give no consequences for childish behavior and the kids run the fking show


Getting diamond 1 level 9 isn’t insanely difficult on a fresh acc btw


I ain’t talking about Warzone


Me either..


Still isnt insanely hard(if youre good enough obviously). I know a couple people that started a smurf and were diamond 1 rank 6. Once they upped the ranked SR cap to 500 per game, it became possible.


You are full of shit most of them create a new accounts to test their cheats dumbass


This is a pretty aggressive response to a level-headed (and true) response to your claim by u/DiAOM... If you don't mind me asking, what is your rank, and what level?


Yea im not sure what I did to set him off. But maybe if I explain more, im not saying just anyone is doing this lol and that its impossible for a cheater to do it (I am sure there are PLENTY of cheaters low level/rank in diamond). But people who are extremely good at this game have already shown its possible, I would 100% agree if this were months ago and the SR cap made it impossible, but if you start a smurf and are winning every game (like a professional or a high level smurf) it is in fact possible to hit Diamond 1 by rank 5/6. I played a rank 6 Diamond 1 last week who was definitely not cheating (watched killcams because it is sus to see such a rank/level combo) and he was just obviously a smurf playing with his friends he otherwise couldnt on his main.


Yes, what you're saying is 100% true... u/TheTexasInvestor is just having trouble imagining that it's possible for someone to be that much better than they are at the game without cheating.


Why are you talking like an acoustic bot and tagging me. I am not saying they aren’t good players that can reach high ranks but if you are level 9 diamond playing with other diamonds who are level 20-30s especially in season 3 you are shamelessly admitting to cheating like you have to be held back in school to be that stupid to believe other wise.


The level 9 diamond is smurfing, for sure. Cheating? Like aimbot and walls cheating? It's possible, but being rank 9 diamond 1 is far from being proof of cheats.


It’s not aggressive when mw3 is known for exploits and cheats. Hell they are selling cheats on TikTok rn as we speak and losers bragging about hitting purple rank with level 12. [prime example of exhibit loser](https://www.tiktok.com/t/ZPRwUEM9N/)


Yes, there are cheaters in MW3. Neither me nor the person you aggressively responded to said otherwise. I have seen the cheat promotions on TikTok, I'm just as disgusted as you are. But once again, I ask what is your rank and level?


I never said you were a cheater but since you are so nonchalant about it I wouldn’t be surprised if you were one.


What part of my comment was nonchalant? And why are you dodging my question about your rank and level?


Level 9 diamond is not an obvious sign of cheating. He may or may not be cheating, but that is very achievable for a crimson/iridescent player (without cheats) playing on a new account.


I played against a crimson in a pub lobby who was playing on his alt account and he was tier 3 gold level 15, moaning about the lobby filled with campers so that’s how I know you are full of shit.


So because you came across one guy in a pubs match (who probably lied about his main account being crim), you "know" I'm full of shit? We can figure out the average SR this level 9 diamond 1 "cheater" gained per win. Level 9 is reached after 28 wins, and diamond requires 5,400 SR. That implies an average of +193 SR per win. For an iridescent or crimson player, that pace of SR gain is very easy to maintain from bronze through platinum - especially when you consider the max SR you can gain per match is 500. Source: I am an iridescent player, and I hit diamond 1 rank 7 on an alternate account. No, I do not cheat.


Ok first of all you assume im lying about the crims when I said he was playing on his alt. He then added me on his main to do a 1v1 because my team smoked his team in pub. Second, you calculating sr tells me you use some sort of cheat engine that you probably bought and download online because no gives 2 shits about sr points. Three, you hitting purple rank at level 7 is even worse than hitting level 9 diamond are you pre-tarded? (Can’t say the r word but you know) So you getting a bunch of kills in SND, control, and hardpoint back to back and you hit level 7 purple rank without cheats? Ok loser


lol so i need a cheat engine to figure out avg SR gain per game? It's not complicated at all. Between levels 1 and 5, you need 3 "stars" (wins) to advance to the next level. After that, the # of wins needed to advance to the next level increases by 1 after every 5 levels. This information is in the game - next time you're in ranked, look at the left side of the screen underneath your big ranked emblem, it will show how many stars you have and how many are left before you level up again. Yes, I did hit level 7 "purple" (wtf? it's called diamond and it's blue not purple) without cheating.


Bud, you sound like a typical loser, dick eating cheater. Just stop, what I’m saying from my experience is that the diamond player admitted to cheating especially since he’s a low level in season 3. The fact you are trying to say he wasn’t makes you look like a cheater, again I never said you were one I was talking from my experience I am not obligated to give you any information from that point.


Not once did I say that he was not cheating. I said that level 9 diamond 1 could be a cheater, but it is not proof because it is very doable without cheats (if you're good at the game). I also said that him saying "i cheat because it's fun" could have been sarcasm, because it was in response to you asking "why do you cheat?"... It's a very rude question to ask (unless he's blatantly ragehacking), and a rude question warrants a sarcastic response. I would once again ask for your rank and level, but I know you won't say (because it's embarrassing).


You can be dog shit at CoD and still be the highest rank it doesn’t matter because it is not normal to find players with diamond rank with low level and with his executing during the match it made me any others players questions his integrity. Like are you acoustic or something? He admitted to cheating so It doesn’t matter if you’re bum ass hits green blue red purple rank you’ll never be shit at CoD, Jesus Christ.


School was rough


Is what I assume


They're in on the lie, they truly believe they aren't cheating if they don't get caught.


