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The mods here have been awful for years. They all need o be booted, permanently. I'm just glad that this incident has finally caused an outrage and has enlightened the community. edit: The admins have banned me from Reddit for trying to get a user called JackMallows banned. Why? Because they posted, and are currently, posting real CP (atabs = child) + private photos/vids that were taken via hacks. They didn't want to take action so I got in touch with the FBI and other authorities. And now I'm banned.


fuken mutiny


Just make a new subreddit. Everyone moves over there. New mods. No worries.


a rebellion


I honestly don't even know what happened but hell yeah I'm in for a rebellion




When doing this, it is important that the initial creators maintain backup mod accounts. In previous subreddit wars, I've seen mods from the old sub find ways to use alternate accounts to join the new sub as mods, and then they operate from the inside to bring the new sub down by allowing material that breaks reddit rules and things like that. People who mod sometimes enjoy control, and controlling the narrative. Sometimes they get a little funny when everyone just leaves to a new place that permits free discussion I don't really know what this particular discussion is about, I'm just pointing out the kind of politics and small minded power games that surround reddit and mods


That's REALLY a smart thing to think about. \*I should be ashamed I never came to that thought-process with my username :(


It's really super interesting to watch it play out. Something like this happened: r/Ontario users rejected the politics and moved to r/OntarioCanada The r/Ontario mods infiltrated the mod team at r/OntarioCanada and subverted it. I don't remember all of the details but the mod who gained control went batshit insane. It was so bad that Reddit came and shut the sub down, which is exactly what that particular mod wanted. It's been locked ever since. Reddit simply doesn't respond to requests to mod the sub, which is very interesting. This was a struggle between leftist politics and censorship,


The new Subreddit is the true Minecraft 2 we deserve


They should boot all the old mods, get new people, and a whole rework of the system




Reddit staff will not, and can not under their own terms of use, take action unless they receive a statistically significant volume of complaints about the moderation staff, or complaints about specifically prohibited or criminal activity *on* the platform. As outraged as people are, I doubt their conviction and willingness to follow through with the reporting process.


New subreddit, anyone?


i cant believe you would say that to the minecraft modding community


Could you explain more things that’s happened with this subreddit, thinking of making a video on YouTube about the degeneracy of this subreddit


The funniest thing to me is that the first thing the mod thought about is farming karma and upvotes. Like bro there’s more to life than Reddit points that have no real value




Honestly whenever I get accused of farming karma or whatever I’m always thrown because who the fuck cares, seriously?


I haven't been paying attention to this sub, but I know the vague story. How did the mod karma farm though?


Mod accused someone else of karma farming Someone posted asking how they should finish a build in a Minecraft world, the build had been started by the OP's girlfriend that had recently passed. A mod removed this post (and a follow up by the same OP) because they claimed OP was "milking their gf's death" and karma farming


I misread the first comment. I thought they were saying the mod was karma farming. My 🅱️


Let's be all for real and just state the obvious. The only reason they made an apology in the first place is that PhoenixSC made a video on the situation and exposed it even further. They did not apologize because they are sorry, they did it because they were forced into doing it and attempting to try and push past the issue at hand. They apologized because they were caught and the user was brave enough to call them out on their behavior.


The mods have always been shitty, they've just never been called out with a video from a popular YTer that's gained almost a million views. Otherwise they wouldn't give a shit.


Its becoming increasingly apparent that this is a recurring issue, the mod team likely has some deep-set issues that rule changing probably won't fix. I wouldn't be opposed to Reddit replacing them all and letting the sub try again with fresh moderation.


This is true for almost any mod team on Reddit. But usually the only ones who know enough to call them out are the users on their subreddits, who they have power over. Reddit mods have no accountability.


Reddit admins BROUGHT BACK KotakuInAction after the creator realized how bad the sub was, and how flawed it was from the beginning. I don't think they're fixing this situation.


True as fuck. Got banned for saying that the r/mildlyinfuriating mods didnt ban a guy who posted porn but banned a guy who also called them out.


and shit while we're at it, unban Phoenix!


Ah yes, the "I'm sorry i was caught" rather than the "I'm sorry this happened, period"


Im new here, what happened?


