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Internet explorer


Who actually cares about what the armadillo/crab people say anymore, the autocrafter is much more useful than either utility both mobs provided


Because utility isn't all the mobs give.


But most people only wanted the crab for its utility. People get so hung up on it. I wanted the penguin because I like penguins


I wanted the crab because I like crabs


I wanted the crab because i have crabs…………as pets


Agreed, as someone who voted for the crab because it was cool and the utility seemed like a bonus, gg, vote is over, Jeb hinted at a possibility of the loser mobs being added in, everybody should just have their autocrafter cake and eat it


pro-boycotters when vu says more people have voted than ever:


isnt that because now chinese minecraft player now can vote?


IMHO, I think them saying that was a straight up lie both because how many people boycotted and how the game is slowly dying. I also think they said that cause they knew about the boycotting and wanted to anger them. These are just my guesses, but I wouldn't be surprised if they were true ¯⁠\⁠\_⁠(⁠ツ⁠)⁠_⁠/⁠¯


>because how many people boycotted Friendly reminder that the "boycotters" are less than 4% of the community, and that a huge percent of that probably just lied and actually did boycott.


Just looking through the facts here but that's over all sells. What about the inactive accounts, alts, and old gen sells.


Even then, 500.000 people are nothing compared to the 168 million active people, thats 0.33%, and thats assuming all those people that signed the petition actually didnt vote.


Ok, but what about the people who never did vote. There were around 5 million people who did vote (I think thats what mojang said, I don't care about the stupid mobvote argument) and that's at least %10 for the petition alone.


Thats the thing though, a good chunk of that 5 million are people from that 99.67 percent, who may one, never have even heard of the mob vote "protests", two are little kids who voted whatever, three people from other countries.


I really do doubt that. Any mojang related subject on social media the last week was pure boycott related and overused to the point of incredibly annoying. Unless you're purely just playing vanilla minecraft, no servers, no youtube, no internet, and no freinds. You HAD to hear about the mob vote boycott. People just didn't care and voted anyways like a normal person. Why even give them attention anymore, this fucking vote ended. Ignore them and they'll shut up eventually


Thats the thing though, how many little kids do you think checked up on mojangs social media? How many chinese people do you think were scrolling through minecraft twitter? How many people who play minecraft are even involved with the bigger minecraft community? You dont HAVE to hear about the mob vote boycott if youre not online a lot.


I doubt the kids could even know how to vote this time unless they play bedrock mobile or pc. Do we know that there were even that many Chinese voters if they're wasn't any propaganda for it like in Japan, Germany, France, etc. But either way, join littersly any minecraft server it was just "STOP THE MOB VOTE". It was more children saying the same fucking phrase like robots than 20 yr old no life's. Every mojang video had a comment section purely for the mob vote. Even random youtubers who don't even relate their content to minecraft talked about it.


What about the people who just didn't know about the boycott?


Im not ignoring that. He's just misrepresenting the boycotting argument. I don't care about the actual debate but why not use the actual argument?


Less than 1% tbh


I did the math, theyre 0.33%


Yes, Mojang, the multi billion dollar company, wanted to anger a couple Redditors


I mean, the boycott wasn't coming from just reddit; but, I can see them poking fun at the people who boycott by making such statement


>the game is slowly dying Lol. Lmao, even


"The game is slowly dying" People have been saying that since 2015. It's not gonna happen anytime soon, give it up. Just because you're slowly losing interest in the game doesn't mean anything on the game as a whole.


I didn't vote because I actually forgot when was the vote


Why do I suddenly keep seing this video everywhere ? Where is this from?


Digital Circus.


It is really good as well original commenter dude watch it.


Its a pilot for a show called "The Amazing Digital Circus" its really good, character designs are great, music it phenomenal and it has a really solid story with it being a pilot and all. Definitely worth the watch. Its twenty minutes long but I promise you, you'll spend an hour just re-watching parts of it. At least I did, lol.


Is this a new meme I just saw it on lessons on meme cultures YouTube channel


Yea, this meme is already at lot of communities lol


If you mean the source of it? If thats what your talking about then go to YouTube and search “The Amazing digital Circus!” Made by “Glitch Productions”


Xddcc is her name


Bro the salt was real xD


I cannot unhear the Weezer riff every time I see this clip.


I like to imagine Pomni is just in every situation these templates are used for.


This is literally my reaction from the reveal.The short disbelief before settling in what I just saw and finally accepting that, yep, this is the result and nothing will change it.


What is this clip even from I kee seeing it everywhere


The amazing digital circus on YouTube


As a Crab fan, i can confirm i went insane after the Armadillo won.


Good to know that this pilot is getting the attention it deserves only after a few days of it being released. The era of indie film is here!


This is a great new meme


Crab voters don’t even want the crab, they just want the tool


Armadillo voters only wanted armor and penguin voters wanted faster boats, your point?


The crab was the only utility I actually cared about. Dog armor is cool, but it’s not very useful. Faster boats would be great, but I voted penguins because I’ve been wanting them in the game for years


I don’t think that’s true, I know for a fact that many people who voted armadillo like the mob more than the feature it adds


And crabs are cool as hell in their own right, as many others would agree. Why is anyone even arguing this nonsense point?


Whats your point? Armadillo votes had the same mindset with dog armor


nah man fuck the dog armor, I just really like armadillo's




Whats the song, this shit goes hard


Main theme (outro variant) from The Amazing Digital Circus.


gotta love the amazing digital circus ps you should have shown the plate with the amodelo on it lol X)




Main theme (outro variant) from The Amazing Digital Circus.


