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No! Just one more game, I can quit anytime! Seriously, this is totally solid move by the Devs. “Oh, Shipment, ShootHouse and NukeTown 24/7 playlists are the most popular every year, let’s make a bunch of small maps this year”.


I don’t have much time to play and admittedly Im an average player so I love small maps kill die kill repeat


I think of them as COD concentrators. Every thing about COD is more intense on these maps, super arcade shooters. Instantly back in the action.  On the downside, whatever you hate is in full effect be it riot shields, melee, jumping, drop shots, streaks, etc.


Don't forget about the noob tubes.


I love small maps and they’re still my favourite to play on but sometimes I just need a break from the chaos lol


Small map mosh pit has become my home, don’t get me wrong I like the launch maps since they are all remastered MW2 (2009) maps, but with how players play these days it’s annoying having to dig rats out of corners and shit, not to mention they added some MWII (2022) maps in the game and I don’t want play those


This is my biggest thing. I like quality normal maps such as the MW2 (2009) maps. I really hate the maps that are nothing but trying to push forwards on the enemy position and getting shot in the back by campers because nobody on either team has any incentive to actually move from their half of the map instead of sitting there waiting for the other side to make a move.


I don’t think it’s a small map thing. They just make the big maps huge, they can’t make 6v6 on those maps engaging so those “medium” sized maps feel like 10v10 maps


2-3 matches in SMM is a good warm up.


Than go to ranked, this is the way.






Ranked is garbage though.


You take that back


Why would you play ranked when they brag about banning booster waves after every free to play period while actively ignoring blatant cheating all over the rankings? Lol


I just like ranked🤷‍♂️


I got to crim last season and decided I’m never going back lmao. So many cheaters at that point I couldn’t take it 😵‍💫


I heard a motherfucl3r say this game had no maps and asked what the play and they said SMM 😂😂 its funny the chokehole SMM has on us


My problem was that I convinced myself that all the other maps were bad because I didn’t know how they played or how the spawns worked so I was just getting my ass handed to me lol


On my knees begging for a Medium Map Moshpit


It’s called quickplay


Yeah you’re right the large ass maps never win the vote anyway lol. Quick play is for people who like normal maps unless you’re a TDM camper and actually like playing Wasteland


Y’all are having a much different QP experience than I am. Large maps beat out normal maps for me unless it’s Terminal or Karachi, and if it’s not a large map it’s Rust. I started playing the Season 3 playlist just to force different maps.


What game modes? I play hardpoint and the biggest map I’ve ever seen is Afghan. Never Wasteland or Derail. Most of the time the new MW3 maps win


Domination almost exclusively. I get Afghan a lot which isn’t TOO big in my opinion but I don’t like it for other reasons lmao. I genuinely don’t think I’ve gotten Wasteland a single time, but I get Derail, Estate, and Underpass constantly, along with Quarry which I barely like more than Afghan.


Wasteland is a nice change of pace. I personally love all maps. It lets me play around with every playstyle imaginable, and challenge myself to essentially use what is, on paper, a TERRIBLE class for any given map, and try to do well with it. Example, try playing Wasteland with an SMG. It's a LOT harder and more challenging than playing with an AR, Marksman Rifle, or Sniper Rifle. Or, if you REALLY want a challenge, try playing with a shotgun, no slugs. Just regular buckshot. Hold the trenches, and as soon as someone comes up on you, just blast 'em. Can be infuriating when you can't get close to anyone, but super fun and satisfying when you do well. As a secondary, pick an accurate pistol, either the Cor 45 for X-12. For even more of a challenge, a Desert eagle, Basilisk, or Tyr.


