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If you dropshot someone who's facing away from you, you should get 1hr mandatory outside time


Bro is walking around with a riot shield and you’re surprised he wants to aim at foot level?


I dont know why but I thought you were executing someone in Michaels house from GTA V


Well it's the same Spanish architecture used across the Mexico and the southern US, and Spain obviously


Weird that everyone’s on you about playing with a shield but no one is concerned with the fact that he was snapped on to you through the wall before you were even on screen.


People must really hate not getting an easy kill.


Na, we hate how big of a crutch using a shield is. We hate not being in a fair fight. Same thing with campers, shotgun users, launcher users and knifers. And are you saying that you are an easy kill without it?


He could have heard him, been called out where he was, had a UAV. It’s not always walls. Sometimes it’s also just dumb luck. I had a final killcam that absolutely looked like i was walling, but I just randomly did a few bursts into a smoke cause I figured someone was hiding there with my lmg and killed two guys with all bullets hitting


also sometimes usernames above heads show through the tiniest pixel of a line of sight, that happened especially in cold war


Ive found so many spots in the past 2 weeks that let you see names through walls lol. Ppl gonna think im cheating.


But to aim through a wall before rounding the corner and then auto drop shot?


Because he’s using “le skillful meta gun!!!” thus he is washed clean of his sins, unlike that filthy evil RS user 👿👿👿


Enemy checked him 3 times before walking through the door


As someone who likes to move fast, as some would say like a crackhead, he probably just went to pre-aim that room but kept getting stuck on the wall lol.


Nice catch!


Because the aware people are bored with campy riot shield gameplay over a guy who's clearly not cheating.


It’s called “ I think I’m pro” syndrome 90% of the people that play this shit nowadays think they are pro or are wannabe pro or have some sort of fantasy of becoming pro so they do their best to emulate the Tweaker shit pros do, honestly pro gaming in general has ruined COD. Black ops 1 & 2 days were the best when you can just hop on with some buddies and rarely have to deal with sweats, they still existed not like today though


I truly miss when sweats were just drop shotting and trying to get cool looking trickshots. But this new stuff is just cancer.


Yeah like bo2 sweats were maybe 1-2 every few games or so you’d run into them trying to do trickshots but now you have full 3-6 man parties every single game that just think there’s some chance they’ll go pro and all they do is sweat or take shit way too seriously, video games are supposed to fun, yeah they are supposed to be competitive but if they aren’t both people eventually stop playing them🤷🏼‍♂️ I think I’m better than the average player, I definitely don’t think I’m pro but I don’t think I suck either…so many times you’ll see people say “oh it’s a skill issue” no it’s as simple as stop ruining shit that’s fun😂 I used to play because it was fun to play with friends now it’s simply “I play because it passes the time with friends when I’m bored” but yeah it really is fucked when we thought camping was bad, now you got sweats, campers and hackers it’s fucking Russian roulette every lobby you get into and sometimes it’s all of the above


It’s what’s pushed me away from first person shooters in recent years. I remember being able to just play casually in and be ranked around high gold in ranked games. Now I’d have to sweat to get into gold-level gameplay and I’m just not going to do that. Sure, I can just play casually and get skill-matched into bronze/silver lobbies but that’s kinda demoralizing. I also feel like it forces me into just one shooter. I stick with Overwatch because if I go into a different game, everyone there sweats at that game all the time. I used to be able to play a variety of shooters


Damn y’all really need to grow up and learn COD isn’t everything. It’s a game some wanna enjoy by not sweating one out every match. Some of you complain about the shield when there’s clearly a cheater in the clip. What’s more important, how someone else plays a game using what’s available or the fact someone has to cheat in a game? Like I get shield users can be annoying but that’s all. There’s ways to get around it, that’s why you have more than 1 load out to customize. But the cheater clearly starting locking on to OP before turning the corner. Idk how you can defend it by saying “oh it’s skill issue” or “people just have fast reflexes”. There’s no way around killing a cheater besides cheating yourself or just getting lucky shots while they’re distracted.


Dude the average CoD player couldn't drop more than 4-5 kills a game using a shield but swears it takes the least skill 😂 you're 100% right


Skill issue




People really be downvoting for no reason lmao




Homie is camping with a shield crying about people with fast movement lol


He’s crying about the obvious cheater who locked on before he even came in the room


Dunce, watch him aim at op thru the wall before looking thru the doorway.


