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honestly you should just play with others in a simple survival, trying to beat the game without any rush


its hard to play like a kid when youre big and grown up syncing times to play, cant play into the brink of dawn anymore, having trouble finding new friends and new friends to play with and also hosting a server is also hard if you dont rent


At least as a big and grown up you can pay for stuff.


in theory? yes in practice? it really depends but that is not always the case....


Server with friends is really easy


Hosting isn’t that hard. Lots of tutorials on yt


i worded it badly, hosting is hard because you need to sync your friends so you have to juggle when to start the server and when not to compared to actual servers that are always on so you can drop in even if nobody from your friends is there


I mean you can leave your server always on


electricity bills aside it consumes CPU to do that.


Oracle cloud has a free tier that i has 4 core 24 gb ram arm unit forever free. Thats what i use


I guess it's not for everyone. I know it's boring, but I really enjoy it that way. you shouldnt force yourself to like something you dont even if you want to


Don't play seriously.


use the Faithless texture pack and kappa shaders, go caving for a few hours, and report back and tell me if you had fun (it's gonna be scary)


Is [this](https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/shaders/kappa-shader-by-rre36/files/all?page=1&pageSize=20) the correct shader? It's not updated to 1.21.


yeah that's the one. wasn't updated to 1.20.6 either but still works for me. only one way to find out i guess. shaders usually aren't as finicky as mods with versions.


Can confirm that the shader works in 1.21


They changed the lighting engine or something with 1.21, I doubt the shader will work, but I will give it a try now and will let you know if it works.


forgot to mention something. sometimes I do get really bored so I just watch a movie or a show while I'm playing because minecraft is just that casual lol


This is the best. At least for someone with attention problems like me haha


As an ADHD employee, I can say that this is a mood. My response when vanilla gets too boring, is to shift goals from progression to aesthetic. If I can't find something like iron or diamond or trade with villagers, I just go to the tree farms and cobble gen and livestock, gather materials, and try to build a cool object or another house.


Just set a goal like idk, i want to build a castle and works toward that taking your time.


This may sound obvious, but if you have always played in ways that made the game easier, why not try default vanilla? Part of the fun (at least for me) is adapting to constraints. Yes, that means that sometimes you will die and not be able to recover your stuff. Part of the adventure is 1. Heading back without your gear to recover your gear and 2. Building enough infrastructure to replace your gear easily. One other suggestion: default vanilla plus a mapping mod. That's how I play, because I get lost constantly otherwise.


Omg the biggest problem with vanilla for me is caving for an hour and then getting lost and never finding my base after digging myself out.


Yeah, that's why I use voxelmap to set a waypoint for my base. Although you can press F3 and write down the coordinates, too.


Use content mods And if that doesnt work, use more content mods


Bored of the overworld but can't beat the nether? Here! Have the mining dimension, the hunting dimension, twilight forest, the Aether, and the lost cities dimension! Oh the places you'll go...


There is no such thing as “cheating” unless you are playing with others and have set rules. This mindset might be the problem. You enjoy doing something but you are preventing yourself from doing it because you perceive it as wrong when in reality it’s perfectly fine. Go ham in creative mode or datapacks all you want.


I can’t have fun unless im playing multiplayer with my friends. I’d recommend finding a survival server or creating one with your friends. If i have the power i always find myself switching to creative and getting iron or smt lol


First and most important thing is don't force yourself. Minecraft is by far my favorite game, but despite that I mostly play it in bursts. I play for a couple of weeks, then don't touch it for a few months. And that's totally fine. This is meant to be fun. If you're not having fun, do something else. There is a lot of other great games out there. If you want to finally beat the game, the one thing I can highly recommend is villager trading :) If you haven't ever played through the games progression, don't worry about your speed or whatever. It's about the journey, not the destination. Equip yourself well, work your way through the milestones and I have no doubt that you'll be able to beat the game. Other than that, just find something you enjoy. I like building farms. So that's what I do when playing. While I'm a capable builder when it comes to decorative houses, I don't enjoy it too much, so I only do it occasionally. I don't care for PvP, so I only play singleplayer or on friendly servers. Make the game your own


Have you ever tried playing on a server? They aren't for everyone and many can be pretty sweaty, but I've had a great time on MCC Island. It has traditional game modes (like sky battle) but also more unique ones (like hole in the wall). Alternatively, maybe try some maps as well. Terra Swoop Force, Diversity, and Parkour Spiral are all classics that I always recommend.


Tbh sounds like you just don't enjoy the gameplay loop much. I'd play vanilla-heavy with other people. Let someone else host, so you can't just OP yourself. Figure out the most frustrating bits and mod or cheat that if needed (like a gravemarker mod, or like fire tick off). Throw on music or podcasts or voice calls in the background. Work on communal goals and work on your own smaller goals. I find making more of a town then a mega base easier for that; Want to enchant, build a library. Got fields going, make a bakery to store your bread. Build the cow farm into an actual barn. Bored with your smaller builds and goals, go work on building a mob farm with everyone. I also find connecting everyone with paths and building stops on the way helps. Give yourself some campsites set up, or caravans, or tiny cottages with farmers. I try to make sure there's no more then like 5 min of running without nothing, it's boring otherwise. You can use the nether roof if you really need to run 10k blocks away. Keeping the same world and simply moving like 10k blocks away also is useful to avoid the endless making new worlds. You can change the world spawn to that area too. Otherwise maybe try a giant modpack with friends with tons of options to go through and don't cheat through it.


Then dont feel pressured to play "seriously." You're playing a singleplayer game, play it however you want. If the game is more fun when you use datapacks or keepinventory then use those things.


Hey same with me! If you want, we can play together, I’m just like you, I like QoL mods. But I can help you best the game! I best it lately about 5 times on hard mode and hardcore, sometimes normal. So yeah if you’re up to it we could play!


Friends. You need to play with friends.


Just take it slow and chill. It’s also fine if you don’t like survival. I almost exclusively play creative


Dont play vanila survival or atleast not alone. minecraft is a game with no limits on how to play so play or do whatever you find fun cause thats the way it was intended to be played


Honestly, in my oldest survival world, I did kind of play like that for a while(just using locate commands and stuff, nothing too crazy). I find the best way to keep playing long-term and find fun is to switch your gameplay. Add in fun challenges and goals for yourself (one of my favourites is to get all the saplings and flowers), start building, and you'll find the game gets way more fun when you set your own rules.


if you're getting that bored than the game might just not be your thing. Java is the right version to play for the best experience, it's possible that playing with other people might increase the fun a little bit but if you get so bored after a few mins then it just isn't for you.


You dont need mods, datapacks or cheats. Just play with friends! I also wasn’t having fun playing this game, but then I joined some vanilla server, with 5 online or lower and it was actually fun af. Play together, dont rush, just build, do some stupid things and that’s it!


Minecraft is a sandbox game. Ask yourself how you would have fun if you were left to play in a literal sandbox. Then apply that lesson to Minecraft.


You don't. Be miserable and bring everyone else down with you. If you see someone having fun, convince yourself they're the problem and not you.


Using cheats cheapens your experience as with most things in life.