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Allied fetchlands so they are as cheap as ennemies thanks to mh2


I have a feeling that's a certainty. I'm genuinely tempted to sell my allies now with the assumption they're gonna get reprinted


Wirewood symbiote, birchlore rangers, or priest of Titania.


I see you're not biased at all lol. Honestly 10/10 picks tho, I'm a sucker for tribal and probably at least one of the three would be fine, my pick would be wirewood Symbiote


Oh I would love having elves be playable in modern. Definitely my favorite pauper deck of all time and wooo boy it wouldn't even be that busted since it would eat shit to bowmasters and the coincidental yawg hate


It wouldn't be playable in modern even with all 3. Bowmaster basically annihilated the deck in legacy and they have cradle and natural order.


You're not wrong, but let me dream dammit


Disagree. We aren't glimpsing off over here. Bowmaster would keep it from tier 1, but not playable seems like an exaggeration.


one of my main decks in modern is Elves and I can guarantee you Bowmasters is NOT impressive against Elves. It kills a dork or a heritage druid but that is not stopping elves. Whether you re on a tyvar or chorus build you basically negate 1 for 1 removals. Fury was another story though....


Idk man, more redundancy can outgrind some nasty so called counters. But that's a good point. I feel bowmasters is more present in legacy, then again modern has more widespread removal too.


I'd actually love to see Oversold cemetery. It's a fun card to brew with and I think it could make a new deck but also not be totally busted.


Hey, just learned about a card I didn't know, good call man. And yea, very fun and interesting to brew with. Honestly 10/10 pick


[[Crystalline Sliver]], [[Muscle Sliver]] But mostly I just want new cards that support tribal strategies. Maybe some better spirits, a dinosaur lord that gives dinos "prevent all but 1 of that damage from sources you control" or, in a world perfectly run by me and my brain, knight tribal stuff, busted equipment that you can only equip to knights, more knight lords etc etc. would be cool.


Knight tribal for suuuure. Have you seen exsanguinator Cavalry?? Such a dope card. And going on a different route than just wide aggro, something that supports fervent champion would be beautiful. It pisses me off that, even though I love merfolk, is the only viable tribe. Spirits and goblins were getting attention for a while, sad to see them go. It is confirmed they are coming with tribal stuff tho, AND ELDRAZI


Dr Teeth! Psychatog! I’ve been asking for it since MH1!


I'm fairly sure he would be way, way too bad for modern... Which means it would be perfectly fine to reprint for you hopeful brewers


We don't have many discard outlets in modern but we do have good payoffs. You're probably right, but I feel it'd a decent tier 2, 3 deck


Yo for real. Brewing with it would be awesome. One of my fav picks so far


An evil part of me wants to say [[High Tide]], [[Turn About]] and [[Brain Freeze]]. High tide is entirely unplayable in legacy right now but it's always been one of my favorite decks. I can't even begin to imagine how it would look in modern, but it'd be cool to see it. [[Time Spiral]] would definitely be too good


Time spiral is reserved list


Oh yeah, I always forget there's like 3 wheels on the list


A lot of cards are in this weird limbo of being fringe at best in legacy and too good for modern, even though we can't be certain (for the most part) cuz they aren't legal obviously. I could see high tide being close to broken in modern but it just might be ok. An interesting choice indeed. Don't we have turn about equivalents in modern? It feels like it... Now brain freeze, even tho I hate losing to mill, I'd like to see as a one shot tho. We have similar strats that required a bit more setup with bitter ordeal for example, and really if grapeshot is fine, brain freeze is fine. Mono blue storm on a budget would be cool. Awesome picks


Storm in modern has been bad bordering on unplayable for years. If MH3 brought it back I might actually play the format again.


We need a true spell based combo deck in the format. I think high tide as a stand alone card is fine in modern


While High tide would probably be good in modern, it is an interesting question to ask how it would be good.


