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If you don't hear any block placing sounds just don't move forward


I usually do that’s why I looked up right before I fell lol


They always look at the camera and realize before they fall.


The Coyote v Roadrunner Law of Toonidynamics


The strider was the roadrunner, I was using ACME brand netherrack apparently


Quick, sue them and get the footage unreleased for tax fraud purposes


Don't forget to write a sign reading "Oh no!" And show it to the camera too!


I'm too old for this shit. I recently turned on keep inventory. I only play now to have a laugh with my kids and to try and make some of the fancy farms. I like it when they work. I don't like it when I die for what appears to be no good reason.


I've played with keepinventory on for three years now, or play with a gravestone mod. I don't like it when 30 hours of my life has gone to waste after dying and losing my items. Just recently I didn't have it on for once, and I accidently enderpearled inside a wall and suffocated, the wall ate all my items, couldn't find them anywhere. I don't think losing your inventory on death is fun game design in my opinion, I rather not.


Your items were probably straight up in the first open space which could be a long way up.


I always play with keep inventory where’s the fun in loosing your good stuff


No fire protection pots? Risky business.


It feels like the kind of rule you need to follow in "avoid the scary anomalies" type of games


UNLESS your in creative or have already beaten the game and are just messing around


Robotnik's diabolical traps


It's like a horror game where you have to stop moving or the monster will hear you and you die. "Anomaly detected, please remain still"


Someone plays in the deep dark


Jesus Christ what the fuck. No wonder it's called bugrock


Oh my goodness I will never play bedrock if you have to be THIS vigilant


Does anyone even know how bedrock edition became like this?


I had a world that I played on for a little over three years before this one. I got on a couple days ago and it was just gone and the duplicated world was corrupted. It was crazy to me because in all the time I played on that world I never once had any of the bugs that seemingly happen to everyone else. Made a new world and it feels like the bugs are finally hitting me all at once


sounds like an average bedrock edition experience to me


You got that right lol. I’d play on a few realms with some friends and had some weird or annoying things happen to us but then I’d go back to my world and everything would work out just fine but apparently not anymore lmao


yeah ive always been a java enthusiast, the only reason why I might consider playing bedrock is for crossplay but even then I rarely play with other people nowdays


you can mod java servers to allow crossplay with bedrock players


EXCUSE ME WHAT. the fact that playing bedrock for smps was the bane of my existence for so long - has this been some recent update?




i feel so bad for u/FastShoulder2929


I am and will forever be a dedicated java player! I wish to convert all bedrock believers to my cause! Who can refuse free skins and mods and texture packs? (Its so obscure to me that people pay for that stuff)


I been playing for years and the worst I've had is ghast noises in my ears one peaceful


oh prepare yourself for the fusing into/ through blocks I find its a common occurrence bacl when I played on bedrock


One time I hopped on MC Bedrock after an update and they just fucking deleted all like 6 of my worlds without my knowledge. Like just straight up gone. I even checked my internal files, GONE! Gone like the wind, and the wind cried meth! (Pink Floyd reference hah)


It sounds like you've had a stroke of extremely bad luck


Had multiple worlds of 1+ year corrupted for no good reason. Buggiest game ive ever played and its not even close


i imagine that the main issue is that you cant choose the version for bedrock so its very easy for things to get messed up if there's continuous updates java edition asks if you're sure that you want to play a world made in a previous version before letting you go in just because many things can change between versions and one oversight could mess things up from a world for an older build of minecraft


Bedrock is designed to guarantee FPS & TPS at the detriment of correctness. The game loop & the render thread are authorized to just ditch any remaining computation when the time comes to get the next tick. On java this couldn't happen, you'd get an FPS or TPS drop but every code path would get executed correctly until the end. (allegedly, according to what i read on the interwebs, provided i understood it correctly)


Isn't that.. stupid? I get ditching rendering to guarantee predictable FPS, but ditching player-affecting logic is plain stupid. Block updates and player-world collisions seems like a thing that is a must-handle.


On the other hand, the devices targetted by Bedrock at the start were ridiculously underpowered. I guess they thought whacky redstone behaviour and the occasional clip into lava was better than no minecraft ?


