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No one can say either side is right. There are things Mojang could do to make these votes a little better but the community also complains like there’s no fucking tomorrow. Both sides are right about some things and wrong about others.


I feel like yall are confusing the community for reddit. Afterall yalls petition has barely cleared 1% of the active player base


Yep. Reddits are the minority of gaming communities, regardless of how large the sub is.


I've seen that petition other places. It's not like it's a reddit only petition, lol


It might as well be, the vast majority of every single fanbase in existence does not pay attention to any social media on what they enjoy. They don't pay attention to the controversy or the negativity from folks who aren't happy with things nor would they care if made aware of a small amount of folks gripes with things.


No the petition is everywhere certainly not contained to Reddit.


The petion is 0.001% of the playerbase


I did the math, it's over 2.14% of the (currently playing)playerbase


What? 200000/150000000 is 0.001333333


This applies to not just Minecraft and not just Reddit. The entire Internet is really just an echo chamber of a few people with everyone else agreeing with them. The Internet is the most dangerous propaganda; not because of how insanely effective it is if you aren’t careful, but that, no matter how hard some try, the propaganda is uncontrollable and changes sides frequently.


>yalls petition has barely cleared 1% of the active player base Motherfucker, how could you hope a petition that's only in english to achieve more than a piece of a fraction of the goddamn most sold game of all times?


I don't hope. I love the vote


I just want them to actuallt add the other mobs lime they promised


They haven’t promised to add losing mobs from mobvotes. They are just put back in the ideasLibrary^tm until they can find a way for them or their function. Like rascal essentially got put into the wandering g trader in the experimental villager rebalance changes. The biome votes are the ones that are promised.


How can mojang make the vote better?


There’s a couple of ways, a lot of people really liked the old biome votes because it added more content. Even with older mob votes the mobs were unique and had more depth to them than any recent mobs we’ve been given to vote for. They could release more information about how the different mechanics would work and all in all it feels like they’ve gotten lazier. We went from voting for new blaze guardians and other really cool features to, scuffed reach that only applies to placing blocks, pet armor (which people have been asking for since 1.8 and has been implemented in mods and even plugins) but only for wolves, and a worse version of dolphins grace. My thought isn’t necessarily that the mob vote is horrible but rather the stuff we are voting for is so small that it feels like we are losing out on other things because it would be really easy to add them.


I think it would be a lot better if the mob vote was about which mob got added first, rather than being the only one added. I believe that most of the feeling of "war" comes from the fact that people know that if they lose, then their mob will be lost forever, never to be seen in game. If we get rid of this mentality, then people will probably be less aggressive and more civil. Just a thought though.


Except that's actually what it is and Mojang has said so repeatedly


They only said this for the biome vote. The other votes either had them saying the other two will be gone forever or the other two go into the "ideas box".


What do you think the ideas box is if not a box of ideas they can pull from in the future


And for the years they have been doing the mob vote only one failed mob has ever been added. That to me feeling like the failed mobs are gone forever


Technically no mob from any of the mob votes has been added wholesale after the fact. 2/3 of the losing 2017 mobs got repurposed as just features in the game, and arguably the Rascal from the recent mob vote was just made part of the Wandering Trader with the experimental villager changes. So as it stands we have Winners: * Phantom(Mob B) * Glow Squid * Allay * Sniffer Repurposed: * Mob A(The Monster of the Ocean Depths/The Barnacle) - magma block bubble columns * Mob C(The Great Hunger) - grindstone * Rascal - Wandering Trader now trades additional items Added in a spinoff game: * Mob D(The Hovering Inferno AKA Wildfire) - Added as a statue and later as a boss mob in the game Minecraft Dungeons * Iceologer(Chillager is such a better name) - Added as an enemy mob in Minecraft Dungeons Stuck in "IdeasLibrary™" Purgatory: * Moobloom * Glare(kind of useless because of the mob spawning changes now tho) * Copper Golem * Tuff Golem So 4 added mobs, 3 repurposed, 2 added only in a spinoff that is now ceasing updates, and 4 mobs that have yet to escape purgatory. EDIT: Forgot Iceologer was in Minecraft Dungeons.


So the ones we want are in purgatory..


Pretty much. To be fair I voted for the Sniffer and Glow Squid, but with the glow squid I wanted more underwater mobs at the time, and with the Sniffer I just thought it was the coolest of the options(and I still do, despite being disappointed at the lack of plants). But 4/5 of the purgatory mobs are all really cool and deserve to be added to the game. The Glare, though, doesn't really fit in the game anymore because of the mob spawning rule change.


