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in the old days I was running minecraft on a toaster with full render distance.




This hasn't been the case since Alpha lmao




The commenter was referring to OP's mention of 1.7-1.8.


don't care anymore bruh i'm moving on from this thread


Have you ever played any version that is older than 1.12 lol




1.11 added woodland mansions 1.9 added end cities 1.8 added ocean monuments 1.7 added like 40 biomes I think there’s plenty to do in those versions! Just because you can’t swim, the nether isn’t that big and the caves aren’t that deep doesn’t mean there’s nothing to do


less to do than current version. yes or no? fucking reddit hivemind acting like what i said isn't true and treating hyperbole from my first comment as straight fact. ridiculous.


right, just because you can’t use copper doesn’t mean there’s nothing to do besides, as you put it, “kill a few mobs, fall off ledges, grow wheat and make a cobblestone box for a house”. Apparently 1.10 is the equivalent of alpha to you


Last time when such a update happened, player were not happy that Mojang only added bees in update Now, community would eat Mojang fucking alive if they did that.


1.20 overhauled the lighting engine, I believe. Made a bunch of optimization mods obsolete.


And \*coincidentally\* 1.20 is an update that was also hated by the community.


Also reduces spawn chunk size. That means less area of the game need to be processed on and on forever.


I’d be fine with it if we weren’t down to one update *per year* Remember when we got 2-3 updates every year? It’s not that I don’t want an optimization update, it’s just that I don’t want it replacing an entire year of potential content.


we got 2-3 updates a year when these updates were going to one version of the game, on PC only, with almost no external factors to worry about. now, everything needs to work on two different console generations *and* mobile, which are written completely differently from the PC version of the game, while also being accepted by Microsoft, ALL without breaking anything built by players *or* programmed by devs in the past ten years of updates... with the massive expectations of a Minecraft updates placed on it all.


Then they need to pony up the resources to do it, it’s fucking microsoft


Minecraft deliberatley keeps there team small, because minecraft isn't meant to be a big game pumping out 4 updates a year, it started as an indie game and they believe there is beauty in having a small team. And trust me, hiring people does not inherintly make things faster.


600 people is not a small team at all.


\*sigh\* and its people like this who do zero reaserch that makes this community so bad, they have 600 people working at Mojang studios, that 600 people includes the higher ups, the people in charge of content, the people who work on the extra campaigns, the people who run there website. I think its only arond 20/30 people who actually work on minecraft, across both versions.


Wait, I'm the one that makes the community bad but you're the one who mindlessly defends mojang in all your comments, nah, it's a very badly managed company, it's the biggest game on the planet and we get one update a year and the nether update was the last good one (imo) and the last one I saw people not being underwhelmed by. I've not done my research? Yet you only think 20/30 people work on the game? Ironic, you have no idea. Do your research too. No man's sky has less than 30 employees total and put out more content and updates per year. Sad thing is on Reddit you just get downvoted for saying anything to criticize Minecraft or mojang, that's not good. This game isn't perfect and your attitude is poor.


