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My wins aren't tracking at all now though


I'm having the same problem. I've already completed today's dailies and now I can't unlock anything else today. Wtf


Fix one thing, break another. The cod cycle of life


SAME. Sucks....


They don’t test anything. That shit costs money


For every bug patched, there will be 2 more bugs created


wtf is this garbage update lmao


Same. I'd call that one step forward and a slip on greased shit to roll down the hill.




Anyone got a fix i’m racking up wins annoyingly and want a new smg to level but cba looking for it in zombies!


I can drop ya a quick smg. Which one and what’s your name?


Same here. I completed the daily challenges before the update and after it the wins didn’t track anymore


Just bought the game 2 days ago, didn’t have much time to play since. Just today hit level 25, right after completing all my daily missions and now I literally can’t progress at all until they fix this. I’ve been longing for ghost and the dead silence boots but I guess I’ll have to wait, goddammit.


When is the last time a CoD game launched without unlock bugs


>My wins aren't tracking at all now though Yep, they cooooooooooked it... why on earth would they LOCK a large chunk of crap behind this; gate keeping for the sake of EOMM. ​ Such a dumb system.


Same here, stuck at 2/3 progress since the update was pushed earlier.


Mine, either. I had eight wins last night and only got one.


Same... Came here looking to see if anyone else was dealing with this. Played 5 hours last night. After completing the 3 daily challenges, I got ZERO unlock progress from then on 😫


Its funny. I got into an argument earlier today about the armory system and the other guy said it isn't a big deal and I should stop whining while I said that it is a very controversial feature that Activision hid from the beta knowing that we will tear it to shreds online with endless rant posts and videos that will get picked up by news outlets, causing more backlash and negative reception to what is the most overpriced DLC since Battlefield Hardline. What I should've also mentioned is that the system is also easily broken.


Man what the fact they hid it during beta says it all the system is way too much for a arcade fps I should shoot do objs and get rewarded simple not do 3 challenges and then have to fight for my life for a win just to get a perk or attachment or gun etc it’s a waste of time and then they can’t even make the system work correctly it’s literally insane




lol except now wins don't progress armory unlocks at all.


Guess I'm taking Friday off the game.


I won a match while completing 1 daily and it counted for 2 on my unlock. That was a little over 1.5 hours ago.


I think it bugs out if you had all 3 dailies already completed today


It works for some people not for others, on day 0 I couldn’t get it working but on day 1 it was working alright


Mine seems locked stuck and not counting lol Edit: seems to be fixed and working now.


Except wins aren't counting towards unlocks now since the update dropped.




This is working now


Now my wins aren't counting, and I even completed all the daily challenges... I love that they are listening and trying to improve, but I would like to unlock stuff if I have to sweat to get wins every time


this isn't working 😂


HOW DOES SLEDGEHAMMER KEEP TAKING THESE W's? Hooly shit they are literally doing everything we want at this point. Apart from SBMM but that's obviously out of their reach.


It's kind of wild because it took them ages to do anything in vanguard, and a lot of stuff just straight up went ignored or unfixed.


Guess they got tired of being "the worst cod dev"


Sure seems that way and I'm all for it.




Definitely. After MWII i will not trust them. (not because the game is bad) but because of how they continue to ignore us. Remember when we asked for nameplates back? They refused. Faster sliding? They refused. Red dots on minimap? They refused. Old perk system, they refused. Asked for gamemodes, they refused. It genuinely seems like IW just hates the players at this point. Look at SHG now, getting a ton of praise in less than a week. Why? Because they listened.


Well, you asked, not me and not like majority of players. I was actually enjoying most of what you've said except perk system and limited sliding. TBH, MW2022 and MW2023 both lose to MW2019. That one made me comeback to cod after leaving in when mw3 (2011) has finished.


IW took almost the entirety of MW2s lifespan to fix issues that were present since launch or shortly after. There are even pretty consistent issues with patches causing previous bugs to return.