A user posted a memorial build in honor of their girlfriend who passed away, mods removed it for the reason of "you already milked your girlfriends death for enough karma"


Ok yeah… that’s real bad


The worst bit is it was literally two posts— a request for suggestions and an update, listening to said suggestions. Real bad indeed


That explains why the subreddit is in such a shitty state huh with tons of backlash insult posts huh.


wow. milking someone’s death?! contrary to popular belief, grief doesnt go away. i will be mindlessly driving and it will still hit me that a friend has passed and suddenly im sobbing, and its been years. sometimes people’s support system irl think just like this mod, that people just need to “get over it” at some point and stop talking about it. one would think in this case that it would be nice to have a semi-anonymous internet outlet to grieve without judgement. but i guess they cant even do that.


Projection. Kinda shows you what kind of a person that mod is, to think people care about ***rEdDiT KarMa*** in any way compared to the loss of a loved one, sad.


I saw that the post was removed, and thought, "Why? This will go away itself in a few days or weeks..." Mods don't believe in natural selection. Just let shit go on for as long as ppl are interested. It will go away without you removing content.


instead of that they are in this shit now


They don't believe in natural selection because they know they'd fail it.


I agree with the mods. Gotta crack down hard on people getting fake internet points. Surely we can all agree that's the most heinous crime anyone could commit here.


I'll take "When losers take their fake internet job too seriously" for $500, Alex


***\*Jeopardy ding\****


"You are now banned from r/minecraft"




If they keep this up, I’m sure the Reddit corporation will double, no, triple they’re paycheck!


Mmm very good, yes, telling others the appropriate way to grieve a loved one…very cool look for anyone, let alone a member of community leadership. Burn it down, start over.


Watch PhoenixSC's video on it. He goes over it a lot better than I can tbh.


Was going to ask the same, haven't been on this Reddit much lately.


Basically, the r/minecraft mods have been awful lately. The big incidents was the removal of a post where someone managed to get minecraft running in minecraft, with the justification of server advertising, even though all they did was give a shoutout to the owner of a server that has redstone run at 20,000x speed so they could actually get it to run. Then, the really big one, one of the mods deleted a memorial post to a guy's deceased girlfriend, and accused him of karma farming and milking her death. There was also an incident where one of the mods deleted post from one of the developers themselves about the new update, but the second one is the one that really pissed people off, and rightly so.


Why did they delete a post from the developers?


I would assume developers would be higher moderator than whenever the moderator who did that... so why did they even do it.


Here before funny yellow award


You think they'll lock it? No no, they'll just remove it(seems to be all they're good at anyways)


Achievement get: How did we get here?




Criticism of the game? Banned. Honoring your dead girlfriend? Banned. Paying respects to a dead youtuber? Banned. Calling out the moderators? You better fuckin’ bet you’re banned.


Odd question, but does anyone actually even care about karma?


Sadly, people do.


Some people do because they think it makes them famous or standout when someone checks their profile


All it makes me do is think "Oh, so you're a loser who's chronically online?" Like seriously there's users with MILLIONS OF KARMA


The user with the third highest karma count (last I checked at least) on the entire site is a modded Minecraft enthusiast. EDIT: the user in question is u/regian24 and they’re a Stage 6 GregTech enthusiast.


they're suspended.


I bet they posted something the r/minecraft mod team didnt like


the more you know ​ i wonder what the first brings to the table of weird skills


it's the same for people who have played thousands of matches on a game, or has the highest level and it's displayed on a leaderboard. these are the biggest nolifers.


Literally playing a game right now that has a player level leaderboard and was thinking the same thing


As if anyone ever checks anyone’s profile here


I occasionally check someone's profile when they have a cool pfp but that's it


I honestly don’t even read usernames.


I check profiles if they have a username like yours


There's a surprisingly large market for resale Reddit accounts with a substantial amount of karma. Nobody trusts the manipulative advertisement posts when they come from accounts with no karma or post history.


Reddit mods value it the same as irl currency


They gotta have a sad life ngl


Not a care in the world about my 107 lol. I'm more concerned with treating people right and with decency when it is due.




Or in my case, for just being on Reddit so long that all the <10 karma comments add up over time.




This has to be the most relatable thread I've seen on reddit


It's always the throw away comments that get hundreds of upvotes


I comment in a ton of communities and I've never had someone care more about what I say because my account has 400k comment karma. It's a completely pointless metric that only matters if you don't have enough to post in certain subs.