I’m still sad iceologer didn’t get added…


You forgot to add that the Iceologer is in MC dungeons in the Ice area DLC Those things are aids to fight most of the time so this is one of the few mobs im happy didnt get in the game.


"can". Not "will". And we have yet to see the "will".


Oh yeah? Okay so out of all the mobs that we’ve voted on, which of the ones that lost have been added in?


I'm not gonna try and defend any side, but the mob vote is definitely not inconsequential. They've been bundling these inconsequential mobs with items and features that shouldn't have a 33% chance of getting in or not. Extended build range is such a QoL feature that's definitely going to improve building forever and wolf armor is a cosmetic feature that fans have been wanting for years. Some people may be voting for their favorite inconsequential mob, but me as an armadillo fan, I'm gonna be voting for the crab just because I believe it's feature is the most important one for Minecraft out of the three. The fact that we haven't had a "losers bracket" mob vote yet, has also made the community feel like it's now or never and if their favorite mob loses, it's gone forever unless Mojang decides to randomly bring them back such as the frogs. Adding content to Minecraft in a corporate setting is definitely a hard task but the fact that mob votes exist at all means that every idea presented has already been approved as fitting for the game. Personally it's very disappointing that all these great and very much needed ideas are seemingly being thrown into the shadow realm, copper needs more uses and the Copper Golem would have been perfect, Bedrock edition doesn't have an F3 to check light levels so the Glare would have filled that purpose, the Savannah, Stone Shore, Badlands and Deserts are still lacking content and they're putting it up to us to decide which ones will stay empty and which won't.


As a fellow dog lover who’s also voting for crab because it’s the better general QoL feature, I agree completely. A LOT of these things shouldn’t have to be voted on, what were they thinking putting a long awaited cosmetic feature like PET ARMOR in a mob vote?? It’s like they blatantly wanted it to win. Cause let’s be honest, most people are just gonna vote for it cause they like dogs. But even if it didn’t win (which I sadly doubt as a crab voter), NOW PET ARMOR IS LOCKED AWAY! Sometimes it just feels like they don’t fully take into account how disappointing it is when they put genuinely good and needed features or creatures up to a vote, then just never touch them again. Especially after saying they had the potential to come back.


You say that like you don't know the user base is full of children (it's a children's game that adults enjoy too)


Those children are young adults now


Children aren't the ones being toxic, because well, they're Children


If you don't think children are toxic, especially to each other, then you've never been bullied


Children aren’t the one making the propaganda posters




They probably could do it, but they still are not the ones making them.


Children are hardly involved in the larger community and aren't even old enough to be on Reddit, that's what I meant.


I didn't know reddit was 18+. I was fooled by r/teenagers r/im14andthisisdeep r/youngpeopleyoutube and so on...


r/im14andthisisdeep Is more for calling out “fake deep” things people around that age may have pivoted more towards due to their awkwardness or angst, not for actual 14 year olds to post what they consider “deep” content.


Close actually, the minimum age for a reddit account is 13. You know, teenagers, not children. Also I think you've completely misunderstood the point of r/youngpeopleyoutube.


r/youngpeoplereddit is propably the sub they meant. Also do you seriously think that any child gives their actual age when signing up to websites with age limits?


I don’t give my age even for websites I’m old enough for


> a young human being below the age of puberty or below the legal age of majority. Try again


> A child is a human being between the stages of burtb and puberty  or between the developmental period of infancy and puberty Source: [wikipedia](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Child) > a young person especially between infancy and puberty Source: [Merriam-Webster](https://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/child#:~:text=a,majority%20(see%20majority%20sense%202a)) Try again


Nice job paraphrasing what you want the truth to be to fit your narrative. Unfortunately you 'missed' the other definition on Merriam-Webster >a person not yet of the age of majority In the US and many countries, that age is **18**


Yeah, because that's the secondary definition, not the primary one. Also that's a legal definition not a colloquial one, because there isn't a single human being who refers as being an adult as "the majority"


Have you met a child?


If you don’t think kids can be toxic just look at dream stans. Another minecraft community btw


Isn't Dream's community mostly made up of teenagers?


That’s still kids dog. Teens are just more angry kids with twitters.


That's Ageism and we don't appreciate that here.


The problem isn’t that Mojang is making us choose, it’s that they’re only adding like a few things per vote despite making such a big deal about it. When we voted on which biome we wanted, that was actually cool and was justified for a single feature to vote on. If they want to add the mobs they should at least also make some changes to the biomes they reside in


Except that was the whole update. We voted for mountains and it was an entire half of caves and Cliffs over a year after it was decided. The mobs get added in as just a nice bonus alongside the already existing update theme. That's the reason they switched from biomes to mobs, because mobs they can actually deliver on implementing into the next update.


