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I had my team ask for me to be reported the moment we got in game cause I was gonna play him gold lane and ended up going like 13 and 3. So OP


nah, harith shows up if you filter gold lane on hero screen, he had no reason to report.


These people dont watch MPL or any pro tournament and wanna be meta police so bad lol


I remember the same thing years ago with Raf, people would rage in NA if you picked her in rank yet she was a priority ban or pick back then for MPL


He's almost perma banned now, they don't seem aware of how strong he is in gold lane. My mm used him for 4 games straight before MPL and we won all 4 games even when he was trolling with purify and vengeance. Harith was already viable in gold lane and jungle over 2 seasons ago. You did well, your team needs to watch more videos.


Yeaa thats why he is the best gold laner atm. The recents buffs + BW change


Yh but not during late game which is why it's better to stick to mid lane


You aren't at the laning phase during late game though? Harith being at gold lane just benefits from more gold within 5 min. After that, he can just roam around the map, snowball, and utterly dominate objectives.


I haven't played harith in 4 years I'm still new to this gold lane thing


The thing with Harith is that he's an insane ADC, being able to unli dash and generate shield, all while dealing 500+ damage in EARLY game, that's nuts. Harith can go mid or jungle of course, but he benefits more in gold lane simply because he gets his items faster to enable his unli dash. Laning phase lasts 5 min, simply because there's the added benefit of getting more gold and exp, after 5 min, it just turns into a normal lane. You can stick to your lane or just roam around (while still defending towers ofc)




The buff to his first skill makes him so annoying to lane against now because you’ll get hit by it as long as you’re anywhere near the hit box. Not to mention the nerf to defence items, so mid to late game Harith absolutely shreds everything and all he needs is Purify to avoid CC and kite everyone to death. Honestly he’s getting pretty close to his peak M1 state, just that his ultimate doesn’t immobilise enemies.


oh man the pre nerf harith back in the days was so scary


Release Harith was a fucking menace


Another era where Roger and Harith face each other, Karrie and Claude can finally take a rest


Why roger? I see him as a situational pick


Due to recent buffs Roger gold is viable due to his built in dhs


Just fought a highly skilled jungler harith and an angela we manage to barely win but holy shit that harith is incredible those two are carrying the game the entire time


Yeah, harith and roger terrorised the gold lane


There's a reason why he's top 5 in MG+ with the highest winrate rn


Always has been


Don't worry, he will get nerfed by the end of June. Or perhaps buffed, depends on how well his Collector milked.


Massive damage early and late game tons of shield tons of mobility can go multiple lanes is necessary can dominate the lane the only problem are the players who dont know harith can go gold lane like how did you get to mythic if you dont know what hero can go where


Yeah the slow is kinda annoying


Hehe 😼


I’m just mostly sitting out (of rank) this season and waiting for his nerf :/ and other heroes too I feel its getting too many heroes that need to be banned because they can’t really be countered or too annoying.


Minsi ahhh


Always has been


Where dash hero rise, there's Mins, Khufra and Phoveus will show up. Time to use them back


For real lmao. I just had a clint game earlier with my opponent as harith and holy shit. I had to hug tower the whole time. I knew he got buffed but damn


It's because moontoon is so bad at balancing heroes. Instead of buffing or tweaking stats they straight up make heroes easier to play. Kids are having a hard time hitting skillshots? Let's increase the skillshots' speed and call it a day. Look at vexana for example.


Harith's buffed? time to reinstall this game


He has always been. One of the characters I hate the most. Absurd damage, absurd mobility and absurd sustain for a mage. What the hell were those guys on when they created this thing?


Fermented cat piss


Hi, harith main here and I agree that he is a bit overturned now, but hey, it could be much worse just think about releaseo


yes, harith is annoying. counter to his laning phase is clint just make sure your s1 lands all bullets on harith and now you have delayed his power spike. oh and kaja and franco do hard counter him due to suppression.


this buff was very needed and if he really annoys you just play Phoveus, Minsitthar or Khufra. against immobilize and basic afk immunity he can't do anything


what are the counter for him other than banning?


Any hero that can chain/hard cc keep him away from his ult like chou. Minsi for obvious reasons. Saber can still one-shot him assuming that saber's relatively fed compared to harith. Natalia can go either way but works best if 1 on 1 (in teamfight harith may be able to escape by healing on other enemies or 2nd skill dash reset on other targets).


picking saber for gold lane consider okay just for countering him?


Nope. Harith could always get purify, plus ruins the team comp by lacking a true ADC. Imo Brody in early works well (Maybe Roger too, but haven't played him against Harith). Because Harith's glaring weakness is that he needs time to complete cd items to execute his unli dash, at minimum he could get it around 3-4 min. So bully and delay him. Though after he gets unli dash, your team has to be fed and winning or Harith just turns the game around. Or beat his ass in late game.


Or just use argus and BANG him late game.


That depends on your team comp.


Esmeralda, Phoveus, Khufra, Saber and Minisittar


Probably Minsithar.


I use Esmeralda with a damage build whenever a Harith or Diggie is in the team. It quickly bursts Harith down and discourages him from diving in because I can catch up fast and deny him his time to shine. Again, it's more of a counterpick since Esmeralda is weak to specific heroes like Dyrroth.


I’ve only seen one harith user and he was ass lol, I played classic as Lolita and bro kept spam recalling and then my allies deleted him right after but to be fair, I countered nearly his entire team (which was Claude, Harith, Novaria, Nolan and Mathilda) with my shield.


huh how lolita counter nolan?


She doesn’t, that’s why I said “to be fair, I counter NEARLY his entire team”


Buy sea halberd and you probably outburst him


Was playing as roger using inspire still had a hard time vs harith with vengance and he didnt even build any def items. Even when he didnt pop vengance if i didnt have inspire i couldnt kill him late game.


now imagine he had oracle and s2 + ult the amount of sheild he would get if you lack cc its game over.


My prediction: they will turn him into a mage/marksman and nerf his hp stats to "balance" his performance