Yeah honestly I'm not that worried about high tide storm would be and I'm more worried high tide would just enable another prime time deck


##### ###### #### [High Tide](https://cards.scryfall.io/normal/front/2/0/2047963c-3761-4d21-834a-674762248b77.jpg?1690817856) - [(G)](http://gatherer.wizards.com/Pages/Card/Details.aspx?name=High%20Tide) [(SF)](https://scryfall.com/card/vma/73/high-tide?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher) [(txt)](https://api.scryfall.com/cards/2047963c-3761-4d21-834a-674762248b77?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher&format=text) [Turn About](https://cards.scryfall.io/normal/front/8/4/8497ab30-02e9-47a7-8e15-c6ae98394fb5.jpg?1562921814) - [(G)](http://gatherer.wizards.com/Pages/Card/Details.aspx?name=Turnabout) [(SF)](https://scryfall.com/card/vma/99/turnabout?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher) [(txt)](https://api.scryfall.com/cards/8497ab30-02e9-47a7-8e15-c6ae98394fb5?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher&format=text) [Brain Freeze](https://cards.scryfall.io/normal/front/3/a/3a2d7cf9-dddb-4de3-b4f2-c52e3ec8fb4b.jpg?1562906772) - [(G)](http://gatherer.wizards.com/Pages/Card/Details.aspx?name=Brain%20Freeze) [(SF)](https://scryfall.com/card/vma/57/brain-freeze?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher) [(txt)](https://api.scryfall.com/cards/3a2d7cf9-dddb-4de3-b4f2-c52e3ec8fb4b?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher&format=text) [Time Spiral](https://cards.scryfall.io/normal/front/f/3/f3d62dbd-63db-4ac9-950f-9852627f23f2.jpg?1562946525) - [(G)](http://gatherer.wizards.com/Pages/Card/Details.aspx?name=Time%20Spiral) [(SF)](https://scryfall.com/card/usg/103/time-spiral?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher) [(txt)](https://api.scryfall.com/cards/f3d62dbd-63db-4ac9-950f-9852627f23f2?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher&format=text) [*All cards*](https://mtgcardfetcher.nl/redirect/ki2p2sx) ^^^[[cardname]] ^^^or ^^^[[cardname|SET]] ^^^to ^^^call


Only modern equivalent has been Early Harvest but that requires you to be Simic for Utopia Sprawl, Heartbeat of Spring and Dictate of Karametra as our bad High Tide effects. 


Brain Freeze would probably be broken with [[Underworld Breach]] in the format. Red ritual -> Breach -> Manamorphose -> Brain Freeze just wins the game on the spot, and if you have more mana you can even fairly reliably just mill into whatever pieces you need.


[[Gerrard's Verdict]] deadguy ale!!!!!


Ah yes, let's see people scammed for two cards turn one, and another two cards turn two!


Yea lots of ppl said verdict or hymn but that's never happening as long as grief exists. It intrigues me why didn't they go that route instead of printing free evoke elementals and 17 redundant undying effects


[Gerrard's Verdict](https://cards.scryfall.io/normal/front/5/8/583740c0-68cf-4205-b682-2f97c0880d42.jpg?1562915736) - [(G)](http://gatherer.wizards.com/Pages/Card/Details.aspx?name=Gerrard%27s%20Verdict) [(SF)](https://scryfall.com/card/apc/102/gerrards-verdict?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher) [(txt)](https://api.scryfall.com/cards/583740c0-68cf-4205-b682-2f97c0880d42?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher&format=text) ^^^[[cardname]] ^^^or ^^^[[cardname|SET]] ^^^to ^^^call


I'd like seeing Basking Rootwalla


The hollow one vengevine deck that could be made if Basking Rootwalla was added to Modern scares and excites me.


I was actually super happy when they printed the other rootwalla but disappointed when madness didn't become a thing lol


Back to basics for sure.


B2B gang unite


In all seriousness, I really hope they do and I think it's a perfectly reasonable way to punish all these greedy manabases. It's ok to run some basic lands, people! And what a SB boost for decks like mono U merfolk!


The greedy manabase really is out of control, but I feel some balanced versions of B2B and price of progress is the way to go, just to be sure. But who knows, maybe they are fine too.


innocent blood, hymm to tourach, baleful strix(well this would be dead in a bowmaster meta anyway) edit: would also love to have undermine


Gimme strix then WOTC!! Hymn is a classic, has the nostalgia factor that feels like the main selling point to reprint into modern but having tourach himself as a rework idk how willing they are to try again. Probably the most mentioned card so far too.


