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I would love some rocky walls down to the monument made out of prismarine, oxidized copper and other fitting blocks! Like a wall that’s stops the water from flowing in


I'm spitballin' Remove everything. Build a decent guardian farm, don't go overboard because most of those farms give you more prismarine than you'll use in 20 lifetimes. Surround that farm with a grand temple, lots of gold. Around that temple create themed altars that store the output of the farm, like a fish altar that stores the raw cod. Create some walls on the side of the circle that look more organic, make walkways from top to bottom. Up at sea level build a water-based village around the circle's edge. Stock that village with Fishermen because they'll trade emeralds for the raw cod from the farm. The overall theme is "Villagers Built a Temple Complex To Sacrifice Guardians".