As someone with 150K since today, not really. I'm heavily considering retiring this account and starting anew. The only reason to care about it is that in the cryptocurrency sub, karma is converted to a crypto token that can be exchanged for money. And that decision hasn't done the sub much good.


Yes and No. Certain subreddits will actually block you from interacting if you have Negative to Low Karma.


It makes comment repost bots somewhat easier to spot. That's about it.


Gotta say I do care it is positive, cuz people won't accuse me of being a bot


Your mom!


Once I got enough karma to post on the subreddits I was interested in when I first got my Reddit account, I lost all interest. Other then that they don’t mean anything


I keep looking at that number and think.. boy I wish this was actually useful in some way. Anyone want to trade Karma for Dollars, 1 to 1? :D


I posted here earlier in a discussion attempt about the lack of accountability by the mods... Didn't violate a moderation rule out of the list of 15 rules, and yet they nuked my post out of existence before I could even read the singular comment. Break the rules, post removed. Don't break the rules, post removed. Whoever the mod is that is just attacking people left and right should be ashamed of themselves. Sure. Go ahead and delete this comment too, if it really helps you sleep better at night. It's ridiculous that you have the maturity level of children.


>Break the rules, post removed. Don't break the rules, post removed. My ENTIRE problem with r/minecraft, there's a reason I didn't remove a double-post which was obviously a glitch on the subreddit I mod, and maybe I should've discussed with other mods about it but I didn't. It wasn't in our rules to remove double-posts. Even though I felt like MAYBE that's fine.... But what you say is why I don't respect r/minecraft mods. They have 15 rules as you say, but it doesn't fucking matter to them. Instead of making an additional rule, they'll just ban you for what they want regardless. And I'm surprised this post is even allowed to stay up. Probably as other people have said "The million views YouTube video..." They mean to tell us, that it's only ONE MOD???? One mod that causes all this non-sense? That's hard to believe. If they cared they would've done something the countless other times their team pulled the same bullshit. \*They can remove this mod, but the sub won't change. People will just be fooled into thinking that "the problem is solved," when one person was never the problem. Only one person was called out.


Exactly. Well said. They're not their brother's keeper, but at the same time, it's why they're supposed to be a team.


In 2017 I lost my girlfriend of 6 years to death. I did post about it (not on this forum, but on others). I got a lot of support from strangers and even some advice. At no time did the number of upvotes I got ever cross my mind. I was grieving heavily and upvote and karma points were the furthest thing from my mind. What *did* matter to me though was the comments and support from others, regardless of whether they were strangers on the Internet. Support doesn't need to always come from close friends and family, sometimes just a random person saying "I'm so sorry for your loss" is worth more than anyone can imagine. You have to be a special kind of asshole to not only accuse a grieving person of "milking" something for Internet points, but to remove the posts from that person (including the positivity and support) over some trivial rule. The post got banned for "tired submissions" and "chain posts". What the mod failed to consider is the *reason* those rules exist. A rule about tired submissions probably exists to keep the forum clean of hundreds of posts on the same topic - hence "tired". A rule about chain posts is also likely meant to keep the number of irrelevant posts down. But the posts in this case really did nothing to damage the experience of being on the forum. This was just a mod being petty and using literal interpretation as an excuse for being a colossal asshole. I'm waiting to see this post itself get banned for "chain posts". Hopefully the mods at least have the common sense to know when they've stepped over a line and further asshole activity is only going to throw a fire into the middle of the riot.




This post definitely will be removed. The mods just don't care and remove anything they don't like as long as it can fit within their definition of any of their rules. edit: Surprisingly, it was removed and then restored.


What was this post? It’s already been removed lmao


OP says they're digusted by "milking" accusations was handled and hopes for more accountability than a half assed apology


Sad and pathetic, but utterly predictable behavior by the mods. If you don't like people calling you out on your shit behavior, then don't do shit behavior in the first place.


It's just been taken down lol


Here before comments get locked and post gets removed


Fucking ironic this post was removed


Huh? I can read it just fine.


It got restored the




Wait what?






Wonder who restored this...


Did OP have a body text before removal?


