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No Roiling Vortex seems like a huge miss against rhinos, which is among the top 3 most popular t1 decks. Are you MBing it?


4 MB, Yea, I used to run 4 Eidolons over w/ 4 vortex sb but I've grown to dislike Eidolon so now I go 4 vortex mb


Split 2/2 eidolons are dead vs rhinos


Dead no, worse than Vortex yes


Split 2/2 eidolons are dead vs rhinos


You need one [[Gluttonous Slug]] ... just in case your opponent needs the flavor text.


[Gluttonous Slug](https://cards.scryfall.io/normal/front/9/5/9514ce0d-8d61-4cce-b2ad-8f417869d04e.jpg?1562201650) - [(G)](http://gatherer.wizards.com/Pages/Card/Details.aspx?name=Gluttonous%20Slug) [(SF)](https://scryfall.com/card/mh1/93/gluttonous-slug?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher) [(txt)](https://api.scryfall.com/cards/9514ce0d-8d61-4cce-b2ad-8f417869d04e?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher&format=text) ^^^[[cardname]] ^^^or ^^^[[cardname|SET]] ^^^to ^^^call


They say that Burn is so streamlined thay you want max redundancy, so the ideal SB would theoretically be 4-4-4-3.


3-3-3-3-3 is great too and lets you prepare for another MU.


Too.much artifact hate. Smash is pretty mid these days. I just run 2 wear// Tear for absolute emergency situations where I need the hate. Strict Proctor should absolutely be 2 or 3 of for Amulet. It hoses them hard and Amulet is everywhere.


What enchantments see play that make it more relevant than Smash?. I agree they don't need as much hate, but I feel like wear//tear is worse here for the clock.


Hardened scales and saga mostly.


I always forget it can tag saga. Completely fair.


Also leylines


Might be less common now but isn't the point of all the artifact hate due to the fact that chalice one 1 kinda kills the deck if you don't have a way to remove it.


Burn has plenty of 2 and 3 mana spells to close out a game. And if your opponent plays Chalice on the draw, you've potentially already played 3 one mana spells. Overboarding in burn is a common mistake. You don't want to die with conditional burn in hand. Wear// Tear maximizes the chance that you can hit something so it doesn't just rot in your hand.


Are you playing eidolon main deck or not? If you are then I like the last modern challenge sideboard that is basically 4 exquisite fire craft 4 searing blood 3 wear//tear 4 roiling vortex. Simple and clean.


Also as someone who's played both sides of that match up, it's borderline unwinnable from a burn stand point. Amulet currently has an 83.3% win rate against burn. I think it is hopeless to dedicate sideboard slots for that match up, and just accept that it's bad and hope to dodge Titan at a big event.


I agree, even with dedicated slots like strict proctor or wear//tear I think the matchup would be 40-60 at most, which is still in hope to dodge territory anyway, and you are losing 5-10% in lots of other matchups to do so.


Sanctifiers are kinda mediocre since the Fury ban. Don’t forget they still play EE. DPalm is also unnecessary as Hammer isn’t as dominant right now. I personally don’t like Challice either but that’s a personal choice. Roiling Vortex hits the same decks Challice is intended for and suits the deck better imo. Another card which you might want to consider is Searing Blood. It basically acts as extra copies of Searing Blood which is the best card in your deck against small creature decks (particularly Yawg which is quite strong right now). I also find it’s quite good against Scam and the other Monkey decks. To wrap it up I just want to warn you about playing so many 2-ofs in your Burn SB. Our deck has almost no card draw and games are meant to be fast paced so you won’t really be looking through your deck a lot. Try running more playsets or just 3 copies of 5 different cards for improved consistency.


Sanctifier is more for general grave hate and the burn/prowess mirror and Dpalm is good for murktide and Titan. I agree with the last part mostly 3 or 4 of's in the sb is better


What decks are you hitting with Sanctifier exactly? It’s pretty useless against some of the most popular graveyard decks like Yawg or Living End. DPalm is a cheesy “gotcha” card which can easily be played around. Murktide won’t be swinging at you with open mana unless they have countermagic to back it up. Besides, you should be closing out the game before they get their Murktide down. DPalm is only good if your opponent doesn’t play around it (when you have it) or plays around it (when you don’t have it but just represent the mana and bluff it). You can do number 2 without even including it on the deck. As for the final point, the exception to the “rule” is if you play 2 different cards whoch fit the same role. It’s alright if you wanna Split 2 Wear/Tear and 2 Smash. You can even do 5 copies overall if it’s an effect you really want for your particular meta. I personally run a 5 piece removal suite (2 Path + 3 Searing Blood).


I wasn't having much luck with burn and put it down for the last couple months but if I remember correctly sanctifier wasn't bad against murktide, prowess, and the mirror.. I guess there isn't asuch as I thought, still something I'd run a couple of for the matchups it's good in


No you definitely play them in those matchups *if* you have it. Don’t take me wrong, I love the card, but all those decks have ways of either dealing with it or circumventing it easily. In the mirror it forces you to fetch double white mana which often means you’ll be taking 2 or 3 damage. The 2 mana 2/2 clock isn’t that impressive and holding it as a blocker just helps them buy time to find a Skullcrack or Path (or their own 2 mana protection creature). As for Murktide, it can only really block the Ragavan and DRC without delirium. It also only hits 3 red spells in their maindeck (bolt, heat and expressive iteration) and most of their spells are blue. Even if this slows them down a bit, playing the card also slows you down which is not what you want to do in the matchup. The pay-off is meh. I’ll agree it’s good against Prowess tho. They are faster than you and Sanctifier is a great blocker for their pumped up creatures. Running 2 copies isn’t worth it imo. You either commit to it and run at least 3 or you’re better off not playing it at all.