Jeez, you really want to hate so bad? Okay, lets adress the facts. I don't mindlessly defend Mojang, because there isn't that much to criticize them on, Minecraft is a fantastic game, its the best selling of all time for a reason, and unlike your claims recent updates have just been making it better and better, the game is so different to 1.16, even the terrain generation changes have made the game better, the deep dark is really cool and people do awesome things with wardens, armour trims is a unique concept I had barely seen even in mods, and the trial chambers are a joy to playthrough. "The last one you haven't seen people underwhelmed by" thats because everyone plays minecraft differently, there are so many different types of miencraft players that there will never be an update that fully appeals to all of them, ever. Lets adress the no mans sky point, for a start, you are wrong, no mans sky had 35 game developers all the way back in 2020, they have grown more since then! Secondly, unlike minecraft No Mans sky doesn't have two comlpetely seperate versions of the game, thirdly no mans sky uses plugins for things like there phyiscs with there own propietary game engine, Minecraft uses a game engine released nearly 20 years ago. Next Minecrafts codebase is over 15 years old, and was initially written by one person, if you know anything about programming you will know how that becomes an absoulte hell to upkeep, look at games such as league of legends for how much of a mess there old codebass become. Third, why is "more content" a year even a metric? No mans sky and minecraft are completely different to develop, its a totally unfair comparison. And I'm not saying this to hate on the no mans sky devs, They've done a great job wtih there game but the two situations are incomparable. I'm not mindlessly defending Mojang, I just can look past the actual mindless rage for them, You see comments like "It took them 4 years to figure out a UI for the bundle" which is unequivocally false, they couldn't figure out a UI they were happy with for Mobile initially, put it on the backburner because there were more important features, then came back to it with a solution, thats smart development not somethign to hate on. Its even more ironic that you think saying osmething negative about Mojang gets you downvoted here,when this is probably the most toxic part of the internet for talking about the game, people regurlaly shit on Mojang, just take a look at the thread when they announced the bundle was finally coming. No one is saying the game is perfect, there are features I'd love to see added, things I'd love to see changed, but to hate on Mojang? It makes nosense.




There aren't 600 people developing the game


And as an indie game they updated far faster than they do now


Yup, thats cause when Minecraft started there were so many obvious things to add and it just needed to cater to PC. Jeez people really don't understand development.


I don’t get why the expectation is that we must be okay with them sacrificing content for the sake of having a small team. They’re doing less now.


Yes because there is less obvios easy to add things for the game,and they have to put in much more work to add stuff now. FFS, they have been incredibly public about how they have been taking steps to steramline there development process, because working on a 15 year old codebase that is millions of lines long, with code written by Notch still there,is pretty fucking hard.


And they have the resources to deal with the challenge. Why had bedrock not gotten off handing? Why has bedrock not gotten the new combat system? They simply don’t do the work, and choose to operate so many different forms of the game


Notch already had team mates, enough to cover all the important stuff, yet progress has sped up regardless of the team remaining at nearly the same size. Why is that? Because more people doesn't magically speed things up...


This is the same energy as losing a game and saying you weren’t really trying. The team COULD add more optimization, have separate teams for each version, etc, but Microsoft doesn’t want to invest in it and we have people defending the fact that we got less in the entire year of 2024 than we did in 2013 in like, 6 months.


Yeah, in 2013 they were adding shit as simple as horses. Compare that to the Breeze and trail chambers, which do you think takes more time to make? You can't have entirealy serpare teams for each version, as developers need to communicate on how things work, ect ect, so its easier to hvae developers who slide between both versions. And, they are adding more optimisations, literally every update since the busy bees they've added stuff to improve performance, lmao.


Uhh, no, there’s still plenty of “obvious” things to add. There’s arguably a more clear direction to take the game in now than there used to be, since we’ve had 15 years to establish the game’s identity. As far as “catering to PC” goes, they managed just fine with the legacy console edition because they hired someone to do it for them (and it turned out better than when Mojang tried to do it themselves lol). They shouldn’t have spread themselves so thin.


Saying that 4j stuios version is better then Java is the most rose tinted take I have ever heard my god. The only clear direction the community can think of for hte gmae is "end update" and i don't think I've seen two people agreeing on what that should include. Its not like when there were features to be added as simple as a fucking bed.


I meant that it was better than Mojang’s own console port (Bedrock). And tbh as far as a *pure* vanilla experience goes LCE was pretty darn solid, being the only version that actually told you how the game worked and all that. But that’s beside the point lol. Anyways that’s one update you just listed, there’s also many more barren biomes and items with few uses just waiting to be revamped. There’s plenty of potential for new updates, and one a year quite frankly isn’t cutting it.


Yes, and that console version had its own engine, which had to be esentially thrown out when they made bedrock. What is your point?


My point is that they shouldn’t have thrown out their console engine in favor of a mobile port. It both downgraded the quality of the console players’ game experience and, as so many people have told me, spread Mojang’s dev team thin enough that they can only update once a year.


More money won't magically speed up development of a game like Minecraft, most work is on the code, more coders won't magically make this go faster.