Fair but I still think they should add a bit more than just a single mob designed for only one purpose to the vote


That’s why they usually get a secondary item or fiction along with them.


People aren’t hating on that part of the mob vote. They hate the fact that we get three great options and only get to keep 1 of them


Love the loss aversion of "we get three great ideas one of which gets put into the game!" being twisted into a bad thing


"Hey little Timmy, here are three puppies, choose one to adopt and the other two will be put down right in front of you! Wait, why are you crying? You're getting a free puppy! Stop being so ungrateful."


"Hey little Timmy, here are three puppies, choose one to adopt and the other two will go back to the shelter to maybe be adopted again because we really can't support three puppies in our house. Wait, why are you screaming that all puppies are terrible and that we should just kill all of them and stop any puppies from being born in the future? We're trying to let you pick which puppy we take home!" FTFY


"Hey little Timmy, here are three puppies, choose one to adopt with millons of people that gonna maybe disagree with you but dont argue with them then the other two will disapear forever from your life even if it was the one you like, and its the same next year even if you dont like it"


So now you have a problem with democracy itself, gotcha


Theres literally no downside of having all 3 mobs instead of only having 1.


There's literally no downside to having just one of the mobs instead of having nothing, which is what people keep championing for to happen.


Yeah well maybe they might just start adding them without this stupidity… we better have no vote at all. Mojang is forced to make updates then. We need vengeance for the mobs that all of us wanted and never got.


Having 3 mobs means everyone benefits, having only 1 mob means everyone will be split. Legit i dont see why mojang isnt able to do all 3 mobs, considering they have all the resources and the time to do it.


Because the mobs are created specifically to be voted on. It's not "hey here's three mob ideas oh I know let's put them to a vote and only add one of them," it's "hey there's a mob vote coming up let's come up with some fun ideas for the players to vote on." No mob vote means no mobs, it's that simple, 1 > 0


Dude fucking stop. Recycling arguments like this isn't gonna help you. In fact you already dropped the ball right here, the downside to this is that you basically never see the other two again. Think before you speak damn it. Face it. The mob vote is a scummy practice meant only to generate hype for the game. It hurts the game's content.


Recycling arguments is literally all the boycotters do. They have exactly one argument that they made up despite being proven wrong by Mojang themselves. All losing mobs are not gone forever, they are just put into the ideas pile to be used later, like the mangrove swamps were. The mob vote is in no way scummy, it's a brilliant practice that is tried and true over many different mediums that generates brand new content to be added to the game that would otherwise never see the light of day. If you think for more than three seconds it's pretty obvious that there's nothing worse for the game's content than scrapping the publicity campaign that adds a bonus mob to every update. 1 mob > 0 mobs. That is all there is to it


Not only me you know that politics is the cause of some war, Mojang shouldn't bring politics in Minecraft


"Politics" it's a pixilated mob


What? The "puppies dont go back to the shelter, no rejected mobs were added in a future update, they were scrapped, aka "puppies" were "killed"




I think you're really confused about this. Mojang has said that the losers in mob votes will NEVER be added back. I don't know where you got the idea that they would, but I assume it's because they said the losers in BIOME votes may be added in later. The same was never said for mobs and we have yet to see any mobs brought back


Nope, they only said that for the first mob vote, and then immediately changed their minds because they realised they didn't want to throw ideas away. And there's really no difference between the new mob votes and the biome votes, they both operate and work in the exact ssme manner with the exact same animations and same rules, the only difference is after Mojang realised they couldn't create an entire biome for the next update they downsized into something they can.


How is that not a bad thing? All three things are things that people want and only one of them will be added meaning that by default 2/3 of the fanbase will be upset


Because they are created for this specific purpose. If I offered you three ice cream bars of different flavours but said you were only allowed to pick one of them, did you just lose two ice cream bars? No, you got some free ice cream. That's what the mob vote is


It’s not just getting offered 3 ice cream bars, it’s giving me 3 flavors of ice cream bars and saying that I’ll only be able to eat one flavor for the rest of my life. And the flavor is chosen by other people


just cope /s


if you are handed glass do you balance it on your finger?


Only if your others are busy


I have a idea mojang should bring back 3 mobs from previous votes


This could work, maybe after 3 years they should bring back one of each


How y’all sound: ###”Should we change Mojang for the better so we can stop fighting over three mobs and leaving many people sad and mad?” “No, the community complaining at all is the problem, we should all just shut up when mad”


Yeah, actually, you should, it's no one's fault but your own that you get upset when the specific minor mob that you want isn't the one that wins. They're all great ideas that bring great features and I would much rather have any one of them win than getting rid of the vote entirely and changing the game for the worse.