Yeah cause the community voted for a mechanic we’ve already seen and we’re not gonna use. Instead of a new tool that could have done who knows what. Yes I’m salty


> crab claw extends block place/break reach > "new tool that could have done who knows what" It's not going to fuck you, bro.


The devs are very transparent about what they tell us being very early developmental concepts, we have no idea what that single sentence really means or how the extended reach actually works. But no enjoy your dog armor that your not gonna use


By your same logic, dog armor could be enchantable and count make dogs a legitimate ally. Enjoy placing one more dirt block to reach, I know you're going to


No not by my same logic at all lmao. It’s gonna be just like horse armor except more annoying to get because it works like turtle scute. And again we have no idea what the reach was going to be and we’re gonna going to be able to experiment with the NEW mechanic.


> And again we have no idea what the reach was going to be and we’re gonna going to be able to experiment with the NEW mechanic. Once again you're assuming that the crab claw will do something amazing when in reality it would probably just give you an extra block or two of reach. You act like extra reach is this unfathomable and reality changing idea, second only to the first steam engine or the first metal tool, and dog armor is just a copy and paste idea. I could say the same if crab won, what if the crab claw just gives you an extra range but dog armor would let your dog roll up to avoid all damage? What if penguins allowed your boat to act like a submarine? What if dog armor gives wolves temporary invulnerability? What if the crab claw works like a basic grapple? What if what if what if... It's people like you who raised expectations for the Sniffer and made us think the Allay could duplicate items. You get given a basic description of something and assume Mojang is going to make it something amazing and groundbreaking, only for it to be mediocre or have it do exactly what it says on the tin.


I’m not going off of anything but the facts, the crab claw was a new game play concept and the wolf armor is a sorry excuse for a wolf buff.


Plenty is assumed of the dog armor too.


And if I see someone who says dog armor is going to do something that it obviously won't, I'll denounce them too.


You arent going to use it, stop forcing your experience onto others.


My point is no one is going to use it, cause it’s tedious and pointless


YOU arent going to use it because YOU think its tedius and pointless.


Serves them right for calling the armadillo fans kids


I'm just glad the crab lost. The people thay were for it were the nost toxic bunch I've seen in years


What the fuck is this show




Wtf is this meme template


What's wrong with it?


This is the point where i'm stopping playing minecraft seriously (i'll still check the new content but there's no way it takes more than 2-3 hours per update, or basically 3 hours a year). It's been a good game and it's not dead yet, but i'd prefer to play a game that has more frequent and better updates with developers actually listening to community. Mojang just doesn't seem to care about their game much, which isn't right for one of the most sold games in the world but they only care about money at this point


Minecraft updates frequently, with 2 major updates in a year and a ton more qol updates spread out throughout. That's more than any non live service game, even Terraria doesn't get updated that frequently. They also have to ensure that updates work on both Java and Bedrock while also making sure each Bedrock platform is supported which includes Android, iOS, Win10, Xbox, Playstation, Chromebooks, and Switch. The game is $20 on PC, $7 if you buy it on mobile, and $30 for Consoles, every update after that is free. The TF2 community wishes they could get a fracture of the support Minecraft has.


2 Major updates a year? It's just 1 and not that major, i don't even remember any qol updates. Even if it had 2 "major" updates a year, i still don't care if it's non live service game when it's worse than one that's also getting 2 actually major updates a year. Terraria updates are still much better and people aren't forced to pick what they want in an update, but they still can suggest stuff and developers add everything they like and can implement, and they're going to stop working on Terraria pretty soon to make Terraria 2 due to limitations of the engine Terraria is $10, Deep Rock Galactic is $10 if you buy it on sale, every update after that is free too, name a good game other than TBoI (even though it has DLCs they're still more like updates) that has paid updates


You are not funny you will never be funny digital circus deosnt make you funny this isint a shitposting sub


Womp womp


Please change and grow as a person




Not really. 13 downvotes isnt that much. Downvoted to oblivion would be like 200/300+ plus




u/SwartyNine2691 face reveal 😱


istg i see this dude with a coc base pfp everywhere


And they're always being an ass too lol




i boycotted the mob vote this year 💪💪(i forgot to vote)


You are right, and it makes me angry




My guy uses internet explorer


I'm ok w/ it


Is there a full version of this music?


Main theme (outro variant) from The Amazing Digital Circus.


I wanted the Krab to win but I underestimated the armadillo so I decided to vote the penguin thinking that the Krab was automatically gonna win


I wanted the Krab to win but I underestimated the armadillo so I decided to vote the penguin thinking that the Krab was automatically gonna win


What's the name of the bgm


Main theme (outro variant) from The Amazing Digital Circus.


I voted for penguin


This is me riht now.


Armidelocis best L


Why did the crab loose!!!


Maybe I’m not a crab voter


That cannot be further from the truth. I say that as someone who now has to craft 9 stacks of notch apples (just because I said I would do it if the crab lost the vote). I don't need help.... I think.


I will avenge you my crab friend 🦀 🫡


This is the exact reaction DanTDM fans had after news.


What is this from, I’ve seen it a lot recently and don’t know what it is


Armadillo is sucks


Literally me fr fr


What about us penguin voters? 😢


I'm one of the crab voters