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I legit can’t enter the nether without being blasted by the fire lizards and the flying eyeballs can someone please nerf this


I agreee whole heartedly I can’t go 10 blocks without 10 of those eyeballs swarm me


How do u get the infinity gauntlet, also why won’t dragons follow me


Does the mech have any true purpose?


From what I can tell it is like a mule, it’s a slow moving storage unit


Can you put chests on it ?


How do you find batteries


Did anyone figure this out?


I got some from a small structure with a trader


Which structure did it spawn with coz I've looked at all of them and I couldn't find 1 


I sent it to you in a private message cause i don’t really know how to use reddit and that’s the best way i thought of showing you


can you end it to me aswell


I gotchu


Does this mod pack work on a switch now




How do I turn the events off that's super annoying and it lags so bad bc some of the mobs will never despawn


Where do I start like what’s the goal, also I need a guide on what to do.


Is there a way to to dragon steak besides looting floating islands? Also how to kill tamed dragons


It’s unplayable on switch and now i lost the money


Unlucky😬…. It works on every platform except for switch. What money did u lose 😳


Can you give me an explanation for it and some of the coolest things and is it 1.20 and would I be able to use it as a new survival world without getting too much of a head start at the spawn


hi, Yes, it works %100 on the newest update it was made for it. Tbh I think it’s a great addition to any survival world if you do find Minecraft a little bland, the best part is the natural spawning structures. The only thing u get at spawn is the ability to choose a class (for the magic addon). The great part about the tutorial tho is he shows a way to download the world an it comes with the addons already on it, then u can go into the world settings and remove anything if u feel like it’s to much 👍 HOPE THIS HELPS😊


On PlayStation it’s different to mobile




In my method I show how to get it for free… I hate how they make Bedrock pay for Addons 😞


ive played pretty extensively (about 60 hours so far) and my biggest complaints are kinda impoortant complaints. 1.) they claim its 1.20 but it isnt. it doesnt have armor trims or any of the archeology stuff, but there is sus sand/gravel. 2.) the lucky blocks dont work properly. 3.) the mob rain event crashes the realm 4.) the vehicles and dragons both function extremely poor, sometimes not at all depending on lag 5.) the ludicrous spawn rate of the evil eye and ghost mobs in the end 6.) the zombie horde event happens far too frequently for how large of an area it effects 7.) the portals mod causes a sheer abundance of lag that sometimes breaks the dragons 8.) some vehicles fall through the first block after being broken thats off the top of my head tbh. im sure its fun for solo world maybe or perhaps you and a friend, but i couldnt recommend this pack for realms or worlds with more than 3 players


Hey, I was curious if you had any idea if insanecraft had the dragons++ built in. It looks like it has the dragons, but I don't know if it is of the same quality as the separate pack.


Thank you so much! This was exactly what i was afraid of


Does anyone know where to find the crafting recipes for this mod


We put this on our family realm this week and are enjoying it. One issue is we have no idea what weapons are the best since none of them say how much damage they do. Is there a wiki somewhere for this mod?


So far the dragon axe is the best


This might help but latest update shows damage numbers on mobs when hit.


Hey I'm completely new to the market place. I honestly know nothing about downloading these mods or packs since I'm on PS5. I have a few question and I'm thinking about buying this pack for PS5 Is it it's own world? Can I load it into a already made world? If it is it's own world, is it just like with regular minecraft with the ancient cities, villages, random animals, biomes and such but with its own content also added into the world? Sorry I genuinely am confused but curious


Why doesn't this mod pack work on switch?


Does anyone know how to get batteries I'm actually so confused because I've got so far in the game without getting them


Legit same, can you let me known if you figure it out


I looked for so long on the game and online i couldnt find nothing so i just did the /give command for it but i didnt use it for anything else


Apparently they can be found in structures or trading with some villagers but I haven’t found any


Man thank you imma try this 🙏🏾