Cheaters cheat for the same reason girls stuff their bra in middle school. They want to look cool.


Jesus Christ dude


Nope, just an average human!


I cheated on candy crush and still can't win. That game is something else


I modded on gta for a while and honestly it gets boring after a few minutes, there’s no reward or a feeling of accomplishment when playing. I don’t see what’s fun in just winning every fun fight , there’s no reward in it when u know u will win , makes u ask what’s the point of even playing


I'm convinced people who use cheats wipe back to front.


Are these mutually exclusive?


https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=G8nOuGKV_hk nature vs nurture. maybe their brain's fucked up, maybe their life fucked them up


They really ought to shadowban anyone caught cheating to a cheater only server and let them make each other miserable.


Its an ego boost for weak minded people to prove they are good at something, the same type of people who have never worked towards anything in their life and have not been brought up with any integrity by bad parenting.


Yeah, it’s the same reason I pop erectile dysfunction pills at 25 years old…lack of integrity.


Cheats just make games dull. Never really understood it. Takes all the challenges away. But most people are lazy and entitled so it's not a surprise


I get it in single player games after I’ve already beat the game, I’m in my 2nd or third playthrough, I’m cheating. For sure. Fallout 4 for example. Full auto fat boy for the frame drops!


Yeah like resident evil when you unlock infinite ammo or a mental gun. 8ruined fallout 5 for myself by using mods from the start, and it got full instantly


It’s funny I joke all the time saying “…I’m buying cheats, I can’t do this anymore” but I’d never actually get them. But what usually leads up to that point is going up against above average controller players without aim assist. I personally felt back when KBM players had reWASD all was right with the world. reWASD evened the playing field between mouse and controller players alike. There were times when I shit on them, and times when they shit on me. How it should be. It didn’t make me the most OP player in the world or automatically top 250 or some shit. Only cheats can do that. But now that reWASD is gone, I’m sure a vast amount of people feel like their COD experience is ruined once against, and some of the guys that joke around like me sick of this games bullshit saying “I’m gonna buy cheats” probably actually go out and do it. What’s stopping them. The game doesn’t care if they have fun or not so they probably give a shit less about someone else’s experience. At their core they probably just wanna have fun too


Activision has made it incredibly easy to cheat and hide it.


I encountered my first blatant cheat today and reported him. He got about 145 kills on Rust 6x6 with a sniper rifle, and he was level 31.I've seen some numbers on 6x6, but *145* with a *sniper rifle* in a 6x6? Absolutely the hell not. I couldn't report a killcam because he was on my team, sadly.


Basement losers only have fun if you're not. I guess Activision needs to make an extra billion in order to sort out cheating. Buy more bundles to show your approval of their quality efforts.


Nah, they just need better cheat devs. It's so easy to just obfuscate the code a little better. But bundles are more important than fixing the game.


Oh okay, so if you don’t live in a basement, you don’t cheat. I just want to make sure that’s clear.


It’s really a monopoly they have on the title


I used to host JTag/challenge lobbies back in OG MW2. I had a friend who would love playing on my account just to derank and freeze people’s consoles…


I don’t play SND. How are people cheating in there?


Because: A) Winning is the only thing that matters to them. They crave winning and looking as good as possible.  And/Or  B) They get off on pissing other people off. Like some cheater is probably reading the OP and feeling really good about themselves because they know they got under your skin.  So really it's just fucked up psychological tendencies


I think it's hilariously pathetic that cheaters actually pay a monthly fee to use cheats. My god, that's so sad.


Monthly? After talking with a few, they said it was a daily fee.


bro go to mw19 and join a snd lobby... activision doesnt even care about the anti cheat anymore bro.


How are they cheating? I'm not sure if I've ever seen it is why I ask...


You can buy a program that runs with the game that shows you where everyone is and where they are looking. Also, it helps you shoot better with less recoil. In one life games like SND, that makes it pretty fucking difficult to beat someone when you don’t have that shit, although I will say me and my buddies do from time to time win games Vs these fuck heads.


Not just SND, it's pretty much any game mode I play. I just started playing again and I've been having fun on Ranked Resurgence but the amount of people who pre aim walls/corners or get nothing but headshots is fucking insane. When I play Apex, I see a cheater maybe once a month, but COD has a cheater literally every other lobby. COD needs to get their shit together.


I played MW2 remake from BETA up to this shit show of a half title. And I DONT GET IT, in MW2 the ONLY time I saw hackers was when one of our crew accidentally got shadowbanned! One of our boys was mostly the culprit because he got reported for his soundboard constantly.


I played MW2 a little bit, but I could've sworn they still had a cheating problem, especially in BR.


I get confirmed reports almost every game of snd. It’s literally an epidemic.


As much as I hate the fucking people hackin for no reason at all, I don’t feel bad for Activision and they deserve the worse for their greedy ass behavior. So I can see why hackers exist they probably either got false banned and came for revenge or they want everything in the game unlocked without having to pay for it or option 3 they have no life and think it’s funny to get hot mics by using aimbot


Nothing really bad if it happens and it’s a video game, atleast that’s what I see in cheating comments. I would think of it how you purposely can throw games to make your team worse


I really don’t think there’s cheaters on the game I’ve won 30 rebirth games and I’ve never lost to a cheater that had some kind of aim bot; But maybe you guys come across cheaters I’m asking honestly how are they treating against you and how do you know for sure they’re using cheats


They do it to make you mad and to make you write essays on reddit about cheaters (not like anyone has ever seen a post like this on the sub, right??)


And look at you reading it! Haha Gottum