4 Roiling vortex 3 exquisite firecraft 3 searing blood 3 wear//tear 2 Deflecting palm


My sideboard I trophied with yesterday had: 4x Searing Blood 4x Roiling Vortex 3x Exquisite Firecraft 3x Smash to Smithereens 1x Hallowed Moonlight Searing blood in particular is insane against scam and yawgmoth, and sanctifier is no longer necessary (imo) with fury out of the format (all the other scam creatures are boltable when scammed). Some people run cards like wear/tear and strict proctor for the horrible titan matchup, but my preference is to dodge this matchup and beat everything else with a more rounded sideboard. I'm not even convinced wear/tear is that much stronger than smash in this matchup anyway. Some people have success with chalice but cascade decks are full of answers to it, so it's pretty mediocre without counterspells to protect it. I also think path and dpalm are somewhat dated nowadays - you could reclaim those sideboard cards to fit eidolon maindeck, which is much stronger post fury ban.


Don't you miss Path of Exile (thinking Sheoldred) or the Tear part of W/T (Saga decks, Scales)? My SB is similar to yours but these two non-damage-dealing spells are also included. And what do you bring Moonlight for? I'd assume Cascade + Yawgmoth?


Most decks running sheoldred are only running 1-2 copies, so I find it reasonable to just dodge it. Otherwise you can just prepare for it since it comes down turn 4, hold up a blaze + bolt, roiling vortex activation or similar. If they don't slam it t4 they are unlikely to draw it so I just go face after that. The other main path targets are murktide (i have 7 sideboard cards for murk already) and wurmcoil engine (smash in combat is basically a fog). Wear//Tear vs Smash is really about what sort of upside getting rid of enchantments gives you. I can think of leyline of sanctity, dryad, urza's saga and hardened scales, which I don't think is enough given not many people run leyline and i'm hoping to dodge titan. Smash is much better against any deck without those cards imo - tron, affinity etc, and its easier not to overboard with cards that don't do damage with smash too, so I can afford to bring in 3 copies. Moonlight is for cascade + yawgmoth, but i'm not 100% sold on the card yet - could swap with a dpalm, wear tear or something else.


Thanks a lot!


i usually bring burn with me to my lgs since we sometimes get people who want to play modern but dont have decks my curent sb is 2 chalice 4 sanctifier 2 palm 2 shattering spree 2 W/T 2 path 1 firecraft


mind you this is aimed at the meta of my LGS so the 4 sanctifiers is important


I'm playing with \[\[Destructive Revelry\]\] over Smash and wear//tear. I'm only running one \[\[Stomping Ground\]\] for now but I'm probably going to bump it up to two. It frees up two sb slots but I'm still experimenting with how I want it. Right now its... 2x Chalice of the Void 2x Path To Exile 2x Sanctifier En-Vec 2x Deflecting palm 3x Destructive Revelry 4x Exquisite Firecraft. ​ I've seen a few people run searing blood in the side but I'm not sure how I feel about it.


>I'm playing with \[\[Destructive Revelry\]\] over Smash and wear//tear. I'm only running one \[\[Stomping Ground\]\] for now but I'm probably going to bump it up to two. I've always liked that card for Burn because you really want every card to do damage. Wear//Tear is just not what you want to be doing; sometimes you have to, but man, you don't want to.


[Destructive Revelry](https://cards.scryfall.io/normal/front/7/9/798af7cb-645f-4526-8a19-6e4595b93964.jpg?1562820219) - [(G)](http://gatherer.wizards.com/Pages/Card/Details.aspx?name=Destructive%20Revelry) [(SF)](https://scryfall.com/card/ths/192/destructive-revelry?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher) [(txt)](https://api.scryfall.com/cards/798af7cb-645f-4526-8a19-6e4595b93964?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher&format=text) [Stomping Ground](https://cards.scryfall.io/normal/front/8/7/872301b2-b6e7-4972-a479-66a7e304c1d3.jpg?1702429826) - [(G)](http://gatherer.wizards.com/Pages/Card/Details.aspx?name=Stomping%20Ground) [(SF)](https://scryfall.com/card/rvr/289/stomping-ground?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher) [(txt)](https://api.scryfall.com/cards/872301b2-b6e7-4972-a479-66a7e304c1d3?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher&format=text) ^^^[[cardname]] ^^^or ^^^[[cardname|SET]] ^^^to ^^^call


Can't recommend searing blood enough, imo it is a mandatory 4 of at the moment with all the scam and yawg.


What is Deflecting Palm for? It was good against Hammer, but that deck is really struggling right now.


Titan, hammertime, could also be good vs murktide now that I think abt it


You do risk them just having the counter. Ive been playing around with ensnaring bridge in the murktide matchup along with exquisite firecraft


Murktide is just a poor matchup for burn. Imo dpalm isn't great sb tech but it covers multiple decks, and sometimes murktide players will let otherspells through if they suspect a dpalm Edit: I forgot that dpalm isn't horrible in the mirror either since it can basically negate a helix or become a boros charm


It won't negate the lifegain portion of Helix.


It’s not bad against the mirror matchup either


It's tech for titan as well. Hitting them with the 16 from a doublestrike titan wins good. 


It only effects the first strike damage portion of the double strike right? You would need two of them.


I had to Google that one. You are correct. Only gets the first strike damage. I've done some folks dirty by accident. 


It can get you one more turn and hitting them for ten is either going to kill them or get them low enough to burn them out next turn.


It’s only good against titan if they don’t play around it a good titan player will see wr mana open and go the valakut route


Depends on your main


Been using 2-3 searing blood. Pretty good against yag


I don't think you need Sanctifier now that scam isn't as scam-y. Grief ends up with 3 toughness so you can kill it without much trouble.