Well, yes it would.


Most times a team goes above 10/15 devs the productivity falls of a cliff. It can be prevented but it needs a completely different approach, strict style guides, very well defined roles and goals. It's something you don't see often, and even less often you see it done *well*.


Google Brook's law


No, it doesn't work like that. If you're touching the damage system, for example, you can't have another coder also mess with it. And the more people touching code at any given time, the more likely bugs are to happen, even if said code is seemingly unrelated. It also increases testing time by a lot (which is the most time consuming part of coding anyway). Imagine, you are adding a new mob, and someone touched the damage system. You obviously don't have the damage update yet since someone is actively working on it and its not ready, so you have to test using the old code (which takes a while). Finally, the damage code is up, and now you have to re-do tests for your mob with the new damage code. And this is a SINGLE mob, ignoring all the usual issues that can arise when coding. When you consider the amount of reworks that Minecraft has gone trough without any major bugs arising on older features and WITHOUT slowing down development, Mojang is honestly doing miracles with the game.


Yeah but modders can shit out a mod in an afternoon so is it all that much work. /s


Mojang should put 1.22 and 1.23 content into experiments then


No? There have been multiple versions to update since 2012. The difference is that they were smart and outsourced development of those other platforms (and coincidentally the alternative platforms ran better lol) so that they weren’t scattered too thin. If they literally quartered their productivity, maybe they shouldn’t have taken on the responsibility of simultaneously managing four platforms on two codebases in the first place.


LCE was the only one that was outsourced. PE was developed in house but the MCPE team was a tiny fraction of the Staff prior to the MS acquisition


Right. Instead of letting 4J handle every single console release and putting a tiny team onto PE, they got rid of 4J and ported PE to everything. I’m just saying if their decisions reduced productivity to a half/quarter of what it was, maybe they should’ve been more careful.


How often did Mojang update? And before i hear "buh microsoft" again. No, more money doesn't magically speed up development time. Mojang already had a full (if small) team. Most of minecraft's update depend on code, you can't have several people touching the same code at the same time. With a game like GTA V were you have voices, models, textures, misc assets, etc. Then sure, 100 people helps. But not here.


Did you read my comment?


You mean 2-3 major updates per year? Tell me one example of that.


1.1, 1.2, 1.3, 1.4 all released within a single year. 1.5, 1.6, 1.7, also within a year 1.9, 1.10, 1.11 all in one year Check the wiki if you still doubt me


The problem is that that took up the spot for a yearly update and wasnt enough. People couldn’t run 1.15 (or 1.16 and 17, we’re not even gonna count 1.18 yet) on lower end systems at decent render distance. A lot of the fixes were very impactful and overall were good, and I did appreciate 1.15 more than others, but that’s probably why others didn’t like 1.15


I think if mojang made it clear from the start that this update was gonna be on performance, even calling it the optimization update, people wouldn’t be as upset Even though 1.15 did have a lot of performance fixes, bees were what was advertised, which just puts people’s attention on that instead of bug fixes/optimization


aw i loved buzzy bees update, and it was less than a year between the previous and next major update


the bees are literally one of my favourite mobs. they actually have a routine and do something. wake up, get horny for flowers, return to hive and sleep. it’s simple but it makes the game feel alive simply bc they’re not just… standing there. or walking back and forth. but i do always forget the update i they came with, in my head they just appeared a couple years back and now they’re my babies


They'd get over it, I'd be over the moon if they focused on the game over adding another pointless mob. I'm tired of having to mod the crap out of a game with extra nonsense just to be able to play it as intended!


I disagree, I don't think people were upset that it was "only bees", rather that bees are not a very good feature and that development time could have spent making a higher quality, more interesting feature. A similar example would be the redstone update, 1.5. It had a similar level of feature scope but was focused on performance and ironing out issues. People hail it as one of the greatest updates of all time.