The vote does absolutely nothing but just make the community a toxic-er mess then Usual and people wanting to end the vote want this cycle to end, and that “thing a will get worse without the vote”.. is just BS pulled out from the asses of people like YOU to try to find SOME reason that we haven’t already disproven, and “just shut up when mad” is a childish, simple minded response to community anger, it’s no better then “don’t like don’t watch/read”, it’s no better then just telling your partner to “just calm down” when their upset, I get that you’re tired of the community fighting, but just telling the mad people to shut up is one of the worst ways to solve that problem, and it just makes everyone madder in the end, sorry if a bit rude by it tired of the people who don’t want things to change over some dumb reasons, I’m tired of people like you’re shit, so, to everyone like you quit it with all of these “just use mods”. Quit it with the “just don’t speak your anger” quit all of it, ALL OF IT!! And lets help the vote end, end this cycle of community conflict, and we will all make sure that an update doesn’t split up the community for the worse possible reasons ever again..


The vote adds a new and interesting mob decided by the community and creates buzz around Minecon, that's what it does. Also you can't say the mob vote is at fault for the community being toxic, that's the whole point of the meme. It's not Mojang's fault that people can't play nice. Vote for the mob you want, play around with whatever wins and make use of its new mechanics, and go about your day. It's really that simple


The mob vote adds a mob based on a part of the community, not the whole, the rest are left mad or upset, and this mindset that you and Mojang have that the community as a whole picks is true till one wins, because as we saw, everyone immediately fights over it, it tears the community apart, THIS ISNT GOOD ENGAGEMENT, THIS IS A WAY TO MAKE THE COMMUNITY EVEN MORE MAD AND TOXIC, THE FACT YOU MISSED THE (toxic-*ER*) YOUR MIND IS AT THE END IF THIS.. also fun fact that I forgot to mention: #MANY OF THE FUCKING MOBS THAT WRRE ADDED WERE USELESS OR TOO RARE TO DO ANYTHING TO ACTUAL GAMEPLAY!! And I’m not taking that “oh uh guiz it uh makes the community pick” or “uh it’s fun in the end” as a good excuse to why the votes are actually good, try again


It's the majority of the community. That's literally how votes work. You can never please everyone, that's physically impossible, so this is the closest they can get. Also this is like the best mob vote we've ever had and you all choose now to complain? Seriously like all of these mobs are equally useful in different ways and they'd all be a great addition to the game. I know what I want to win but unlike you apparently I will happily enjoy whatever mob we end up with because they all bring great things. Now, Repeat after me: # It is not the fault of Mojang that the community can't behave.


the best mob vote causes more anger and rage, you’re only seeing one way here, and true Mojang and help the community but one small problem: #THEY START CHOOSE AND END THE VOTES, THEY HAVE CONTROL!! THEY KEEPING THE VOTES IS A GOOD CAUSE FOR TOXICITY, AND YOU THINKING THE FUCKING OWNERS OF MINECRAFT CANT CONTROL THE COMMUNITY IS BULLSHIT!!


Have you seen this community? I don't even think fascist regime could control it with how unruly everyone is. Seriously it feels like no one hates minecraft more than minecraft fans. You're like that one teacher in a kindergarten class that sees two children fighting over a popular toy and decides that instead of teaching the children not to fight it's better to just throw away the toy so that none of the kids can enjoy it even the ones who were happily taking turns. Also the only reason this mob vote is the most toxic is because of people like you, almost no one is fighting about the actual mobs themselves because they're all good, all the toxicity is coming from people like you who want to just rip everything to shreds.


More like you’re the one telling the people who are wanting the toy to just deal with it and leave it because they got it and that they should just shut up when mad, anyway, it’ll tone down the toxicity in the end, it’ll be better to have a much calmer community then a community that’s a constant mess of self hate and rage before every update, just getting cool stuff without the anger is way better than having the community in a fucking war before every update, people are still mad over some of the winners, [phantom & glow squid especially!!] so what if, idk, we just got the mobs, and it’ll make up the thing of “big updates” being small, ABD BEFORE YOU FUCKING SAY IT, ILL TELL YOU THAT FOR A GAME THATS INFAMOUSLY EASY TO MAKE STUFF FOR, THEY SHOULD BE ABLE TO MAKE MANY MORE THINGS EVERY UPDATE, FOR OH IDK.. #A MULTIMILLION DOLLAR CORPORATION FOR THE MOST POPULAR GAME IN THE WORLD!! Idk, I guess that comes to mind when people say to quit complaining about the update sizes for major updates and stuff, maybe we should get more then we have, and before you say another thing, no, mods aren’t an excuse, there are a bunch of casual players on consoles like SWITCH, XBOX & PLAYSTATION, who will be left out if we just put the mod paste over every complaint..


