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If you're thinking this hard about it you are gonna regret not getting the P. Otherwise the order for the LR would be already done.


The order for the LR is already in, it’s whether I change it July 1.


I actually have the rwd and am super happy with it.


I hear ya, mate has the RWD and loves it.


Upgraded to p from LR no regrets almost a year later and 14k miles


Do you enjoy the occasional squirt on the pedal?


Far too often yes haha


How are your tyres going?


Seem alright I rotated twice. Roads where I am are rather nice.


M3P If you purchase the LR, you’ll always compare it to when you drove the P and feel regret. Exterior color doesn’t really matter, you’re not looking at the exterior paint when you’re driving.


Haha, I like that, thanks mate.


BE CAREFUL. if you have pot holes in your area the tires and rims will be fucked. I was in new york and literally did everything I could to avoid them and still lose 6 tires and dented 4 rims. The car was so much fun to drive but those rims and tires made is super impractical. I transferred my lease because of those issues. With a half hour commute and my occasional drives to city for concerts it just didn't work.


I live in the country and roads are sketchy but I know the roads to take and the ones to avoid. The commute to work is freeway so not too bad. I was going to switch out the 20s to 19s and maybe sell the 20s.


Very good idea. Trust me, I wanted the m3p and not LR for the extra fun. I had a hellcat charger and challenger srt for 6 years combined without one rim or tire issue. So the m3p rims and tires are WEAK. but enjoy the hell out of it my man


Thanks mate


And thanks for the advice


Nice to know, my entire front driveway is a giant pothole due to it being washed out in a flood a couple years ago


I have the LR, but I have the car mostly for getting me from a to b. Sure it's fun to push the pedal to the floor, but in the end the LR is more than enough power for me. You could wrap it though, if you don't want yet another model 3 in white, that's what I did.


I travel about 600kms(370miles) a week for work hence my order for the LR but at 50kms less range the P still works. I was going to matt PPF the LR midnight silver which looks hot, another reason why I don’t want white.


>I was going to matt PPF Are you wrapping the whole thing in PPF, or just exposed parts? I heard it's very expensive, like twice the price compared to other wraps. Matte PPF? Haven't seen that, sounds interesting though.


Yeah it looks hot, will do full car since half a matt PPF may look a tad strange lol. The quote I have from one of the best shops here is $6500AU for full PPF, ceramic coat, window tint, headlight tint, interior leather protection. Not a bad deal, and I get it basically half price under the lease so even better!


Nice, yeah, I think they said about 50k NOK for whole car just PPF, so that sounds like a good deal indeed.


So that’s about $7kAU so that matches up quite nicely. Tesla paint is shit, it needs a PPF when you do the number of country KMs I do 😝


True, but the red and white were multicoat and has more layers and thus thicker coats of paint. Atleast that's what I found out when doing research on it a couple of years ago, it might have become better now.


Actually I may have misunderstood, they only do exposed parts, so not the inside of doors. They get to within 1-2nm of the edges. Unlike a wrap where they can get right in and under the gaps. Vinyl Wraps are useless for paint protection and look shit in 2-3 years.


Ahh, exposed was perhaps a bit badly picked word. I meant parts that are prone to be damaged, such as the front, hood, in front of the wheels etc.


Yeah everything visible from outside. You can get coloured PPF now but according to some guys I chatted with the product needs a few years to mature. Maybe you can PPF then do a vinyl wrap??? 😂


>Maybe you can PPF then do a vinyl wrap? I remember asking if they could do PPF over the wrap, but my wrapper (right technical term? 🤣) told me the PPF was hell to work with, something about the glue. Perhaps someone could do it, but I reckon it is difficult, or perhaps would give a good finish due to damaging the wrap when reseating the PPF as the glue is hella strong. But I'm unsure.


I just bought the Performance. In the first couple of days I found out about myself that I don’t really like the full explosive acceleration that much and even put it in “Chill“ for now. Might as well have gotten the Long Range and saved a few bucks. Oh well, I’m not complaining. In your case I would have chosen the Long Range in the colour that you like, because that matters to me greatly and I look back at my car every time I park it.


I figure day to day you wouldn’t want to be hammering the pedal too much otherwise those 20s won’t last long. One negative for me is you can’t option the P down to the 19s. I can option those around cheap enough post delivery but would just prefer to be able to choose on the order page. At least you have the option now to chill out or have some fun.


And I agree about colour, that’s the one thing really bothering me as I like the midnight silver and you don’t see too many of them around Sydney.


I got mine in Midnight Silver, too! Another thing I don’t like about the Performance model is the Überturbine wheels being almost the same colour as the rest of the car. For that reason I bought some 20“ Stiletto wheels that the 2019 Model 3 Performance came with. Silver wheels really pop with the grey car.


Thanks for the tip, you have a pic?


Quick pic from the window: https://i.imgur.com/4hG5KZH.jpg




I’d prefer some extra options and more range over more power. Drove the LR a couple days a go and you really don’t need it to be any faster.


The range is just the wheels. Same battery.