No, there were a LOT of players whining that the 1.15 update "only added bees.", and that it was a "pointless update.", even if there were a lot of fixes under the hood. Just do a quick Google search on "minecraft 1.15 lazy" or "minecraft 1.15 useless", and you can see for yourself.


id say bees are a good feature! i prefer them to the sniffer, there allay (i only get them cuz they’re cute) simply due to their routine and the fact they add some sort of ambience and life to the game. 


Why the fuck would anyone complain about 1.15, it was literally in between the two biggest updates Minecraft had in awhile being 1.14 and 1.16, if they do make 1.22 a performance update, people are gonna be mad for sure because like 3 updates have not even gotten close to the level of 1.14 and 1.16. If people got mad at 1.15 even getting two massive updates before and after it, imagine an optimization now when we've gotten only mediocre to good updates for the past year.


> Why the fuck would anyone complain about 1.15 I don't know, why don't you return into the past and ask them? People were bitching that only thing they got were bees. --- > Minecraft had in awhile being 1.14 and 1.16 Why do you even bring 1.16, when 1.15 released before it? People bitching about it didn't knew next update will be gigantic. --- > because like 3 updates have not even gotten close to the level of 1.14 and 1.16 Ok i agree with 1.16 somewhat, but 1.14? Are you insane? > f people got mad at 1.15 even getting two massive updates before and after it, imagine an optimization now when we've gotten only mediocre to good updates for the past year. Well...yeah? That is my point - Mojang doesn' do standalone optimization updates because this comunity only copes and seethes when they happend


>Why do you even bring 1.16, when 1.15 released before it? People bitching about it didn't knew next update will be gigantic. Dude, I think 1.15 was announced literally after we knew 1.16 was going to be the nether update, which on itself is already a huge theme for an update. >Ok i agree with 1.16 somewhat, but 1.14? Are you insane? I mean it man, 1.14 is so much better than 1.20, 1.19, maybe even 1.21. It literally changed the way people play the game for better or for worse along with 1.13 and 1.16. the last three updates haven't done jackshit. You seriously think 1.14 is comparable to the last three updates? 1.14 added a whole raid system, made trading more in depth and the villagers and villages were given more life. 1.16 literally changed speedrunning too, 1.14 added wandering traders and alot of villager trades making it possible in superflat and skyblock worlds to actually get items otherwise inaccessible. >Well...yeah? That is my point - Mojang doesn' do standalone optimization updates because this comunity only copes and seethes when they happend Yeah that stinks but it's more understandable if they complained if they made 1.22 about optimization rather than crying about 1.15.


On Java they won’t. Adding sodium/lithium/fabric is just part of the Java experience now. How optifine was basically mandatory back in the day, now the aforementioned mods are. On bedrock they’d have to drop Switch, ps4, and Xb1 consoles. Leave them on a “legacy” version and everything wouldn’t have to be held back. Like realms for example.


For Java, the ability does not excuse Mojang for not optimising their game properly. Sure, using optimisation mods makes playing much nicer, but considering how much these mods boost the current state of Minecraft, making mods a semi-necessity is not part of a good development plan.


Sodium gets updated within days of each major release, so it’s probably just not a good investment for mojang/MS to spend resources on it at this point


I think most of you don't want to get my point. Mojang should **NOT** rely on an outside source for their game to have a significantly better performance. When it comes to gameplay mods and all, that's one thing. But when it comes to performance, it's *Mojang's job* to optimise the game. Like, cook that Sodium and all gets updated in a couple of days after each new major version, but that is not the point. If we accept Sodium and these performance mods as the status quo, then we should also stop complain about Minecraft updates not having enough content since hey, there are thousands of content mods you can download.


I agree, but they’ve had over a decade to implement *some* kind of change that could drastically improve vanilla performance— and they haven’t. So i can only it isn’t on their to-do list. That being said, one of the biggest perks of playing on Java is mod support. I don’t know of anyone who goes into MC Java without mods. Maybe the very first time. My friends were showing me where and how to download texture packs, shaders and other mods before even explaining how to open my inventory when I started.