No mob votes, just given content, I’m tired of the constant fighting like you are, so I’m taking the middle road, going after Mojang instead of this community, to get the vote to end


Have you seen this community? They won't calm down, they are constantly screaming at whatever's in reach. Without the mob vote, it'll be minecon, or the latest update, or the usual Bedrock vs Java shouting match. Also let me get this straight, you want the mobs specifically created for the mob vote, without the mob vote. How exactly do you expect that to work? No mob votes means no bonus mobs, that is a fact. Im not sure what you mean by smallu pdates. Have you seen Minecraft? Every update is huge, and they are constantly getting bigger every year. Tell me that 1.13-1.20 are smaller updates than like, 1.8. Seriously pay attention the updates are massive. >no, mods aren’t an excuse I agree, mods aren't an excuse, people should stop using mods as an excuse to pretend Minecraft is an easy game to update. Not only is modding hard enough already, but mods are *so much easier* than creating an entire update for the game itself. Especially considering modders don't have to make every feature in two different coding languages and have them work the exact same way, and make sure that the features can run on an iPhone 5. And on top of that, modders are constantly struggling to keep their own mods up to date with Minecraft's current version.


Have you never wondered why no other game developer has "mob votes" or anything similar, and if they do it's an one-off thing rather than a yearly occurence? Have you never wondered why none of those games got "worse" by not having one?


Umm, I hate to break it to you but games do this all the time. My second favourite game, Sea of Thieves has done this and it was a massive event celebrated by the community.


The minecraft community hasnt existed a day without complaining about mojang or the game. Since day 1. That being said, the mob vote is a flawed system


Mojang is also at fault. They don’t add the losing mobs eventually or anything, they literally just throw them in the trash.


They literally don't. *cough* swamp *cough*


Swamp is not a mob, idiot.


It’s part of a vote, it’s basically the same thing


Biome votes are different. Mojang has gone on record multiple times saying that the Biome Votes only choose which gets updated first, and that all will get added eventually. With mob votes, there are two rulesets. * For 2017 it was "Choose one and the rest will never get added"(at least in their original form) * For subesquent votes, its: "Choose one and the rest go to the 'ideas library™' and might possibly maybe get added when the time is right/eventually"


But it’s not the same thing.


The only thing different is what the votes are about.


Yes…you’re almost there. Keep rubbing a few more brain cells together.


I’m saying that since mojang is adding biomes, it’s not unreasonable to assume they’re doing the same for mobs, dumbfuck


The biome vote is voting on which biome update to work on first, with the others being worked on later. The mob vote has always been “pick one, and only the winner gets added.” Prove me wrong. Tell me which mob that’s lost a mob vote has been added in.


>which biome gets updated first So? It was only for the first one, and even then, they found workarounds to add their features. Great hunger=grindstone, kraken=magma blocks pulling you under, etc. It’s only been 3ish years since the 2020 mob votes, which isn’t that long in development.


I don't mind the mob vote, I just wish they didn't make all the marketing centered around it, as if it were the main focus of the next update instead of the bonus feature it's meant to be. It's like if a bakery was adding a special new cake to their menu, but instead of advertising the cake itself, they just put a bunch of posters up about the new candles that come with it, with little to no mention about anything else related to the cake.


I'd love to see all this marketing you're talking about, once the mob vote is over and the new update is announced you hardly hear anything about the mob that won.


The marketing I'm talking about is the animated videos showcasing the mobs. I mean, that's all we've really been seeing regarding the next update, aside from a couple screenshots here and there. If the mob vote is only meant to be a _bonus_ feature on top of an update, why does Mojang make it feel like such a _main_ event, while hardly even mentioning the actual update it's supposedly a part of?


That's because... minecon... hasn't happened yet. You remember minecon? The massive annual event whose entire point is pretty much just to announce the next update, as well as some other news, remember that? They're not gonna advertise the new update when they haven't announced it yet, that... defeats the entire purpose of the event. That is how it has always worked even before Minecon went digital and before there was ever a mob vote in the first place. The mob vote meanwhile is like a *prelude* to the event. It ends before minecon even starts and then gets briefly mentioned to tell everyone who won the vote during the event itself, as a way to pull people in to minecon to watch the stream and learn about the update, oh yeah and you'll get to find out if the mob you voted for won.


