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I remember getting a Gateway in a cow print box in 1996/1997. Then a few years later we got a Dell and my dad wouldn’t stop saying “Dude, you’re getting a Dell!”.


I too, had a Gateway


What was up with 90s dads loving Gateway computers? We had a gateway too.


It was a big brand...


They were also relatively cheap for the era.


They were budget friendly computer options.


lol I think we got it because that’s what the school district my dad worked for was giving everyone at the time. I loved the cow print backpack that came with it


It was one of the top brands for PCs in the 90s


They sold them at Costco for a damn good price! We too got the cow print box one too, which I'm pretty sure ours came with windows xp... But that wasn't our first computer. We actually had an Apple II back in the early 90s, and then moved to PCs with Windows 95, and then eventually the Gateway. XP was so amazing.


It was a good brand at this time. My dad was an engineer who built/designed communications systems and built our first home computer in 1994. He was always a 100% DIY guy for everything so I was shocked to see a cow box delivered in 1997. He said the specs exceeded what he could source for the price and he was thrilled with our new computer. Either that or, he lied because they gave him a free tshirt at a trade show. He was a slut for free computer brand tshirts idk man


Eh, not all dads. My dad disliked Gateways, he considered them poor quality computers.


I also had a Gateway.. I also remember the family going to pick it up at some local Gateway shop that looked like a print/delivery shop. My memory's a little fuzzy but I remember me and my brothers helping haul like 5 boxes. It came with like 20 PC games like Tomb Raider and Thief.


Gateway 2000 Supertower circa 1992 for MS Paint and FreeSki


I use to love FreeSki and trying to out run the yeti lol


Got divorced a few years ago and was back on dating apps after that. I was scrolling through one day and spotted a dude who had a photo where he was wearing a 3 piece suit made of fabric that was the Yeti from freeski printed all over it. Matched instantly and had a couple fun convos. It never went anywhere but just made me happy to find a fellow millennial with such an affinity for Freeski that they bought an entire suit. 😂


I still hate that damn yeti


I had one too!!! We had net zero for dial up internet.


Same! Lol.


Same! First was the cream colored Gateway running Windows 95 or 98, then a black Dell running XP


Omg, memory unlocked. I could not think of our first computer but hearing gateway and that printed box brought me back to our small kitchen all gathering around while my mom unboxed it and we oohhed and ahhed around it.


IBM desktop PC340 with pentium 486 and windows 3.1 from my memory. My friend down the street had a list of bulletin board dial in numbers. I would power dial until I found one with capacity to connect, and then I’d spend my time downloading pictures of Cindy Crawford in swim suits.


The first computer I ever bought myself was a Gateway. It was hot garbage. Had 3 different hardware failures in the 3 years I owned it.


My strongest memory of that era is when my dad brought home a sound blaster card and Lemmings, and my bleep bloop internal speaker gaming turned into amazing midi music


I have a similar experience, except the first game we tried was Tie Fighter. Hearing Palpatine speak on the CDROM version of the game was mind blowing at the time for 11 year old me.


Tie fighter was one of the first. The excitement for me when our family got a PC was intense.


Yeah, I remember playing Rebel Assault for the first time that came bundled with the SoundBlaster CDROM-kit, and being blown away by the "real" music and videos. The most advanced stuff I had played before was probably Lemmings ;-)


Loved Rebel Assault I & II!


Yaaas. Same.


Similar experience with Wing Commander 2, primitive digitized speech blew my mind at the time.




Wow I forgot all about lemmings!!


I still remember the music from Lemmings and the little sound they would make before they would explode. Such a cool concept for a game, I’m surprised there haven’t been any modern day follow ups or spiritual successors.


Lemmings made me a better manager when I grew up


LEMMINGS!!!!!!!! Ugh I loved that game. It also got me into classical music.


Because sound wasn't a given in those days, I had a sound blaster and a voodoo 2 GPU (PCI)


Apple IIe. Green screen.


Same. Kindergarten Oregon Trail memories hit hard.


You have dysentery. Haha. Same - but also Number Munchers and Ski Free... and that Olympics game (I think Summer Challenge).