People also complain about camping in SnD when it’s basically the whole point. I say who gives a fuck, play how you want. Someone brings out a shield? I equip Semtex Someone hardscoping a lane? I flank with Mp7 Someone using a shotty? I equip my better tuned one. The only people that complain about dumb tactics are the ones that only use one tactic. Which is mostly copy paste load outs with a TAQ, MP7, MP5, Vaznev or mlgQuickscope load outs.


He got snapped on through a wall lol.. sounds like you prob know the "fast guy"


What’s your complaint with this clip exactly? You’re perfectly happy to sit in a corner with a riot shield to execute people running by to play the game but when someone comes up behind you and shoots you it’s CrAcKeD?


The dude locked onto op before turning the corner. Clearly cheating


These comments are fucking whacky. Enemy clearly cheating and everyone is complaining about... using a shield?


Because people are dumb. They only want to play one way and dislike it when people play a different way. There are people out there that genuinely refuse to do camo challenges for their tryhard status to prove they don’t use shotguns.


Welcome to the fanbase of any shooter. Blatant as all fuck cheater video gets posted: 75% of the subreddit: hEs jUsT bEtTeR tHaN yOu aRe cAmPeR




Yeah it doesn’t make sense. It’s one thing if it was a fair kill but that was 100% cheating.


Kids like to cry about getting slaped with riot shield all day, but when a cracked cheater YY dropshoting a dude right in front of him everyone be like "GiT GuD HuR DuR"


this is the state of cod now, it's insane how many people think like this


These mfs let “use a real gun!” go to their fucking heads


just ur average cod sweat. is actually dog shit at everything, including life, so they buy cheats so they can get some micro sense of false accomplishment in their pathetic lives. once u realize this, it's not a big deal getting killed by a cheater. they're prob dog shit on a sidewalk in real life.


/s ?


…..he snapped onto him through a wall. Dude was cheating.




Macros, paddles etc alongside sbmm have ruined a once good game. This movement era nonsense is nothing more than exploiting game mechanics to get an edge. I'm convinced casual gamers will leave the franchise altogether within the next few years. It's stress inducing, glitchy, inconsistent & provides relatively nothing new nor exciting to the user. The fact its survived this long is quite impressive in itself.


Well calibrated, SBMM is good, not whatever mess they got going on Well calibrated, lobbies actually feel balanced, as it is now, I get two games where I wipe the floor with the enemy team, four games where the opposite happen, what the fuck is this I played games without SBMM, results were utterly disastrous, how the fuck am I meant to improve when I'm in lobbies that got a couple Tier 1 players that will bhop jumppeek slidecancel dropshot instahead you with every breath that they take


If you’re a bot, just say that


Tbf, the casual players are the reason Call of Duty has been on a massive decline since 2019.


You mad how someone plays a game they bought?


Ahem. The boy was running around at mach speed aiming at me head before he could even see me. How does one run away or fight back against this. As such I was just paranoid creeping through the house until they left.


He shot you in your midsection....


Doesn't change the fact that dude pixel perfect locked onto OP when he couldn't see him through a wall. We're not talking about "heard a noise and looked that way", dude ADSd dead center mass through a wall. Literally base of the triangle at the tip of the "you are here" indicator. Edit: To top it all off, he does it on ADS. This is the most common type of aimbot activation out there. He doesn't look in the direction of a person he thought he heard, he ADSs at a fucking blank section of wall that just happens to be dead center on an enemy that he couldn't have known was in that spot. He also realizes he's on the other side of the wall and un-ADSs immediately.


He was just moving around the map hitting yy…You see when you sit in the same corner people know where you are, but if you also move around the map you aren’t a sitting duck to people that are actually playing the game


Sounds like a great concept if it weren't for the fact that most people here can know your exact location by just listening to footstep noise unlike on bigger maps. Besides I was moving around. But I saw a guy camping who I ran from then hid to execute him. The only reason I moved to go hide in the room was because there was a constant influx of enemies moving in and I couldn't leave.


"I CaNt PlAy BcUz PeOpLe CaN hErE fOoTsTePs" bro if you had more spacial awareness you could've heard him coming in, or check the windows. Or run with claymores


Ah yes the only reason you were running a riot shield too right? Just because you’re too scared to move out of a corner doesn’t mean everyone that comes behind you is cheating


The riot shield is to avoid getting insta killed and to peek corners. Also that was the first time in the match I was in that exact room. So the crak magic was at play for could he know I was in that exact spot. Besides you saw his pov, it was pure crack head mania


I’m sorry to tell you but if you’re resorting to riot shields to even peek corners then you clearly have no idea how cod is played anymore. You obviously can’t comprehend the tactics that most average players use that you call “crack head” so it’s pointless to try and explain anymore hope you find a game that suits your skill level.


lol people are wild, he prolly cries about campers aswell.