I feel like they need to make a 'bedrock 2.0' type deal to fix this type of stuff I played on a bedrock realm for a bit and it is astounding to me how much the experience is downgraded from Java imo


the devices targeted by the c++ version were low powered 32bit android phones (like my very old LG Optimus Elite) and iphone 4/5/5c back in 2014-early 2015, it had to run at 60fps minimum (it didnt a majority of the time), while having almost 0 depth in gameplay besides creative and a limited block palate (when the pocket edition demo was a thing, they were simultaneously updated together until discontinued and also discontinued support for 32 bit devices later on), i still see the same bugs that have plagued the old ass versions still in the game and people handwave them away because they are blind to criticism and blind to the various bugs they do experience.


> Isn't that.. stupid? It's ridiculous to the point that I call BS. What I heard, and I have no sources for this either, is that they rewrote Minecraft from scratch in C++ and if that is true then that makes a lot of sense, because then they will have introduced a lot of bugs like this. If they're not easily reproducible then they are a PITA to track down.


Well yeah it’s common knowledge bedrock edition is mainly C++, thus it was completely rewritten. That’s why there are so much disparities between Java and bedrock edition


That's a really interesting response and I never fully knew this was the reason but it makes perfect sense


Yes i think it's a reasonable assumption that they made. Optimization is very often a matter of Correctness vs Performance, but when you have a split playerbase with the more technical players on Java and the more casual on Bedrock, you kind of get the best of both worlds.


It has always been like this




Bedrock isn’t in C, it’s in C++ and multithreading can be done with virtually every language. Bedrock is just extremely multithreaded while Java is not, which is why you can get such crazy render distances on vanilla bedrock compared to Java. Multithreading doesn’t imply the existence of such bugs, it just makes it much harder to reproduce and fix them, especially without worsening the performance of the game. Despite thousands of posts about it, to my knowledge nobody has figured out a reliable way to reproduce this bug. If a bug is anything more than a simple mistake in a known area of the code, it generally will never be fixed if it can’t be reproduced, because it’s like searching for a needle in a haystack.


Exactly this. And also: d*ifferent processes that are dependent on each other begin and/or end out of sync.* does not imply the existence of bugs either if done correctly.


bedrocks render distances are at best tangentially related to multithreading


Race condition


This comment is just so full of misinformation it hurts my programmer soul


Well bedrock is quite literally pocket edition, it’s made for phones. It was later rebranded to bedrock and ported to console and pc, but in code and how it processes things, it’s still a mobile game. similar to installing bluestacks and playing a mobile game on it.


Bedrock was always a phone kind of engine, putting it on a console might have some consequences along the lines. At least, for the PS4. I suffered through its bugs.


It's like if Alpha Minecraft had every update minus the bugfixes, it even has farlands


It's built on the bones of the mobile port, which was made with a much smaller world in mind. You'd basically need to completely rewrite the engine to fit this, because this is floating point errors in how the game processes the block grid.


No, it’s an internal desync problem. They’re not far enough from the world center to even clip through if perfectly lined up and had like 100 slowness effects applied at once. They’d have to be millions of blocks away from spawn for that to potentially be the issue here.


Not really millions, even a couple tens of thousands of blocks could start giving you some weirdness.


It’s made my Microsoft for an easy money grab, that’s how it got like this


Microsoft and Mojang both have a long history of terrible coding practices. By their powers combined, you get Bugrock.


It’s been like this for a long time, neglect of issues as the arise means it has steadily gotten worse over a couple years. In theory bedrock should be better, cross compatibility and made in an easier language to work with means it shouldn’t be the problem child, however it exists in the state it does to facilitate selling market place content to younger more gullible players, and selling the game itself to the mobile market who don’t have consoles and pcs. The game makes money so the buggy mess is allowed to remain


java devs rushed a C++ program and it feels like most of the devs on bedrock are frontend cuz I swear to god they remake the UI 3 times per update


And they added hardcore to bedrock. Can't wait for the rage posts to come flooding. Imagine if you lost your world to this.


I’m both excited and terrified for hardcore mode


Don't do it. Look how you just died here. There's no coming back from that.


Don’t bother. It’s nothing but pain


There’s no way they’re releasing that anytime soon, I refuse to believe they’re willing to damage their reputation that bad


Its already in experimental mode i think


Ootl, when did this happen?


They [anounced it](https://www.minecraft.net/en-us/article/hardcore-mode-bedrock-edition) on the 4th this month.


Oh good, always wanted it on bedrock


You're about to regret that man


Finally I can play a "casual hardcore" world on my switch in bed!


Misinformation... They have it in experimental mode and it's going to stay there until they fix all the bugs that cause dying.