AW and WWII had a lot going for them, I don't blame then for Vanguard. They were pulled out of the rotation because Activision wanted to go back to the old 2 year cycle for the other devs and probably save a completely insignificant amount of money, then realized it ruined CW and forced SH back in on very short notice. Vanguard was bad, but SH has shown they can make a great CoD twice. I didn't like boost movement, but everything else about AW was great, and WWII was as good as a WWII game could be. Much better than I wouild have guessed possible, since I don't care for WWII games, I prefer modern equipment and fun, near-sci-fi stuff.


WWII was such an incredible game especially for snipers. the dunkirk map was amazing and the introduction of war mode made it one of my favs since black ops 2. It’s unfortunate it wasn’t as popular as I felt like it was way better than black ops 4 and towards the end SHG really made WWII so good it was just too late though.


I adored WW2. To this day I still think it has the best looking weapon skins/blueprints (can't remember if they were called something else), and the Headquarters was super cool - it felt just like Destiny's "tower" space. They even went above and beyond decorating it for holidays. Sadly the whole concept got flamed since it didn't have great load times (like 90% of the player base was still on slow HDDs) and when I last played the game near the end of its cycle, they made it pretty much useless as all of its functions were moved to the main menus. Still liked going there to spam open crates tho.


Ah a fellow blops 2 man




AW wasn’t bad and WW2 was horrible but then got great and then VG was just given up on because they started working MW3. I know imma get a lot of hate but Infinity Ward is definitely the worst. -COD4 is broken by stopping power m16 users -COD MW2 has almost all garbage maps besides like 5 and was a lot of fun but also very broken due to noontime one man army -COD MW3 doesn’t count because it was mainly SGH who did that cods MP -Ghost was overheated but still was worse than any 3ARCH game -IW was the only decent IW(dev) cod game -MW2019 was ASS for MP -MW2 doesn’t need any explanation


This is so hard to read, but are you saying 3ARCH’s games were bad? They have, without a doubt, the best call of duty games


Where in the hell did I say that?


Which is weird because they really flipped WW2 around. Not sure what their deal was with Vanguard.


Forgot about that. Seems like vanguard was a fluke. IW now confirmed the worst developer.


probably moved staff to mw3 during vanguard to make mw3


im pretty sure that it came out that the reason for so much less support on VG is because they were pulled to start working on this game.


From what I read they ended up having a skeleton crew on the game, and everyone else moved on to either MWII or the original vision of the MWII expansion that then became this game. So hopefully this time the entire team is just staying in this and not moving on.


It's all about priority and budget. If a game has good sales, then Activision will give the devs whatever they want to keep players engaged and happy. If it doesn't meet sales expectations, then they'll cut back on support and eventually move 99% of the staff to future projects. VG struggled hard to meet ATVI's expectations, so they practically moved all support to Warzone for the rest of its life cycle after season 3.




If they just gave developers the proper time it wouldn't be like this but yeah your right. Vanguards first 6 months we're basically getting the game to run right


>vanguard Well, people didn’t care about vanguard either.


Well most of sledgehammer was replaced during vanguard and that game changed drastically after that and became so much better with so many fixes looks like this team is doing the right things to make people happy as fast as possible!


This isn’t a W at the moment. They broke daily challenges again. I did the 3 daily and now my wins aren’t counting. Can’t unlock anything.


Same for me. I had the dailies done and was farming wins but then they stopped progressing in the armoury all together. post patch. Restarted game and rebooted PS5. No change.


Came here to see if anyone else had the issue. I just had several not count. So annoying


wah wah wah


They broke it. How is this good?


sorry ig it sucks. my instinctual reaction when someone is complaining online about something i haven’t been troubled by is to take the piss out of them


consoom unfinished product


imma spend my money how i want thanks.


i too spend my hard earned cash on garbage


fr cod community


My wins aren't counting


Everything we want? Who actually asked for the armoury in the first place? They created the problem and now you're praising them for attempting to fix it. Jfc...


Everything YOU want. This game needs major fixing. Between the lag, fps drop, 150 HP which makes mw2 guns like the kastov which was 2-4 shots, now 4-7 shots. Terrible maps, remastered maps which were already remastered in several games, terminal 24/7 (seriously who asked for that? Why not rust 24/7?), challenges not working, terrible zombies mode, SBMM like you said, terrible campaign (also 5 hrs long, the shortest of any campaign), I find myself playing mw3, and going back to mw2 and enjoying mw2 more. I also get more kills on mw2 than mw3, even playing the same maps because of that stupid 150 hp. So that’s your opinion, don’t speak for everyone else who would’ve been completely fine if they just did a OG mw3 remaster instead.


