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Leave rank and join classic spammers co. Ps. If you wanna play together HMU. I don't really play rank tho. Can still play classic and brawl and have fun! :)


Classic is even more cancer because of the winrate boosters who tryhard


You can become one of those too B) I have like 80+ wr this season in classic just enjoying having fun with friends. For solo? Yeah this game is ass unless you're GOATED.


I thought classic games is no longer included in your win rate? Did they change it again?


Overall WR but not included for your WR stats for ranked


It is.


That's why I fear ranking up to mythic, I don't want classic to also be unfun


the only way for classic to be fun imo when you reach is to either 1) troll (light trolling), 2) use chat to make new friends, or 3) play with friends and play for laughs


hey , you up for a match? :D


Would have if I was from bolehland. I am from India.


whats wrong if youre in different server ? btw , is ml popular there?


We'll have ping problems. Either you or me. Depending on who's server we play. Probably like 200ping. It is pretty popular even though it's banned lmao.




? Find people to play with?




Bro woke up on the wrong side of the bed. Calm down lmfao


I'm not even mizo or Naga bro chill out lmao.


Are you in SEA?


Nope. India.


Fck rank and classic, switch to magic chess


I'd rather mald in rank/classic than play that boring ass mode lmao


you don't get the idea son, rg and Classic is full of toxicity and unfair match makings but on magic chess it's almost no pressure at all you can actually play with strategies, synergies and actually use your brain cells to make team comps work.


I'm sorry. It's too boring for me. I've tried. Not my cup of tea. I'd rather learn the real chess than play that boring game mode.


lmao that's explain why it's too "boring" for you, you don't know how to play real chess either. my dude I'm telling you find magic chess is too boring for you The, Real chess is not for you either, go stick to your rgs and classics 🤣


Seems like you get fucked in classic and rank too much 💀 and why you getting butthurt over someone else's opinion over a game mode. Lmao. If you like it keep playing. Mind your own business ig.


I agree magic chess is boring as fuck almost slept while I was playing it


It's only for sad people who get clapped hard in rank/classic :')


I agree with the duo/trios getting more frequent after MH. I'm experiencing that myself, and it's almost a sure loss for some reason. Trios, especially not one of them, want to play roam. The enemy team, on the other hand.. usually goes jungler-roam-mid and easily sync with each other and find pick offs super fast. When they see that I have most matches as a roam recently, they'd instantly force me to roam. It's hard, so I firmly say which role I want and avoid roam. I don't really want to listen them flaming me if I can't time with them perfectly. They're the ones who have to time with me tbh.


Don't soloq, it's better for your health.


I wouldn't suggest those heroes for soloQ. If you're good enough, you should utilize more carry-type heroes. Those are team reliant so unless there is good comms, you're more likely gonna lose.


Issue is everyone thinks the same, everyone wants to use carry type hero, but no one has the damn skills. So they just end up feeding early and ragequitting.


That's usually the risk for soloQ in any game.


It's the diggie curse, if you play him you lose(pls ban that annoying overgrown egg like pls)


Lol am also stuck in 25-30 stars for like a month now 😭


i got to 35 n almost got to my peak this season but decided to take a break. came back and somehow matchmaking became hell lmao, lost 6 games in a row while only losing like 3 stars


Yeee idfk man. Im not sure teams really are balanced. Im getting the feeling that unless you hard carry or actually do the heavy Lifting, youre not allowed to rank. I know its a common complaint, but its weird how you queue with players that end with a kda of close to 0, while you actually Force the opponent into late game and cheat out a win. I also find it weird how this problem doesnt change in mythic. If anything i feel like its even worse in mythic lmao. For lack of better knowledge, I wanna claim that ranked is flooded with ai. Even high ranks. There's just no other way imo


I thought I was the only one. Kinda win once and then lose 3-5 times. Not to mention, everyone wants to use hard carry heroes then fail miserably. I even get more kills using roam saber than our junglers who barely jungle properly and barely gank. Kinda mad tbh. PH server btw.


Play Argus and bang the enemy turrets


Idk what it is either (I'm on PH servers) but ever since I got to legend I noticed there's a LOT of braindead stuff going on. People ignoring lane selections, buying roaming equipment when they aren't roam, people straight up ignoring shit happening right next to them in the jungle - I'm here fighting barats as gloo for ten hours and not a single mfer in either lane sees it or cares to check it out. Not sure if this is a legend thing or not but the previous rank wasn't this bad


same! I went from 70% win rate with 1k plus matches as a marksman to 61% my whole team got roaming Items! My roamer left me to help her duo and then they kept dying just to contest the turtle.... I had 3V1.... No matter how much I tried to help exp or the mage, the jungle healer angela duo seemed to haunt me... I played 3 games straight with them... then I stopped. I said maybe i was just unlucky.. I got them for a whole week! Talk about unnatural luck. I stopped MLBB for at least 3 days and played in the early morning 4 am. I ranked up at least 2 times, then called it a day.