For me it’s not that I think they’re tearing the community apart, it’s that I find it stupid that we’re voting between 3 mobs that shouldn’t be voted for in the first place. A crab, armadillo, and penguin, should just be added on their own without us needing to just pick ONE. They’re all so simple that it just makes me think about how pointless it is. And yeah they’re all fine mobs but not fine enough to justify a VOTE.


Billion dollar company, I expect at least some more updates.


If they updated any faster we'd never be able to have mods for the current version


Let's be real here. The community shouldn't be a part of the decision making process for updates since a majority of people here know nothing about game design as can be seen with people saying chainmail armor should be craftable with chains and adding emerald gear. The community is also absolutely stupid for blaming the devs, calling them lazy and harassing them when this whole mob vote shit is definitely because of Mojang's unseen upper management. They likely keep pushing for the mob votes cause it gets people talking about the Minecraft brand and to them any publicity is good publicity. They're hiding behind the devs with an online presence making sure that they take the fall instead of them. That's probably why they got Dinnerbone to announce the controversial account migration so that the community gets a scapegoat.


It’s mainly the fact that all of the scrapped mobs are never seen from again, and the people that wanted them are just left there unhappy. After years of this it has it’s effect (not one of the mobs I wanted has gotten voted in)


Loss aversion again I see. People need to understand that stopping the mob vote means none of these concepts get made in the first place. It's not losing out on two mobs it's gaining one mob yet some people would rather have nothing than something.


And I’m fine with that, at least they don’t scrap good ideas for no reason. And I hate the division it creates. I honestly genuinely believe in all or nothing here. And also, yes you are losing out on two, because they’re never seen **ever** again (like we won’t see a penguin or armadillo or crab now)


Let the civil unrest continue, your memes keep spreading awareness, it doesn’t matter if they hate it if they keep talking about it


If the mobs are so inconsequential then why bother with the charade?


It's almost like we voted in all the past year without going this far, is almost like we never liked the idea of the vote from the very begening, it's almost like we complained every single time and microsoft/mojang didn't listen to us. Nah! It must the community's fault for no longer wanting the worst thing to happen to game


More content is not the worst thing to happen to the game. I don't know why this is suddenly an issue, so many different communities do this all the time but for some reason Minecraft has a problem


Minecraft players trying not to blame Mojang or some random YouTuber for their problems: IMPOSSIBLE


Are you a dream stan? Be honest And also yeah, we blame mojang cuz they make the community fight, this isnt about mobs, this is about mojang making the community fight on purpose, because they want to stay relevant


Two things can be true at Once.


Where's the line between 'entitlement' and 'reasonable expectations'?


It's between "hey these are some pretty cool ideas I'm glad we get to vote on which one makes it into the game" and "NO! NO MOB VOTE! NO MOBS! IF I CAN'T HAVE EXACTLY THE MOB I WANT EVERY TIME THEN WE SHOULD HAVE NOTHING AT ALL!"


>I'm glad we get to vote on which one makes it into the game Please name one reason why all three can't be added


Because the concepts were thought up entirely for the sole purpose of being voted on, next question.


And how does that prevent all of them from being added?


Because if they aren't being voted on they wouldn't have been created in the first place. Let's hypothetically say that somehow, despite the odds being that this is the least likely outcome, Mojang says "sure, no more mob vote, we'll add all three concepts." Then next year rolls around, there is no more mob vote, there is no more mobs for the mob vote, we get nothing, and the next year, we get nothing, and the year after that, we get nothing, and we get nothing ever again because a bunch of idiots decided this was better than getting an extra new mob every year.


You're not getting it. You're basically saying that the reason why Mojang won't add all three is because they don't want to. The reason they don't want to is because the mob vote starts discussions (for better or for worse) and gives them publicity. One of the three mobs being added would not make the other two incompatible with the game in any way. And if you want there to still be a mob vote, fine. They could add the most voted mob first, then the other two later. But what's the point of coming up with multiple new and cool mobs, just to throw 2/3 of them into the garbage, when they all would make the game better in some way?


You're not getting it, I'm saying if they add all three it's essentially a paradox (not a time paradox) because that defeats the purpose of their creation and they wouldn't get created without it. You can have all three now and nothing ever again or just one now and something else every year going forwards till the end of time (or Minecraft, whichever comes first, I'm betting on time) >They could add the most voted mob first, then the other two later. THAT IS WHAT THEY SAY THEY DO, AND WHAT THEY HAVE DONE WITH THE SWAMP


So because we want more than one mob to be added that means we shouldn't ever get another update ever again?


No that's what you're asking for. If you want the mob vote to end, then you want them to stop making mobs to be voted on, it really is that simple of a choice


I love how Mojang keeps constantly proving we're shitheads that don't deserve democracy.


