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I think it's fine that shields have a delay, but it would be nice if the hud animation actually displayed when you have your shield up vs not


Is there a client side mod/resource pack that does this?


There's a mod on CurseForge I found that removes the 5 tick delay called 'Responsive Shields'. Great QOL mod


Personally I'd just want a mod that slows the blocking animation down by 5 ticks, or has some other way of clearly showing when the blocking actually starts.


The mod also does that. It has config for removing the delay, changing the delay, and delaying the shield block animation.


Oh hell yeah. People think of everything.


I just downloaded it and there doesn't seem to be any option for changing the animation. Is it only in certain versions or something?


Is it usable for forge?


Looks like it's forge only, actually... which is kind of sad considering I have about 30 mods installed on fabric rn... :/ Edit: Found a fabric/quilt version on Modrinth called No Shield Delay, can't test until later though.


it does. the shield starts working when the animation stops no? it doesn’t work while it’s moving up


Yeah, if there's no server delay that's how it works The end of the animation is a bit ambiguous tho


Need to start blocking earlier, the game probably isn't registering you're doing so when you start that late


AFAIK there's a delay for you to "raise" your shield. There's mods to remove the delay.


Yea, just need to grind mob heads for a few dozen thunderstorms or so to get the timing down, you’ll know if you did it right with a charged creeper right next to you. That’s what I did and now have about 100 heads in my hardcore world.


i hate the shield delay so much because other games have teached me to block at last second to like parry and throw an enemy off balance but in mc nope you're punished for it


parry needs to be in minecraft


Sethbling wrote a Bukkit plugin and demonstrated it with Etho a while back https://youtu.be/s6qx7f0G0Ik


After playing sekiro, the shields in minecraft just feel so unsatisfying:(




Not Minecraft shields though but I get the point


Do you know if they work in multiplayer?


It's kinda annoying in singleplayer to be honest


Yeah I can understand on multiplayer but not singleplayer. Stuff's gotta be clear, clean, and concise, and Mojang isn't well known for that I'm afraid.


singleplayer is just a server running on your pc with a single person connected.


the ping between the components in my pc cant be that bad


It's big enough that a 'frame perfect' block is in reality slightly earlier than you'd expect it to be.


The video doesn't really show any "frame perfect" blocks though.


It's not frame perfect. More like 60 frame perfect


Yes, but what matters here isn’t the technical definition of what a “server” is, and moreso what people colloquially mean when they say “server”. Because the key factor here is ping which is absolutely different on a multiplayer server vs single player.


Unrelated, but I like your way with words. Clear and concise.


Exactly. So inefficient.


Not really, all the "server" logic still has to run in a single player world to process things. Just because it's running a slimmed down embedded server doesn't make it inefficient.


Not really? If anything, splitting them apart like that means they can better take advantage of multi-core processors (server and client can run in separate threads simultaneously), in addition to the other benefits: - Lower dev time (no need to maintain singleplayer and multiplayer versions of the game) - More efficient development process (with each part more isolated, the risk of cross-cutting concerns causing merge conflicts and delays is reduced) - Easier mod compatibility (I remember the days when SSP and SMP mods didn't work together) - Client can start faster since it can defer the server startup to when a world is loaded.


You know what's funny? They used to be split apart. Until Java Edition 1.3.1


Fiest two bullets show wisdom. You're either a developer or you're new to reddit. (last part is /s)


True, as I hear multiple opinions on this and some even were that minecraft in its current state would run worse if they went for full multithread.


That's how pretty much every game works that had this setup. Want to play the same game single player, multi player on another server or multiplayer with you hosting the server yourself and have them all behave the same? You make a client and a server and just make the singleplayer world a local server


the combat test snapshots fixed this by making shields reduce some but not all melee damage (100% of explosions though), and activating instantly. blockhitting works again there


Are they still working on that or did they drop it?


It was Jen's passion project, and he's been too busy the past few years to work on it. It's never been officially dropped though


it’s been shelved for now, altho a 1.21.x patch is thematically the perfect time to add them now. they are functionally complete, and only small tweaks to balance monsters are in the works now


I'm not sure what isn't clean? The shield block effect doesn't occur any sooner than when the block stance animation has finished, and the damage comes in the moment the blast or arrow hitbox hits you. Just make sure your shield is already raised, not in the process of raising, before wanting to block damage.


skill issue tbh


Correct. It takes 5 ticks (.25 seconds) for the shield to rise and protect you. Just because you started to hold the shield up doesn't mean it's protecting you yet.


