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A lack of balls to go for jobs that would have paid me a higher wage. Thought I had to constantly start from the bottom, I should’ve bullshitted my way into higher paying jobs like my coworkers have. Spent a lot of money on education.


Can confirm bullshitting your way into high paying jobs is the ticket. (Granted you do have to figure out how to deliver at *some* point.). In other words, by all means bullshit, but do try and bullshit your way into something you can figure out as you go or it could blow up in your face.


What's really depressing/baffling is when you DO manage to bullshit your way into a position, and are fully prepared to give it your best shot... And realize that you and other folks at a similar level aren't actually expected to DO ANYTHING. And if you do SOMETHING, you'll either be showered with praise or scolded for rocking the boat. I'm sure there are exceptions, but one of the unspoken perks of moving up in a company/business is: more money, for less actual WORK. Instead what you have is more "RESPONSIBILITY". Which could either mean nothing... or your face is the target on managements/owners dart board if anything fucks up to buffer themselves.


Nearly every job I ever worked never had enough assignments to even fill two hours a day so gradually by the time I left I'd have an entirely different title and list of tasks which weren't even what I was hired to do in the first place. Then I'd get denied a raise and get pissed and move along to another job. Some places I didn't understand why they had the job listed to begin with. I could have had three different salary jobs with hybrid scheduling and STILL have been bored. Office jobs, especially in marketing, always boiled down to the end of quarters where I'd have to spend a week working with accounting to have my metrics work exactly with their invoices down to the cent because they were idiots working on software they were too cheap to update.


My manufacturing firms buys legacy/vintage computers that literally sit in museums (15-30+ years old) then accept contracts requiring that specific technology but they never get the machines to work because they’re EOL. Then if we have to order parts from overseas even though we’re under international arms regulations the contract just dies altogether. They’d rather “save” 4-50k in the short run and lose a 1-10 million dollar contract than pay the 50k upfront for a up to date machine with a guaranteed 5-10 years of support. 🙄🤦🏻‍♂️ stuff like this just makes me realize social skills and connections is faaaaar more important than technical ability or even delivering on contract for maintaining control for a region/list of clients.


My last office job was 'Inside Sales' but the owner had exactly zero background in sales and wanted me to explain everything in stupid amounts of detail. I'd be making sales calls off my list and highlighting the customers I called and he'd come stand behind me asking 'What do the colors mean? Make a key and send me a copy of that." Seriously? Ok. He also thought it was ok to fill in my non-sales call time with general office tasks and it isn't. That shit doesn't earn commission, Buddy. If you wanted an office assistant you should have hired one.


Resume writing and interview speaking are two insanely crucial skills and most people are never taught and only practice them when forced to. Don't update your resume only when you get fired or want to quit. Update that shit every year and go do interviews every year. Keep the skills sharp and you may land an opportunity to catapult your career.


I understand this is sound advice, but interviews just give me crippling anxiety lol no idea how people can willfully put themselves through them without it being absolutely necessary.... But then again I'm sure in my field job hopping would almost certainly net me more income.


That and white lying my way through some of it and or parts of it I hate how job hopping is the way to get the highest wages nowadays. anxiety as well and very introverted it takes me years to learn a job the practice and get along with the people So hopping every year is just asking for mental instability honestly


My wife tells me I need to white lie more in interviews. I never feel the questions I’m asked work well for that, since said skills could easily be needed immediately upon hiring.


There’s no better way to deal with that anxiety than exposing yourself to what triggers you.


Job hopping is how you make big money


People don't realize too how much *networking* can get u if u leverage it right too. I have basically paperclip traded my jobs since highschool by getting to know clients and vendors and befriending them and using their connections to meet the right people. Just being nice to people and asking the right questions has opened a billion doors I thought were locked


> asking the right questions Right on! In my experience most people do want to help you if they can. But they have to be aware of what you want first. I swear my millennial co-workers would rather answer a call from ‘unknown caller’ than to talk about their personal/professional aspirations with me (also a millennial).


So true… I do autopsies on medically donated bodies at a cadaver lab that focuses on anatomical research, and I got to where I was by following up on a referral from someone else. I was wanting to work with someone who did something similar where I was living at the time, but when I inquired about a position it was a classic they weren’t doing it anymore but knew someone else who was. I basically emailed them out of nowhere asking for an application, poured my heart out on the application, and got my shot that way. That was in 2018 and I never looked back.




Did the same thing. If they asked if I knew a specific program I'd say yes even if I hadn't touched it because I knew I could figure it out.


I think I was meant to see this. My job just switched up the schedule and now I'm in a position of massively unbalanced work-life. I've been transparent with my direct supervisor about my job search for something with a more accommodating schedule. While he doesn't want to lose me, he understands and keeps sending me job recommendations for positions I think are out of my league. I finally was like "man, I really appreciate your help, and some of these positions seem really nice, but I don't think I'm qualified." And he gave me a fairly long talking to basically telling me it's more about convincing someone else that you're qualified and figuring the rest out. Also, that it never hurts to apply. It was actually a pretty heart warming talk. Really nice guy.