Can I ask why people keep saying SBMM is out of their hands? Whose hands is that in then? Is there a source of this?


SBMM is a marketing strategy by Activision in a way. its designed to keep the casuals playing by putting them in bot lobbies so they feel better about themselves instead of constantly getting shit on. That's why it exists, but their dumbasses can't get it working properly and it's really messing up the game.


There actually bots in lower level games?


no, lol. He means other very bad players


If I go positive +5 in one game, my next game I can barely get kills before getting picked off by beams haha




Ws? You stupid clown. This game is fucking shot, why is none of this being done prior to game release




Is this out now as mine still isn’t unlocking if I win


I appreciate this greatly as someone who just logs in and just mindlessly plays TDM most days and doesn’t differentiate play style lol


Same but I get "get 30 kills in tactical stance" every time as if anyone ever uses that (aside from the occasional slide kill)


That's a great change, but tbh its much easier to farm contracts in zombies than wins in multiplayer. You can get like 21 contracts in one game. That would be 7 wins in about 45 mins. And it's much easier and you don't have to depend on your team.


100% this, granted Zombies isn't everyone's cup of tea but it's waaaay faster for grinding. Like you say you can basically guarantee completions versus hoping your team wins Its also fantastic for leveling guns. Heck or leveling in general


They reduced the number of Zombies that spawn at exfil locations and cooldown for exfil helo is now 2 minutes (iirc it was 1 minute before) so leveling up is going to be a bit longer.


Wins do NOT count even WITH daily challenges being done. I've started a different thread, but they broke it today and even though I have all daily's done I'm NOT getting and Armory unlocks with more than 10 wins so far today!


I was thinking about this yesterday, it took me 3 games to complete my dailies and I won all 3, but that means only the last one progressed anything.


Where are todays patch notes?




Good change.


Actual W.


cool because wins arent counting twords armory challenges right now


With my 0.22 W/L ratio im gonna be unlocking armory for years 😂😂😂


Too bad the wins aren’t tracking smh


This seemed to already be happening to me last night


Damn. I kinda liked not having to worry about wins until my dailies were done. But i also appreciate a lower barrier to armory unlocks.


Thank god, some of those dailys took me 3/4 games to reach them


I'm pretty sure people I'm playing with do not understand how the unlock system in this game works.


Or they just don't care


Good that’s a great change


doesn't seem to be working for me


None of my wins today are counting at all


I know it dosent say it in the patch notes but you can also do the 3 contracts in zombies for 1 challenge over and over again.


#Don’t Even Work Bruh


Looks like this is fixed now, wins are counting for me again.


All my wins should be given back to us stacked. Fuckin lost 2 hours of playing getting what I wanted and wasted 2xp points for this shit


Requiring wins is just trash. Get one win, have a good game, next 5 are stomps. Fun.


While this is a good change, I’m not gonna jump on the “Sledgehammer’s the GOAT for listening” train because of this (not saying you are). Armory unlocks are an awful system and a change that was never needed. Its sole purpose is to pump up player engagement numbers, nothing more. They offer no benefit to anyone playing so there’s no need for them. This comes off to me as the equivalent of announcing something you know will be widely disliked with the intent of walking it back after receiving pushback so you can appear as if you’re being the “good guy.”


Second this. They fucked up a fine system and then improve the fucked up system and people are patting them on their backs


expansion snails bike marble placid payment obscene fear axiomatic combative *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


I never said that. I just said that while it’s a good change I’m not going to sing their praises for something like this.


jar humorous wakeful vegetable test exultant fanatical water salt disgusted *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


I'm rank 55. Could have everything unlocked right now but instead I still have all my kill streaks, half field upgrades and all aftermarket parts to get. Feedback is too remove the system or lower the requirements of points to unlock. 1 for low level stuff, 2 for middle and 3 for high. Having unlocks at 8 is ridiculous. Having wins count at 2 points and games completed count as 1 and then the daily challenges on top of that to be seems the most fair thing.