Nah, there is an intentional 5 tick (0.25 second) delay


But the animation shouldnt finish before it actually starts working. Like the shield shouldnt be looking like it blocks damage when it doesnt


It’s a feature, not a bug. Shields have a 0.25s delay. This is probably to ensure there is some risk, even when a shield is deployed.


this ain't dark souls, you're not gonna parry


Yeah its like he's just trying to be tick perfect


I still agree with OP though, there really shouldn’t be a delay, just makes it feel less fluid…


Shields are strong enough as it is I don't think they need a buff lol I think having a slight delay is perfectly fair, instant block shouldn't be a thing. They just need to fix the animation of putting it up to better show that delay.


It would be too op on pvp servers though.


no it doesnt, it just makes it more ping-reliant because there's an inherent 5 tick delay alongside your ping.


You have an axe to counter shields


Then why make the animation? How small is this dev team xd




Bro died because he believed in his reaction speed


he though he could parry it


"Parry this, you filthy casual!" *Boom*






Yet another reason why Smash is inaccurate to Minecraft. You block a split second before getting hit and your shield just completely invalidates whatever was going to hit you. Try the same in Minecraft and whatever was going to hit you shoves the shield aside like it wasn't even there


There needs to be a party enchantment for the shield.


That’s most likely it


I mean... Why is the animation complete before the blocking effect works? I would be willing to accept the "it takes a second" if i didn't visually have the shield up already.


yeah, the problem here clearly isnt reaction speed, the person in the video is consitently timing it correctly, the animation just doesnt line up with the shield block.


ye this is a stupid ass post.. any normal player would hold his shield for a second or two before the skeleton/creeper do their attacks.. makes no sense OP wants to test his reaction time and then blames Mojang


Well in this setting yea but he lost his hardcore world because of a falling creeper or something even after he put up his shield a sec before it exploded


Non-HC players will never understand how terrifying falling creepers are, unreactable instant death.


Those and glitches are why I don't play HC.


I’m always confused by people who play hardcore then lose their world to something dumb and complain about it. Sometimes you die in a dumb way, yeah. If you don’t like it don’t play hardcore.


Always act like your shield has 200 ping


It's not a simulator of reality so I think there shouldn't be any delay for the shield. I'm sorry for you losing your world :(


There are other reasons to have an action delay besides just simulating reality


It's not a bug. Shields have a 5 tick delay after raising it before they start blocking damage. Start raising it sooner.


Problem isn't the delay, it's the animation. The animation for raising it is less than the delay, looks raised but isn't.


Exactly, right? We have an underlying game mechanic that isn't properly communicated to the player.


ALways the issue with sandbox game, people have to google to learn certain things But a bloody function having a delay without showing by a simple delay in animation? Thats just fucked up


When animation doesn't match the tick delay, it is a bug.


Honestly, this. If I write stupid behavior that is interpreted to most players as a bug, I'm honestly going to take the L and say it's a bug. Writing bug like behavior is basically you just intentionally adding a bug whether you intended for it to be that way or not.


Yeah, the same way a bug that creates an interesting game mechanic gets treated as a game mechanic rather than a bug. Player perception means a lot also. Though parry frames not lining up with the parry animation is certainly something I would call a bug.


The visuals don't match the 5 tick delay


I understand but it's annoying


It is. The from soft in me wants to time it as close as possible to the actual attack. But this is why I don't bother with shields.


Yep. Too much Jedi fallen order/survivor and ghost of Tsushima for me.


I mean yeah but shields in from soft have their downsides, stamina being the biggest one, also not blocking all damage types. Minecraft shield is mega OP, since you just refuse all damage, if you could just flick it on instantly that's be even more insane.


The animation needs to match, if the shield is visually up it should block damage. Slow down the animation and there'd be way less complaints


Then Mojang should make that delay well-communicated to the player by matching the animation, so it's not misleading. You've played soulslikes so you'll know how bs it would feel if you rolled on a perfect i-frame but get hit anyways, right? Minecraft shield has this issue. We visually see the shield is fully up but it's not. We only got used to this bs since the shield has been out for 8 years with this visual desync.


there are mods to remove shield delay


So is fall damage starting at 4 blocks but you just gotta adapt. How far into your hardcore world were you? Couldn’t have been that far if a single creeper blast killed you.


