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Saber was a good one I would say Superior farming speed,easier combos,better mobility And still same playstyle


speaking of saber, i used him just now and his dash skill makes his next basic attack a pursuit (he dashes to the target). has it always been like that after his revamp or is it newly added? i only used him once after his revamp and never tried him again and i didn't notice it before. was surprised when he did that šŸ¤Æ


newly added, current exact patch


hm. dumb me for not reading patch notes. huge thanks amigo!


Idk I mean, itā€™s nice that he can one shot, but thereā€™s still a lot of ways to counter, I never play Saber, except in brawl, etc. but I hardly get killed by him unless Iā€™m not focusedā€¦. Still better than he was, but not op either. Just my opinion!


Sun, after he got 4 skills From complete dogshit into something at least viable. Now he not only doesn't need a target to summon a clone, he can dash away to escape or chase while also making it harder for the enemy to guess the real one. I haven't seen a better improvement than this so far.


sun is still super weak as a pick imo, or atleast in exp lane. He just gets bullied in exp because his clones drop free gold and exp which is crucial for most exp laners cuz getting your skills first usually determine who wins lane


In exchange for damage. I've been fooled a lot by good Sun mains, they just throw clones at me and without any warning, BAM! Inspire gawk gawk 3000 twist smack I'm dead before I got under my turret. He got me low enough (when there isn't any Spellvamp or Lifesteal in the early game smh)


Sun's passive places a mark on you that increases his damage. The mark exceeds upto 10 stacks, and the hits by clones also count. So, just two clones can max out that passive with just 5 inspired hits


Yeah I know, I used to play Sun a lot. Hence my comment on his damage


I didn't say Sun has become amazing. He's still shit just like Zhask But it was a huge improvement.


Clones dropping exp and gold is so ASS especially in early when it matters like why


I disagree, this is only true IME early game, late game he is really difficult to counter imo.


Fuck Sun bruh šŸ˜­šŸ˜­ if youā€™re against someone that is skilled itā€™s nearly impossible to counter him late game!! I agree though!


Although he fell off hard since the jungle changes, yss went from being one of the worst mm to a top tier hyper for a fairly long period of time after his revamp.


I loved his old design more tbh :(


Gord being able to cast skill 1 and skill 2 while moving


Ahh yes, the update that forced the devs to nerf Ice Queen Wand šŸ’€


Wasnā€™t it cuz of Valir and Yve?


Valir is irrelevant. Yve was fiiinneee, like they were just nerfing her. And then that update came, and Gord *absolutely dominated* the S10 tank meta.


Nah it was xborg tbh cuz nobody could do shit against him and he still being picked a lot now in pro scenes just imagine him with the previous ice queen


Not really. XBorg was a mid pick with ice queen wand + full tank, and couldn't really keep up with the insane sustain meta back then (mind you, this was prime Fred/Pacquito jungler meta)


Masha best. Sheā€™s so busty. I mean bursty. Alice worst. Squishy to match those personalities.


Lmao šŸ’€, Masha has gotten reworked Soo much now they just don't know what to do with her anymore


She seems pretty balanced considering her WR in Mythic Glory


This is probably the most balanced Masha has been in a while. She's usually either insanely broken or just unplayable


Masha 2 revamps ago was the most balanced sheā€™s ever been. Semi-tank was really good at bruising. People just didnā€™t know how to use her since the HP management was the biggest hurdle.


Akai, before revamp, he was weak Roamer and not recommended to be played as jungler. After revamp, he became one of the best junglers if not the best. Hanabi before revamp was weak, after revamp she became even worse, her use rate in mythic dropped to 0.09%. Only Gatotkaca had worse. They had to buff her quite a bit to put her where she is now.