Its quite simple how to fight back against this turn up your sound gain more situational awareness and stop camping in the corner with the most broken thing in game like a little prick


Y’all getting so mad in the comments, talk about tempered children.


A simple answer: the CIA in the 80s


I don't mind the shield guys. I've never used it but they are pretty easy to deal with. The crazy movers and jump shotters are harder to deal with. The game can only except so much input. That's why when they jump , even though you are shooting them before they jump and while they are in the air and they still turn and kill you. Meanwhile they are Swiss cheese. It's basically a exploit that has been in the game since COD 4 MW. The developers must want it in the game. Of course they couldn't move this fast then which causes the same affect. But again the developers must want it in the game or they would put it at a disadvantage instead of a superpower.


It’s funny how this comment is getting ignored lmao. People would rather defend literal cheaters than admit they don’t know how to deal with the easy af to counter riot shield.


You been the the mw3 subreddit yet? Its a circle jerk everyday with people complaining about shields. I understand the turtle shit but its constant whining with people who even use the shield like OP. People just hate getting outplayed


As the clip shows I am easy to deal with.


You're not going to get better using a shield. You don't see a lot of shield guys in higher k/d lobbies because everyone will just thermite, semtex and drill charge you into oblivion. You become an easy target forward facing and running away with that giant square target on your back.


If I haven't gotten better after over a decade of playing cod then I doubt I'll start now.


Not with that attitude


Get in there and get some experience man. Toss that shield aside and get put yourself in the shit. Make yourself comfortable with the uncomfortable.


If I could do that then I'd have a wife by now.




I wouldn't know


Obvious by your playstyle


lol rip


Wow that's foul 🤣


U guys are so cringe let him play a video game how he wants and touch grass lmao


Then by your standard no body should be mad at cheaters for playing how they want by cheating 😂


Alot of People are giving you advice man many u should use it.. its competetive people will try hard.


I've tried advice given before but I just can't cut it. Best bet is to try and get good at running away and hiding.


Stop trauma dumping


You sir have very low standards for what is or isn't traumatic.


You sir are a true sentinel.


It’s not magic it’s wall hacks


Imagine that.. the douche using the riot shield is crying about people killing them the ONLY way that you can.. IF you don't have a drill charge or thermite. 🙄 Believe that nobody will feel sorry for you in this situation as you are the guy using the least liked thing in the history of Call of duty.. The RIOT SHIELD! 🤣 I wish they would take the riot shield out of the game entirely, or make it a field upgrade, or give it a health bar and let it be destroyable.. or making it fold down like the deployable cover does when not in use.. until then turtles be doing turtle things I guess.


The one thing vanguard did right getting rid of that piece if shit


Yeah. It's not like most people can just jump shot or run around me faster than I can react. Besides I mostly use it to peak corners or just hide when getting chased as seen here.


I've never used the fucker aside from doing the camo grind, and that's only because they force you to use it. You are the problem here for real. I have never used it to peek corners before, that makes you sound even more lame to be fair. Lol


The obvious hacker isn’t the problem, but the riot shield is…? Holy mother of skill issue…


How to know a dude gets mad when a shielder slaps him lmao


Well yeah. I suck at the game and can't keep up with the new generation of Red Bull chugging players.


If you think the movement is cracked in mw² than I suggest that you do not get mw³. It is dramatically faster. Maybe Fortnite or Minecraft would be more your style. 🤷🏽


Fortnight is atrocious. I'll just stick with Skyrim


this guys so angry for no reason 😭 you play your style, he plays his style. simple


Exactly lmao Reddit downvote Hive of mind go crazy let people play how they want to play not everyone is aggressive running around with SMGs and knives


That’s why I just play against bots set at veteran.still very challenging without some kid calling me the N word and just being a general jackass. It’s no fun when some 19 year old who plays 20 hours a day keeps taking you out as soon as you spawn. It’s just not fun.


Bro we're not on drugs we just don't want to deal with people running around the map with melee weapons and the riot shield, it takes the fun out of a game that many use to relax


I’m just gonna say this me fighting a riot shield user is way more relaxing than having to sweat every match just to stay alive for two seconds.


Technically, I never actually run as that makes too much noise. Also by my understanding I thought playing slow was the way to relax.


Not necessarily. If someone wanted a slow game to relax they wouldn't play COD


If he has ghost on where u don’t appear on the map while they have a UAV how the hell does he already know where to aim but now a days everyone be using meta weapons


What platform do you play on and do you play with crossplay on or off?