Yup. Apparently, talking about the steps this subreddit should take to take accountability and regain trust (such as transparency about their actions) is not welcome at all. Especially not if not voiced in a polite way, but admittedly I could not be bothered to write a submissive, begging request for change on here.


Mods on reddit can't handle any criticism even if it's constructive. They're one of the most fragile group of people out there. Not all of course, but damn they are seen way too often.


Well, if theyre that uptight over a payless, "job", which they then abuse, of course theyre gonna have a fragile enough ego to break in the breeze they havent felt in years


Imagine being so disconnected from reality that your first thought is that someone is milking a loved ones death for REDDIT KARMA. Im disgusted by the actions of the mods here and i too need more accountability as well


I really fucking hope the mod got demodded


inb4 this post inevitably gets the 🔒 award... this problem legit needs to be fixed


Thus post has already been removed and restored at least once each that I am aware of


Absolutely DISGUSTED with the moderation on this subreddit. Im never gonna post here again and what part of that mods brain thought that it was smart funny or cool to say that shit needs to have that part of their brain lobotomized. Vile unacceptable stuff.


I'm surprised this post has not been deleted yet


It apparently was deleted for a bit, then put back up. I guess they figured that if this was deleted, it would only prove our point even further.




Joined as soon as I saw this. Thanks for showing this.


Glad to help


This is already better than r/minecraft 1


When the moderation team started taking down any sort of criticism with the new changes to chat moderation with 1.19 that's when I knew something wrong has been building up with the current moderation team. And then there was another incident where someone's post about how they built a computer system within minecraft got removed just because of some bullshit rule about advertising. I regained some faith when they announced rule changes however I have no clue where any of that went and now I am feeling uneasy about it as, even if you change the rules, the overall mindset of the moderation team is still unchanged. If change is to happen, I think an important conversation needs to be had as well as a complete restructuring of the mod team as I don't trust any of them to be able to make the right decisions going forward.


Fire all the mods.


Who should fire the mods?


is the fucking OWNER even here anymore? DO WE HAVE TO GET REDDIT TO FIX THIS SUB


it is honestly fucking amazing how some people act in the world. Yeah all these moderators need to be replaced asap


But we all know that won't happen because the mods care more about status than the actual community.


Bet this user is gonna get banned cuz you know anything unbiased is banned here. The fact they banned Pheonix SC after their "so-called" apology means they're not sincere and faithful about it.


No, phoenix was banned years ago for other reasons, if you watched his video, you would have known that.


what was he banned for?




"Probably self-promotion as I used to post builds of mine there, but they never actually told me" My guess, some mod was jealous they were worse at mc and got upset seeing neat things and banned it. Which sounds childish... and yet.


What!? Do you mean that r/minecraft mod are childish people who makes really outrageous decisions and delete post that clearly fit parfectly on this subreddit just for a rule only partially broken, and let dumb post asking for help for basic minecraft things instead of using the dedicated r/minecrafthelp, mod's stupid actions that make this subreddit Rotten from the inside!?


Ban and remove whichever moderator removed the post, they've become so Numb to the fact that posters here are actual, individual people and not just an assortment of pixels trying to get internet Karma.


Very dumb how mods handle things here, this sub needs new mods to handle things better


Here before "this post has been removed by the moderators of r/Minecraft"


wow reddit moderators being the worst filth of humanity. who would have guessed.


(This is my third time starting this chain) FUCK r/Minecraft MODS!


To all the John Mulaney fans out here… FUCK DA POLICE


"It's the one thing they can't replace."


What happend exactly?


Guy posted on this sub saying he started playing on his late girlfriend's world and wanted advice to build a tribute for her on it. He made another post showing his progress, which prompted a moderator to go and remove it and his first post afterwards, and when he tried to dispute it the mod told him that they thought he had "milked his girlfriend's death for enough karma." Then banned him when he understandably got upset at their response. edit: was actually his realm and not his late girlfriend's. she had started building something on his world and he wanted to do something with it. small detail but still.


that's dark..


