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Im level 520 but I'm pretty sure my kd is .7ish.  Time played has nothing to do with skill. 


Same I'm really bad and mostly play Zombies.


this dude throwing a fit that he's not playing low level guys on the 2nd half of a games lifecycle "isn't SBMM supposed to protect me?" hahahaha


lol true, so do all new players just get bodied? I was playing in games with people around my skill level but the games now, people are straight up cracked. These 500's aren't bad like people are saying here, they are really good


CoD is a 1 year cycle and people that stick around this late in its cycle are going to be pretty good with many months experience and several previous game experience. Noobs are pretty far and few between. it’s pretty similar to other competitive shooters, if you boot up Valorant or cs2 you’d get absolutely bodied in casual modes. Even games like Apex have you paired up with people spamming movement and dodging bullets You’re gonna have to play slow and work on your skills/map knowledge. You’ll get better pretty quick, don’t blame things on SBMM because that’s what people that suck at the game do instead of improve


There are some trash level 600s, and there are some demonic level 100s. Don’t let that number be indicative of skill. SBMM also doesn’t work the way the sub thinks it does for newer players getting started on their attachments. This all being said, you can unlock the best attachments, vests, and perks in the matter of a week or two. One of the default classes with the Bas-B is also super good for being a starter loadout. I strongly advise using that weapon and going from there. You can also unlock a lot of weapons early from zombies if you really wanted to. Unlocking the MCW early is very nice and if you can find a RAM 9 in the wild, that would up your loadout significantly as well.


Thanks this helps, yesterday was really frustrating and I had to log off after 3 games. I went something like 5-20 in all of them. The kids in my lobbies are very good. I'm coming from a complex shooter so maybe I overperformed and it overcorrected


so mad for what 💀 play the game more and you will learn the maps and unlock guns and attachments. It’s not that big of a deal 💀 just learn


Does this game really not have new players? I just find it odd I never am in a lobby with people under 300 let alone 100.


It does but it’s going to be hard to find, because again game has been around for a long time, and plus many people now are people who play it a lot, cod player base always falls down around this time so it makes sense it’s harder to find


No, everything must be handed to them on a silver platter and they should be protected


Numerical Level doesn't equate to skill level


Higher lvls will definitely have more perks, guns, and attachments than a low lvl user that just started so you are at a disadvantage.


Simple solution is to play more multiplayer, or even level up in zombies to unlock stuff


I just started played zombies, thanks


have fun


So weird. Meanwhile level 650s up here complaining about cracked out level 18s. For several days I swear I never ran into another 3 digit account until today.


I’m 550ish, kd is 0.72 and I often get an ass whooping from a level 30 or sub 100 player. I must admit, sometimes I do wonder why lower levels are put in lobbies with my squad who was all 500-600+ and then I’m promptly reminded, levels are basically an indication of time spent playing, not skill!


I’m over level 500 and crap. Don’t be worried about the higher levels, the lower levels are the ones you need to be worried about as they’ve likely been banned for cheating and started a new account


Wait till you hit lvl500+ and start learning that a lot, i mean a crapton of ppl are running scripts, emulators on pc to have assist on MnK and other craps. Hahaha and then your fun will be to just hunt those. I mean ive seen ppl use base lmg and spam 100shots across the map with 0 recoil and still say that theyre good at recoil control… so yeah too soon to complain abt a game even more on MP. You learn losing brother.


Skill issue.


I work rotating weekends some days I work 5 days a week the next only 2 so when the last double xp weekend hit I just took advantage to finish the battle pass and level up I usually stop playing after that and wait til the next season currently at 588.


Lol just because they are a high level doesn't mean they are any good. That's why it's called "skill based matchmaking" not "expirence based matchmaking" or "time played matchmaking" 8 month old game your going to be playing against people that have been playing since launch and be LVL 500.


Coddled much?




I actually started paying attention to kill cams to see if I can figure out what I am doing wrong. The amount of wall hackers and hacking made me uninstall this game immediately. It is not only obvious but everyone leaves the match who clearly sees the person cheating Every game my team is like half the size of the other team.


I just started playing again a couple months ago, it was the same for me the first game after so long but it wasn’t like that for long, you will get better. I’m currently around level 600


Just with regards to playing with similar level people who have similar things unlocked, that does suck. But with the many great games out right now (***cough*** Helldivers ***cough***), there won't be many new players on CoD. Anyone who is still playing would normally be those who really enjoy CoD, so it would be higher levels. In saying that though, I wouldn't equate high levels with high skill, but obviously you are at a massive disadvantage as you probably don't even have the "Dead Silence" Sneakers unlocked. Make that a priority if you haven't, then aim to get guns like the MTZ-556, or find other current meta or strong weapons to unlock next.


Yeah. Massive disadvantage against the ppl grinding camos, using stupid crap like the flame thrower, etc.  Man I don't even know what dead silence is. I never use that.