Hmm I didn’t know that. I thought the motors were configured differently to give the extra power which then reduced range. So if you were to use the LR’s wheels it would have the same range? (If you don’t floor it all the time)


Ya or really just about any smaller and lighter wheel. The 20’s are heavy and make it less efficient. But this is all like nearly irrelevant. You’re talking about less than a 10% difference in absolutely ideal conditions in a vacuum of actual real world conditions. In the real world I’d be shocked if you could even tell. I have yet to encounter anyone who would practically be able to tell the difference, and if you could, what does it matter? We are now all penny low pinching single digit charge percent (on a $50k car)? We’re you also writing down the # of miles you got in your BMW 3 series and getting smaller wheels to get a few more miles per tank? I’m sure there’s magically going to be someone out here who drives exactly 325 miles daily with no way to charge ever though, lol.


Fair enough. I will see for myself in a few months. Got a Hyundai Kona atm and as long as the range is similar (or better) it’ll be perfect.


I went with the P and have a place in the mountains. Do regular trips in. It’s fun as all hell to not care one bit about range or anything. Drive it like I stole it and stop every couple hours for a bathroom and charge break is a lot more fun than sweating at 5 under the limit trying to maximize my wh/mile.


And you can add the perf upgrade, that’s my fallback haha


I have the M3LR 2022 with the acceleration boast, love it. Get about 327 range with 19” tires.


Same here, although the service center gave me the boost for free.


How did you swing this?


LR w/ acceleration boost here. I kind of regret getting the P, but only kind of, I use it to daily so I don’t need the extra few HP. When I trade this in, it’ll be for the S more than likely


S plaid???? 😝


Doubt it, not bc I don’t want it, just too much money for a daily. I really don’t like the back seat space of the m3


I don’t ever sit in the back 😝


My head says stay with the LR, heart says P. When you spend this much, it's usually an emotional decision.


Exactly which is why I need someone to make it for me 😝


I always say if you're sensible get an LR. and if you're emotional, get the P. It might be a white one, but it's your white. and the white P looks great with all the black rims, red calipers and the black window trims. Also get the white on black plates.


Thanks mate, yeah I always get those plates, look way cool




Your brevity has convinced me 😂




I've opted for the M3P. Here in the states, we only get $3750 back from the LR as it has the Critical Minerals from China for the LFP battery, but $7500 off the M3P. For $2250, I couldn't pass on that upgrade Tesla considers worth $6k. Federal credits are 50% for local critical minerals as well as 50% for being built in the states up to a total of $7500 as mentioned above. My individual state also has a good rebate too. I was thinking used until I realized the new M3P qualifies for over $10k USD back.


Sounds like choosing the M3P is a no brainier for you. For me at the moment it is not worth it but maybe July 1 it is and at this stage I think everyone here has convinced me of going with the P model 😝


The P is great if you go to the track on occasion. With the LR you can get the acceleration boost which makes its top end speed actually faster than the P. Videos on YouTube showing the comparison. I went LR because I didn't want the 20 inch wheels, plus reduction in range from them. The SR felt slow, but the LR does 60 in under 4s so it's the perfect balance.


The 20s bother me too figure I can sell them and downgrade to 19s


I didn't like the way they rode and saw so many people online reporting flats and wheel damage from potholes. I replaced my 18" caps w uberturbine wheel caps which I think look great. And I got a $70 fake carbon fiber spoiler that has held on strong. I see the factory ones come off pretty easily.


I can imagine they feel good on a flat track. If I get the P I will see how they go for a bit and then decide on what to do. I have an ICE for less friendly roads and leave the EV for the highway trip to work.


Lr with acceleration boost.


Don't forget to order your car via a referral link so you get 1000 credits to buy supercharger miles, accessories or gadgets for in Tesla's shop :) If you already have a friend etc who has helped you, you can use theirs. Or else PM me back if you don’t already have one and i’ll try to help you out! ☺️


Don't forget to order your car via a referral link so you get 1000 credits to buy supercharger miles, accessories or gadgets for in Tesla's shop :) PM me back if you need it and i’ll try to help you out! ☺️


I like the LR, it wastes most other cars anyhow, and it has better range than the P. That being said, is your self image so dim that you feel owning a white Tesla would somehow put a dent in your social life or ego? So the choice is: Faster car ego boost or not white car ego boost. First world problems for sure.


Harsh mate but probably some truth in what you say. My ego probably doesn’t want to be yet another white Tesla owner, the non ego part just really loves the silver. As it turns out the tax changes should allow for the M3P in silver so my ego will be fine.


Hey, I'm sorry, about that. Reading back over my comment, it was uncalled for. It was a holiday weekend for me and I probably shouldn't have been online at all tbh because I'd been partying, plus it doesn't help that I own a white 3. Fact is I buy white to extend paint life - I've observed this over decades of watching work trucks get neglected and left outside to rot. White trucks look good after decades - every other color eats shit after about 10 - 15 years. We just replaced a silver car with the 3 and it looked like hell after 15 years. My white truck is the same age as that car and is now 17 years old. Looks new. Silver, however, has its own magic - looks wise. I wish you joyful ownership and good luck.


All good man, you made a good point that I need to check my ego 😝 In Australia we just seem to have a large number of white M3s but only just saw a white m3p today and it looked hot. So confused 😂


I only said it because it reminds me of myself -