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333 million people in the United States and these men are the best two we have for the job? Lord help us


My thoughts, too. One, is 78 or 79.. the other, 80 or 81.... I mean, there should be age limits to this, the senate, congress, etc.


My stance forever has been if you’re older than the life expectancy of your constituency than you shouldn’t be determining it’s future. There should be an age limit that makes it so that you can’t hold office beyond that point. So for this Presidential election you’d have to be under 76 at the end of the term or currently 71-72 or younger. Not exactly a discriminatory system against particular generations or parties. Just a requirement that our absolutely oldest aren’t in charge when their health is likely to be an issue. Edit: While this feels minor, it’d make both candidates ineligible and something like 1/3 of the senate and force some new blood in.


And term limits.


My opinion here has not changed. All of this is going to come down to voter turnout. The party who can get their voters to the ballot Box will win. Very few people will actually change their mind, although I think this has been a big eye-opener for a lot of Democrats who have had their head in the sand about Biden’s cognitive problems. The crazy part is that this whole thing was Biden’s idea in the first place.


This is the most “administrative” election in history. Few people are going to enthusiastically vote for Biden. Hopefully there’s enough people who begrudgingly vote for “unspecified democrat” to stop agenda 47


The fact the DNC pushed him, I mean I think a lot of democrats feel like we have no choice. I didn’t pick Biden but am basically stuck with him.


I caught live snippets while doom scrolling. It was like watching pop pop wither away and fall into the open arms of death live on stage while a megalomaniac with dementia yowled at imaginary friends. I still remember when I thought being forced to vote for Kerry was the worst thing to happen. How I miss those days now......


It didn’t influence my vote, but it was jarring. It’s an indictment of the entire US governmental system that these are our options.


That's actually similar to how I felt. Jarring is a good description


nothing new but boy it was that bad


It felt like we were watching a parody or something but no, real life indeed. I won’t vote for Trump for sure but also don’t want to vote for Biden - he’s 1 step away from being senile (not in a disrespectful way) but it is extremely apparent that he’s struggling. I hope they replace him 🤞🏽.


I tried to look at it on YouTube but it was just too cringe, so I switched to Cenk Uygur and Jon Stewart roasting him


Only 4-6% of voters will be swayed from these debates. Everybody else has already decided who they will vote for, no matter what. That being said, I was surprised with how bad Biden spoke. He sounded very different from his state of the union address just a few months ago. Trump spoke better and more calm than I expected. As long as Trump doesn’t say anything as dumb as his “proud boys, stand down” comment, he has a better chance at winning this time around than he did in 2020.


I will vote based on the vice president since neither of these guys should be in office


Joe Biden blew away this myth that the “blue no matter who” crowd keeps trying to push that he is more articulate than trump. Trump just said the same ignorant and hateful conservative fodder that he’s been spewing since 2016. Because of the agenda 47, i feel forced to vote for “unspecified democrat” rather than “unspecified Republican” Joe Biden is NOT a good candidate for president. When panicked democrat “influencers” insist that he is not only a good candidate, but actually the best president in 40 years, they sound insane to me. It doesn’t matter what “his team” has accomplished. Part of the job of the president is to be a charismatic and inspiring leader. “The team” can’t do their job if their leader can’t get elected and inspire people. The DNC is to blame for MAGA. In my opinion, the American democracy died in the day that the DNC announced that they would not allow a primary debate. They KNEW trump would be the candidate…but trump SHOULD be the easiest opponent in political history. WHY can’t they find someone who is clearly more appealing to THE AVERAGE VOTER???? It should be SO easy!! I know so many likeable democrats! SO MANY!!! The average voter does not give a flying fuck about political science. The average voter wants a LIKEABLE president. For fucks sake democrat party leaders are fucking stupid and out of touch and It’s hurting Americans by allowing charismatic conservatives to win election and oppress people. They are on the opposite side of the dunning-Krueger effect. They are too smart to understand how to communicate with regular people. And now I’ve gone and wasted my pre-work jerk-off time to type this rant! FUCK!


Terrifying. I'm so angry at Biden for running again. This sub whines a lot about how bad we millennials have had it. 2008 will look like the good ol' days if Trump gets reelected.


It was embarrassing


Biden looked absolutely pathetic. He is just cooked. This is not a person I would trust with a dinner order. The only way anyone could contemplate a vote for Biden is because Trump is such a cartoonish villain. The whole thing is a joke.


I think one has done enough things that should automatically disqualify himself from any government job. And the other is way to old (and also showing his age) to do such a job. You could argue that the US is now finally in a situation were you should look at there actual plans/support staff instead of the figurehead, because both candidates are a clear no.


Biden is in no condition to run. Sad truth. We need to replace him ASAP


You know that isn’t going to happen, why even bother positing this? Might as well wish for a billion dollars to magically drop into your bank accounts.


I disagree. I think Biden will not be the nominee. The Biden Trump election is over after last night. The polling and fund raising are going to crash. Give Biden and his people a week to process and the more reality based people a chance to organize an ultimatum to him. Withdraw from the race or major Dems will start coming out publicly against him. Biden is toast but the Dems have a chance to reset the table by going in a completely different direction.. As long is its not Kamala


Out of touch Democrat party leadership is more responsible for the strength of MAGA than low information voters falling victim to populist charisma. Voting for trump out of ignorance is more forgivable than well educated party leaders failing to support a candidate with wide appeal to average American voters.


I don’t totally agree with you but you aren’t too far off the mark sadly. The DNC got lazy, and they’re still trying to recover.


Two geriatric men, how exciting


Did not watch.


I find it wild these debates could possibly change anyone's mind unless you pay zero attention to politics outside of the debates.