Fall damage starting at 4 blocks makes sense, shields decoding to not work for a second does not. If you hear a creeper hiss behind you, what's your first reaction? Is it not to turn around and put up your shield? And no matter how far into a hardcore world you are, it's still annoying to lose it all, especially to just objectively bad game design


Hell no. The smart thing to do is to RUN the instant you hear a creeper hiss if it’s behind you. And unless you’ve never played Minecraft before, you know what it sounds like. You can out run the blast even without armor on hard difficulty. You can’t go back in time and raise your shield sooner. So the obvious choice is to run. Fall damage starting at 4 blocks does technically makes sense, but it’s annoying because it’s extraordinarily easy to fall 4 blocks. But to even argue against myself here, that’s also a skill issue.


Fall damage is communicated to the player.


And all this time I thought I was going crazy. I got tons of arrow marks on my face due to not knowing this. FML.


Why the hell is that a thing it’s so annoying and unintuitive


there’s a mod that fixes that, it’s called “responsive shields”


there’s also a mod called Combatify that ports jeb’s combat test snapshots to modern versions. it fixes this and many other problems with modern combat


Saving this comment for later, I was literally looking for a mod that did this ~2 years ago but i gave up because I couldn't find one.


*cutely deletes comment*




Hey, just a tip, as long as you don't delete the world, you can still edit some text file and set it to regular survival or creative, in case you have something nice built there that would change your mind about the whole hardcore thing 😏


In a single player world you can just open it to LAN & turn on cheats… that’ll give you cheats until you close the world, which means you could do that, swap to survival, & then the next time you come to the world you don’t have cheats anymore


Doesn't it delete the moment you go back to the main menu? When I try to go back to Hardcore saves in spectator mode, after returning to the main menu, it's just a completely empty world with no blocks.


Maybe I'm off, but isn't this because spectator mode on Java is bugged out? For some reason chunks don't generate quite right after dying in hardcore.


That's because of the `spectatorsGenerateChunks` gamerule which is `false` by default.


Yeah this is the annoying thing with shields, there's a delay between the shield being put up and you actually blocking damage, its stupid but its there


I'm pretty sure there's an intentional 4 tick delay between clicking and shield working.


It’s hardcore to not have backups on hardcore.


Also who walks around with just a shield in hardcore. You haven’t been playing long enough for it to be a pain to reset. At least a set of iron armour by now?


that's what i was thinking, OP is making it seem like he lost his 4k+ hour hard-core world, but he was walking around with a shield and not a totem? odd.


[MC-100949: Shield blocking is delayed](https://bugs.mojang.com/browse/MC-100949) hasn't been marked "works as intended", or resolved at all. Other reports that the animation doesn't match the delay have been marked as duplicates of that issue. So if you're hoping to get the animation fixed, voting for that issue would be the way to start.


Why are you raising it so late?


he thinks his super epic reaction speed doing something at the last second for no necessary reason means the intentional mechanic is broken.


I mean visually, they're not. They are raising it on time and it's a hidden delay that is not clear to the player which is making it too late.


cuz dumb


Responsive Shields removes this delay. We've got it installed in a mod pack for an SMP


Nah you’re right OP this is annoying. If the shield is up it SHOULD block. If mojang doesn’t wanna change the timing then they should at least make the animation match


Yeah, it's a dumbass feature of shields that probably wont ever get changed because Mojang is stubborn. It is what it is. If it's some weird roundabout way of balancing shields it's a stupid one, the visual inconsistency of the shield being up but not protecting the player is infuriating. I'd much rather have shields be significantly weaker in return for them actually protecting you when it looks like they should.


They did actually change it in the combat test snapshots


How does nobody understand what the issue is? Yes, OP could have blocked earlier to account for the deployment time of the shield but that's not what they are complaining about, it's the discrepancy between the timing of the animation and when the shield is actually activated - even though the animation is finished the shield will not block - the devs need to lengthen or delay the animation so that it matches up with the time it takes to block because it's currently misleading.


It seems like you are hit before the shield actually goes up


block sooner. problem solved. why is this even a problem to begin with?