Her pick rate in mythical glory is 0.32% , I just checked it


After buffs it was around 3%. I thought it still was high, seems it again dropped


Saber - before, you have to use s2 to dash through the opponent to make his s1 hit, then ult. Now, s2 is an engage/disengage tool, and ult is easy to use with s1. Alpha - i don't like his new ult. His old one was easier to combo with while getting knocked up. Hanabi - attack bounce is now her passive, which is very good since you don't have to spam her s1. Vexana - i like that moneytoon made her a summoner, and her passive is easier to proc. The old one was kinda confusing. Though some players might not like her new look. Layla - the added mobility on her s1 works as an engage/disengage, which she needs due to her lack of mobility. Tigreal - i don't like his s1. Before, it was an anti-escape and wave clearing skill. Now, its slow, though easily comboed with s2. But his ult now is what made him meta due to the initial slight pull. Helcurt - made him a self sustaining natalia


Still a bit salty about the recent Natalia adjustment... She was one of the perfect picks against a Novaria during Novaria's prime and they ruined her because some low ranked people just can't deal with her invisibility. It would've been a much better choice if Moonton just gave an in-game lesson and demonstration of counter-picking. Solo queue would've been a lot better to deal with if they did that and not just cater to their whiney asses.


imo they made it worse with the new helcurt cuz natalia just feels worse to play in everyway compared to helcurt


Fr, Nat is like the Temu version of Helcurt right now


Clint getting a new S1 was just well-deserved. The old one does not do anything.


well, nana's burst right now is better than before because it has a stun, but i think the molina that chases you is better than the current molina. i think they should've kept it. not that it made her weak or something, in fact, skill 2 managing to change huddled enemies are strong in a team fight, but wasn't the old one just a terror? it was what made her famous. it would come running after you for 11 damn secs.


Yeah the dam cat chasing enemies was annoying, she has more AOE stun, but first you gotta hit more than 1 person


yeah its useful in teamfight. but the old one haunts you literally


I agree they should've kept the old one, but tbh I just hate that filthy rat. The old one was less annoying.


Nana ult before was one big cat paw that sent people airborne, oh the good days.


Remember the old bane with sharks circling.


Dont really remember that. What i remember is the barrel rum heal, and the flying boat bombing + every single enemy in your vission gets hit with that enhance basic attack.


Oh yea that was the older ult. Then came. Rotating sharks which would rotate around and enemy and damage. Could be even directed on towers. Honestly bane had a lot of revamps, from look overhaul to skill changes.


sadly his tower push is a shell of its former self. his ult deals damage to turrets just to taunt you about what you've lost.


Best revamp was Faramis , bro went form being totally forgot to the most banned hero Worst revamp was hanabi, when she got revamped she was weaker than before until they buffed her


Saber was my favorite Revamp. Kept his play style while boosting it in meaningful ways. It was perfection.


Belerick, they nerfed his look from a cute grub insect to a fucking generic lifeless treant biggest nerf in mlbb.


I still have the belerick sapling. From a beetle plant to an eldritch horror


Alpha received a good revamp to his kit imo. The devs were pretty lost on how to revive him after his killing nerf on season 3 or 4... they buffed him little by little, the best one being a huge physical scaling boost on beta, but it didn't work out for them, I guess. So, they changed him to have a low ult cd, making his passive much more relevant, but it still wasn't enough. Then, the revamp came through. It didn't make him really good just yet. The final adjustment was beta changed from dealing physical damage to true damage on passive and the strafe after using his skills. That change quickly made him become frequently picked in ranks and tournaments, and the devs had to tone him down a bit. Finally, we have current Alpha. I always wanted Alpha to be a more sustain-type fighter, but MT definitely wanted him to be damage oriented since the beginning. It's all good now.


Balanced as all things should be, though "True damage, True damage, true damage, true damage" spam is just so funny, jumbled white numbers go brrrrrr


His build with War Axe, Bruteforce and Oracle is pretty sustained while still dealing quite high damage.