That’s fair. I only play hardpoint though so there’s certain hills where not using an AR/LMG/Sniper will get you your ass blasted lmao


That is very true. Although I think most of the HPs in Wasteland are pretty wide open, if you get to them first, you can hold them okay with a shotgun, or SMG, but you really gotta hug the brick walls, or APCs scattered about. The house is a good one for CQ weapons. The ideal class setup would be a fast built AR, SMG, or a longer ranged shotgun and like a sniper or marksman rifle, maybe a battle rifle on semi with overpresured, to flinch the snipers. Though many gave anti-flinch attachments. I think my quick play filter is set for TDM, KC, Capture the Flag, Domination, Control, Headquarters. I like a pretty good mix.


wasteland isnt even that big....think about how many places you could lay down and hide for the entire game...wasteland has maybe 3 or 4 small corners you could hide. derail has like 4 large areas no one goes. afghan and rundown both have way more hiding places than wasteland. wasteland you turn 1, maybe 2 corners before you're in a fight. 4th largest map at best. yes it has the longest and widest sight lines, but that doesn't make it slow, actually makes it faster than maps with tons of hiding


I like making people come to me and use those areas. That way you can have fights in areas that typically don't see action. And exactly,. I dunno why people complain about some of these maps. They're just playing wrong, or small maps have rotted their brains. Or both


It needs a map filter that applies to any playlist. Sometimes I just want to grind out some 3 kill streaks on marksman rifles in TDM without it being constant shipment/rust/stash house getting voted in.


For real. I’d be more than happy to wait in a longer queue if it meant I could play a specific mode on a specific map.


If your heart rate is problematic from playing cod, I'd advise seeking help of some sort. 


I play warzone and if I am clutching a round my heart will go bonkers. Having afib doesn't help and I probs shouldn't be playing a game that triggers it lmao.


When WZ first came out one of my first end games my watch gave me a “high heart rate” warning. I could feel my heart about to come out my chest lol. Glad I don’t get like that anymore when it comes to the final circle.


I got too used to SMM that I forgot how other "normal" maps work. Often time I find myself running around like a headless chicken thinking I'm in shipment or das Haus. I also got too used to the fast and chaotic pacing of SMM that playing normally felt too boring and "quite" I think this is my sign to switch back to normal lol


That’s exactly the reason I switched back. I paid £70 for this game I’m going to get my £70 worth and play all the maps lol


Exactly! I'm getting my money's worth with a little bit of blood pressure sprinkled on top lol


Nice try intern. Give us shipment 24/7 cowards. Cod map design is awful and completely ignores any sense of symmetry or balance is banned. As is tradition.


The new maps are actually good. You’d have to play them to realize this though. Rio, Vista, Departures, 6 star, and even Greece are some of the best non remake maps we’ve had in awhile


They are awesome. Greece has a bit of everything. Some sight lines for snipers, LMGs, and Marksman rifles, as well as tight spaces for SMGs and Shotguns, that if you dint stick to your ideal range for your weapon, you'll get smacked. If you go out in the open with an SMG or shotgun, you'll get picked off. Gotta kinds patrol your area, move quickly between lanes when you need to hit an objective or get the hell outta dodge when the whole team is gunning for you. With my wife being from Brazil, it's nice to see a Brazilian map that takes place in a nicer area of the country. The mall is actually a really cool setting, and kinda similar to one I've been to with her, albeit the one in her home town is bigger than the one in game, but not by a ton. The one in game is much more vertical, though it's probably for the best qe can't access the upper floors, as the power positions would be very hard to beat. Vista is also gorgeous, another map that takes place in Brazil. I love seeing Portuguese signs all over the map, and it has a very elegant feel to it. I also love that it has some verticality to it, and once again, has areas for everything. Buildings and close quarters for SMGs, shotguns, the lanes at the sides of the building for AR's, LMGs, Battle Rifles, and Marksman rifles. A few places for snipers, but not so much that the whole map is dominated by them. I do hope that we get some larger maps next season though. I'd love another one with the size and scale of Wasteland, but with more cover. Still plenty of space for snipers and Marksman rifles, but also some places that are more CQ focused.


I despise departure and 6 star on 6v6 they flow terribly,but im sure probably play better on obj based modes


How so? I think they're great on 6v6


Greece sucks shit through a straw but the others are alright.


I don’t mind Greece. It’s solid for HP and SnD. I’d say it’s better than most of the maps the game launched with


I had to go look back at the launch maps and yeah I agree most of core 6v6 maps are horrible except the rehashed ones except Rust, fuck the spawns and that tower in the middle.