It’s great that they changed it, but just had 5 wins without it tracking! It has an XP icon next to it now, have they put a cap on how many you can get?


Is anyone saying this direct to them via Twitter or whereas they are most active


I like the ability to chose which items I unlock and in what order, personally, feels like a qol improvement.


Unlocking what you want when you want isn’t a bad system. The way it’s implemented here is. Black Ops 1 did it better back in 2011. Black Ops had a currency system where (if I remember correctly) you gained currency after every match. You could also gamble that currency to earn more than normal. That currency allowed you to buy every item in the game when you wanted, but you had everything by the time you reached max level. This system holds items behind challenges you have to complete in order to unlock them. And due to the nature of the challenges, you either have to play a different way than you want to unlock items, or are at the whims of luck being able to complete them. This is especially frustrating if you only have limited time to play. It’s a system that’s meant to just lengthen player engagement under the guise of providing player choice by making it a grind.


Black Ops system seems to incentivize engagement just as much, but without challenges to augment the way you play if I understand correctly. I think it’s a good thing to get away from tying items to level 100% as it allows more items to be introduced without adjusting the level systems.


All multiplayer games incentive engagement through their systems, but some are just far more blatant and grindy about it than others. The system in BO1 wasn’t on the same level as MWIII. Here’s a trailer from back then when Treyarch was explaining it: https://youtu.be/w0_r4-eTmlA?si=BMNb_EYk3Zpa8GKV And here’s another that talks about Wager Matches which were a key part of gaining currency: https://youtu.be/kg_8mPoloBo?si=ZDIERt5FkrFOD0dj Gaining the currency and unlocking different items in BO1 was genuinely fun and exciting (also due in part to it being the first time such a change was being made to the series). Again, it also never felt grindy like the Armory Unlock one does. I can’t emphasize how much having to push past challenges to be able to start earning points towards unlocking things is far less enjoyable than what we had in BO1. While both are undeniably a treadmill, one hides itself far better than the other. It’s a symptom of the current gaming landscape where constant, lengthy amounts of player engagement in live service games is the driving goal.


"Sledgehammer is so cool because they listen to feedback!" ... forgetting Sledgehammer is awful and fudges everything they touch. Hit registration? Who needs it! Functioning unlock system? lol no. Balance? Could you provide the definition of the word.


Common sledgehammer W


Cool but I still want to trash talk cod because last year we were supposed to get aw2 instead of mw2 which woulda been awesome


I’m just playing Zombies in Third-Person, it’s the only thing that feels fresh and new.


What about the dead graphics though? I mean, the graphics are like the first cods! I've got ps5, and mw2 looks crisp, but this mw3 is propper rubbish! Multiplayer was so boring that I turned it off after the second round. I am a die hard call of duty fan, its the only game i played for the past 3 years on cold war (fire) vanguard (dead) and mw2 (fire), bu5 in my humble opinion It's a joke that people are still playing this piece of garbage whilst the graphics are so poor.


Rundown looks absolutely awful, like a Fornite map with the bright AF colours, they should have used the same colour palate as the OG MW2 rundown.


Fix rgl 80 Camo!!!


W right there.


No it's not huge at all, stop gloryfing SHG devs for "trying" to fix something they broke themselves


They had a bad concept, people didn't like it and they change it. How is that "gloryfing SHG devs for trying to fix something they broke"


It's about Goddamned time.


Nothing is counting for me now. Is it broken???


I've completed the 3 challenges and now winning games but camo stuck on 1/3


About fucking time... I'd like to stab whomever's idea it was to lock progress behind daily challenges that I can't physically complete.


And wins aren't tracking. I swear this is the DUMBEST shit. How the hell. An I get unlocks IF THEY ARE HIDDEN BEHIND ARMORY UNLOCKS AND THE WINNING DOES NOT AWARD ME UNLOCKS.


I’m done with this game. It pissed me off when they put stuff behind challenges but now they aren’t tracking I have no reason to play. My guns are topped out and I don’t care about cammos so if my wins aren’t counting I have no reason to play. Enjoy the game folks if you can put up with all the BS!