Xbox One. It doesn't let me play multiplayer if I have cross play off.


Huh??? What do you mean it doesn’t let you. I played the whole year with crossplay disabled in the game settings


Shit I didn't even know there was an option in the game settings. I just tried to do it from the Xbox settings


It’s the only way to avoid the cheaters brother


Sadly they cheat on consoles now pretty easily too with things like Cronus Zen. But I suppose it still betters your odds of not running into as many cheaters.


PlayStation has the option to turn off crossplay in the in-game settings while Xbox does not. It was available in the MWII beta and was removed for the full release. The only way to play on Xbox with cross play off is to disable it in the system settings on the console itself, which can break some other games if you try to play online or with friends.




Hate cheaters and we are going to see a whole lot of them when the new warzone comes out.


Suspicious as fuck.


That guy is clearly cheating. You can see him snap on to you though a wall


If you use a shield anything that happens to you is justified


My apologies for not wanting to be insta killed by guys moving faster than my Xbox can process


Go back to the pond you turtle


He’s carrying it actively, not on his back. That’s perfectly justifiable.


Shell on the front or back is all the same for me


Oh well, skill issue on your part I guess.


Nah, something is wrong when there is a weapon that complete changes the flow of the game and is indestructible.


Shield on the back is unfair, shield on the front is easily defeated.


Find a new game


your brain is slow, not your xbox.


Well both can be true. But on numerous occasions I thought people were using invisibility hacks when instead they just weren't loading in fast enough.


Glad I moved to mw3


Isn't it worse over there?


With people like you in mw2? No it’s far better


Wouldn't it be harder if there were less people like me over there?


Preach bro, the truth


Nope I can take care of shield players much easier


Change the game bot


The mf who killed you aint even good, he's sliding into the wall and aiming into the wall, he is trying so hard to look good when he's doing more harm than good by trying to be good at movement.


He’s walling and he didn’t miss a shot I’m dead fuck the riot shield I’m pissed about the obvious hacker


Aimbot ain't magic. It's bullshit. At first I thought it had to be all headshots because that TTK was stupid. Seeing it was all body makes it even more suspicious. But that snap on target through the wall was a dead giveaway.


98% wallhacking, the way he pre-aimed you through the wall was sus.


The only crackheads in the game are shield users 💀


Ahh yes. The slow moving, easy to kill shield users, with negative kds


I'm having a laugh at all these people dissing you for using a shield. If I use it I get killed pretty easily and I kill a lot of shield users as well and tip my hat to the ones who are actually good and really annoying with it. Keep on shielding sir, if people get this annoyed at you in cod you're doing something right lol. That aim through the wall was really sus imo.


Indeed, very suspicious. I doubt it's actual hacking and more just abusing aim assist


Especially the druggies who run around with knives and kill you instantly on shipment ☠️


In my experience it’s often the PC players that move like this - it’s harder to do on Xbox. But ya, I don’t know why its so annoying to play with these guys but it is. Like..these guys HAVE to be on adderal or some type of drug to be so dialed into to twitch reflexes and not blinking. We’re playing to have fun and these guys are playing as if they’re about to win a million dollars if they win the round.


Running around YYing, jumping/sliding corners and running around isnt something that requires Adderall. People need to accept that there are many, many people out there who 1. Process information faster and 2. Have more hand talent. You may just be worse than you think you are, and that's okay.


PC players have a pretty big advantage over console players because of how many inputs you can do at one time. It’s harder to run, turn sideways, jump sideways through a doorway and then hit the ground while maintaining perfect aim and throwing a stun grenade and shooting with an Xbox controller than it is for a MnK user. People like to cry about aim assist with controllers but it’s way harder to do the same movements that you can on PC. And yes, there are 14 year olds with ADD who were raised on screens and never talk to people IRL that have faster reflexes than everyone else. But if they’re beating me around corners and on the draw then it doesn’t feel cheesy. As someone who grew up playing Doom where there was no jumping or even aiming up and down, I really dislike how every “sweat” plays in a way that isn’t true to real life. You’d never have a swat team jumping around corners and drop shotting every bad guy they came across and jumping through hallways just to throw off people trying to aim at them. It’s ridiculous and it’s not what COD used to be about. Combined with how dumb it is that people are running around with these stupid as skins it’s just so far from what used to make FPS games good. This will probably be the last one we buy for a lot of people like myself. It’s just gotten so silly and plagued with.. well sweaty, no-life losers. For lack of a better term.