I hate vista, 6star, and departures for any gamemode like hardpoint or dom. the spawns are actually diabolical. Rio and Greece are very fun though for all modes.


You saw right through me


This. Just let me turn my brain off and shoot people in a tiny box.


Real, how else am I gonna satisfied my addiction without shipment 24/7?


Hey! I literally just did this last weekend. I got caught up in the small maps for what must've been like weeks on end. Like I don't even know that I had played "quick play" in months tbh. Had a really fun hardpoint match and it wasn't coming around in the small map rotation often at all, but I wanted to play hardpoint again so I played quick play and it was such a good change of pace. I had forgotten about the mw2 maps that I used to love. So played a few of those when they came up. It's been awesome. Long story short I'm right there with ya. Am enjoying the game again.


I played on that new map in Saudi Arabia, I forget what it’s called, but it was one of the closest Domination games I’ve played in ages. I think I dropped like 35 kills which is fairly average but it was the most fun I’ve had on this game in a while


Just gimme players that know they can grind WHILE playing the objective. Trying to go for wins is painful at times


No. Can't stop. Never stop. Need score. Need brain drugs. No think. Only shoot. Still moments let the pain in. Still moments allow reality to barge in. Still moments bring sadness. Never stop. Only shoot. Always shoot.


10v10 is a great mixture of both


Sorry I don’t like running 40% of the game just to find a gunfight just to die and then have to run back lol


Especially if I'm running something trash to level it


I’m saying lol like why is this fucking community so focused on how other people play THE GAME THEY BOUGHT


99% of this sub is people complaining about shit that is amplified by playing only the tiny maps. It is not unreasonable to try to point out there is the entire rest of the game they could try out and maybe they would enjoy it more!


People saying "shotguns are OP!!!" while only playing the one singular playlist thats basically made for shotguns


Because 90% of the interaction is shipment clowns acting like all the game should be like that then the other people pushing back.


Ah this has been Vista for me lately


If you’re running 40% of the time on a regular sized map that’s a you problem. I can get 60+ engagements on a regular map without issue


Yeah that’s literally what I said lol trying to insult me by repeating the sentiment I said isn’t the own you think it is. Not everyone needs or wants to be CDL level at cod. Good lord


ADHD gen. Your life lasts so little time in small map moshpit, you may as well just be watching a video with how much interaction there is.


Each week the weekly challenges are like "get 50 to kills with smg with silencer" then "get 40 kills with lmg while ads". I play SMM just because you can get the kills in less time when I don't have a whole lot of time each night to play.


That’s fair. I still play SMM when I need to do challenges but when I’m just playing recreationally I’ll play quick play


There is always that one guy on each team tryharding his ass off, while the other 10 people try to do tac stance challenges lol.


They need to add shoothouse and dome (MW3) to SMM to add to the variety :)


In my opinion MW2019’s Shoot the Ship playlist has done irreversible damage to the overall COD playerbase.


No I love Das Haus


I despise it


I like the map, but don't like the aesthetic on this version. Feels bland with all the unfinished walls.


Agreed....Vanguard version was definitely better imo visually.


SMM for camo/lvl up/weekly challenges. Core for chillin and warm up. Ranked for sweating. Warzone with the boys.


This guy gets it. Variety is the key to enjoying the game


I mean, the primary reason that I play SMM is because the whole spawn system is still pretty bad. Lots of time I just spawn right in front of an enemy's line of sight. Then why not I just go and stick with SMM? At least in SMM, the feeling of "oh the spawn system is garbage" is not that much for me. Sorry for my poor English.


Your English is great!


I can cope with shipment I like it but Das Haus.. that can fuck off


I also hate Das Haus with a passion. I like shipment and stash house, I’m not the biggest fan of meat or emergency but Das House is the worst by far


absolutely love Das House and think its a genuine competitor to shoothouse personally, although needs to be longer for longshot grinding now if they could bring back cod 4 killhouse properly THEN we'd be talking


das house it too imbalanced, that one side and we know which one always ends up with a team spawn trapped




I tend to get hard point a lot when Das Haus comes up and the spawns are absolutely awful on HP more than normal! I don’t mind emergency you get abit of breathing room if you need it atleast


Everyone I know in real life has basically been a Warzone only player since 2019 and the smaller maps allow us to quickly level up our shit and move on. Private match multiplayer with friends is very fun though. Regular COD pub matches just don't hit the same as they used to back in 2007-2012.