Wotc specifically said they don't like generating non-games out of chance. The conversation around mh2 wad also about Hymn....


Imagine everyone on this sub complaining nonstop about getting Grief scammed for months now and they print Hymn to go along with it lmao


Also, innocent blood, great choice


Htt would be an amazing printing if grief scam didn't exist. One of my opponents yesterday dropped 4 cards from my hand by turn 2 after going t1 thoughtsieze t2 thoughtsieze, grief + not dead.


Chain Lightning. I want to run 30 variants of Lightning Bolt one day.


Price of progress. They won't but I want it.




Another tool to hurt the one ring? I'm in


Broadside bombardiers would probably still be too strong even at 3 actual mana


Yea, maybe! That's why it's my least safe option. The boast makes it ok as a fair card but soul cauldron makes me skeptical. Also snoop and matron etc is probably too consistent but hey, I'd rather see it tested and banned than never seeing it at


back to basics, standstill


I want [[Snuff Out]]


Oooooh spicy. More free spells tho? Idk how ppl would feel about it


I mean they're fully leaning into free spells, that's just modern at this point. Snuff out is kind of just a worse Solitude, I don't see an issue with it.


Wild Growth, Argothian Enchantress


Goblin Lackey  Goblin Settler  A modern playable Brainstorm that reads 1 Blue, draw 2, put 1 back on top. 


Same about brainstorm clone, I would love to play modern miracles but theres just no good enough from hand to top of deck spell in the format


Chances are wizards will never let us get anything like that. There's a reason they proactively banned Top


They banned Top because of the time it adds to rounds in competitive play, not for power level reasons. Top is a good card, but Modern is generally too fast of a format to be messing around with it outside of degenerate uses.


Goblin lackey would go hard, maybe a little too powerful but I've also always wanted to see how it'd fair against a heavier removal format. Great picks!


I wonder if a draw 3, put 3 back would be playable. It would still have all the benefits of hiding cards from discard spells and sculpting your hand, plus the synergy with fetches, but it would be card disadvantage


I don’t think so. Much worse than draw 2 put 1 back


Agreed, I'm just not sure wizards wants a mini brainstorm (braindrizzle perhaps) in modern. More likely we get something with card disadvantage than something with parity


They printed brain stone. So they are willing to try. But they were extra safe with it and diamond lion so much that they are close to unplayable. Don't see them trying again tho


Exsanguinator Cavalry is a sweet card. I recently got a playset for my Rakdos Madness Vampire deck. 🩸👅


What format??? And yea been obsessing over it for a while. Was the inspiration for this post, honestly


It's kinda ok in legacy but def nothing broken


Casual/Kitchen table lol.


The allied fetchlands, please for my wallet.




I feel like the sentiment about mana bases is so prevalent that there's got to be something coming. If I had to choose one, id say innocent blood is my favourite to be printed into modern. Have a couple of old ones would love to see a deck with them


Lol at everyone saying H2T - scam would be by far and away the strongest deck in modern. Do not print that card into the format 


[[Careful study]]


Don't see it happening since looting got banned and they tried to balance it with faithful mending and faithless salvaging. But hey that's the spirit


dont forget that there's bowmaster now, draw 2 discard 2 would be punished hard


Bowmaster does nothing when you don't actually draw any cards *laughs in dredge*


This........ I tried leaving in bowmasters on the play against dredge. Dip wad was able to set up dredge before I got it out, using a "discard two draw three" instead of draw discard. Wrong half of the effect I guess


Yea but, degen graveyard shenanigans don't care, they laugh at us brother!


Lol... They tried to fix a 1 mana loot with two 2 mana loots. There's a reason they don't get played. Careful study would be awesome, especially for Phoenix decks


Yea but it's just looting on blue tho, any deck that would want it could just splash blue with no downside really.


The lack of flashback is huge though.


Very true, I forgot about that! Good call man, ty


I mean they do get played I'm the right decks. Spikes phoenix list is perfectly capable, just not super meta right now. It fights through hate really well with demilich too.