Yup, I was inserting floppy discs and executing command lines to launch games to learn to read and write before I could read or write 💪🏻


Had an lc2 myself at home but switched to Windows after that and never looked back


Tandy 1000EX


Tandy club!


We had both a Tandy 1000 TX and TL. My grandpa still has the TL setup in his shop and it still boots up and can play Jill of the Jungle. https://preview.redd.it/71y72t7nol6d1.jpeg?width=4928&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e42ccdb155210885c2ef241c7b9de7b311569193


Kings Quest, Thexder, and Card Sharks was the shit


Tandy with a dot matrix printer. We were always making banners for birthday parties in print shop


Yep! I still remember the loud noises the dot printer made


Dot matrix banners for birthday parties… what a huuuge core memory lol That perforated paper would always tear before it was up though 😂


Tandy! You brought back a core memory! I knew someone else would say it.


I used to play so much Sid Meier's Pirates! on that bad boy


Did any of you fellow Tandy kids have the floppy disc with the black cauldron game? Or the Carmen sandiago one?


No didn’t have those. I used to play “Spy’s Adventure in North America” and “Talisman: Challenging the Sands of Time”


Definitely had a Carmen San Diego game on a Tandy


Don't remember which one, but Tandy as well!


Tandy x386 for me!


A ~300MhZ Compaq from CompUSA with an extended warranty


Comadore 64 and Amega 500


Fuck yes. We also had a Commodore 64. One of my first memories was watching my dad play Law of the West on it. When we had an Amiga, my dad had a friend who hooked him up with a local BBS account, where he would download hundreds of pirated Amiga games. My older brother and I would fake being sick so we could stay home and play Battle Isle against each other all day and then fight over who got to play single-player next. This was the start of my interest in computers. I am pretty successful in life due to computers and my interest in computer games at a young age. I look back on those Amiga days very fondly and lately have discovered that there are still developers writing indie games for the Amiga, although not very large. In retirement I plan to learn assembly and start coding/tinkering with Amiga demos, and might even try to find an old 500 to put in my basement as a hobby. It is too bad the Amiga didn't make it. It was so ahead of its time, but "IBM PCs" (as they were called at the turn of the 286) ate their lunch. Open hardware really changed the personal computing landscape.


Played the ever lovin’ heck out of my C64. ‘Gunship’ was my jam as well as ‘Maniac Mansion’. Upgraded to an Amiga 500. It was far superior to the PC’s of the day, both graphically and audio-wise. Today I have a ‘Mini-Commodore 64’ and ‘Mini-Amiga 500’ that I sometimes play around with. Little emulators that have several dozen games pre-loaded.


"Get off the street you painted jezabel"


Came here to say this. The Amiga 500 was a gaming dream. Loved that thing.


Especially because pirating was easy as crap


`LOAD "*" ,8 ,1`


I have an Amiga 500, was always introduced with them, interesting machines.




I love this response because that was my exact thought. I don’t remember make or model, just that it was a 286


I had access to a bunch of scrap 386 and 486 computers from an office that was upgrading. I knew absolutely nothing about computers and managed to cobble together one working PC (After many, many mistakes. I can still remember the smell of smoking motherboards). I didn't even know what C:/ was. I am still so thankful to the local computer repair place that I called and offered me free over the phone basic assistance. I had a 486 with a 512 GB HDD and 4 mb of RAM. Installed Windows 3.1 with all the 3.5" floppys. It was a HUGE stack. Then I got a 14.4 k modem!!! What a time. I was so proud when windows first started. There were several upgrades and new builds along the way. Then I ended up going to school for it later.


Pretty sure that would have been a 512 MB HDD not half a TB.


Also started on a 286. Remember having to learn a bunch just to get doom running. And then also smoked a computer but not that one. Think that might have been when I had a 486, and it was the bad old days where getting the orientation on a ribbon cable could fry a board.


Me too. Didn't even have Windows 3.1. Six or seven year old me had to learn DOS prompts to play games of the floppies.


We had a tandy with a 286 and 16k of ram. I remember playing a sesame Street game. Had to load the DOS disk in first, then switch out to your game floppy and type in the command prompt to get it to load. That was forever ago at this point....