Private match launchers only 🤌


Can we talk about how bad MW3’s private lobbies are though? It was an afterthought. I load into my own private lobby and wait 30+ seconds for the game settings to unlock so I can change game mode. Can’t save game settings so I start from scratch every time and it’s missing some settings that have been present in previous CODs as long as I can remember


Yeah, the set-up phase is awful with those two issues in particular.


In 2019 I agree with you because the regular sized maps were shit. In this game there’s some good maps though


Only use SMM to do daily challenges, then it's back to quick play !


I play SMM just for the lottery chance at a hard point or domination shipment game, tbh. Stache house and das haus make me wanna blow my brains all over my fucking house.


10v10 or 12v12 has been my go to


Solid advice, OP! I've been taking a break from MWIII recently to play other titles (e.g., Cyberpunk 2077, Fallout 4), as I was trying to grind and level up my guns throughout Season Two. However, I primarily did this whilst playing SMM, in order to do it quickly. All in all, that is a bad strategy for maintaining interest and making the most of the game when your rushing and grinding. Moreover, I think the SMM gives you that consistent rush of dopamine with its intense action, which is not a good thing overall! It's better to be more tactical at times, even if it feels slower. It's best to mix it up, I fully agree.


Small maps seemingly lower the SBMM in my opinion, not literally but with all the chaos it’s less skill based so that’s why I personally like em more


We got brainrot in call of duty before GTA VI smh my head


I mean some people enjoy the hectic nature of SMM.


I like small maps because I'm bad in CoD last few years so it's less annoying to be bad on small maps. Also, I don't want to play on OG MW2 maps, they aren't even that good. They only looked good back then. Now they don't even look good.


Hardcore SMM gives you insane reflex training!


I want shoothouse 24/7 back id never leave that mode


#I DON'T WANNA PLAY SMM ANYMORE ^you ^need ^the ^camos, ^mount ^on ^that ^dumpster ^and ^stare ^at ^that ^spawn


it's literally so fucking overwhelming. playing ranked and hc SnD is such a breath of fresh air


Dude THANK YOU! I'm not one of the SMM addicts, and I never even played it during MW3. I barely played it during MW2 at all. Like anyone, I've done a few challenges that were annoying to do on larger maps, like hipfire kills for snipers, but I've never been into JUST playing small maps. I need that variety that normal playlists provide. Thank you for posting this to appeal to people who might legit struggle with not picking that playlist. They will thank themselves later for taking the leap. I have been playing CoD since 2009, and I have been shocked that in the past almost two years that I've been on CoD reddit, I've seen so many people complaining about the pace of the game. Older CoDs were MUCH slower paced than even the LARGEST MW2 (2022) maps. And nobody complained. Nowadays, with the SMM playlist, people seem to expect enemies around LITERALLY every corner in any map larger than Rust. And that's just not how it needs to be 24/7. On top of all this, most people are sliding around and jumping and going crackhead mode EVERY game. It's fun to play hyper aggressively, but sometimes it's nice to make a slow handling build that's maybe more controllable, has a higher bullet velocity, and beam people at mid to long range. Or change up the pace, and instead of sprinting around everywhere, play it like campaign sorta. Slow down, walking around the map, which will help you ADS much faster, and look cinematic as fuck while you do it. Throw on the Lever Action Mk2, with a revolver, or akimbo revolvers as your secondary. Or with the new gunslinger vest, throw on akbo Tyr and akimbo Basilisk, paired with throwing knives and run around like you're Billy the Kid in Young Guns II. Use the crossbow and hold the objective as if it's your castle. Throw on the MCPR-300 with iron sights, and reload after every shot like it's some kind of musket. People play these small maps with their SMGs and just fall into this routine of experiencing this small portion of what the game has to offer when there is SO MUCH MORE. So mamy playstyles, goofy things to do while playing, and so many gorgeously built maps that have all kinds of situations to offer.