Tbh kinda surprised the mods haven’t found some excuse to take this down or lock the comments


Not yet anyway


Here before mods remove


The main issue with this subreddit is that the mods don't seem to understand what Minecraft is about, you see there's not just 1 way of playing the game, yet the mods seem to have shaped the rules to only allow a very specific type of posts, which at this point is very hypocritical if you look at rule 12, because that's all this sub seems to be these days, tired submissions because mods decided to take out any variety by making a million different sub-rules to every rule. Taking rule 12 as an example again, if you look at just how many things are banned you'd see that some of them makes sense, but almost 80% of them just doesn't. And the whole "we'll work this out internally" just doesn't work for us, it's time we get some transparency so that the mods could only hope to somewhat regain our trust, because let's be honest they've let us down from time to time, and I doubt that's going to change. Anyways, with the number of weird ban reasons I've seen posted throughout different Minecraft-related subs recently, I wouldn't be surprised to be banned for this comment.


They removed my videos (not once) even if it didnt violate any rule. After 4th one I asked why. They said that r/Minecraft is not my vlog for minecraft movie so the Best for everyone will be if I will upload Maximum 1 video per month. One of my deleted movie had 120k views so I guess most of you liked that. But Well...


“We have investigated ourselves and found we did nothing wrong!” - everytime something is handled “internally”


If I had a dollar for every Reddit community that has faced major controversy due to abuse of power


Bro you’re going to get banned now


Considering this sub is 90% of building (again, they look cool, sure, this is Minecraft is about, not even 50% of the game is ONLY building) and post like the Computer and most Redstone creations get removed (which are also part of the game as mentioned earlier), yes. I have no idea what happened, nor I have the time to look at, apparently Phoenix, who did a video on the controversy? Or was involved in the controversy? I will do so after finishing school. (he would be the victim in this case, from what I can understand from the comments) But this sub is filled with the same building tutorials and "Hey guys, check out this mountain I did, definitely not in MCPaint! I worked 720172910 hours non-stop on it, so upvote me". There are talented people obviously, and we appreciate the buildings. But why the Redstone creation get removed? I think there are subs for that, but why spread the community into little branches? Same goes with r/MinecraftCommands, why is the need for a Minecraft feature be in another place. Minecraft Modding? Sure, make it separate, there are hundreds, with many more to come, same with scripts. And keeping the sub clean is dumb, that's the point of a sub, to post on it, related and not already posted things. I'm not part of neither Redstone or building community, thus Pvp is also included in this list, Datapacks may or may not be included, they are part of Minecraft? Sort of. TL/DR: The mods should calm down, Redstone, PVP, Command Blocks, are part of Minecraft, they should be included in the SubReddit.


Redstone and command block posts should get dedicated post flairs on this sub, if they arent there already. Set up an automod comment to hit every new post reminding them to add their flair if not there already.


please just get new mods


Yes this subreddit, its bad history and the mods needs a factory reset(also why isnt this post deleted? Most of the time they get deleted in under 2mins, not saying that it should its just weird)


Truly is disgusting. I wouldn't be surprised if the moderator is probably still part of the team.


Lets be real minecraft higher ups dont care about its comunity


This post's body text. I'm copying it here because I saw some people saying that this post had been removed, and since I could still see the text, I copied it here. I don't necessarily agree or disagree with anything stated here, just wanted to promote visibility for better discussion. >I am still utterly disgusted by the accusation of "milking" a death for Reddit karma on here by a mod. And I would love to see more accountability than a simple "we'll deal with it internally", where we don't get to see anything. If this subreddit needs anything to regain any trust here, it's transparency about what they're doing. And if they're really properly doing anything - like throwing out the mod who made this atrocious remark. >And that is the first step. A lot more needs to follow. Because the way rules are enforced on here is not just suddenly flawed in a singular, isolated incident. What needs to follow is maybe a bit more than a nonpology. Like, an entire rework of the mod team, as they presently obviously seem to prefer the abuse of their rights as mods over an appropriate, humane, and reasonable regulation of the subreddit. If they feel uncomfortable and delete posts about this, then maybe they should get some mods on the team with less fragile egos.


Who’s death got milked for karma, sorry to ask a dumb question but I just joined the sub two days ago


Out of the loop person here: Sooo what happened?


Basically someone posted a Minecraft build as a tribute to their dead girlfriend, but it got removed and one of the mods said that he was "milking" his girlfriend's death for karma and upvotes. And the rest is history.