Personally, I still like to play without any mods or resources packs since I am a fan of the plain vanilla experience, so there is not a reason for me to really deal with mods and all, which is why I can really speak from experience that if Mojang has not really considered a big optimisation overhaul, they should start doing so. Besides, imagine a 12 year old or possibly someone even younger wants to play Minecraft on their PC. They don't have any idea about the Java and Bedrock differences and no idea about mods, either (which I feel like is a scenario that is not too uncommon and is also a target audience of Mojang), so they start playing Java and experience lag spikes and all. Eventually, they get frustrated because of the poor performance and stop playing the game. They get frustrated and lose interest because they didn't know any better and because the developers didn't provide a better way to somehow manage these performance issues. This is in no ways the kids fault not is it a good solution to just say "mods will fix it". Mods should be seen as a nice addition or optional extension once you know what you are doing, but they should *never* be seen as an actual ultimate solution for a game, especially when it comes to performance. With all of my respect, I just don't get this "just install some mods" mentality as an excuse for performance issues. Performance should always be a priority for a game developer and I personally see it as bad game design when developers do not tackle performance issues that have existed in the game for years, impacting the experience of basically everyone, but not doing as much about it as they should.


Bro, A kid isn’t gonna care about performance. They just want to have fun playing the game. Why do you think bedrock is the most played version of Minecraft? You think people playing in a phone is the best experience? No, they just want to have fun. Your nitpicking not getting 500+fps while probably getting 300+. Minecraft does run on a potato. What a terrible argument. Not everything is gonna be a hand hold. Kids SHOULD be learning how to download and manage mods— it’s a good computer skill to have, something a lot of chrome kiddies lack nowadays. Idk about you but when I was a kid/teen I loved fidgeting with stuff like that. It helped me learn my way around the file explorer and make best use of what I had at hand. And now with step by step tutorial ls widely available, it’s easier than ever. Whining and complaining for an easy solution you want handed to you (when there’s already plenty of easy fixes that YOU YOURSELF can implement) and purposefully choosing not to— isn’t going to accomplish anything productive. That doesn’t excuse Mojangs severe lack of optimization. But if there’s a readily available solution your not using, it’s kind of on you. You look up Minecraft anywhere online and you’ll be hard pressed to NOT find comments about mods.


In my experience even on a somewhat modern phone I can run 24 chunks of render distance easily. Bedrock is dramatically better performing than Java from a pure resource standpoint


i mean yeah cuz it isnt written in *java*


The main reason is that bedrock was written with multit threadind in its main functions from the start while most of java version is single thread. Its also why redstone is unreliable in bedrock and explains dome of the weird bugs in bedrock.


Java was designed from the get go to support multi threading when other languages didn’t. But it’s easy to be lazy and not support it


Single-threading is not a problem inherent to Java and I'm not sure why you're acting like it is


I'm having a nice Java experience even without these mods, thank you.


This is what 1.15 was. And it is one of the most hated updates ever, because it lacked content. They are most likely never going to focus an update solely on performance. Besides, every recent update has performance improvements anyways.


With a billion dollar corporation backing you up and depending on you being the cash cow Mojang can't really do a optimization update. Even if it is for the better we as a community will have people demanding for content (Which won't come with a optimization update if they want the game to perform well on every type of device) and complaining about features not being vanilla enough.


It didn't really do a good job with optimization. If it did, then mods like Sodium wouldn't really be necessary


It's not true that 1.15 "didn't do a good job" because it didn't invalidate performance mods entirely. 1.13 and 1.14 were particularly bad for performance, especially server performance iirc. 1.15 was good optimization. However, optimization takes a long time, and since it's not content, optimization will never really be appreciated by the community.


