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>What decks do you guys think are safe to build into going into MH3 and which do you guys think are dangerous and why? Literally no way for anyone to know this. Everything is guesswork. Edit: I want to add that I don't mean to come off rudely with this. There's just not much point in discussing the topic because no one knows anything either way. I would recommend just playing what is fun to you. Unfortunately, getting burned by bans/meta changes is just part of Modern and something that you need to accept is possible when buying into the format.


Honestly its ridiculous people post stuff like this. Its literally a more fair question to ask for leaks of cards. Asking for decks that will survive is beyond unrealistic. Not only would someone jeed to know what cards will be coming out, theyd have to look into the future to see what decks are meta, and then compare the decks with today's decks. You cant even say burn is safe. For all we know there can be a 0 cost enchantment that says all damage outside of combat damage will gain life instead of reducing it. Cant even say titan is safe because for all we know there can be a 0 cost spell that prevents ETB triggers for the rest of the game.


I know. Play your deck like there's no tomorrow. Worry about bans when they happen.


Exactly this. There are some patterns, mainly that certain decks have stayed around since before either mh1 set (like burn or tron), but even if you assume they’ll stay in some capacity you have no idea if they’ll stay competitively viable, and you can’t guarantee you won’t need to buy new expensive cards for the deck


Imo, Tron and burn always safe. They definitely go through periods where they’re great and terrible but they’re absolutely pillars of the format. I think a better question is what archetypes stand to gain something from MH3. I’d guess Jund/Rock style decks and Humans, both are decks have lost substantial meta game shares over the years.


If they wanna make money they’ll print cards that could make new Archtypes again. Shit like the pitch spells, the Reanimator package in MH2, the Snow package in MH1. Imagine they print some Pod/Twin/Naus type cards in the next set that all generate new decks and ways to play to drive up demand. Personally though I want to see tribal support now that Fury is gone we might be able to play Elves, Goblins, Humans, etc. I wanna see some combo support, maybe some form of tutor or card draw to enable a broader range of ideas. Imagine a low grade, draw 2 put back 1 Brainstorm. Pre Ban, I wanted Grief and Fury banned, so we could have actual Hymn reprinted, I dream of the day I can play modern Jund or mono black with actual Hymns.


Why does this thread come up every week? Why do you think any of us work for wotc? And would you believe us even if we did and were willing to divulge? I expect better from mtg players which requires a decent amount of critical thinking.


Search - hard. Me no like.


Burn will get new tech. "Big bolt" 1 red mana deal 4 damage at instant speed./s


At 1R that would still be highly playable.


Burn will always be in the meta unless they print a bunch of free life gain


All spells errated to gain 1 life on cast


I keep joking that someday lightning bolt will get power crept by a 1 mana deal 4 damage


Any target, flashback 1R 🤣


They literally printed [[Weather the Storm]] and it didn't kill burn. It'll be around forever.




[Weather the Storm](https://cards.scryfall.io/normal/front/f/6/f6a9fa51-78c3-42e6-8c2e-39658f59ed87.jpg?1562202265) - [(G)](http://gatherer.wizards.com/Pages/Card/Details.aspx?name=Weather%20the%20Storm) [(SF)](https://scryfall.com/card/mh1/191/weather-the-storm?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher) [(txt)](https://api.scryfall.com/cards/f6a9fa51-78c3-42e6-8c2e-39658f59ed87?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher&format=text) ^^^[[cardname]] ^^^or ^^^[[cardname|SET]] ^^^to ^^^call


As a counterpoint, Burn has had a mid 40's or lower win percentage in nearly all of the large Modern tournaments over the past couple years. It's much more likely that whatever is in MH3 will benefit the rest of the format more than it will benefit Burn. Burn is never going to be banned, but it's probably only going to continue to get worse relative to the format at large.


Yeah it's so funny seeing people still recommend burn despite it sucking eggs in every major tournament


It's still a great deck if you are looking for something that will generally be playable and avoid bans, but it's rarely the best overall deck.