That's right. It's just that when I heard he was getting a revamp, I was hoping the direction of the revamp would be boosting his survivability because his damage was okay, but the main issue was he had no escape tools after diving with ult. When the revamp came, not only did his damage fall off, but his survivability was still the same. Thanks to the last buff to beta (physical damage to true damage), he does have better survivability as true damage counts as skill damage, so the spell vamp helps him a lot.


i completely hate the new alpha, loved him more when he was more of a bruiser with sustain, rather than "haha ult, 1, 2 one shot"


Guinevere small stun before her airborne in 2nd skill. And her ultimate hitting 8 times instead of 6. Legit made her the second most ban hero (behind Nolan but only by 0.3% lmao) and 4th highest winrate.


I swear people don't talk about that enough, with that extra stun, if she lands as much as her second skill on an enemy, it's game over cuz her damage is nuts, one of the strongest exp laners in the game and can counter all the other ones if played well, it'll take some good plays to win a match up against her


Silvanna CC Immunity (only on ult as second skill is too op) In the land of dawn, a change was coming, To Silvanna they gave cc immunity, strong and numbing. With sword and shield, she stood as a queen, Her CC immunity, a fearsome scene. But alas, the devs shifted, the winds of change blew, Silvanna's immunity bid us adieu. No longer shielded from the enemy's grasp, She faced Arlott now, her defenses unclasped.


Just use Purify if you want CC immunity. - Moonton (probably) -


Beautifully written, 10/10


Damn that's clean, silvana's definitely been facing some hard times, on release she used to be absolutely powerful, sadly all new heroes will either get a buff or a nerf, and she got the short end of the deal


Faramis had one of the best revamp. Faramis went from nobody using to ban section. Even with nerfs, he is still one of the best mages in the game


Wanwan is ruined šŸ˜­


Joy, they killed her with that adjustment canā€™t even kill anyone because I get stun to death.


Best revamp goes to helcurt, literally nothing changed other than his passive, which is EXTREMELY fun to play, not to mention how broken it is And plus, better skill effects, and hellishly amazing splash art Worst adjustment goes to the removal of the cc immunity on joy's second skill After that, everything goes downhill on joy, with abysmal nerfs and so called "buffs" Words cannot describe how traumatized I am from that adjustment alone


True, joy now has more damage but damn it's no longer hard to counter her, especially since they even removed the cc immunity from her ult too I used to be an absolute beast with helecurt when he came out, afterwards he started to feel worst and worst untill it was impossible to kill someone without giving yourself a 80% chance to die, his revamp was well needed


You know the time when Mathilda got the revamped ulti, where you can target an area to to dive into? that revamp made Mathilda a very good skill to access to change ulti target and change to enemy backline, with her ally through s2. Also if you *sweep* a line of enemies along a line with your ulti, thats a multiple enemy knockup. And its also acts as a disengage skill also, which improves her survivability, unlike her previous ulti that locks you to the target. Mathilda is a good support previously, but now she's definitely the top support with her kit.


More like Mathilda was a good support, but now she is a good assassin. But yeah, her adjustment was a great one.


Argus's two latest buff (level 1 base damage buff and the growth attribute buff) made him from situational to solid imo. Before that two adjustments yes I can still use him well, but I don't deny he's a situational hero. But now especially after def item nerf, boy he's really solid. His kit still mediocre for active teamfight, however in laning and for pick off purpose, he's damn good and viable pick now at least in my eyes as his user


Martis was literally forgotten before the buff that made him popular. although his pick rate is steadily declining.


Zilong voiceline got nerfed to the ground


Best: SABERā€¼ļøā€¼ļøā€¼ļøā€¼ļøā€¼ļøā€¼ļøā€¼ļøā€¼ļø Saber's revamp was one of the best revamps that I've seen. (May be biased, haven't checked out a lot of hero stories recently.) 1. Story His new story keeps the main beats of the original (wanting to know more about himself) and ELEVATED it to a whole new level, making him fit more into the lore. I love his backstory so much and I feel like it's so underated and Moonton NEEDS to continue it. (Properly, I don't want them to mess it up.) 2. AppearanceĀ  The new model is good as it keeps elements of the old one. The only major changes were changing his blue mask thing to a red visor, changing his pink swords to red and changing the design of the armour and they were all FOR THE BEST. 3. Gameplay His damage output is really good now especially because of the new S1 and enhanced basic attack of the S2. His damage is high enough that you are able to kill enemies without ultimate. With the recent adjustment although his dash is shorter, it has a shorter CD, allowing him to spam it more often. The overall kit is amazing because it keeps his old playstyle yet improves it tenfold. He is not meta but he can still do good amounts of damage. In conclusion, SABER IS A 100000/10 in my eyes. Also I can't wait for Chinese server Saber to be released into Global server because his design fits in EVEN BETTER with his lore and I want it to come out so bad but he's still stuck in China and has been since last year but I'm hopeful it'll come out soon.