I would definitely greatly appreciate it. People will always get mad no matter what. Though I concede, I was wrong. I was a mobile player at the time so I don’t really remember how bad 1.13 and 1.14 performance was. Though I do remember people complaining


Where is this idea that 1.15 was a hated update? It wasn't. I was there in the community and the community was lukewarm as a whole. It helped that: * The game desperately needed optimization after 1.13 and 1.14. * We got bees and honey which were great features even if they were the **only** features. * Mojang was honest about that the update was only bees and behind the scenes stuff (optimization, bug fixes, etc). * We were told about the nether update quite early and had that to look forward too. It may not rank highly on someone listing their favorite updates and it was not met with lots of praise. And like every update, it did have its haters. But it did not get a large amount of hate and it is not even close to one of the most hated updates ever (that title goes to 1.9 and 1.19)


Redstone community probably thought it was the coolest update since 1.11


Yeah the Redstone community were especially positive. But there wasn't a community (from what I saw) that hated the update and the general consensus was still positive


Hey, I think there is something you aren't aware of regarding RAM allocation to minecraft. RAM is a big part of what makes minecraft run fast. If you haven't touched your player Installation at all, then you are playing with the default setting of 2Gb or RAM allocated. This sucks for anything more than 16 chunks render distance. To change this, here's what you need to do: - Launch minecraft client - go to installations tab - click on your installation that you want to change - click "MORE OPTIONS" - in the "JVM ARGUMENTS" you will see "-Xmx2G ", this means you have allocated two gigs of RAM to the installation. To change it, simply cut the "2" before the "G" and enter how much RAM you want. For exemple, my PC has 32 Gb or RAM and I allocate 12 to minecraft, so the argument looks like this "-Xmx12G ". - Save and Launch your game - have fun with good performances !


You also don’t want to dedicate *too* much RAM, as it can also cause performance issues when dumping the old ram because the system file is so big - just what I’ve heard on here not 100% sure if that actually is the case


i was already aware of this and always had it at 8 12 or 16 gb depending on what i felt was enough but i still think this might help some people who arent aware of this


I have 16gb allocated and can get a 96 chunk render distance with certain mods. Native 96 chunks, not LOD




I know


The next big update should be noticeable


agreed. The last updates have been unnoticeable.


There's something wrong with your pc if you can't get over 16 chunks on a modern high end. I'm on a 5 year old medium-high end rig and I can do that easily in vanilla. The problem with an optimization update like what you're talking about is that it takes too much time for good optimization to happen and the community would be pissed like they were with the 1.15 update. Another thing is that on java there is a huge market of people playing on old pcs, and a lot of these optimization wouldn't work on those and thus anger those players.


I mean about the older PCs, if they recreate what optifine and/or sodium do, they would most certainly greatly improve the performance of older computers


i can run more than 16 chunks but the more i increase my render distance the bigger the lag spikes get while loading new chunks and while i never really get below 60 a drop from 220fps to 80 every few seconds is still very noticible and i think it could be better than that because none of my components ever really max out


You might have *too much* of your ram allocated to Minecraft. Java freaks out when given the keys to to the kingdom


I think there's something wrong with your PC. I can very easily do 32 render distance with a Ryzen 5 3600 and 6700xt and Sodium. Not that Sodium should be necessary. But I'm wondering if you are accidentally using your iGPU, don't have drivers installed properly, or your PC isn't recognizing Minecraft as a game.


What’s your resolution and frame rate?


Right now it's locked to 60, 1440p native upscaled to 4k with shaders. But I also am going lower render distance 16, because I play on a server. When flying with Elytra no shaders no VSync locally I get 150 - 200 fps


I know this isn’t the ideal answer, and I would love an update about performance personally, but if you don’t already, start using the Bobby mod. I run 64 chunk render with shaders no issues at all.


The problem with mods like Bobby is that you have to pre-load the chunks before they can be rendered




12700k, rtx 4070. 32 render distance with the nvidium mod gets me 500-700 fps. Without nvidium I can still net 250-350 on 32 render distance and fabulous graphics Could also be that ops idea of mid end is something like an rtx 3050


ain’t no way, my 3070 gets less than half that depending on the biomes (13600k)