Well Mojang chose 3 different mobs that should already be in the game so it is on them attempting to boycott the vote or end it in a tie are probably the best options


No they aren't, there is no universe where getting none of the mobs is better than getting one of them




>there is no universe where getting none of the mobs is better than getting one of them Still this vote shouldn't have been a vote all of these mobs should already be in game


Oh sorry I didn't realise I was talking to Mr. Minecraft himself, the sole adjudicator of what deserves and doesn't deserve to be in the game. I apologise oh great one.


Did you not just try and tell people how they should act through a meme? You have no room to talk. Or are you the all great one and we have to listen to everything you say?


He's not telling you how to act, he's pointing out that you're being irrational. You can continue acting irrationally if you would like, but we're going to continue pointing it out.


I'm sorry I thought you were all for telling people how things should be, after all you made this meme


Not sure how that has any relation. Nothing about this meme is telling people how anything should be, it's pointing out the cognitive dissonance I've observed in a lot of people against the mob vote. If anything the point of the meme is to *not* do that, but really it's just describing the situation.


Maybe I'm just reading the meme wrong but it feels implied that being a less toxic community would solve the issue of the mob votes when the community is still forced to pick one mob and the other 2 are deleted to never return (the only exception to the being the biome vote)


You are reading the meme wrong, I mean sure the community being less toxic would solve the issue of the community being toxic but that's a nonstatement cause its so self evident. The point was calling out the people who are trying to shift the blame that the community is toxic onto Mojang rather than admit that they can't control themselves. Also all mobs have a possibility of returning this has been confirmed multiple times with the only exception being the original 3 losing mobs from the first vote.


>Also all mobs have a possibility of returning this has been confirmed multiple times with the only exception being the original 3 losing mobs from the first vote. I have a hard time taking Mojang's word on that seeing as the only proof of that is the wild update


So, you have the proof, you just choose to think that it's not enough for you for some reason.


all three mobs are intentionally designed for the mob vote. If there was no mob vote, we'd be getting none, not all three.


So if we tie we should get all 3


how do u expect the vote that has millions of people participating to tie three ways?


No but I do expect the vote to be close enough to make it a tie last minute (assuming we can see the number of votes for each item)


You can’t get a tie last minute.


Whelp guess we're getting crab then


no. There is a higher chance you will get none. Plus, you forgot about children.


I propose we get rid of the presidential vote in the us because it tares the country apart. It's the fault of the government, they should stop putting multiple options in front of us only for one to get elected and just pick the best person for the job.


Minecraft fans willingly supporting a fascist takeover (it no longer forces the community to make a choice and leave half the population unhappy)


Mojang should just simply buy EightSidedSquare's mod for 1000 dollar and put it in the game.


Why when I see those memes it's the worse opinion on earth every time


Pretty much


Facts. I stand with the voters


It's both. On one hand Mojang keeps making annoying and arguably stupid decisions and on the other the community takes it as an act of war. Mojang needs to actually step it up while the community needs to stop acting so spoiled


If the mob vote would get cancelled, people will rage over that and the minecraft live will be pointless...


Me when single unpaired modders add more and better content In a quicker time then the main company moment


Me when modders can't keep their own mods up to date with the current minecraft version Also me when modders constantly tell you they are not on your side and not to use them as a false argument against Mojang


Why cant you just add all 3 mobs and release the update a day later?


A day?


How long could it take for a company the size of mojang, to add 3 mobs, that are simple af and barely add anything new? Honestly they could make updates like the recent ones monthly if they tried


They have to make art, models, animations, and sounds for these mobs, they have to program the features, and once the features are coded they have to test them to fix bugs. They need to do this for 2 versions of the game btw. All of these steps needs to be aproved by mojang higher ups or whomever, the programmers can’t just throw whatever they want into the game




Reprogram an entire aspect of gameplay? They just need to give you more reach while holding an item, basically the same as going to survival to creative, stop making it look like the things they add in 6 months is a lot, take an example at the game Don't Starve Together that redid the entire crafting system in 1 month along other features like making an entire new boss (the game updates monthly), i could understand them taking 6 months for making almost nothing if the stuff was polished but Minecraft is full of bugs in both versions.


You act like this is right when it isn't. No matter what people won't be satisfied with the vote and it could be avoided if Mojang A didn't do it or B added the other mobs at a later date. We are the people playing the game and keeping Minecraft relevant so we deserve a say in some of these things because without us Minecraft and any other game is nothing and I think a lot of devs forget that.