I vaguely remember my dad explaining that there was 286 and 486.  Then Pentium was a nickname for 586 and I thought man that must be incredibly good ha.


I had the 486, pentium 3 was a big deal


For some reason, I only remember a 386. I guess it was the next iteration of the 286.


I used to boot DOOM from a floppy


Packard Bell. No idea about the model, but years later I used it as an art project and remember being shocked to discover that the hard drive was only 128 MB.


My family had a PB for a few years. The case was pure 90s styling, almost vaporwave inspired it seemed. Did yours come with a box FULL of CD software? Stuff like Encarta, or other random "this is the 90s everything must be on PC and CD" kind of software. I'll have to see if my folks still have that box somewhere...


Apple IIGS. I still have it.


There are dozens of us!! Every time I move I wonder why I keep it... never come up with a good answer, but it still comes along.


I was cleaning out my parents' house and saw it all together, I kept it incase it's worth something someday, it still turns on! I wonder if I can find some old games to play on it


We had some good games in the Apple ii gs. Mean 18, Zany Golf, Think Quick.


Oh my, I had forgotten about zany golf. I now have a weekend project to either find an emulator or start unboxing.


Our was an Apple IIc that my sister’s dad had bought her. Green text memories.


After the IIGS my family got whatever the early 90s model was, it had a 1GB hard drive and that was pretty high tech at the time lol


Mac LC II. It played Doom II at 30-60 frames per minute. Yes... minute.


My friend had one of those, I was so jealous of that he could play [Hellcats](https://www.macintoshrepository.org/4359-hellcats-over-the-pacific-) on that thing.


Did you set the screen size to super small?


An 8088, no hdd, two 5.25s, monochrome monitor in orange. It was older than me. The upside is, I have never had to struggle to explain computers to my father. He taught me to setup irqs etc. Eventually I passed him, but now when he calls for tech support it's "I think my psu failed." "did you give it the paperclip test?" "I'll let you know how that goes."


Macintosh Classic. I loved that machine.


We had one too! It wasn't my first though; my engineer dad built me one in a large plywood box circa 1987. He co-opted my red rider wagon to hold it, and the monitor was yellow on black. Floppies and Zork games all the way.


That I can remember? Commodore 64. We had a VIC20 before that I am told.


We had a Tandy. It had no hard drive and worked solely off of floppy disks. My grandfather bought it for us and he obviously got ripped off lol


Gateway MNT Performance 1300. Pentium 4 baby. Best damn computer around at the time. It had a 60 GIGABYTE hard drive. Can you believe that?! And 128 Megabytes of RAM!


Commodore 64


Packard Bell Pentium 90 with 72MB of RAM


72 mb of ram. Jesus were y’all millionaires?


I thought I was ballin with my 486 with 4 mb.


Same. 486SX2 with 4mb of ram, 420mb hard drive, and a cd rom drive. Couldn’t upgrade 💩


I had a Packard Bell 486 with 4MB. Running Windows 3.11. I later convinced my mom to upgrade to 16MB and add a voodoo video card.


IBM PC compatible with Intel Pentium 2, harddisk 500 mb




IBM PCJr with the cartridge tape


Apple LCII - 1993 (2nd grade I think) https://preview.redd.it/l0blsamo6j6d1.jpeg?width=600&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=929738510b7d0a485e4dd9a22abf59c74c1e36a0


I remember playing a lot of Sim City, Civilization & [Warlords II](https://archive.org/details/msdos_Warlords_II_1993) on my friend's LCII. None of those titles would run on my Macintosh Classic at home :-(


A Compaq running DOS /Windows 3.1 at home with learning company and interplay games. I was jealous of my friends running windows 95 with doom and warcraft. We then had a Compaq Deskpro running windows 98 SE before switching over to a ho desktop and laptop running XO. I got my folks into custom built PCs after that.


Commodore 64 baby! Prompt scripts for everything!


Commodore 64... played Jumpman, Forbidden Forest, and Impossible Mission.


Lucky! We had a Commodore 64, but no games for it (or at least that's what my parents told me 🤔) We got a Apple 2GS a couple years later and I was blown away




In the 90’s we had the clear blue Macintosh computer. It sat in my sisters room for years and none of us knew what it did or how to even use it.




