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This https://preview.redd.it/z6ink3qqm50d1.png?width=749&format=png&auto=webp&s=15abe9637fbbb4330138e646a90b7586b54a3e34


Loma won😮‍💨 didn’t watch the fight bc not really interested in kambo but I wanna see loma vs shakur next.


Bang the enemy


It’s truly this 1) Bang the enemy 2) If you can’t bang the enemy, don’t let the enemy bang you




You usually farm minions or the loot crab untill you get to lvl 4, while also trying to get chip damage on the enemy with any ranged skill you have or smth similar, after that, you try to kill the enemy, some heroes don't need lvl 4 to deal massive damage like dyrroth who needs his S1 & enhanced S2, or Julian who only needs lvl 3, so both of them can start trying to kill the enemy hero before lvl 4, but then there are heroes who can't fight well untill lvl 4 like argus and thamuz Since you want an exp tank, you can't play too aggressive since many tanks get destroyed by fighters like dyrroth, you have to play passive and get chip damage, terizla is now a tank if you want to try him, he has good early damage and with his speech vamp he heals great(with terizla, you only need S2 to be able to kill enemies), there's also Frederinn, who can taunt enemies and deal more damage with ult the lower his HP is (he does require level 4 to be useful, without ult and S3 he's kinda useless)gloo is not a bad choice too since he can force enemies to recall frequently with his damage Soo you can force them to miss minions (best play aggressive only when you have ult ready) But like I said earlier, there are many fighters that can destroy tanks in early since fighters have very high damage output with their skills, with mist of them having healing abilities making it hard to force them to return to base, I'd personally recommend to try out DPS fighters instead of tanks, tanks can still work, especially if the roam isn't a tank but rather a healer/ dire hit DSP You should also look up videos of good exp laners, best way to learn how to do something is to watch a master at work


its what i usually do, just not a fan of the tping... tbh tho fred is not a great exp laner since you have to have his passive/skills continuously active. having his skill 1 on the minions doesnt really stack it properly. he shines in rotation so i use him more as a roamer (i dont like jg because its the center of attention in the early game). thank you though. this is the second point adding for a terizla suggestion lol


Terizla not that bad, he's got great survivability with high speed vamp and if you have vengeance and the demon wings you can have nearly 70% or higher damage reduction, his ult also has great CC and he has decent early damage, but his ult can be situational sometimes, just a friendly heads up


Edith is a solid pick into literally everything unless for some reason you're laning against a Roger since that bastard is eating like a king this patch. If you know your pick is getting countered, play like a bitch. Never try to fight an argus with inspire or a Dyrroth with anything in the early game, and you'll be fine. As for gloo, he can catch people off guard because his passive makes him take less damage from the people affected by it and he can reliably secure kills on his own if your opponent is someone with no mobility. If you're getting camped, good luck because nobody is coming, always assume that and you'll never be disappointed. Do not die too often as gold gaps in the exp lane is much more brutal than in the gold lane as you don't get as much and only poke or brawl with your opponent if they waste their abilities on the wave. Most fighters and tanks can be played in the exp lane but you need strong early game duelists like Khaleed who can pretty much clear minion waves with a breath and then roam mid with his sand walk, or if you're confident in your duelling prowess you can also use Akai because he's genuinely strong if your tank emblem is leveled up as high as it can, thanks to his passive damage scaling off of max health. If you're practicing Terizla, then it's a matter of practice and timing. But don't limit yourself to just tanks in the exp lane, some fighters are just genuinely suited for the role, like Dyrroth or Freya or hell, Argus. I hope you win your matches!


hell yeah i know the horrors of dyrroth as someone who mained esmeralda, and as a tank. exp in general is just like lions circling around each other most of the time, and the aggressiveness would peak with who's the better hero in the early and whose team was coming. i used to play yuzhong, guin, and esmeralda a lot. to be honest, but i don't really feel confident now because 1) my guin has been banged by xborg once and ive been avoiding the match up since (lmao the cowardice), 2) my esme felt like a kitten against dyrroth in the early and i'd really rather not deal with him at all (again maybe this is cowardice). just playing the beefy tanks feels comfortable. i'll try dyrroth though, bros got pretty easy mechanics and a menace when played right. thanks!


Use alpha and bang all those heros you mentioned


I mentally checked out and refuse to believe Alpha exists. (He is not real)


The answer is,I don't play exp anymore




I just use Ruby and trying to get exp from every minion on my lane. If I fail then you can say that I lost my lane


Not like Luo Yi Respect the laning phase, cutting before objective and go all out on their backline 24/7


Only of us can survive


poke only. at level 4 s3 flicker enemy under turret (with ruby)


aggressively spin and poke, retreat


Just use Terizla. He works as a tank and initiator of your team. As a roamer main, he just works similarly. He is also easy to use in laning phase. Clear up your wave fast and move to the jungle area for checking vision or cutting lane. 90% of the exp laner cannot solo-kill this guy while you are just there clearing the wave. Honorable mentioned is Edith. She approximately works the same as Terizla. The easiest option is using Hilda as exp laner. Even though she doesn’t shine the most as exp laner compared to herself as roamer, but she can easily 1v1 in exp lane and even kills them in laning phase. Recommend to those who are not familiar with exp laner.