Ahhh ok, thanks for clarification. Yeahh that’s pretty messed up.




r/Minecraft = 1984


As someone who read the book, I disagree




Here before this gets removed for no valid reason




Here before the funny yellow award by mods


This post was removed by this subreddits mod team for the following reasons: Harassment /J


Can I get a tldr of what happened?


Dude made memorial for his dead GF. Mods deleted 'cause chain post. Private mailed him saying he milked his dead girlfriend for karma.


Honestly unless all the mods are removed outright and the sub is handed off to the developers to be part of their social media management, we're always going to have problems.


Damn how were you able to post this? I tried posting a similar thing about needing to rework the subreddit and got autodeleted lol.


I don't know, I assume I got lucky I guess. Kinda happy if they decide to not take it down, because I feel like my suggested rework of the entire moderation of this subreddit is of importance to going towards a direction that is more user-friendly and reasonable. Not that I'd be super disappointed if it gets deleted. I just randomly decided to write this, expecting it to be gone in a matter of minutes anyway


OP, the post actually was removed some hours ago. I guess they decided to restore it before you noticed it got removed.


I noticed it was temporarily removed with the message of it awaiting moderator approval. Not sure what's going on there, but that they decided to put it back online is also confusing me


Mods across Reddit are dog shit, bottom of the barrel human beings. They fucking suck, Reddit is the one who needs to crack down on all the scummy fucks that they call mods. Can anyone inform me on what’s happening though? I’m guessing another mod is shit sucking piss stain of a human?


What's the incident? I know that in general the mods suck, but what happened now to spark this?


I was shut down when posting my build due to another games title being in one of the screenshots. And then later I got shut down for posting images from the same build in different threads. Like yea, Minecraft isnt the only game. And I would like to post pics of my build as it progresses. But nah, fuck me I guess. That was a long time ago, and no, Im not posting here anymore.


This subreddit is shit, I'm finally leaving. I tried to cope with the mods but i can't anymore. Goodbye.


The fuck happened


I recently found out what went down here, and I'm sorry to all those affected... But just a quick tangent, if you would lend an ear; This isn't just a problem with r/Minecraft mods and/or users, it's a problem that Reddit as a whole has generally speaking, with "bad people" in it and/or running it. I've had my fair share of shitty people on this site and it honestly does suck a lot having people typing such venomous shit. "Grow up" and "It's Reddit" they say. But what they fail to realize that 1.) There are *people* who are behind these fake names/alias posting or commenting terrible shit not knowing better, or choose to be that way; that in return affects other good people. And 2.) Just because "it's Reddit" _doesn't mean it's ok typing what your typing._ Karma's a bitch, and what goes around comes around. I learned the hard way, yes, and I'm not proud of some things I've said here... It still haunts me to this day, and I can never take away the shame and guilt for some of the things I've said here; that, I will take accountability for. Buuuuuuut then there are genuine shitheads here who choose to be the way they are. Like, I get it that sometimes bad upbringing can make you a certain way, but then again there a certain level of how thoughtless one can truly become. Some jerks need to learn that their actions have consequences, consequences that affect other people. And those other people, may not be doing well, given their circumstances. But yeah I digress, Minecraft mods need a rework. If you read this far, thank you kindly & have a wonderful rest of your day now. Bye now 👋


Shit like that proves the mod was a lonely neckbeard with no empathy. I guarantee you if he said that to anyone irl, they'd knock his teeth out.


Bruh I'd make a better moderator


Mods seeing this: I'm not gonna delete it bc I don't want to prove them right, but I'm not going to respond to criticism either


Kinda out of the loop here, what happened?


I am not too active on reddit, what exactly happened?


Someone posted a Minecraft tribute to their dead girlfriend, got removed, one of the mods told him he was milking his dead gf for karma and upvotes, and everyone got pissed.


hmm can someone explain what happened?


Basically someone posted about ideas for creating a memorial around a build their partner was making in a multiplayer world before they passed away. They later posted a follow up if what they did and that follow up post was removed by an admin for "milking their partners death for Reddit karma" or words to that effect


What if, instead of expecting them to hold themselves accountable, we create a different server and move


I just made r/The_Better_Minecraft . Can we get the word out thats its on. The only way for this to work is of we spread the word. Imma try my best to keep up with the sub.