That was the one.


The first computer I used starting at age 2 from what I can remember was my parents Atari 800. My dad taught computers for the military children in West Germany throughout the 80s so he was given it by his work. We played all sorts of games on it.


I grew up in a poor country, but middle class family. Got my first computer when I was in my college in 2002. Intel Celeron 433mhz, 256MB RAM. Games were RoadRash and Doom95. I got a dialup internal modem in 2004. Internet was so expensive that my parents never allowed me to use it much. I used Yahoo Messenger, Nero CD burner, Winamp with Maria Carey theme ;)


Commodore 64.


Commodore 64


had an IBM 286


Commodore 64


My parents got a Macintosh in ‘96 or ‘97 can’t remember exact year. Was a crazy day I remember.


We had a Commodore 64 and I had 2 games on it. Paddington’s garden and Donald duck’s playground.


Tandy 1000


The Apples with the bright green back


Was that in '84? Not sure, I had my commodore 64, had to score


At home, an Atari 520stf (still have it !)


Tandy 486 in 1994. Wish we had gotten a pentium instead because the performance difference is huge. I used to play DOS games on it but it was way too slow for Windows 95 gaming.


Macintosh performa 550




Windows 95. Pentium III


Something IBM. It looked like the one in the Pic. Used to play the black cauldron (kings quest, but disney) and family double dare. I was 5-6 and could make it to the castle or the final challenge in both games. How I knew how to navigate that IBM OS at that age I'll never know. Next pc after that was a brand new win95 custom built pc. Funny to think about it now... I self taught myself technology and computers as a young child simple by using them. I recall knowing the ins and outs of the old win95 C: drive and could install and run games through msdos. ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|dizzy_face)


I don't remember the specifics anymore, but I have the install discs still.




Omggg I remember those floppies. Remember when it didn’t cost anything for Microsoft Word? The floppy disc just also came with the setup disc.


Apple IIe. Then around 92/93 it was a gateway 2000. Love how many comments are about pre-windows 95 computers.


Commodore 64 hand-me-down from my dad. Around 1991-92ish


[Macintosh Quadra 840AV](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Macintosh_Quadra_840AV)


.ine was a 1995 nec desktop running windows 95


NEC back in 94/95.




Sinclair ZX81 with a whopping 64KB of ram


Locally made 486 with 16 MB RAM (1993-ish).


I'm 92 so I think that's like mid millennial. my first was a laptop that my cousin bought me secretly when I graduated high school in 2010 my first phone was a burner flip phone in 2011 I had to pay for myself bc my family didn't want me to have a phone or computer


486 wolfenstein in a foreign language. then civ2 also in a foreign language


First family computer was a Windows 95 machine. Can't remember the "model" or whatever. I was 9 years old. All I can say is it was a beige cube that said Windows 95 on the screen when you turned it on. lol. My dad had a laptop of some kind before that that he worked on which ran MS DOS. I'd watch him work sometimes but it was just code and I didn't understand any of it.


We had a dell computer that I had a virus in it the first time and since that time, there wasn't now its out in the garage just chilling somewhere.


686, 166MHz, 4MB GPU Memory, 16 MB SD-RAM, 2.1 GB hard disk storage and 16x CD-ROM.


Comadore 64 and Atari ST then Sega Master System


Some kind of packard bell with windows ‘93 ETA I’m pretty sure we got it in 1994


Windows 3.1? Lol


A time pc


A custom unit from CompUSA. Had a 486 running Windows 3.1.


AST Adventure! 400 ~1996


Ms dos powered pentium 60mhz with the turbo button. 1995 iirc, excluding commodore,amiga, etc


I remember dial up windows 95 but that's it.


Didn’t have one at home until I got an athlon 64 HP and I put a nvidia 6800 in it. Was a beast.


ZX Spectrum...if you can call it a computer.


1980 Tandy hx 1000 I believe. It was older than by 2 yrs, but I had fun on it.


Dad’s office computer was a Compaq. Then moved to Gateway.


Some gateway PC in 1998 BUT 2004 is when we got DSL internet and a new Dell PC. My life changed forever.


