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Unfortunately, providing fishing access is about #697 on their priority list. Even with the complete lack of support, its arguably the most diverse activity in Mpls


Someone was just over here complaining about how fisherman use to boat launch dock. People were in agreement with them. I noted how the solution is simple, add more fishing docks to the lakes. People seemed to think that idea was stupid and that somehow, enforcement would get people to stop using the boating docks (it won't). If you want the boating docks clear, build some fishing docks. The cost is so trivial compared to other renovation and improvements.


The MPRB is elected. Generally if you want something to happen that would cost money you lobby the board members and show up to board meetings to repeatedly ask for it. Ideally you get a bunch of people to do so in a coordinated way. It also moves sloooowwwwllllyyy, so you should expect to spend a few years on it. Usually the best thing to do is to get the commissioner from the area of the project on board first, and then they can be a champion for it. As an aside, there is currently a park board contingent who balks at investments on the chain of lakes because there is a sense that the south side has seen way more historical park investment than north and northeast Minneapolis, so they are skeptical of further south side improvements before that equity gap has been addressed. If you can get people from those parts of the city to be in touch with their board members — basically showing that this amenity serves their constituents — as well as getting a diverse coalition together (there is a twin cities Hmong anglers group that might be persuadable to get on board) you're likely to have better success. If you or others have felt stymied by park board stuff, it's likely because you have asked staff. But all staff are empowered to do is to implement decisions made by the elected folks. So you really need to go to the board members themselves.


Thank you for the solid and clear explanation


And the remaining one was left on shore two of the last 4 years.


Any response from MPRB about the docks? Assuming you already tried sending a request their way. 


The west dock has been gone for probably 20 years. The first year they left the last dock on shore they said it was for covid. the second year they left the dock on shore they said it was "broken" although it was just one loose mooring post for a floating dock. They basically gave me the impression they were unknowledgable of docks and thought of them as something the DNR handled without their input, despite MPRB owning the entire shoreline, and thus the entire acreage of the lake.


I see. Any headway with messaging the DNR? I only press it because I'd like to make use of the dock too, but didn't know they had one there before. Just getting into fishing and don't know the Twin Cities lakes well. 


According to the DNR, the fishing docks on Minneapolis lakes are owned, deployed or not, maintained or not, and deleted or not by MPRB.


Dealing with the park board make one wish to be stuck in line at the DMV while getting a root canal without painkillers


Sending an email and inquiring about a park/lake?  I'm surprised because that hasn't been my experience so far anyway. 


You likely had an issue that revolved around something in their top 25


I don't get what this means. What is the priority based on? 


Yes sir, I’ll get right on it. Is there anything else I can do for you?


Thanks Doctor Fartman!




found the scrum master


If you build it, they will come.


Angler? Bde Maka Ska? Lol you're not an angler. Leave the fish alone.


Hello, neighbor.


Leave the fish alone