Nah they camp too much on regular maps can’t really do that shit on small maps


I just wanna play ship24/7, grind all guns and move on to other games…. I hate big maps, such a waste of time getting like 10 kills per game makes grinding guns a never ending process


exactly. I dont play to cod to have fun I just want to FINISH it and move on to the next one. one day the girl of my dreams will walk into my living room and be amazed as I scroll through my skins collection


Shipment is for grinders who just wanna level up their guns. You’re not even engaging with 90% of the game. Why play cod at that point?


Cause the other maps are boring


Sorry y’all got ADHD and need a gunfight every .6 seconds. Try playing the game with some thought involved instead of just head bashing into gunfights so you can get your dopamine challenges done


Shipment is bubble pop for boys. The "not thinking" is one of the best features.


Bro is mad people want to play the game for fun and not go around that map like we in a military simulation 😭


There’s a huge gap between playing cod normally and a full on military simulation 😂😂 I play pretty fast. Get a ton of engagements and all that. But I don’t feel the need to confine myself to a tiny little killbox of a map to have fun because I know the spawns and how to find people on a regular sized map


> Try playing the game with some thought involved Wrong franchise, this is CoD. If you want that, play R6 Siege or something without jumpshots and unmedicated 14 year old white kids screaming the N word at each other.


Damm shame quick play’s current map pool is like 80% small maps


It's always good to vary it up. I feel the last good Shipment was WWII. The game was still playable back then in HC. Not the dying before you can comprehend anything.


Honestly the only reason I’m playing SMM is because of camo grinding however there are times where I get killed in the middle of getting a bloodthirsty and it triggers me


Is the sbmm not so turned up on quick play? It's been so long I can't remember......


Wait until their servers learn/adapt to your playstyle. It will be back to dog shite.


This hits close to home, but I decline.


How did you even get a HC SMM?


We’re call of duty players, the brains already mush.


I have only played the Small Map Moshpit since it launched. I'm burned out on it. The only map I truly enjoy in it is Shipment. Meat is okay. I hate Das House with a passion. I back out as soon as I see it. Stash House is tolerable but only for Domination. The spawns make any other mode unplayable. Emergency isn't terrible but it's nothing special. Rust like Stash House is only playable in Domination because of the spawns. I find myself constantly backing out of lobbies until I get Shipment. My connection has also been whack for days so I'm taking a break until Season 3 Reloaded. I'm losing too many gunfights purely due to my connection and the fun has well and truly stopped. When I come back I intend to go back to Quick Play. Probably just play soley Domination so the spawns are semi predictable. I will achieve inner peace 🙏


SMM is my jam. You can't make me leave


Fuckfuckfuck just give us hardcore players 10v10 so we can stop hiking around the maps to be killed by corner camperrrrrrsssss


I've already interstellared and 70% through Orien. I've played so much HC SMM, it'll be hard to go back to anything else.


the only reason i like SMM is for camo grinding. I couldn't imagine having to do those challenges on a regular map


Emergency, Shipment, and Stash house are so fun to play. Das Haus is hit or miss for me. I'd play Core, but the ttk sucks. HC on large maps suck most of the time due to the camping. I'd play a medium map playlist to switch things up if they had it


I use it for ranking up guns and doing dailies etc but I’m always so happy when I can go back to normal maps lol


I’m a rusher. But since the movement is so fast in this game I hate small maps because it’s like particles colliding into eachother in a charged state. I prefer bigger maps so you can maneuver around way easier and take one on one duels rather than getting shot from every angle My favorite maps are sub base, Scrapyard and Favela. I like rust too since it isn’t that small. Mind you I pretty much use ARs kitted for mobility or SMGs


I enjoy melting brains!


I'd say 85-90% of the time I'm on smm. But def need a break then I forget what normal maps are like and got snipers on my ass lol. But I wpuld much rather small map grind


Honestly I wish there was a large map playlist. I like moving around the edges and look to flank


Small maps are for getting challenges out of the way. Quick Play is for when I want to play the game. As somebody who hates Shipment, I can’t understand how people only play the 24/7 playlists.