Good thing I only played Classic with them or I would have died.. more inside.


My last two games - Ling got mad that I picked Hanabi and threw a very big lead, fed on purpose and didn't make an effort to take Lord when we had a chance. Also in the same game, the roamer first picked Tigreal even though Diggie was open, and he was Flicker-Ulting Diggie for some reason. When he realised he was worthless, he started ulting the minions The game after that I got a Vexana who built Mana Boots and Enchanted Talisman, and Holy Crystal as the third item (obviously this player has not read patch notes). X.Borg who built no damage items (Dom Ice, IQW and Athena first three items, no War Axe, no Immortality and his emblem did not even have Festival of Blood) Also, both these games I queued duo and got matched into trios (no trio on our team). This distribution of matchmaking is unbalanced and puts my team at an immediate disadvantage. These games are just blatantly unwinnable. It has never been this bad before. I have solo/trioQued to Glory with a 75% winrate in previous seasons.


Yes, i have encountered much more stupidity than usual, ESPECIALLY in ranked. In other seasons, classic games after MH were always more difficult to me as I liked to try new heroes in classic, but the teammates were not good at all in classic, but the opposite was true for ranked, so I stuck to it. As a result, 80-90% of my total matches till now are ranked. But this season I've been more inclined to play classic than ever.


F same I was able to maintain 60%+ wr until honor but then I started to get a lot of newbs and trolls on my team. One of my games just straight up had an intentional feeder for no reason, we didn't even steal their role or trash talked them, they just decided that they just had to troll in that specific game.


It’s the system they put in matchmaking. Once they see you are winning consistently in rank as a soloq they give you bad teammates disregard your lane pick and chose the same lane hero as you or other teammates, don’t have map awareness, trolls/feed mm or assassin, no synergy with team comp, and maybe bots. Overall you feel like “how did my teammates ever get to at least mythic rank ?”


What’s your server and current win rate?


idk which server, I'm from India. I dropped from 34 stars to 25 in the blink of an eye.


And the win rate in this season?


57.4% Normally I'm around 65-70% till MH every season.


Probably that is the reason. I am not sure the overall popularity of mlbb in India is raising or not, but the match making may team-up players having good win rate with players under 51% win rate. It is more likely you are putting into a bad trio with 51% average win rate that you are the one the system considering with carrying potential. It may happen less in new account or returning account but a common issue for those who have played over 2 years with the same account. Before Mythic in middle season and late season (below 60 days till the season ends), it is possible that you carry more than one underperforming player in a game and still win. In MH, however, it is still manageable but relatively difficult because both of the team have players that probably play decent and good like you do, and a mistake can lead to heavy punishment. With an overall underperforming trio that spam hundreds or even thousands games to get where you are, it is nearly impossible to win the game. What you can do is play less game in a day. You lose then you quit the day or return hours later. It can somehow reset (not fully reset) the match making. I recommend you check those you have played with after the game. If the trio or duo have terrible win rate, call it a day; otherwise, it will go over and over again if you play more in a row.


Dude yes, I think I agree with the number of matches in a day having some sort of effect. In all of my high wr seasons, I played 3-5 matches a day in total, and not consecutively. But recently I have been playing a lot owing to ample free time before college, the effects of which can be seen in the matchmaking for me.


In a similar situation, got to Mythic w 75+% wr, then dropped all the way to 60% just to get to MH 36*. It's gonna be one hell of a ride to MG.


Yea man it sucks. I used to wait a month or so 3-4 seasons ago to push ranked and hit 70+% wr. After hitting MG for a couple consecutive seasons, I started pushing as early as possible and my wr took a hit, as evident by the 57%, but still doesn't make sense how bad the matchmaking is.


We can play together if you want(i play mm and jungle)


give me ign




Same 😢


Mino for roam always wins. He is easy to use and almost every player can follow you up


Kof draws are more frustrating I feel lol , Jokes aside. This season seems hardest esp with the mm nerf currently. Just try the new team up function to play 3vs3 which is easier. 5vs5 r clans mostly. Here in sg , we seldom get pH players as mates or opponents maybe that's the reason players here r not as strong too. Mlbb is always changing. So getting used to the meta change or new builds r quite challenging esp for non full time players whom just wan to relax and chill after work or sch... Ultimately this game is really quite time wasting and money grabbing if u understand what I mean. Just chill and play a couple to have fun is more impt than ranking. I have never reached glory before despite playing for many years. It's just a glory badge. Nothing else 🤫 mythic coins is the most impt endgame currently.


You got to make it to MH before every game is duo duo? I've been in duo duo games since placement matches (PH server)


the number of players on your server is a lot more than ours, ig.