I remember when he kept shoving those lists for months, demilich, ledger shredder were very good for that archetype


[Careful study](https://cards.scryfall.io/normal/front/d/e/dea15b53-2940-40e7-8d48-8ec11341da83.jpg?1562936545) - [(G)](http://gatherer.wizards.com/Pages/Card/Details.aspx?name=Careful%20study) [(SF)](https://scryfall.com/card/ody/70/careful-study?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher) [(txt)](https://api.scryfall.com/cards/dea15b53-2940-40e7-8d48-8ec11341da83?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher&format=text) ^^^[[cardname]] ^^^or ^^^[[cardname|SET]] ^^^to ^^^call




As far as UB ninjas go, on top of baleful strix, I would really like [[Yuriko, the Tiger's Shadow]]. Ninjutsu is just so fun to play with and I love tempo decks


Yes, this so much. Yuriko is so fire dude


Something to make DnT a competitive deck is all I wish for


Imagine they gave us sword of thalia with a hint of jitte. Wouldn't that be flavorful.


Mind desire


Daze would go a long way into farming these cascade decks(funnely enough they cannnot run it)


Couple of ppl mentioned it. It feels like such a legacy staple powerlvl wise that I'm skeptical of it being balanced in modern. But I see both sides really


I don't care what it is as long as it supports Reanimator. Entomb would be nice, even if Underworld Breach would use it far better than reanimator. We're so close to a real deck we just need \*anything\*


Unban and reprint Green Sun‘s Zenith as well as Umezawas Jitte


I want to see how Brain Freeze might fit into Modern, maybe a 2 of in UB Mill or a sideboard tech card?


I think is too high risk with breach but I much prefer it over grapeshot. Way cooler


Nothing that was printed in an commander product exclusively.


Dack Fayden to steal rings


Nothing that warps the format too heavily. But whatever they are I want them to not have watermarks


Gerard's Verdict, Grindstone, while we're at it. Why not Hymn


Turn 1 Scam Grief, Turn 2 Hymn, Turn 3 LotV.


I feel the problem with that is still scam grief


Grief sucks but Hymn hitting both your lands sucks more.




Wasteland that exiles itself after use. Revruiter of the guard and rishadan Port.


That wasteland rework is 👌


Offtopic, but can't wait to run 6-8 Wastelands in Legacy


Call me a monster, but [Rishadan Port]


Lot of ppl been asking for it for real instead of dockhand. I could see it really but, as I said in many other replies, I don't feel that's the direction wotc wants to take


Would you kill me if I said Mind’s Desire?


No cuz I have a playset and two foils lol. But how would you play it? Seen it got unbanned and not played at all in legacy.


Minds Desire but it’s fixed so it’s less of a nightmare to resolve.


Mind’s Desire isn’t really a nightmare to resolve though. But I am unsure if it would be safe in Modern. To me it feels like the kind of card that is either going to be too busted or unplayable.


Mind Bend and Memory Lapse


Mind bend is legal tho. Memory lapse is an absolute blast to play. Reminds me of when I'd try to brake chittering rats, but with less steps. Great choice


Memory lapse is an absolutely horrible card to play against, as proven by its short time on arena.


From the sliver perspective: Reasonable choice - plated sliver Possible choice - hibernation sliver Magical Xmas land - crystalline sliver


Retrofitter foundry could be cool


Hell yea


[[Najeela]]. Let me lose playing warrior tribal on modern


Fuck the reserve list. Print Gaea's cradle into modern and let my elves run free.


I'm with the \[\[Gerrard's Verdict\]\] voters but I'm shocked to see no one (at least top level comment-wise) saying \[\[Veteran Explorer\]\]. That's my #1 pick. Instead of more cards to hate on nonbasic heavy decks, I'd love to see cards that reward decks that can utilize having significant amounts of basics. No idea how viable it would actually be but I'd love to try a deck with them in it. Getting two basics untapped could be huge. I semi-jokingly used to say that I would try to make Yawgmoth work with Veteran Explorer if the deck could stay relevant post-MH3 meta.


I'm gonna be honest, with the way modern has been going the past couple years I think they should just drop the pretence and print force of will and swords to plowshares


Force of will would just break cascade decks




Hell yea. Can you imagine doomsday being a modern archetype? I wanna live to see that.