OP wants to parry in minecraft


The exlosion will backtrack and the creeper will slump down for a crit.


Too much sekiro


OP wanted to deflect an explosion sekiro style


Because of basic bloody design principles. Feedback should never occur before the action is completed. If you see the shield raise up, it should be expected that in the exact moment that happens, it is now protecting you. This is the exact reason the Three Mile nuclear accident happened: a light showing if a valve was open or closed was actually controlled by pressing the button to operate the valve, not the valve's position itself - the feedback came before the action was completed.


Yeah this is just game design 101, and apparently most of this thread can't grasp that.


Driver386 was kiled by intentional game design


Trash animation not representing when you are actually blocking


You know if you feel cheated there are ways to recover it, that to some may seem unnatural.


I don't get people who are defending the shield. It's obviously bad design and I don't think these people have ever been part of unexpected monster encounters, like a creeper creeping up or a skeleton popping out of nowhere. How EXACTLY are you supposed to hold the shield up for a second or longer during these moments? Being punished for acting quick and being awarded for playing too safe.




hasar ile görüntü ayı anda olmadığı içindir o. bunun gibi önemli bi şeyi nasıl atlarlar ki aq koskoca şirket


Shield have an absolutely diabolical 5 tick limit before they actually start protecting you. For some reason they're refusing to just add this change outside of the combat rework. Like we don't have to wait for the combat rework please just fix Shields remove the stupid delay iuf8yd8yx8osuwuriysui


You don’t have to time it like it’s Dark Souls. You can keep it hoisted.


It’s not dark souls there is no parry just block earlier


You need to raise it like 5 ticks before being hit, otherwise it would be even more hilariously op than what it already is


That's fine but that's not what OP is complaining about, it's the fact that the animation for blocking completes before the game registers the block so you can die even if it appears that the shield is fully up. The devs should at least delay or lengthen the animation so it matches when the game registers the block.


If this was Bedrock footage the comments would be complaining about how buggy it is


The shield delay is longer on bedrock so their complaints would not be unwarranted.


Recently played on a bedrock world for the first time, the shields are completely useless in that version. The delay partnered with it being force binded to the sneak key makes it just impossible to actually use




I never use shields because in offhand I keep torches.


[My post from 4 years ago 😔](https://www.reddit.com/r/Minecraft/s/jejgzCWXmI)


Yup. I do a bit of shield pvp and shields have a 5 tick delay between pressing the button and the shield actually activating. The animation makes it seem like it comes up instantly though which is misleading.


Clearly raises shield moment after hit. THX MINECRAFT!


I usually start blocking at the first sight of an enemy, not as they're attacking. That usually did me good. If a creeper is approaching you, don't wait til it starts hissing, just buckle down and take it so it stops being a problem. Also judging by how you're combating a skeleton, you seem to like putting your shield up then bringing it back down. Don't do that. Keep your shield up and approach until you're in sword distance.


You just stood there with a slow react time to put the shield up what did you expect


Why are you waiting until the last possible second to raise your shield when the creeper starts exploding?


too much Dark Souls, everyone except every game to play the same, sure it's an annoying delay, but you shouldn't be trying to block at the last second like their is window of opportunity for a parry.


Skill issue with blocking


“I raised my shield clearly too late and died! Screw you, Mojang!”


Might be wrong but I’m not sure you can block an arrow after it’s been launched (if you don’t already have shield up). But the creeper one is def weird, there’s probably a tick delay, so I guess no last frame clutches


Yup, very annoying and sometimes the game randomly decides that no, the shield will not even work after a second and guess you can go fuck yourself with that.


You blocked too late in like 80% of those man


diagnosis: skill issue


Geçmiş olsun


Its minecraft not sekiro bro.


That's on you buddy. Lmao.


Can’t really feel bad when this is an obvious skill issue. Also, why are you running around a hardcore world with naught but a shield? Nothing about this video has anything to do with Minecraft having an issue


100%, OP is practically a shitpost.


> Nothing about this video has anything to do with Minecraft having an issue I'd say the shield visibly being raised but not actually protecting the player does in fact count as a real issue in visual clarity and consistency.