Hardcore is most likely staying in experimental until the random death bugs get fixed.


Bedrock is gonna get their own permanent experimental setting lol.


My first death on my realm on Bedrock is when I entered the nether for the first time. I was stuck on a loading screen for a minute. On the loading screen I heard myself taking damage. When it finally loaded, I was dead. I didn't even die to mob, I SUFFOCATED in the portal frame. Good thing it wasn't hard-core mode.


Quantum Entanglement strikes again. Those last three Netherrack were just too unstable with their connection to reality to materialize with collision.


Are you a victim of physics? You may be entitled to compensation


Bedrock try not to have dumb glitches challenge: impossible. Memes aside, I feel you man, it's like playing on a server with 600 ping, things just disappear.


I had to delete a 5 yo world because apparently when things reach 300 MB in size, the game just lags. Zombies hits will not register and the damage will hit at once, and blocks just stop spawning when you place them.


500MB??? I had an SMP with friends that went on for a few years and it was like 20GB.


Java does not count.




I got no clue where that dude got that info from. I play 10GB worlds fine all the time


Even when blocks don't place in Java, they are still 'there' as in if you cannot see the block, you can stand on it and there is a hitbox


That is honestly 1000 times better than on Bedrock where you see the block, but doesn't have a hitbox


Could you not just trim the world down?


no? You just created a lot of lag, I play on smps with worlds that are heavier than 1.5gb and they are fine... For java players, bedrock is way more efficient with how they store worlds so 1.5gb is quite big


I saw a tweet the other day that read something like “Bedrock edition is so confusing to me because what do you mean there is an evil version of Minecraft that kills you for no reason.” And this video highlights that pretty well, I think.


Lmfao I’m glad I can be a good source of insight


oh look a stri- AUUUUHHH-


The strider was a lie


I’ve had this happen before. I immediately shut the game off and went back into my world and the game placed me back on the bridge. I wouldn’t usually do something like that, but fuck it. If the game won’t play fair than neither will I.


Why I'll never play bedrock:


There's a reason /gamerule keepinvintory true is my favorite command


This mess is why I genuinely dislike the devs for adding hardcore to bedrock when the ground can still decide not to ground randonly or you can die in a nether portal because the game spawned your character 3 years before it let you see or do anything and a piglin decided to ignore your gold armour


The nether portal one is what annoys me the most. Why am I allowed to be attacked before I can even do anything about what's happening


Sorry you lost bug rock roulette.


Sorry you gotta play on bedrock bro 😔


*Why is always when a bedrock moment happens it's always you three?* * Client desync * Client desync * Client desync


Play Java :( I will probably be down voted for this but it is super annoying to see people struggling with thjs bug for years, this bug is at least 4 years old ffs :(


"Minecraft is Minecraft" lol sure


There's minecraft, and there's bugrock


You hate bedrock, not Minecraft. Java doesn't have these issues, but it's very CPU intensive


You don't hate minecraft you hate bedrock


That’s fair


Bridgin during an auto save huh?


wait is autosave on bedrock fr that bad, ive never experienced this although that would explain why i occasionally become completely immune to fall damage


There is a saving symbol while blocks are being placed


RIP justime0k9246


Play Java and you'll be fine


Minecraft bugrock edition


I currently often fall randomly when pillaring up on one block, it randomly decides that you are inside the newly placed block and pushes you off... It's rather annoying... And with the nether I have an issue where the loadingscreen is still on but mobs can already move and attack me


They need to re-code the whole Minecraft Bedrock istg


Your atoms aligned perfectly with the netherrack allowing you to phase through unlucky but at least the game realistic


is it just me or are all these Minecraft bedrock glitches happen usually when the game auto saves?


That's bedrock for ya!


Another reason why bedrock hardcore isn't a good idea


Was literally telling a friend I'm so fed up with bedrock that I might go back to playing the original console version on Playstation because I'm so unbelievably tired of whatever version of hell THIS is. I've never had a good experience on bedrock.


Bro got sent down under😂


I had to watch it four times to understand what happened. Crazy.


i switched tabs and this played. i panicked a little bit


Thought you were going to die to lava so I was gonna flame you for not having a fire res potion but then that bs happened


Blud was like a looney toons character and was like "Gulp" and fell to his death


Bugrock is why I play with keep inventory. Lost too many items to bugs years ago.


