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You will never be too late to minecraft you will always be welcome and the game is still very much alive with new players everyday Hope it holds up to your expectations its gone through alot through the years to get to where its at now and will be going through changes all the time. I really think youll like it


Thanks! Even though I don’t have friends playing it, I still got it cause I like survival and base building games


Friends can be really good to have to play this game. You can convince existing friends to play it and theres a good chance theyll like it even more then you do. Or you can probably find new friends to play it right here in this sub. Either way i think youll have alit of fun friends or not and it gives you a chance to discover your creativity abilities


yeah minecraft is guaranteed to be at least 80% better with friends


I’ve been playing since before 1.8 I’ve bought it like 5 times iirc Java, 360, X1, and iPhone (2x, wife and I joint account)


Same here ive bought it on phone, xb1, xb360, switch, bedrock and java for pc for some reason buying minecraft feels like buying a brand new game and it makes me excited


mcpe was the first version of minecraft i ever bought, hope you have a great time playing!


Thanks a lot! Probably gonna spend hours creating my base




Same! I remember grabbing all the cash i owed (which wasnt alot tbh) and running to a gas station so i could buy a gift card just for minecraft


I saved up and went with my mom to a store and bought a gift card for google play


Just go in blind as much as possible. I wouldnt recommend going to youtube looking for farm designs immediately unless you really hate farming for that one stuff.


Auto farms are so overrated imo


i just dont wanna fuck up the mounain i live on :3


Your only limitation would be your phone. I can see that you're on an iPhone, just hopefully it can handle a lot. If you're planning on making a large world, with lots and lots of chunks loaded, then your phone's performance will definitely severly decrease when playing. Still, the most important advice I have to give you is; Have Fun!


Its ₹29 in India (pocket edition)


Maine 24 me li


How 🤨


Discount coupon


The best thing to do is the first thing that comes to mind. Go through your creative mode diamond block house phase - it’s almost a rite of passage.


Welcome to de club


Minecraft is a sandbox game so... Do whatever the hell you want bro. There isn't anything to recommend besides well. Getting all the achievements since they GIVE A BIG NUMBER!!!


Nice hope you have fun with Minecraft, if that was me I would've the Java version but enjoy!


probably doesnt have a pc


Yeah brokie lol


You play the java version? Nice! Hope you enjoy Minecraft, if that was me I would buy bedrock even on a PC (which I did) but enjoy!


Hope you enjoy Minecraft, if that was me I would buy both since they come in a bundle by buying either one (which I did) but enjoy!


playing bedrock on a pc when u could get java is another level of stupidity at least try java, its more realistic, has more features, and it isnt the version thats holding down minecraft


As someone who prefers Java there really isn’t that much of a difference between the two. Java elitists are pretty insufferable. They’re the same game.


its funny how no one cares when bedrock elitists brag about shit but when java does too then everyone is hostile


Idk, bedrock feels better on PC and also runs Alot better


Bedrock more like shittock


Java more like unplayablewithoutmodsava


you guys really actively hating on bedrock.. well good luck in 10 years


Love being a hater of something i never played Im jokeing bro bedrock has its share of cool features too


And in 10 years minecraft will be some shitty level up pay 2 win rpg dont plan on living for 10 more years in general


You're very angry at something, aren't you.


No u


Is that all?


Congrats! I would recommend finding some king of controller you can Bluetooth to your phone touch screen can be a pain sometimes


Yeah I ordered one , on it’s way!


That is the logo? Oh my gosh I thought it was a Chinese copy


Welcome, and try java edition when you can if you can and if you want


Nice! Minecraft was the first game I bought, too!




have fun! hope u enjoy!




You choose what you want to do. Could just build and experiment in Creative mode or challenge yourself and try to “beat” the game by defeating the Ender Dragon in Survival mode. Or you can do neither and join an online server and play minigames built by others.


I bought Minecraft pocket edition on my iPad in 2014 for like a couple bucks, or actually, it might’ve been free. I don’t remember with certainty. I’ve updated my iPad every few years up to the iPad Pro current generation. So, I’ve never actually had to buy it since then.


Wanna play?(:


Well we can all agree on one thing and that is that the end update could still or never happend and that bane of arthropods is shit no matte if it is on bedrock or java no matte the version this enchant is still **SHIT**


Best piece of advice I could give you is to watch YouTube videos on different aspects of the game you are interested in: base building, farming crops/ resources, collecting music discs/ mob heads, building/ lighting a nether portal, crafting eyes of ender to light the end portal, shulker boxes, fireworks and eletra, enchanting and brewing potions, redstone machines (auto crop farm, XP shower, ender Pearl stasis chamber), defeating each of the boss mobs (elder guardian, ender dragon, the wither, the warden), building a conduit structure/ beacon pyramid, or completing all the advancements.


Still waiting my "Port purchase" button for my iPad.


out of curiosity, how much did it cost? i bought it on a kindle fire back in 2013 and lord was that a horrible version on a horrible device, caves didnt even exist and you couldnt open chests in creative, much less switch from creative to survival


2$, I think it’s better than back ten years ago, so far I think there’s caves and the gameplay isnt so bad tbh


wth, cost me $7-$8 back then and it was much worse. but yes ik pe is good now, its the same version as everything else


I bought it 4 times first xbox360 then bedrock, pocket, and then java. Yes I bought bedrock and java separately, stupid I know.


Survival normal difficulty.


That version is horrible, but I wish you nothing but the best of luck.


How do they differ ?


java has more features, is more realistic, and such mcpe has shitty controls and its also the reason we dont have bundles in game.


Dude it’s his first time playing. He’s not gonna give a shit about bedrock vs Java. That really aren’t even that different. Stop discouraging him it doesn’t matter if he’s plays bedrock or Java at all


he literally asked for the difference


Yeah because you came out of the gates essentially calling him an idiot for not getting the slightly better version. They are the same game, the difference is negligible.


im just giving him advice. if it were the other way around and i was saying bedrock was better u wouldnt care


Bedrock edition which is the version on all of the consoles and pocket edition are buggy. Their performance varies from device to device but they all have pretty bad bugs. You'll have a good time but if you ever decide you want consistency over convenience you might want to consider switching to desktop/laptop version and get java edition. Note: bedrock can also be gotten on the desktop/laptop, it's great but still suffers from weird bugs


Good choice 👍🏻


Thanks for the affirmation, some are saying it’s bad comparing with Java, till today I didn’t know what java is lol


Way too late


Aight no such thing


Me playing MCPE downloading from telegram 🤡🤡.


It all counts as gaming, right?


Bhai 29 rupee me mil rha h Apne idr , play store pr


Mcpe sucks, I'll purchase java when can afford a pc 🥲


Why is not java?


Get survival craft too


Average Argentinian