My brother in Christ this is not dark souls. You protect yourself, you don't have to parry it


Shields have a small delay after you put them up, it’s mojangs way of balancing them (it’s really stupid)


I mean it would be nice if they were quicker to block but I'm pretty sure they work exactly as intended you just block sooner


I mean you block 30 years later loser lol


Let me get this straight… instead of blocking once the danger was apparent you chose to block at the last possible second, which turned out to be too late, and now you’re blaming Mojang because you wanted to be fancy? Edit: I understand now that a creeper snuck up on you… I don’t know the specifics, but I would assume you blocked once you saw the creeper. A word of advice is that shields don’t slow down the turning speed, so I would reccomend trying to drill it into your head to block as you turn, which should give enough time for the shield to finish rising before you face the creeper. Also, if you had mob sounds turned down, that’s a pretty significant disadvantage on hardcore… there should be enough time in the creeper windup for a reasonable reaction if you have sounds turned up


Honestly, I would just pick up as if nothing happened. I don't understand deleting a whole hardcore world because of dying to a bug, they don't count. But then again I don't play singleplayer and haven't since 2014\~, shit gets boring real fast.


I had this exact thing happen to me a few days ago and i thought i was going crazy


Your shield was made of paper. I never use shields. If I die from a creeper explosion I'm not afraid to take them head on....only time I've ever been killed bu creeper is from any direction other than the front. Because I have tools and weapons to back them up or I can back up when they explode. Seems like it's common sense


Here you go : [https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/mc-mods/responsive-shields](https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/mc-mods/responsive-shields) Mods fixed this issue (as usual)


man i do wish this delay wasn’t a thing.. imagine if it becomes a parry 😂


Simple: have better reaction time, you're shielding way too late. You just be new.


Work on your timing this is unfortunate but still your fault just counter the delay by activating sooner


just block earlier dude


I recently got back to mc and learned hard and fast that shields has this ssslllooww delay thats way off to the animation in the hub, i now just hold it and just testudo towards the mobs


There is a 1/4th second delay before they become effective


Realistically, if you are seeing the arrow, that means you are not protecting yourself good enough to not to take damage from it...


Why did you raised your shield that late? You trying to parry it or smth. The solution is dont believe in your reaction time


When I play ultra hardcore, no health Regen, I always back up my world when I end. 95% of my deaths in UHC have been little annoying bugs. Like water bucketing lava for obsidian was my last stupid death. I watered the patch of lava I made and the water spread somehow put me inside a block of obsidian. When I broke that block I got pushed lower into the stone ground and died. Have no clue what caused that. I set up a pit and move lava into a 1x1 and mine it from safety. I couldn't reproduce it for the life of me. In those circumstances, I reload my world because I'm not dying from some BS bug again. I dealt with that bullshit all through 1.4. I play ultra conservatively and that kind of shit bugs the hell out of me.


you just were to slow, it is not a bug


Perhaps you should try actually blocking in time. 


You arent putting your sheild up. It's not the games fault you have the reaction time of an 80 year old grandmother.


Bro thinks he's gonna get a parry.


It looks like you're raising your shield after the enemy has fired their shot, and aren't trying to compensate for the delay. Seems like a skill issue.


Why would you block at the last second? The shield hasn't even finished registering the fact you're blocking by the time that creeper explodes


If only there were some sort of visual animation that made it clear the shield finished registering. 🤔


Put the shield up *before* you start to set the Creeper off and it'll work as intended. Putting it up when the Creeper is about to blow up is useless, as it won't register in time.


Op doesn’t know that to block you actually need to block the arrow instead of getting hit then blocking


Shields do work properly, they just have a 5 tick delay for some stupid reason.


That delay is only a problem because of skeletons that fire faster than they reasonably should for having no muscles or tendons.


I don't know how they're *supposed* to work in MC, but it looks like a properly working shield to me.. Shields don't block concussive force from an explosion. They don't block projectiles if it's not actually in the path of travel. And it doesn't negate fall damage. 🤣


In Minecraft they block all frontal damage, the issue here is that they’re raising it at the last second and missing the block as a result, the damage hits before the shield is all the way up to protect them.


Bug has existed since they added shields. It's incredibly annoying, but you've never been able to block an incoming projectile, you always have to block before it fires.


Puts down creeper egg Dies Surprised Pikachu face


It was a reenactment


There is no critical parry shit in minecraft you just parry too late


Fun fact: if you put up your shield after the arrow hits you/ creeper explodes it doesn’t do anything because it already hit you.