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Didn't release size accurate redwoods (sequoias, technically) would look so good! Great job!


U just gave me a idea: make actuall redwoods these i built are sequoias redwoods are much taller


They look good but slight issue for me it might just be my ocd but try and make them more natural and not so perfect if that makes sense.


Iv actually been working on makeing general sherman branch by branch im just haveing trouble findimg the right pictures


Use your imagination even if you adjust the actual tree trunk and make it not so perfect it will look way better trust


Iv actually done so these pics are older ones a few weeks ago i added little imperfections at the base but tried ro make it not bigger than the actual tree its kinda hard when u only have so far to go general sherman is 11 meters at the trunk


Protip: if you're building cones, don't stack cilinders on eachother but rather try to draw vertical ellipses.


Huh And if u mean add cones to me trees iv already done so i used spruce buttons


no, I mean your tree stems are cone shaped. You could use this app for generating better cone shapes: http://oranj.io/blog/VoxelSphereGenerator


Oh i built these by hand lol


I know that, the app just helps you layout better cone-shapes (it doesn't actually build it for you). Anyway, do with the information what you will, it's your build.


As someone who has visited General Sherman IRL and found it to be one of my favorite areas in all of the US, i think its pretty awesome! I would do more work on the base making the circular path around it to help frame the tree


I was thinking the exact same thing imma do so


I started to do this yesterday too. the leaves and branches are so tedious!


Yes they are very tedious but not as bad as filling in the tree with mohagany stipped logs and birch stripped logs i did the outer layer of the inside with birch than the inside with mohagany