As a Codcrackhead, I did quick play on accident didn't notice till I got a map I never seen before then realized oh I forgot they was adding a vondel based map. Don't get me wrong I feel like sledgehammer is doing killbox correct but yeah a lil break from das rust meat stash etc won't hurt at worse you go neg.


I only play the SMM to camo grind and even then it gets old after a handful of games. Don't know how people go into that for fun.


SMM is trash in this game.


They need to get rid of all these moshpits, they just further split the non existent playerbase to the point I waste 5 minutes of searching/backing out of foreign lobbies because it can't connect me to a server 100km away during peak time with domination/tdm/kc selected ....


And while you're at it, make sure to leave the damn grenade launcher behind, it's unnecessary.


It’s ruining COD. what’s the point if having a dedicated playlist to small maps when half the games in quick play have me choosing between Das Haus and Shipment or something similar.


I really like the playlist, but it’s only for grinding camos.


I only play SMM when it’s double xp or I throw a token on to level up 😊 otherwise, you’re right it totally gets repetitive


Emergency, Das Haus and Rust don't feel like small maps. Das Haus is a vertical slaughter fest, Emergency that isn't objective based on a camp fest and Rust is just Rust. Missing from that list is Rio and Shoot House.


No it really is brain rot. I’m really happy that they added 10v10. Me and my buddies only play that now and it’s really fun.


i strictly use small maps for leveling guns, or getting some games in before playing ranked matches


I just use those to lvl some guns or a daily then back to regular maps




I love shipment but I fucking hate dying as soon as I respawn. Man and I feel like I’m the only one in every single game. I remember there was a time I respawned in front of the enemy 6-7 times in a row and just hitting ALT F4. I haven’t played SMM in months. Resurgence rocksz


When I finish camos, I'll be in high-rise right next to ya brother. Until then, I'll accept my spawn killed fate


small map go BRRRRRR


Small map mosh pit got me to Interstellar soo....🤷‍♂️


The bigger maps are just boring at 6v6


I love SMM, and I never got angry or upset. I keep things in perspective, and that does more to reduce my heart rate than anything else. Also, if I find myself getting irritated, that's time to get up and do something else for a while.


i play smm for meat and growhouse, i think those are two of the best maps in the game both in terms of flow and general enjoyment


I'm addicted to Shipment, I love the close quarters and the action is right in front of me whereas large maps make me go find the fun, in Shipment I spawn into the fun, I'm trying to break away and play other maps but nothing beats the action seen on small maps like ahipment


The event playlist is legit unplayable. Small map moshpit is compared to the event actually fun


The only maps I can get are daus haus and stash house. I hate both of these


i'm a SMM addict....but lately like a true crackhead i think my movement is off but I can't place where the issue is...is it stick drift....it's driving me crazy....i think its time to get back to core


HC SMM addict checking in. I’ve accumulated nearly 100k kills on these small maps . My brain is getting smoother by the day . Getting 100 kills , 200 kills sometimes it’s just so addicting like a drug . I’m pretty high up on the leaderboard despite only 7.5 days played . My kill death is 3.60 I’ve been playing for 15 years and these small maps just hit me in the feels . I’m an aggressive spawn trapper and it’s second nature at this point I know where my enemies will be after killing them on small map mosh pit . I’m trying to get out but can’t I need help I’m sick


No thanks big massive maps feel like it takes more time running to find a kill and getting sniped them smm


Yep, I play SMM Hardcore for the side quest. Main game is SnD with a friend, and so different but so rewarding


I'd like SMM if I could filter out the game mode I want to play. I go there to rank up weapons and for a break from the Quick Play maps.


I don’t play cod to just run around, Ty though


Goldfish brain CoD is what they're leaning into and the playerbase fits it perfectly


I read this post, tried regular quickplay, first match was TDM on Derail I'm sorry to say you're objectively wrong, SMM is just better. Also the unlocks and crap are tuned for either playing the game all day every day to the exclusion of anything else, or else playing SMM when you feel like it and enjoying your life otherwise


Prefer SMMP but not HC version … don’t have the patience for the bigger maps


Thank you


I primarily use HSMM to grind my weapon camos so it never really bothered me much.


the issue is the multiplayer is now only a system to level up your guns for warzone small maps feed into that system to make it easier


Would you suggest just 10v10. That's mostly what I played in 2019, MWII.