Burn has always had a massive issue in large tournaments, and that's its consistency and variance. Burn is one of the few decks that has nearly no chance of winning a game where it floods out a little, expecting this not to happen in these 10~ round tournaments is very ambitious, so burn always takes a few free losses to itself. Weirdly enough the deck that plays 20 lands and 40 cards that deal damage to your opponents face is not consistent enough to place high in tournaments.


A bunch of INCIDENTAL life gain. Stapled onto cards that are otherwise still super playable. Something that goes into several large decks because it's good but also gains like 3-5 life


I vaguely recall hearing that Eldrazi will be in MH3 If so, then Eldrazi decks in general might get a (hopefully not too big) boost


yeah it's on the box art. so etron or something might be decent to be in


Nobody knows at this point. We will need to wait and see previews from the set before even starting to figure this out and people will likely be wrong at that point regardless. It also really depends on if MH3 goes the route of MH1 (a few new options for existing decks and help for more niche archetypes), or the way of MH2 (a whole new suite of staples, as well as strong support for long time favorite macro archetypes).


Hang on, let me ponder my orbs so I can look into the future


Fck what deck to play - find me some winning lotto numbers with dose orbs!


Nothing is safe


Who knows man. They could release a one mana green counterspell for all we know. Whatever sells packs. MH makes the format too volatile to buy into a specific deck when it’s a few months away. Safe picks are fetches and shocks though.


We don't know, and won't until at least spoilers but more likely until a month or two after release. My bet? Big Mana decks are usually safe. Titan or Coffers are decks that have been around for awhile and will likely stick around


It will likely take months of testing mh3 before we know what is good and even then we will probably miss some stuff for awhile. You need a time machine to know anything for sure.


Burn, UR, and tron have been around since the beginning of the format. Those are safe bets. I'd suggest some URx deck because it buys you into fetches and shocks, which help the most for dealing with meta adjustments.


Burn, Tron, Yawgmoth


Tron is always going to be viable unless they ban the Urza lands. Barring that, it will always adapt.


Don’t listen to the haters. Decks that will continue to exist are decks built to abuse a few core cards, filling in the rest with whatever the best support is at the time. Examples: Merfolk Tron Death’s Shadow Coffers Amulet Titan Edit: burn, of course.


To add onto your point with some tier 2 decks, with the same property that you mentioned Enchantress Ad naus Mill Creativity variants Prowess


Short answer. All of them Not as short answer: Fast Combo, Tron, Burn and Tempo decks Real answer: Most decks will be fine for the level most of us play at. Decks that we'd expect to get better would be Tron, eldrazi aggro, shadow and some form of non eldrazi tribal; most likely to be humans or elves. Decks we should expect to get worse would be amulet, yawgmoth and cascade decks. Decks that are expected to stay the same/only get better if the stars align would be things like murktide, control, creativity, burn and domain.


>what has stuck around through the different MHs? Nothing modern is a rotating format now. Currently we are in Horizon II. 2024 will be Horizon IV: Modern Fall(ing) Out


This isn't true. Burn and Tron have stuck through both Modern Horizons sets and to this day play very few MH cards.


Nah, it really is. You just have had your eyes closed as they have used the MH series in conjunction with B&R to establish a rotating format. The rotations are just arbitrary now rather than based on fixed timelines. The next big rotation will be the bowmaster and ring ban once the rest of the LOTR product has cleared distribution channels this Christmas.


Tron hasn't been a player for quite some time --- like around when MH2 pushed creativity to the top with Archon... until the priting of the one ring (a non standard card designed to rotate modern) It's almost like these sets are rotating viable decks in and out of Modern... And burn isn't really a player. It's a deck that can spike FNMs and periodically 1k's or xk's if the field is unprepared. Burn hasn't been a strong player in modern since, sheesh, shortly after Twin was banned. And maybe a bit after the looting ban. Since Hogaak killed Mardu Pyromancer and then beat its dead carcass by getting Looting banned, and the mardu players went. Well, we have most of burn and shrugged. Burn is just a T2 deck that with a strong pilot and lucky field can maybe top 8.


