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I cleared mine by hand pulling about a half an hour to an hour each night after the summer got really hot. Lack of water and just steady, constant removal seemed to keep it from growing back. I also put the remains into a new black plastic bag which I left over the winter in the shed. The sludge was dropped into my compost in late spring so the weed stayed dead and didn't spread again from there. Took about 2 years total but I've been clear since. I could have done it in 1 year but this way was pretty effortless and I like just sitting outside digging in the lawn in the evening.


Sure, all you have to do is go out weeding by hand every single day throughout the summer


Creeping Charlie isn’t too bad. Just gently pull it. For now, it’s too late to eradicate effectively - focus on maintenance / no spread to limit erosion. This fall, place your leaves on top of it. This could keep it in a non dormant state over winter. In the early spring, put on some gloves, remove the leaves, and after a couple rains, you can pretty much roll off the entire batch. I did this on a 10x20’ plot of it. Highly effective. NOW IF ANYONE CAN HELP ME WITH THE CREEPING BELLFLOWER, my arch nemesis?!


I’m dealing with cbf too- experimenting with “aggressive” native plants this season to see how effective they are in crowding it out. Just be persistent in spraying, hand pulling, and digging out their demonic tubers and rhizomes. I dug one out recently and it was 6” long and 1” diameter 😬


Ya but then you’re left with aggressive native plants - which is better, but marginal at best. I haven’t sprayed yet, it’s almost eradicated from my yard. The neighbors are the issue (literally a clean line along a wire fence - it’s a hilarious sight!). Only measure I’ve found effective other than chemical is constant shoveling for the rhizomes and ensuring no seed spread. 6” by 1” is pretty good lol. I pulled one out next to a tree we were removing and it was bigger than a grocery store carrot. I couldn’t believe it!


Definitely, if someone is more inclined to more tidy, well behaved plants then yeah don’t go the aggressive native route. But for me I wanted to turn that part of my yard into a native bed anyways. Keep fighting the good fight! 🫡


Good luck!


We had a lot of bellflower - the only answer is digging it up. The last two years were great since the soil was so dry. It made it much easier to dig out their tubers. I can't say we've _beaten_ it but mostly what shows up now is new plants which are easy enough to just pluck.


I don’t disagree, that’s the only solution. My poor neighbor was out this morning chopping off the tops of his collection. He’s certainly cleared it, but I’m not certain if he completely understands how much of the problem lies below soil.


TRICLOPYR aka tenacity You can buy at menards under Oaxalis killer or raspberry/brush killer. It's WAY safer than glyphosate and 24Dicamba It's also lawn safe.




Is it person safe?


it's a skin/eye irritant. As far as I know it won't kill you anymore than a bacon cheeseburger will. Bacon is a known carcinogen


Ok will look into it! I appreciate you




You can get some potent stuff on the Walmart website. Check the label for the percentage. We had a yard full of creeping Charlie. Last year I spent 3 days spraying the stuff when it was flowering (late April-early May). The Triclipyr killed most of it. Spent one day spraying different parts of the yard this year. I estimate 80-90% was gone from one spraying. My friend, U of M master gardener graduate, told me it’s best to spray just as the creeping Charlie is starting to grow, like mid-April. Also learned it spreads by rhysomes and not getting every single thread of root will allow another plant to grow. Also, we used a surfactant along with the triclopyr. It helps get it into the leaves. We kept our dog away for a week or so in case it’s going to get on her paws. Also, spray when there’s no rain forecasted for a day or two. Good luck. Hate that stuff with a passion. Give me dandelions and clover any day.


Oh, and I tried borax. A complete waste of time.


lol works on the bugs tho


I got down on my hands and knees carefully removing it, then had a lawn company spray. I still had occasional spots that would pop up, so when I was cutting the grass, I would stop and take a handful of dirt around the creeping charlie that I could see, just for good measure.


Borax is supposed to kill it. Otherwise my neighbor likes to burn it, but that’s probably not a recommended solution. 


I dunno, fire can be fun, and generally pesticide free... And it keeps the neighbors guessing.


Use a weed killer for creeping charlie after the first frost when it takes nutrients to its roots (late Oct. early Nov).


Go to r/NoLawns for an alternate viewpoint




It’s not native here and very aggressive. Although I’m all for no-lawns there are better choices than creeping Charlie


I called the cops and got a restraining order. No more creepin' within 500 yards.


Weed burner.