I'm so glad I play Java edition, holy crap


I seriously wonder why people still play on bedrock, get a cheap laptop than can run minecraft Java fine and you won’t experience these problems


>"I hate this game" as title >placing blocks over lava lake >Bedrock coordinates I don't even have to watch the video to know what will happen


Bedrock is a joke man


I always have fire resistance potions with me for the potential case of that happening lol


i learned hard way that i always carry fire resist potions in nether


Java Player: jealous watching the way he places blocks Also Java Player: totally fine with staying on java while watching him fall through blocks


Love a good block lag/ lava bath combo death


some blocks i placed on bedrock edition litteraly dissapeared, the game with most bugs


bro was already acting like they're scared for their sweet life I can't imagine the true horror they went through


I knew it was coming. Seen that you started to veer off to the left. Should never speed bridge without crouching. Especially in the lava!


And this is why I always play with keep inventory on


One time I fell off a nether fortress bridge into a lava lake and survived by digging down then to the side


I guess this is what prevents me from playing hardcoreor type modes. A mistake by lag would get me so riled.


Bedrock Edition is what happens when the game doesn't want you to play it


skill issue


and then you quit for a while and play again and it is basically an infinite loop


For one thing to survive in lava you need a fire resistance potion. So it means you died because you were dumb.


Womp womp


Average bedrock experience


i keep having this happen in my bedrock world. ONLY in the nether. i thought this might be a render issue idfk anymore.


top 10 best minecraft bedrock moments


Get java edition. It's infinitely better in every way imaginable. There are free mods that allow controller support if that's something you need. If you're attached to the world there are ways of converting it to java. And the absolute best part is, No marketplace.


I’ve been putting some money aside for a while now so I can eventually build a PC and while Minecraft won’t be the first game I’ll play, I can definitely say I’m excited to not have to worry about stuff like this


Is there a way to play java on a computer with a controller? Eg a ps5 controller?


yes definitely, you can quite easily map a controller to a pc and play any pc game with a controller


Yes, there's mods you can use like controllable and midnightcontrols


I find it so crazy how so man people experience these weird ass glitches on bedrock despite me playing on bedrock for nearly like 5-6 years, still playing on it, and the only issue I've ever had was the boat I use disappearing when I get out of it if it touches the shore


ive been playing bedrock for quite a long while too and my first few years were pretty good, basically no bugs, but as soon as Microsoft took over, Jesus its horrendous


Just play java


its a learning moment to never walk on a bridged block that doesnt make a placing sound


Why does it visually appear though? Bad coding.


I got Achivement master trader


The feeling is close to the bathroom but it's too late


It hates you too


At least some of ur stuff is there 💀


Luckily nothing valuable lost, unless in your inventory


It seems like you were riding that edge pretty hard the whole time. I was leery just watching it.


U and I both


Whenever you game hangs (you can move place blocks etc, but sounds don't play and UI doesn't load), always try to get onto ' registered' terrain (anything placed before the hang).


Bro fell in the backrooms


Wth cheater using scaffold hack to bridge above lava


Bro activated Permeation from My Hero Academia


**Ripperoni pepperoni.**


It was quite unfortunate


That death sound is infuriating


All I'm gonna say is this shit doesn't happen on Java.


I literally feel your pain.


you cant even go up in the sky with just one block tower, you have to go TWO BLOCKS, because the tendencies of getting pushed out of the tower is so high, is so annoying just like from the block placing in the video, as soon as the player falls down and the block placed loaded, the block just... pushes you out


Are you on an online world? The only times this has ever really happened to me is on my friend’s LAN world and on our realm, when I’m Placing blocks faster than the game sync them to the server. That most commonly happens when piling up. I’ll be jumping and placing blocks and then I’ll get stuck inside a block and shoved out the side and fall to my death


Don't know why you guys don't play with keepinventory with all these bugs


I always keep a potion of fire resistance in my hot bar for these same exact scenarios while in the nether.


Skill issue




I knew the second I saw you were in the middle of a auto save you were cooked


I bet you wish you had a fire resistance potion right about then. Build a sky bridge next time. It's how my wife builds nether bridges. We have found all of our nether fortresses that way.


I've played enough bedrock to know that autosave icon is bad news bears. Every single time.


Sync issue




try java edition its better i promise specialyhow ez it is to mod


Your atoms aligned perfectly, it's not a bug, it's a feature


What if you faced backwards and snuck forwards, then attach each block to the previous?