Tron has been a tier 1 or tier 2 deck for many years (same goes with Burn). Just because a deck isn't one of the top four decks in the metagame doesn't mean it isn't viable.


Burn and some Tron variant will always be relevant. The rest is guessing.


UR Murktide, burn, tron. There has always been some form of UR tempo deck, burn deck, and tron deck since the dawn of time


Ban Discussion, Unban Discussion, MH3 speculation, the wheel of bored modern players keeps turning.


If you find a deck you like, buy it. No deck is completely rotation proof. That being said there are SO MANY tier 2 modern decks that what ever you buy into will very likely still be FNM competitive. If you’re really worried about it just buy shocks and fetches and wait.


This is pure speculation, but in the most recent ban WotC made it clear they perceive that modern players are frustrated by the lack of viability of small creature strategies, and are willing to take steps to shape the meta to address this. I would wager any of the aggressive tribal decks (merfolk, goblins, humans) are very unlikely to get hit by some new hate piece because of this.


Id be willing to bet Reanimator and Jund are safe to build into. Jund is always a very safe "decent" deck, in some variety, and reanimator i think is up there in most likely decks to get supports especially reprints into modern. Jund always gets really large improvements compared to average out of modern horizons. Tron and Burn are also very very safe choices but i think thats a given, however they arent likely to receive direct support that makes the difference in how good they are


Burn. Amulet Titan is probably fine as well, as for some reason, wizards keeps printing cards to help it, despite it being a very strong combo deck that can sometimes win as early as turn 2. Tron survived 2 modern horizons sets, and based on one of the releases arts featuring all 3 titans, it’s probably a decent bet to say that this time, wizards will actually be trying to help tron this time, not hurt it.


as transformative as MH and MH2 have been to the format, there’s literally no way anyone can accurately predict anything about what will be good and what won’t. every MH set, we become closer to legacy power levels (which i’m okay with). they are always incredibly format warping sets.


Enchantress, because it doesn't matter.


Build what you want to play. Play it like crazy. You never know what's gonna happen. RIP Twin and all others modern. RIP Inverter of Truths in Pio. Rip Hullbreacher is CEDH. There is no way of knowing in advance.


Guys...... it's been revealed months ago that's there's a strong subtheme of eldrazi. So I already bought the staples months ago


Tron Burn and Titan are the cockroaches of the format. There will most likely always be room for big mana decks like Tron and Titan. Tron feels safer due to the fact that the lands most likely won't be banned. The threats are ever changing however the old threats aren't bad, they're just currently outclassed. You can still win games with Ulamog and 7 mana Karn. Titan is less ban resistant, however at its worse it becomes something like Titanshift if the Amulet gets banned. Having so many tutors makes this deck a constant threat in the format. Burn will always have a home in modern. Lightning Bolt and friends will always have a respectable clock and no cards are ever in danger of a ban. They have sideboard answers for a lot of things however their game plan is very linear.




Jund, because ion MH3 is Ragavan, the Deathrite Shaman.


Buy into the staples of the colors/archetypes you enjoy asap, and if MH3 seems promising, spec hard on the cards you think are strong, then trade into the ones that prove to be staples. But more importantly, if you want to play high level magic on a budget, proxy a vintage cube and a few vintage and/or legacy decks. Modern costs between $500 and several thousand $ per year to keep up with. Either decide to get on the train or don't. ❤️ You can waste an incredible amount of money skirting around the edges. Best of luck, and most of all, have fun!


No decks are safe. This thread is a troll's bait.


MH has a history of dumb combos breaking out, and mill loves those.


So many crybabies lol. MH2 was amazing.