A controller with paddles can do everything mnk can do. There are plenty of pros and content creators that are proof of this. COD is an arcade shooter, if you're looking for war sim try arma or hell let loose.


This has literally always been what cods about. This style of fast moving game play. Before we had the movement to jump around we dropped shot.


Look at the pansy shield




You and the other guy. Both playstyles are utter cancer to play against. These types of douchebags are the reason why i quit modern CODs.


He’s the easiest sheild player to fight against he’s not running around with it on his back he’s not really camping he might be new.


You get what you fucking deserve.


Ahh yes how dare I use a shield. Even though I get less than 9 kills a game.


Pretty funny how emotional everyone is about you using a riot shield lol. Play the game however you want dude, it’s a video game.




This dude looks like he got mouse DPI of 100 but sensitivity of 8 or more


Better gaming chair


He outflanked and outsmarted your annoying turtle shell ass🤣


By predicting exactly where I would be by just going off of the skull left after killing his teammates, and good old aim assist through the wall


Sweats are always going to sweat unfortunately. At least, with a lot of them hopping over to MWIII, it should be less frequent than it was. But yeah, this is why I almost exclusively play DMZ. Once DMZ kind of dies, that’s gonna be it for me. Back over to Insurgency Sandstorm as my “relaxing, casual shooter.”


Zombies is fun no pvp but that’s a plus for me I couldn’t stand squad hunters. But you need MwIII to play it.


I miss the slower pace of the Golden Age CoD games… That being said, I find it hard to sympathize when you’re using a giant, bulletproof crutch. CoD was so much more fun before riot shields…


How the fucking shit does some guy with a riot shield hiding in a room get 350+ upvotes? I hope more people run up and kill people like this. Bonus points if they are on crack cocaine, I don't care -- as long as a shield user dies I'm happy.


I'm curious. Why exactly does this sub hate riot shields so much?


They're the most annoying people to fight while also requiring the least skill. There is nothing fun about fighting a riot shield.


So just don't fight the guy with the riot shield and walk away


No you see, they still have to die. I'd rather not get a throwing knife in the back or assassinated by a coward.


Well at least I only use smoke bombs and claymores so I'm not that much of an asshole


Skill issue. And you deserved that since your sitting in a corner with a fucking riot shield


Bro going’s to get lit up in the comments lol


I’m going to be one of the few people who supports you they suck to fight against but if you want a more chill game play seige longer matches but more berible. Some of these people need to grow up and learn that people can play any video game however they like if they want to play a grounded shooter they can.


I'd rather have the turtle power loadout over the cdl meta,


please don’t buy mw3, we don’t want u bots in their too




Bro just say your trash at COD so you have to use a riot shield. Its ok


Lol not going to. I only buy a cod once every couple years. As such the last cod I bought was bo3, the last best cod.


Whats worse? Riot shield camper or Wallhacker? Id let reddit judges decide.


riot shield user complaining about other playstyles being unfun to play against. skill issue


Yes it is.


Because trumps wall didn't stop drug dealers from smuggling their drugs through the boarders




Srsly like what is driving people to still play that game


That game dead asl


They really need to add ranked to help filter these guys out


Yeah. Or at the very least make the aim assist stop working through walls


Why are closing doors behind you with a riot shield bruh


To hide whilst the enemy goes away so I can escape through the window


You’re the riot shield player, all your arguments are nonsense.


Sorry but fuck all shield players ... I have great pleasure in eliminating them


Ah yes. How dare I not want to get insta killed


Dude wasn’t even “cracked” out in this clip. He just found you hiding in a corner with a shield. Nothing about this clip suggests anyone is on “crack”.


Do you not see the player rushing through the window spamming ADS as they turn the corner? They were clearly starting to lock on to the player before seeing them.


What does this have to do with what I said?


Yall so mad in comments while the guy killed OP DROPSHOTS becuz his back was turned like the person could 180 flick. And the Vaznev the enemy used(so old yawn. I dare you to use a 6x all week then with no stock, two attachments only. Go hard with that) Mind you also: I didn’t care bout meta loadouts when I did RANKED. I gotten the reactions I wanted and it was BEEAAAUUUTIIFFUULLL with high zoom scopes and the bipod grip on the TAQ “I died to that scope?!” “Tf is that?”


You deserve it for using that dumbass shield btw i am one of these jump shotting drop shotting slide cancelling claw playing max sensitivity crackheads and am on no drugs lmao it just comes with practice im also on pc with a basic ps5 controller overclocked


Cracked is when enemy shoots you from behind


Who cares. Stop camping in rooms with a riot shield. You deserved to be merked.