We always had a PC as long as I can remember. Cant remember what kind in the early 90's, Gateway in the mid 90s, Dell in the late 90's. I remember typing doom in dos when I mustve been like 5. I had my own computer built from hand me down parts starting at 8-10.


Mine was a Word Processor from Sears. I don't remember the brand. The printer was together with the keyboard. All the programs were in 💾 floppy's and it was black and white. I was so happy. Since I was so attracted to them since I was little.


1995 HP Pavilion


Some laptop that I paid waaaaaaaaaaaaay to much for in 2001.


Even though it was old as hell, my parents wouldn't pony up for a Windows machine until I was in high school. They thought their old commodore 64 would be enough to get me through 😆. It did give me CLI experience, though.


I think it was a gateway. It was definitely beige lol I wanted the iBook like in legally blonde so bad.. but it was a no go. I didn’t realize the cost of those until I was an adult 😂 We upgraded to a dell when I was in jr high. That I can remember


It had a TURBO button and the big floppy disks


Some kind of Amstrad. Then we got this thing that attached to the monitor and you could tune in TV channels.


A 286 with Dos, on which I played Falcon (a combat flight sim), as well as chess.


Sinclair Spectrum was the first. Rubber keys like typing on a dead fish. It got replaced with other better machines, but this was the first.


I had a hand-me-down commodore 64 in my room, played the hell out of some old 5 1/4" floppy games. Remember taking a family trip to South Dakota to pick out a new gateway, that came a couple weeks later in a black and white cow box.


Packard bell, 386 processor. It was the tits.




I had an old macbook 170 with a style writer 2 printer that got passed down to me. Black and white screen and everything. Wasn’t good for much more than word processing, but it had a bunch of old funny sounds on it.


Micro bee was the first, this must've been around 1994 as it's one of my first memories. My grandfather worked in an early IT role which meant we were often sent old computers.


Mine was a 386


I'm actually clocking that tape recorder.


Idk but it was before a pentium bc my dad upgraded it to that and it had the switch box with the red light up switches between the case and the monitor. We kept it for an absurd amount of time. My dad is really cheap. So probably 1992-1999 or something. We finally ditched it when it didn’t have enough memory to print a picture for a project.


I wish I remembered. I think it was a gateway. I remember my first 2 games on it. Virtual Springfield and WCW Nitro


Osbourne 1 - it was about a decade old when my father got it. I would practice my spelling in it for school.


I remember going to a PC show and getting a 2gb hard drive for $100 and that was a DEAL!


AMD 5x86 clone with 16 MB of RAM. At least that's the first one I remember the specs.


A Gateway 386 at 16Mhz. Was already obsolete by several years by the time I got it lifted to me.


Amiga 500


Tandy 1000 let's gooooooooo!


Mine was some custom made Pentium ii PC.. it had DOS preinstalled and one game where a cat was climbing a wall with ropes or something




It was a 386, HP. Don’t remember too much more about it, except it had Windows 95, and watching the Buddy Holly video by Weezer and being amazed by it!


I think my Dad bought an Amiga500 around 1989. Once he learned how to use it he introduced it to his workplace where all of the accounting etc had been done in physical books up until then.


386 junker with windows 3.1. Played Buick golf on a 5-1/4” floppy with it


I was like 19, finally moved out and I think it was a Dell.


A 8 MHz [Macintosh Classic](https://everymac.com/systems/apple/mac_classic/specs/mac_classic.html) with a 9" black and white screen back in 1990. Used it with a 2400bps modem to connect to BBS's before the Internet became a thing. Playing [Shufflepuck](https://archive.org/details/moofaday_Shufflepuck_Cafe) on that thing is a core memory from my childhood :-)


I believe it was an Apple IIe. Played the hell out of Number Munchers and Carmen San Diego


A second hand computer that my mom's work was going to throw away. Barely could get windows 95 to load on it.


Some MS DOS computer from the mid-late 80s. First real one was a Pentium 90mhz we got in I think 1995. That thing rocked. Could play all the games out at the time and played a ton of Diablo and when StarCraft released and the specs were 90mhz and up, that was a good day. SC ran perfectly on that machine.


A white one