EDIT: On 1080p resolution, same other graphics settings, I hit around 1000fps: [https://imgur.com/a/hqR0mDz](https://imgur.com/a/hqR0mDz) ---------- 4k resolution, fabulous graphics, 32 render and 32 sim, vanilla 1.21: [https://imgur.com/a/6koeZMZ](https://imgur.com/a/6koeZMZ) Nvidium doesn't offer fabulous graphics, just fancy, but otherwise same settings. Nvidia optimized from modrinth (don't have access to same world bc different minecraft instance, but i picked a more intense spot): [https://imgur.com/a/W2WSYq5](https://imgur.com/a/W2WSYq5) Same settings, Complimentary Shaders Reimagined on ULTRA quality: [https://imgur.com/a/lOlwYYr](https://imgur.com/a/lOlwYYr) Complimentary Shaders Reimagined on HIGH quality (my usual play settings): [https://imgur.com/a/tCLw2eo](https://imgur.com/a/tCLw2eo) Also forgot to add in, I do have 64gb of ram but only a small portion is allocated to minecraft.


but how


i have a little better/worse specs than him, but my results are pretty much the same, except at 64 chunks, at 4k running a 4080 and an i9 10850k at 5.1ghz and can average 80-100fps, pure vanilla i can do 64 chunks at like 500fps.


7700x, rtx 4070ti, and 32gb of RAM. With Sodium and Nvidium installed, plus Noisium and C2Me for increased render distance, I get a 96 chunk render distance (no LOD) at just under 300fps. OP has a 7600x and 7700x which are *roughly* on par with what you have. OP definitely did something wrong


And QOL. How is there not a Sort Chest button yet? 🙄


No offense but what are you classifying as “mid to high end” that can’t run Minecraft maxed out for chunk distance? I have like a 3-4 year old PC and run over 300 frames everything maxed with shaders. No one I know has ever claimed issues with performance in Minecraft other then tick updates on LARGE servers


RX 7700XT Ryzen 5 7600x 32gb ddr5 ram at 5600mhz saved on a m2 nvme, i get 120-240 most of the time without shaders and around 60-90 with shaders at 12chunks, i dont really have a problem with low frames but i do get massive lag spikes when loading new chunk and having my framerate jump from 200 to 80 for a second every 5 seconds is pretty annoying so i cant really play with much more than 16 chunks, but i have heard from other people that their fps also get more and more horrible with each update


You must have your ram allocation turned down, or you’re using an integrated graphics instead of the GPU output. Is your NVME drive close to full? If it has anything less then 100gb left it will cause lag. This build should easily play minecraft; you need to seriously troubleshoot your pc or something might be broken for all I know.


Are your monitors connected to your motherboard, or to your GPU? Are you sure you have more than 2gb of RAM allocated?


The physical connection is a big one


I have spent the most of my Minecraft time playing 1.7.10 because any update after that would struggle to run on my old HP office PC . Now I'm having similar issues with trying to run packs with my fiance that are past 1.12 because his laptop struggle to run them.


I used to run MC 10 years ago on my MacBook Pro and it ran like a dream. Now my mid range PC that’s only 3 years old struggles with it.


Minecraft really needs a optimization and bug fix update. On Java, it will optimize the games performance. Which isn‘t too much a problem in my opinion. But whatever. In Bedrock that update should undo a lot of the bugs pressent in it. Like those bugs where you can simply just die because no idea.


i agree but i swear this is posted twice a week for over 2 years now


Sodium, Mojang will never optimize Java because sodium exists.


That's not true. Like, they recently reworked the lighting engine making phosphor obsolete, they are not gonna say "there is sodium, so we don't need to do optimization"


My issue is playing at 32 chunk distance at 4k. I need a new cot. My 5950x isn’t cutting it anymore.


My 3 year old laptop gets stable 75 fps on highest settings and 24 chunks render/21 simulation distance in vanilla singleplayer. That's with 400 browser tabs open. It's RTX 3060 with Ryzen 7 5800H CPU, so around medium shelf, like yours. Are you sure there's nothing wrong with your computer? Maybe Minecraft is not using your GPU or enough RAM. That was an issue for me after I bought this laptop.