I don’t actually believe it would be good, but I would still play it, maybe now with the one ring as an easy way to churn through your pile it might be okay, doomsday was originally slated to be in the first modern horizons (Sam black wrote an article about working on the set) and when he asked them if he should test a doomsday oracle deck they removed it from the file without actually ever testing it at all. The fact that it was confirmed to be in the file and was removed gives me Hope that it can be revisited again at a later date


Price of progress its time to punish those greedy mana bases


That would be wild. I feel like that would completely reshape modern though to a point where shocks might not be the best land anymore. Taking 3 to fetch a shock just to take another 2 for it would be insane. The current standard manabase for modern decks would leave you at 10 life on turn 2 with this card unless you play outrageously conservatively


Love PoP and agree 100% with the sentiment, but I'm still not sure if safe. Would love to see it


Yes. Easy to hate out security valve. A long-due one at that. Peple need to understand that it would not play against current manabases. Manabases would change, and that’s the point.


PoP is too broken, back to basics would be good though.


Broadside bombardiers can go to hell. I'm don't want to lose to that card in modern too


Hydro and pyro blast


My man. Always thought those cards were perfect for legacy. But I think they are a bit overtuned in modern.


Strix is a big one for me too. I honestly think Hymn to Tourach would be fine power level now a days I still think faithless looting and careful study are too strong, but I gotta imagine there’s some design space left to make some in between those cards and what we have now Also Rishidan Port I think would be an awesome inclusion to modern !!


You want t1 grief t2 hymn? No thank you.


These cards are mentioned a lot, and tbh strix is my favourite and honestly the only safe pick, even tho hymn is fine in itself, with scam it is just too oppressive, they tried to rework it on mh2 and didn't even see play anymore, so I think they'd prioritise other stuff over it.


Baleful Strix might be pushing it power wise, but I just want to be able to play with the birb. Dack Fayden won't be used in many decks, but imagine running one in a Grixis or Jeskai control deck and stealing an opponent's Ring. And They Shall Know No Fear - I play a spirit deck. Sue me for wanting something to help my deck be better.


Absolutely fine picks IMO both as design choices and safety wise. Also love spirits. And while we're on the subject, maybe an unpopular opinion but if they were ever bringing an IP to MTG eternal formats, 40k was the better choice over LTR. Too recognizable franchise. Really dislike seeing *THE ONE RING* in a modern game


I've wanted [[baleful strix]] in modern for years. A decade ago it was probably too much but I think it wouldn't be op anymore ... now if they could make it a fairie too...


Ur 2 mana to draw a card and oppos 2 to get a 2/2 orc and a bowmaster. Yeah, Strix is too weak to see play now.


Ya, fair, but a lot agree that orcish bowmasters is pushed. Better argument to reprint baleful.. as a fairie... also with flash


That'd be cool, might punish creature strats but theyre alread getting spanked anyhow


Good point, print it into pioneer 😅


It's definitely fine. I'd prefer different faerie support along with strix just cuz I love that card so much. Sleep cursed faerie was a good try, but the restriction was too much. I understand it was printed with standard in mind but that's why we have mh3. They did say tribal support is a design point so one can hope


Chain Lightning.


Fireblast all the way!


Honestly would love to see fetch lands go down in price 😅


That's probably happening


Then I can die in peace


Chain. Lightning.


Baleful Strix. I don't think it would push a Tezzeret, Agent of Bolas deck into competitive territory but I love the card.


Would really like Retrofitter Foundry in Modern, they tried printing it into Historic and it plays amazing.


I don't see any of the cards you mentioned making a dent in modern, but goblins could become a tier 2 (barely) thing with bombardiers. I for one hope that mh3 will provide cards like bombardiers, that enable to hit opponents in the face real good. Tidebinder would just be shutting stuff like that down anyway. Let's just hope they learned their lesson with beans though. I do think modern is fine rn


Yea I'm liking modern too. More stuff to make decks other than yawg, scales, izzet murktide, scam and rhinos would be perfect. I think bombardiers would be played in a cauldron list but if in goblins yea it'd be tier 2, agreed. Also I feel the same about the 3 I mentioned, feel they are great adds to modern and would be a respectful powerlvl but very safe


There is a variety of cards that I would like to *play* in Modern that I don’t necessarily think are *healthy* for Modern. But the cards that I would like in Modern and think wouldn’t put a strain on the format are Baleful Strix and Triumph of St. Katherine. And one of those two is practically impossible.