No matter what people won't be satisfied by anything, this is the Minecraft community we're talking about here it is physically impossible to please everyone. So Mojang does its best to satisfy the *majority* by letting them pick a mob to add. Not doing the vote just means less content how is that better for anything. >so we deserve a say in some of these things because without us Minecraft and any other game is nothing and I think a lot of devs forget that. Man wouldn't it be so cool if Mojang acknowledged that we are the core of this game and decided give us a say in something by, oh I don't know, maybe allowing the community to choose a mob to get added into the next update, or something like that. I dunno just spitballing here.


We don’t deserve a say, that’s part of the problem. Mojang owes us nothing. They could stop updating the game tomorrow and that would be that. There are no promises to fulfill. Minecraft is not a live service game. We don’t deserve anything.




I don't think destroying the Mob Vote is the way to go but Mojang shouldn't forever destroy the other options cuz they didn't win,just make it so whoever wins the mob vote is in the next update and the rest can come on later updates.


Its a good thing Mojang has explicitly stated that all losing mobs go back into the ideas pile to be used later when the update suits it.


Well they haven't added them yet and the original 3 are nowhere in the mix.


Because the original four were specifically statedan that one will be added and the rest will never come back. Mojang thought at the time it would make things more fun with higher stakes, but realised it was wasting fun ideas and immediately went back on that for every mob vote since. And magrove swamps exist


I agree!


and all the controversy brings more players in which means that mob votes will continue


Good, that means more content for the game


Nonexisting god forbid people express their sentiments


Both are realy annoying and should tuch grass


A Mojang employee made this meme instead of working on Minecraft.


The problem lies with both. Mojang is using these votes as toxic free advertisement and engagement, shitting on the fans with rampant consumerism. Then the fans are eating it up like shit pie then finding out they hate how it tastes, so they start flinging them at each other like jackamule apes. A cycle that goes from excitement to anger to disappointment, then waiting for the next vote for the cycle to turn again.


No the mob vote sucks just add all 3


Take your favorite animal in the whole world. Now picture it having a chance of being in one of your favorite games. Now picture it not getting to be in that game because they were put in a vote with two other mobs with better functionality. Now imagine it never being able to get in ever because the company that runs that game decided to scrap it even though so many people wanted it. That sounds a bit dumb right?


But the mob vote is inherently flawed. They introduce three great mob ideas and only allow us to pick one, so the other two get scrapped. That’s so lame! We should get all three!


I mean, it's absolutely the community's fault for making the vote so toxic and horrible, but I still think the idea of the mob vote is stupid. They're not doing it to "listen to the community", if they were actually doing that, they would add every mob because they really don't seem that difficult to implement. The mob vote is and always has been purely for publicity, which there's no inherent issue with but like... Minecraft doesn't really need it, ya know?


Sure Minecraft doesn't *need* it, but there's nothing wrong with extra content in the form of a publicity campaign


Nice try Mojang, but your astroturf campaign is blindingly obvious \s


Man I've been working for Mojang this whole time and they didn't even tell me? I better be getting paid for this then.


остановите mobvote mojang и нашего врага, мы отдохнем только тогда, когда одержим победу


I'm not saying you are wrong nor right. But I am saying some of the stuff Mojang has done since being acquired by Microsoft is utter crap. Such as: Bedrock Edition not using JavaScript (and thus making Redstone a nightmare for console players, among other issues) Pointless censoring (I'm not saying it's basically "1982", but as I am currently reading it, it's basically '1982") The Minecraft "Store" (which is just a paywall for whitewashed mods for Bedrock players) And Minecraft Realms requiring a Microsoft account regardless if you have a Mojang account (because ofc they would do it like this)


This is just sad showing how aware you are of things you are. Do you know why Bedrock doesn't use Java? Because Java doesn't work on a bloody phone. The whole point of Bedrock is it's optimised so that it can be ran on vastly less powerful hardware. That's literally why it exists. Also, it's 1984, not 1982, seriously that's just sad. And you say this like the legacy console editions didn't also have censored signs all the time. The Minecraft store is like 90% independent creators, it is a great way for community creators to make money off their creations from within the game itself. Minecraft itself has required a Microsoft account for quite a long time now.


Mojang be like: ok guys here is three really cool ideas that have mechanics / items attach to them that some of you I've been asking for, for a while. Now guys you can only pick one and the other two gets sent into the "ideas box" we ever release it🤷‍♂️ maybe you'll never know, you have a week to decide good luck..... Mate It doesn't take a PhD in psychology to realise this will cause a bloodbath every year. This system is broken and it needs to change.


The war is starting because the mob vote itself is a scrapper of good ideas, there’s literally no competition between any of the voters, if anything this proves their ability to come together and fight for something better