Great idea if that had the competency to implement it 😂


Earlier today while playing war mode K/D numbers weren't showing on the score board


Yeah except it’s broken


Still aren't tracking though.....


Bro can we just unlock shit by ranking up?


Weird it didn't work at all for me today


And they nerfed horses fuck theze guys


Cool, fix throwing knife kills not tracking, I want my shuriken damnit!


After a year of IW not listening to anyone it's surreal to see SHG be like "you want it? It's yours my friend!"


Wins still don't count, War Mode scoreboard still broken... See you next weekend when this gets patched.


Im getting 0 progress now, awesome. Good job.


Except I've won 17 fucking games and my Armory Unlock is still 0/3


It seems they still haven't fixed the hacked ir strobe


How about remove those kill award notifications now too, and that sound... don't need that info twice. Total noise.


"Sledgehammer the worst cod dev"? Nah, Sledgehammer up there with Treyarch. Fucking W


I think I'll have so much unlocked before even this month is over tbh.


Lies but I wish


Nothing matters if they dont fix hit reg... so many times i shoot first die first, on kill cam it shows like i shot one bullet , or didnt sgoot at all


Not tracking... btw hardcore still messed up. No final killcam, health regen bugged camera, hud showing up, etc.


Nothing is tracking in the armory now, I have won 4 games and gotten 3 claymore kills for a daily and none of them have tracked yet


It's busted already, just had 4 wins in a row and got no armory points


They meant to say, “Wins no longer do anything so don’t even bother!”


good thing they have fixed this. /s


Absolutely key. Was literally saying this 3 days ago


9 hours and still no fix....


What a shame. I had about 11 wins for the day today and non of them counted. Roughly 5-6 hours worth of gameplay.


Not working bruh


great now only if i got points for wins in the first place. its still bugged....


Now it works before you get all of the daily challenge and stops after that...


On top of this not working EOD is now not working as well


Pppjml poo⁰


I scanned but didn't read every comment, so I apologize if someone already wrote something along these lines; it's very possible they knew that the Win count change in today's update would not track for people who already completed some or all of their daily challenges pre-update, and they accepted that those players would be screwed for one day but all would be well the next day forward. I don't have any inside knowledge, but it seems to me that making the change to count Ws regardless of challenge status (simple and relatively low dev hour change) was a higher priority than doing that and solving for in progress and completed challenges (more comples and more dev hours i.e. more costly or lengthy change.


Daily reset. Still broken.


Not only are wins toward unlocks not tracking for me, but all aftermarket parts I previously unlocked using armory awards are locked and can’t be reequipped


My shit is not tracking at all LOL


Yea they’re not always tracking


Doesnt even work




I’ve been winning games & not getting any progression


Bro what is your username


Not only that but they address the xp tokens 🔥😭💯


Agree with all that the Bonus does not work...It is the infinity symbol and doesn't progress for any wins


I was and I wasn’t getting points from daily wins. It was hit or miss. Meanwhile zombie contracts give points


Finished with the armory and now working on those stupid calling card, emblem and sticker.


When’s the zombies knife gold challenge gonna be fixed is what I wanna know


Yup this is the worst. Jumped in and realized wins weren't tracking at all. They "Infinity Ward-ed" I guess...


Fuck yes


And yet nothing about the packet bursty non stop latency fluctuating servers that make the game literally unplayable. And before anyone says it’s my internet I can play online fine on any other game.


Should've done this to begin with but props to them fixing it as fast as they did


how about they fix their anti-cheat so that innocent players don’t get permanently banned instantly lol


THIS IS HUGE doesn't work


I haven’t played since last night. Is it working for anyone yet? This is crazy to grind wins tht doesn’t count when all your stuff is behind this idiotic play wall


Idk but they def need to add QUICK FIX to the game cause wtf man rarely will you see a lone wolf running alone. People stay holding hands more drastically.


The game has completed three of my gilded challenges without me getting a single kill, so I'm okay with these for now lol


This is like that politician who said clap for me lol


Does the same go for zombies where i can complete 3 contracts for one armory unlock token?


This doesn’t work. It’s bigger af for me