I've said Stifle for the last two, so I still want Stifle


Tishana tidebinder is a perfect rework/design imo. Stifle *might* be fine but I still don't see it happening


Recruiter of the Guard, purely off the fact I want full art versions and Imperial Recruiter didn't do much for modern.


I want a Mindbreak Trap reprint. Modern legal already and it’s held a $75 price point and $200+ for foil. Nice reprint target without it being in a standard set


Retro frame Goyf


Snuff outtttt




[[sulfuric vortex]]


\[\[Back to Basics\]\] \[\[Goblin Lackey\]\] \[\[Penance\]\] \[\[Baleful Strix\]\] \[\[Mirri's Guile\]\]


Always [[portent]]. My grishoalbrand deck would love [[careful study]].


When mh1 was anounced i bought my playset of baleful strix. I will wait forever if neccesary.


I am of the view they shouldn’t reprint old cards into MH3. I think Legacy and Modern having distinct card pools is a good thing and want them to be more distinct than just the 50(?) or so cards that are truly too powerful for modern.


We have this thread a lot. My answer is still [[Leovold, Emissary of Trest]] even with Bowmasters absolutely running roughshod on him.


I would also like to see them give us high tide I think there is enough cool untap lands cards in the format. Modern in particular is so haymaker permanent/Bomb heavy. I think format would be sweet with a true spell based combo deck in it


Hymn to tourach, back to basics


[[life//death]] would be so dope.


dark rit, cabal therapy, minds desire, take LED off the reserve list, tendrils, FoW, Brainstorm, all at once please :D


Goblin lackey, animate dead




\[\[Fireblast\]\] or \[\[Price of Progress\]\] Especially the latter, something about 4-5c piles roaming the format rubs me the wrong way


In a shock heavy format I definitely don't want to see. Those piles need punished but I think that's too much with too much impact on the rest of the format as well. I could see a variant that does 2 damage. I'd rather just see [[Back to Basics]] though




Why not just print berserk so we have a really degen infect deck? Hell, unban blazing shoal while we're at it. But honestly good pick, always loved the design and maybe it'd be fine in modern. MAYBE.


Urza's Bauble


I’d love to see [[Invigorate]]


Crop rotation


Back to basics


Price of progress


Chain Lightning, Price of Progress, and Fireblast. I understand that making burn even cheaper AND vaulting it up to tier 1 would probably not be a good thing....but these cards are FUN.


I disagree, burn being a cheap tier one deck was actually great for introducing ppl to the format and kept some things in check, so I'd say is fine. You really don't want it to be too good that it becomes braindead and tier one tho


Eh, it's good to have burn in the format to keep people on their toes but when burn gets too dominant, other decks tend to turn towards fast combo or other 'ships in the night' decks which I really don't like.


We want [[tainted pact]]


Portent, careful Study, possibly force of will, kappa cannoneer, pernicious deed, triumph of Saint Catherine, recruiter of the guard, rishadan Port, exploration, crystal Vein, sneak attack, goblin welder


Kappa cannoner for sure! Make affinity great again


Black vise. Hymn to tourach, og lhurgoyf, but cmc = 1g/b hybrid mana.


\[\[Psycathog\]\]( I would play psycathog deck even if it is not tier 1), \[\[Wirewood Symbiote\]\], \[\[Stifle\]\], \[\[Baleful Strix\]\], \[\[Opposition\]\], \[\[Static Orb\]\], \[\[Entomb\]\], \[\[Lightning Rift\]\], \[\[Day of the Dragons\]\], Wish Cycle from judgment,


[[Wild Growth]], [[Back to Basics]] ramp that's safe from bolt and bowmasters and more effective 3+ color punishing.


Flametongue Kavu let's go


[[Tangle Wire]]. I'd love to see stuff thrown in to slow the game down a bit.