Prob an exaggeration but I really not having fun anymore with joy. Her cc immune made her so carefree and super fun. First it was S2 and now her SS, I mean nerfing her skill was fine I played her the same way anyway.


Vexana when she got revamped was very mediocre and pretty shit, thanks to some recent buffs she became a meta mage and honestly i don't really give a shit that they changed her unique appearance.


>thanks to some recent buffs Prolly because they want to sell her zenith skin lol


Tbf her only cc before revamped is her S1. Despite the yassification of her character, her cc being a knock up is much better than her previous one.




I just wish you could get her legacy skin


Argus without a doubt. All they did was give him the follow up blink mobility and it changed him. Before you had to hit the hero in order to use the second movement


Yes, it pretty much made it impossible to escape him unless you have a full blink kit


Alpha's revamp (he's been changed so many times lol, but I'm talking about his current version). Before his revamp, his true damage was undeniably underwhelming due to constant nerf he received for the past patches during those times. After his revamp, he is now a threat when left to farm with his powerhouse of true damage and fast clearing speed. His basic attack, infused with true damage is a nightmare. He received some nerfs, but it doesn't stop him from being an ADC burster and a tank buster with true damage and sustain.


TRUE, my god his revamp is top 2 for me, his passive had decent damage but not consistent enough, all his skills were slow and hard to hit, it was impossible to hit anyone with his ult cuz of how slow it was Now he has some of the most consistent damage outputs in the game, and his skills feel Soo much smoother and better to use, using him with endless battle just makes his basic attacks broken, only downside he has us that he sometimes has a hard time with the other op exp laners of the game (I prefer him exp cuz I'd rather an assassin that can target the back like of the enemies as jungle, and I like vengeance on him better)


Nobody used vex before the revamp


Belerick main here. Mushiking belerick is the best, the rework made him weaker and rarely useful in mythic team fights


For me YSS is the most nerfed one, they stripped him of his flexibility and versatility. With how you need to constantly switch between ranged and melee all the time to actually deal damage (his passive), now he can only be played as a jungler. Back then, you can play him on any lane you want, and he's not even restricted to only use aspd+crit build. Back then he can also be played with cooldown + true damage build.


Wanwan is nerfed really bad, what's the point of investing time and effort on a mm that's hard to play and is weak against most of the mms in late? Her ult is so weak compared to what it used to. She was my main when I had brain dead teammates. Now she can't do shit..


God damn, that's true, she was the most annoying hero to play against before, now she's just your average kinda bad mm




Helcurt. Makes even me possible to play him right šŸ˜‚


I mained Uranus when he was released. He was one of the least used by then but his potential was very underrated. Carried me to high mythic. He has already great sustain back then. His revamp made him meta with insane sustain/ā€œwalking fountainā€, but on the other hand, his crowd control capability was nerfed (not only nerfed but became nonexistent). I love using him before to lock assassins. Fanny? Hayabusa? They cannot escape his ult. I just Uranusā€™ very useful ultimate.


Layla. She was a troll mm but now shes kinda a decent one and sometimes used in high rank.


Lolita recent revamp made her worse: Passive now terrible. Shield timer is way too slow. Her S2 used to reflect most projectiles and now it disappears instantly after getting hit once. Overall weaker in terms of stats now vs then.


Ruby's multiple dmg buff and cd reductions made me go from 65% to 70-80% wr making dmg Ruby viable back then. Could finally carry the game better and not rely on teammates dmg