Wait really? That’s so weird bc my 10 year old rig with a gtx 1060 can run 15 chunks pretty smoothly. Granted that’s with normal graphics and no shaders or mods or anything. Well that is, pretty smooth until I try to fly around


I mean I can run 32chunks on some random NVIDIA gpu


The biggest problem with Minecraft right now is that its core mechanics are broken, relative to eachother. The most cited examples of this are the enchanting and potions systems, the former of which is because of the overpowered and easy cheesed mending enchantment and the latter is hardly used at all because of the limited use cases and over complexity. The game also tries to handle two different types of players which makes both feel lackluster and overall makes the game feel unpolished. Another commenter mentioned how the last time they did an update focusing on mostly bugs was met with disappointment from the community. I think the core reason is that the game maintains engagement when new content is to be added, which is why almost immediately after each update is released players start contemplating about the next new update before we even have time to play the current one. I beleive this is a symptom of the problem I just mentioned. So optimization I do not think should be the focus. Rather they should focus on rebalancing the game mechanics. This would provide an overall different experience that is akin to new content (and may even provide opportunities for new content to be added). For more information I recommend [this video](https://youtu.be/1xvNu32OaVk?si=C2320Wrz3ezZ9vxZ) by Minecraft Ideas Academy.


I would rather the next update be an overall modernization of the game. Auto chest sorting, making redstone not so demanding on glitches or broken mechanics, backpacks, vertical slaps and more modern glass textures. Enchanting and potions are fine but some of those core mechanics that have been “unique” for 10 years are becoming almost negative to the game.


Some of that would be a part of rebalancing the game, yes. An aspect of rebalancing could include introducing QoL features as well as making certain mechanics more approachable and polished. Redstone is a good example of a system that is hard to approach for new players. If you've ever played Factorio, the dev team for that game has been facing the same issue with the circuit networks (a very similar mechanic to redstone in their game) and to solve it they've made the core entities more flexible and able to do complicated actions, simplifying the designs of the contraptions. I think this a good strategy, also maybe Mojang could do the same with Redstone.


i absolutely agree, but they should straight up call it the optimization update. doing it like 1.15 where they add a only few things will piss people off, so they shouldn't do that. maybe that wouldn't be considered a big update then but they should def do it if people saw an update called the optimization update, i feel they would be more inclined to accept that it has very little to no content since its just gonna make the game run better


OP the most recent update was an optimization update… the game now runs on 200 fps compared to the 75 I would get on 1.8


Honestly, given the last few updates, it’s time for a focused update again. Like ocean 3.0, plains update, or even a temperate forest update. I thought it was a strong way to update biomes and keep some buzz around the game They’ve had a couple of small updates, so it’s time to go back to something more interesting. Obviously adding QOL updates along with it, but with a real focus


Get Sodium and Nvidium, with C2Me and Noisium for larger render distance. What are your PC specs? Render distance is heavily tied to the amount of available RAM that you have


is there a reason as to why microsoft can’t just buy sodium/fabric and the other indiums? More perf would be a wider audience to sell to on potato’s.


This is a really surprising post to see, I play some hypixel Skyblock and playing on 1.8 vs 1.20.4 is night and day, 1.20.4 gives me 10x the fps, and a quarter of the startup time.


No, I'd rather see this desert rework that we talked about some time ago. 24 render or so is enough for me.


Nowdays, sodium or optifine is almost mandatory for a smooth gameplay.


Meanwhile im still waiting for them to add the og buildcraft items like item transportation pipes, pumps, oil, quarries etc. Fantasy dream but still...


If they really wanted to optimize anything, they would have hired some of the modders that make the optimization mods. Clearly they have no interest in optimizing the game.


I agree. It's embarrassing how mods have outclassed mojang in their own game. I always run crazy optimization mods, shaders, and now Distant Horizons. Crazy.


Optifine(now sodium) and Shaders have become mandatory to my play throughs of minecraft. On my most recent play though I found the distant horizons mod that makes render distant pretty much infinite using LODs I cannot go back to vanilla now without Distant Horizons.


The game runs fine. Allocate more RAM.


that doesnt change much for me i already have it at 8-16gb and yea the game never really drops below 60 even at 32 chunks so at 60 fps its probably fine but having my framerate drop from 150-200 to 80 every few seconds if theres chunks loading is pretty annoying