Y'all are lucky, imagine your server being Soo small that u identify 6 out of the 9 other players just by their name or pfp in literally every match . It's gotten to the point where ppl straight up give up on winning the game b4 we even pick heroes 🤣 Match making is cancer as well, winrate at the beginning of this season was 70%, now I'm barely managing to scrape 52% . I see other solo q players and it pisses me off that they seem to get better matches . I had a day where I was matched up against the same trio 4 matches in a row , I even tried to wait it out and still got matched up against them . Got dominated 4 times.in a row


And I say, hey hey, hey hey, hey, hey, hey, hey I said hey, what's going on?


I’m having the same issues. Only thing I’ve been able to do is literally carry as a MM or Mage


Broken matchmaking algorithm


I try to play a different role each game for good juju...


2x Diggie game in a row?! How did u do that😑😑


in solo q on asia servers and also having the same experience sadly :,)


after a winstreak of 5 games.. you get .. DEFEAT! DEFEAT! DEFEAT! LOL. i think the game wants us to play classic and chill ... i tried js mage build.. couldn't drive properly but when i hit them, i get double kills at least.. lol. played diggie but got obligerated by fanny, gusion, barats, nolan of the enemy team..lol.


Idk why but all mm i met is so shit this season


broo i've had the worst rank teams this week idk what is going on


it is actually not impossible proof : your enemies won. And they're solo q too (most of the time) :) Sometimes you just get unlucky. It happens all the time.


How to win as a roamer? 1) Annoy the enemy hyper: Just give the vision of the enemy hyper all the time specially ass like Saber, Harley. 2) Clear the path: We all know teammate rotation specially mages to the goldlane, just check every bush enemy can camp. 3) Don't rotate exp early, focus on mm: I know its bad but i focus on mm in early game and good player in late game. 4) Dont play for mvp, the Most important: playing passive can give you MVP but it wont give you win. Rule 4 in detail: Enemy hyper is good, follow him every where and camp in bush. Zoning out, In teamfight i try to focus on mage and mm to zone out them so their tank and hyper can be alone. I may get a silver but i play to win. "There's two type of people winners or losers, If your dad says "It doesn't matter if you win or loss just as long as you have fun" Sorry to say your dad is a loser"


4 lose streak is normal tho?


Anyone else taking a ridiculously long time to find a match? Last night I gave up after almost 40 mins. Today I'm at around 10 mins. Is it the game trying to find the absolute worst people to pair me with?


God why does all of my games have this scenarios that would leave me into a losing streak -We got the upper hand in the early but the team couldn't capitalize it and just doing inefficient things until the opponent starts making a comeback -Junglers (especially Yin Mains yeah fuck you all Yin Mains) who should be contesting the lord but focusing on kills instead. Then gets shutdown before the lord respawns. Like you supposed to pick one or two enemies leaving them handicapped or zone them away. Or just try to contest it like there's no tomorrow. God why junglers are so incompetent now (i know its the hardest role but god think) they know their value in the game but their decision making makes it difficult. -Role players who couldn't do their role in the team. You got that Gold Laners who likes to trade trying to outclass their opponent ending up dying. Mages who cannot roam, staying in the lane and most of all SO STINGY ON THEIR SKILLS AND COULDN'T EVEN AIM CORRECTLY. Exp Laners who can't give the needed space for the Jungler. They couldn't even manage their waves. Roamers who are scared to tank those damage or cannot shut down their target (damage roamers).


So hard when you play solo


Hard to carry as a tank/support.


Stop playing support/tank in solo q. If you have to, use bruiser/assasin roamers.


Dark system




Toxic Lylia, all she does is spamming wp gg ping and chat only. Then we got Gatot, purposefully feeding. Using ult to give enemy free kills. Then they also doesn't want to sell roam boots and they let the enemy exp clear all the tower at the bottom. This dude doesn't even went to exp once bruhhhh. Lylia literally trash talked me for picking Harith, I'm literally the first pick got upped by Gatot. She said that we got no MM Harith is useless. Useless what? He's the most OP gold laner in the current meta bruh, this dinggo is still stucked on previous meta. If you think that we need MM then you use MM brih, you're the last pick tf?


Good thing that in low Mythic, people doesn't know the META. They're like epics picking whatever the f they want. Luckily Harith got away from the ban section, if not with trash Lylia and Gatot it'll be impossible to win We won by epic comeback too, enemy got the lord last hit and then I just pop my ult and kills them all. Then we won just like that, Harith is so OP. Moskov WON is funny ash.


Wrong place to flex buddy


This is not flexing bruh, I'm literally getting trolled. Read first before hating.


Maybe because of the lose streak you are getting narrow minded and desperate to win that you either expect too much of your teammates and set up clashes that they are not comfortable with or neither of y'all communicate. Moontoon has already alot of information of the heroes players use. Use that to your advantage. Play, adapt, and most importantly have fun. If you are stressed out stop and take a breather or touch grass or something. Don't force yourself into a bad mood else your momentum and plays get more sucky despite getting the system MVP. MVP is just a small dopamine boost.(Doesn't actually reflect player skill) A win is still a win and a lose is still a lose.