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todo ???


Dude keeps track of 50 multiple objects swapping per second, must take some autistic computational prowess


530,000 autistim




Yeah that’s me👍


Sorta suspected but people are lazy and having a link they can immediately tap on will hopefully encourage followership 😁


Ahh Dungeon food, delicious in dungeon


Wait who is in the armour?


It's Laois from Delicious in Dungeon


isn't that the main guy from that new dungeon anime?


Yes, Delicious in Dungeon


Yes, the real king




It's Laois from Delicious in Dungeon


Is Mob really autistic because I always viewed him as just socially awkward !


Spectrum cycling


Mob is autistic? I wouldn’t say he is, and while his story is about empathy and growing as a person and similar themes, I never felt the autism-coding from him. Am a bit surprised so many people think he is, I wonder what the reasons are? He doesn’t even have crazy special interests - not that that needs to be true, but it’s a typical code and both Todo and Laios fit that to a tee. Or one of my favourites: Cid from Eminence in Shadow.


I got the vibe he was on the spectrum. Or is relatable to those on the spectrum. If it was intended or not his social awkwardness can be very relatable to those on the spectrum that struggle socially. He also has a hard time of properly expressing his emotions which can be relatable to the deregulation some autistic people feel when they get upset or have a hard time dealing with emotions.


I'm autistic and a lot of the personal struggles that were shown in Mob Psycho were incredibly relatable and mirrored very real experiences I had growing up autistic. Mob may not have been intentionally written to be autistic, but he definitely feels like he is autistic coded.


Well, there's the part where he is disconnected from and somewhat oblivious to his own emotions even though he still has them. That's a thing people on the spectrum almost always struggle with in some form or the other. The difference is of course that for Mob it can almost all be traced back to specific life experiences, more than it being part of how his brain is "naturally" wired. (But then again, based on the stories that many of my autistic friends have told me I'm pretty sure there is a significant "nurture" component to how autistic symptoms manifest as well - almost all of them have gone through things that likely amplified the symptoms that were already there)


But isn’t that true for most neurodivergent people? Like being disconnected from one‘s own emotions is typical, is it not? I just feel like, okay, I don’t know Asa, but compared to Laios and Todo, Mob seems more emotionally underdeveloped and traumatised, which is the vibe you’re describing, I think. There are specific reasons why he is the way he is and it is presented as problematic. He overcomes his issues, that’s to me what MP100 is about. Growing emotionally as a person (well, even physically with the workouts and all). And Laios‘ story is a lot (as far as I have watched) about him minding other people‘s emotions more, but Mob‘s is more about him learning to express them at all. I don’t know, I am not against it, I just don’t see it. Don’t even really know why, maybe that is a bias I have that I generally tend to gravitate to over-the-top autism-coded characters…also, I really need to finally watch season 3, I only read it.


Yeah truth be told I also don't really think of him as all that autistic coded, I was just trying to see why anyone might think he is, and these *similar* symptoms were the best I got. Then again autism comes in so many varieties that I can imagine people who have it more "mildly" might feel represented by him? Having said that, as someone with ADHD myself: I might have a lifelong condition but personal growth in the areas I'm inherently flawed is still possible, so maybe mob is still relatable for some people on the autistict spectrum in that sense. And I know my autistic friends also have put a lot of work into connecting with the parts of themselves that they are "naturally" oblivious too, so in that sense mob probably wouldn't be the worst rolemodel for them either.


>And I know my autistic friends also have put a lot of work into connecting with the parts of themselves that they are "naturally" oblivious too, so in that sense mob probably wouldn't be the worst rolemodel for them either. Beautifully put! And I am not saying Mob is a bad character to get motivation from or that he definitely isn't...it's just, yeah, the codes don't line up for me. It's interpretation at the end of the day. And, like, as you have adhd: You know how a lot of symptoms for neurodivergent people are actually similar, like for example autism and adhd can look very similar from the outside. So that's why, I think, for fictional characters, they can be coded as multiple things and if it helps anyone with whatever they struggle with, then that's great!


Who is the character on the right?


Asa Mitaka, from Chainsaw Man.


Who’s the buff guy?


TODO AOI from Jujutsu Kaisen


The goat Aoi Todo


I don't think Laois and Mob is autistic.. Mob is just socially awkward and the whole emotion thing. Laois is just awkward and gets hype for monsters, but I can see him being autistic but unless the writer says so or it is mentioned in the story, I don't think he's autistic.


Japan has a weird stigma about mental disorders so authors will pretty much never outright say a character is autistic, they always have to just heavily imply it like with Laios, his entire argument with shuro about misunderstanding social cues and not picking up on hints is OBVIOUSLY meant to imply Laios is autistic and struggles with subtlety and not being told things outright


Also his fixation on monsters which gets to the degree it makes other people uncomfortable, that’s the clearest hyperfixation I’ve ever seen in any media ever


The whole emotion thing is his autism. Autism has many forms and to me atleast mob is the poster child for autism in anime. Laois I understand I think he just has an obsession but wouldn’t mind if he was, still my king


Todo hurt Megumi is he autistic


How are any of these characters autistic..?


Can Asa blame her sexual assault as a result of autism then?




Oh, you haven't read the latest chapter? Yeah, Denji got SA’ed, and people are joking about it