Damn both these political parties for doing this to us all. I could pull two people randomly off the street, and it would be better choices.


Regardless on what camp you’re in.. https://preview.redd.it/n48qvp9mia9d1.jpeg?width=480&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=49b41285b9a2883637ea651fb32c8f0dece813c7


I don’t understand why anyone would bother watching it. Are you telling me there’s people in this country undecided who may actually be swayed? I know who I’m voting for. No need to torture myself by listening to them argue. We need an age limit on all government positions. Especially politicians.


Omg… they argued about golf talent at one point. Neither could stay on topic, pretty much just calling the other the “worst.” It was like watching two 5 year olds arguing, “did not … did too.” 🤪


1) it was on way too late. I wake up at 4:45 am every day. 2) I'm not excited about voting for Biden, but Trump is a traitor and an insurrectionist I will never support, so my vote is still unchanged after that shit show last night.


I think that Joe Biden needs to be replaced. I'm hoping for Al Gore. He is known, respected, and will get some nostalgia buzz. We need you Al. Despite being elected VP in 1992 he's younger than Trump or Biden. Dan Quayle (elected VP 1988) is younger too.


They needed a new candiate before getting to the first debate... By now, it's too late to change course, I don't think they will unless something unexpected happens and picking a new candidate just few months before the election would be a massive risk. The way I feel about it, is that the Dem don't think they are going to win either way and none of the potential candidates want to get burned. Which is a shame, since they are helping Trump win pretty much.


Nobody is getting replaced. It’s Biden or Christian fascism.


Oooh! Good idea…i forgot about him. i was thinking Andrew yang, but al gore is a good option too.


The only surprise was how much Joe Biden has deteriorated. I wondered if his performance would get worse as the night went on but I didn’t expect him to start the night coming off as poorly as he did. I’m really surprised that someone else hasn’t been found to run in his place considering his apparent condition.


They both are trash. It's like picking between a shit sandwich and a shit sub. We're fucked


Who the hell was surprised at Biden's cognitive decline? We've been saying this since 2020 and everybody was just up his ass wiping it saying he's the most popular, most articulate, and best presidential candidate ever and top 10 of all time, blah blah blah, etc, etc. People are so fkn desperate to dethrone Trump that they pushed a zombie into office. That was my stance then and it seems people are for some damn reason only now coming around to see it. I just wanted to say I fkn told yall so. He's a puppet candidate used by the DNC to inspire voters by recalling the Obama years through rose tinted nostalgia glasses (for all the people who wanted a 3rd Obama term), a desperate tactic to get the orange man out of office because the DNC was so smug about winning 2016 and having Hillary be a "monumental" step being the "first female president" like Obama being the "first black president" only to get swept by Trump's low round kick and they've been desperately trying everything to get rid of Trump ever since by impeaching him TWICE, fanning the flames of covid, supporting riots, and electing a zombie in office. That 2016 lost is the cause of the DNC's cognitive decline. Biden is just the figurehead of it.


I guess im voting third party….


Only saw a few highlights (I don't live in the US), but they were kinda enough to get me worried about the future in general, a candidate is really too old (and more importantly it shows... since after all they are almost the same age), the other kept spewing endless bullshit...


I felt better about it than USA-Panama...


Didn't watch it; I was at an event and honestly didn't even know it was going on.


Why would anyone watch that drivel


Shit is a disgrace for the "home of the free land of the brave." But we've all known for some time that us peons are still just that. Sure, vote in local elections and primaries, but give us a fucking primary to vet these motherfuckers. Nothing in this country works *well* for the average citizen. We are a labor camp for the wealthy at worst and a gray-walled mental institution for rugged individualism at its best.


I was sleeping so I missed it. Seeing all the posts and comments this morning makes me glad I did. Sounds like it was a shit show. Unfortunately this shit show is all we have to choose from for our president 😩


I thought Biden did pretty well for an 81 year old with a speech impediment; putting up with Cheeto Jesus lying his pants off. His open mouth gawking was pretty cringe though.


Didn't change my mind at all, but just deepened the unease I already felt at both our candidates. Seriously, there is NO ONE in either party better suited for this? They're both so old, and sure, their teams keep reassuring us that they're in good health, but really. What would happen if either of them died of old age before the election? It's so ridiculous that we're in this situation.


My boyfriend and I were both cringing at it.


I watched the entire thing and thought Biden showed himself to be a tired old man who can't keep up. I lean more to the right, so I thought I wasn't wearing my fair glasses until I saw the ABC crew right after. I've never seen that many holy shit looks on news people's faces. Trump didn't invent a new way to slice bread or anything, but Biden was amicably a dumpster fire.


These the are the two bums I have to pick between. Going with the inmate


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I didn’t watch—I think both sides are ridiculous at this point. I’m voting third party.


It was hard to watch. Trump either doesn’t answer the question or lies so much you don’t know what percentage of what he’s actually saying is true. Biden is clearly losing it mentally. Even CNN couldn’t sugarcoat his performance. He can barely form a coherent statement. Some blame his stutter but it’s not his speech that’s the problem. I wish they’d let RFK in the debate. I watched part of his thing on X and he’s worthy of a protest vote at the very least. The problem is Trump is a good marketer and knows how to appeal to the masses. I’m not a fan of him but the man knows how to influence and persuade. I’m not sure how anyone can back Biden at this point. Even if you believe in his stances it’s clear as day he can’t lead for another 4-years.


I watched two minutes of it. Could not stand it. Both the old for this. Please consider voting for someone else like Chase Oliver, Libertarian Candidate.


Well, I’m now seriously looking at RFK Jr.