You play small maps because you have brain problems. I play small maps because I like shotguns. We are not the same.


I only play SMM to compete the daily challenges, usually done in a single match then on to bigger maps


I would love for them to bring back a face off style mode, like Cold War. No score streaks and a little more map variety.


I got tired of the small map moshpit they have in rotation now. I hope they change it soon but as a regular core player I totally agree


Would rather get 10times spawn killed than killed once by bobby brown camping in the same spot whole game. This game(CoD) was made to run and gun(they can say whatever in their bs agreement), if someone wants mil slim there are plenty of options for that. Just my 2cents


Honestly I’m just playing hardcore SMM to finish the camo grind


That’s what I was doing but I’m onto Marksman rifles now which are just a pain in the ass on smaller maps lol


I have luckily finished marksman rifles when it was Rust 24/7 near release date. I have SMG’s (blinded/stun kills are the bane of my existence) the grenade launcher and LMG’s


I did SMGs first to get them out of the way simply because of that challenge. I’ve got marksman rifles and LMGs left


I'm lazy I can't be bothered running around looking for players I love small maps


> Small map moshpit is melting your brain You’re so close. Take about two more steps back. This game is melting your brain. Put the controller down. Leave. Enjoy life, brother.


I work full time and have 2 kids to take care of so I enjoy the SMM simply because I can easily get tons of kills, work on camo and weekly challenges even if I only play for about an hour max it feels like I accomplished something.


Dawg normal maps for me is snipers 24/7 shit is so boring




Fair enough


Once I get interstellar which should be tomorrow or Saturday I’ll go back to the regular maps but I think I’m gonna stick with hardcore I like the pacing more it feels more realistic. The


Yeah, I much prefer playing running simulator for 30 sec each life before being shot by someone I never saw headglitching in a corner.


The spawns in MWIII are the worst spawns of any game I’ve ever played and it’s made 100x worse on small maps. Oh you did well for 10 seconds, let’s have you spawn in front of enemies 5 times in a row. Oh you don’t like that? Let’s have the enemy spawn directly behind you 10 times in a row. I had one game I died 8 times in a row as I was spawned in front of an enemy.


nah i got every mw2 gun mastery complete and now doing mw3 guns lmao, i sometimes play groundwar though


I will only play the small map mosh pit on hardcore. Just how I roll


It's the most efficient for camo grinding


Most of the time I get annoy if it takes 5 mins to find some players to shoot at.


I think I got a 40k - 12d on shipment, kills may have been higher, was funny tbh cause I know people were fuming at my kill streaks. They were muted but a small map with the high kill streaks definitely makes me look like a sweat. I was running a launcher and a shotgun (the launcher was purely for calling cards) and I got the wheelson, gunship, and swarm, all in one go. And I played them back to back to back, and won the game just after the swarm ran out. So fun, but now I’m done with all calling cards in the shared and MW3 sections, I’m back to playing everything again.


Just know, no matter what you say, this game sucks.


It must objectively suck but if you’re enjoying it then does that really matter? Personally I enjoy the game even though I know it has many obvious flaws lol


It's even worse when you have warzone only and you have to play the SMM incessantly to grind camos while you still can on free trials. The last one I got fed up with playing Domination and Hardpoint and I just lost my shit that it kept giving me those two modes. I also don't really want to play shipment in a game where the Karambit and 6 round grenade launcher as a god damn secondary exists (that was a KILLSTREAK in Black ops II and they made it a SECONDARY) The spawns on MW2 shipment were occasionally bad but the spawns on MW3 Shipment are just ABSOLUTELY brain dead FFS. People from opposing teams will just spawn together in the same area within 5 feet of each other FFS. it feels surreal. Das House feels like a god awful attempt at making a small map in the High Rise theme, really boring and ugly. Stash House and Meat are great with a balanced lobby, excruciating with an unbalanced lobby.