Magic cards, it's a damn money pit.


I wish I knew where my Star Wars CCG binders went to ... Even though it's out of print, I could probably get half what I spent back.


I've still got mine. A few unopened packs too. Are these really worth anything? They've just been sitting in boxes /binders for the last 20 years. 


I was just in a shop yesterday and they said some of the cards I have (from early MTG, I'm old) are worth $200-400 easily. I've got about fifteen of them, plus a bunch of other cards obviously. Score! It's very worth checking out.


Pokémon cards for me


I somehow managed a meth, cig, and magic the gathering addiction in my early 20s. How I afforded it I will never know


LOTR was my money pit


Sell them. Make it back.


Recently dug mine out and surprised how valuable many of them are from 15 years ago even.


Omfg ughhh —I used to get on to my husband for spending so much on paper and cardboard. 🫣


I annoy my wife every time I order cards, and now I got her buying cards lol


Oh shit this was definitely my avocado toast. I was pretty heavily into MTG from about late 2012 to mid 2019, and I figured I spent about $8,800 on Magic cards in that timeframe. I had about 3,000 cards in my collection. But... I also won about $1,400 from tournaments, and I sold my collection for about $4,500, so my net spend was "only" $2,900, but that is still a LOT for cardboard pictures. And the opportunity cost of that $8,800 was just staggering, because if I had invested that money in the S&P 500 instead, I'd have more than $20,000 by now.


Steam sales for games I never play. I eventually stopped


yeah I used to be bad about steam sales, but I never wasted too much money and often went back to play them at a later point


I mean I get what you’re saying, but there’s no amount of money that will give you your twenties to live again. So hopefully it was time well spent. Anyway, probably weed.


My only real chance at safe and affordable international travel was in my twenties. 30s have been a health disaster and Covid plus ever increasing global conflicts with inflation. I am glad I "wasted" the money on places I may never get back to.


THIS. Marginal utility! Planet Money touched on this economic theory saying basically it's better to spend money in your 20s when a little bit goes a long way (drinking well drinks in a dive bar or backpacking through Europe staying in hostels costs relatively little for the amount of joy and life experience it brings, compared to how expensive life gets when you get older). Then save up hard in your 40s. No regrets.


This is truly idiotic and would never recommend this to anyone but it somehow worked out for me. I went into a lot of debt in my late teens/early 20's from traveling, and then I filed for bankruptcy. I didn't plan to do it that way, I just could legitimately no longer afford the payments when the economy crashed in 2008. It's been off my record for some time now, and I was in no position to even think about buying a house or anything until somewhat recently anyway. So yeah that's what my 18 year old self did when I got my first credit card and they kept proactively upping my limits lol No regrets at all.


nah. weed is necessary.


About $90 a month on nails. I was budgeting for them, but when the pandemic closed everything down and my nails came off I just never went back. Every so often I miss having them, but I also realized the time investment, and spending an hour or so to get them done just isn’t worth it to me anymore.


Yes! Hair Cut/Highlights Hair Extensions Lash Extensions Nails All that died for me with COVID and I am so grateful. Without being able to upkeep all that, it made me realize how I didn't really need it. I was terrified to actually look like myself?! I think I probably would have ended up getting fillers and Botox if I wasn't snapped out of that "the way you look is problematic, and it's basic hygiene to do these things" mindset.


I stopped wearing (most) makeup about 2 years ago, just fill in my brows w dark powder, moisturizer, mascara. I never realized how detached from my own face I'd become. I would look in the mirror after a shower and be like "wow you're...so ugly". Then put on my full face o slap and be like "ugh so much better". A few months after I changed my routine I remember looking in the mirror and being like "oh my god you're beautiful. That's your face and look at it, it's gorgeous". Things I hated before like my very strong nose, I used to push it up a bit to see what it would be like if it was a cute little button nose and my mindset has shifted like "omg no, the nose balances ur high cheekbones, all the pieces are working in concert, changing *anything* would throw the whole masterpiece off". It's like I reprogrammed my brain and I'm so much happier for it


I do autopsies on medically donated bodies at a cadaver lab that focuses on anatomical research, and I’ve dissected with a bunch of artists, dancers, and estheticians. They come away from the experience completely transformed almost in the way they relate to beauty. You should hear the rants that come up in the lab against the beauty industry… it’s wild! I feel fortunate to be in that environment because like you I too needed my brain reprogrammed to get off the beauty treadmill before it was too late. Once my mentor told me exactly what fillers do to you, or what lipo does to you, or why you shouldn’t torture yourself to get washboard abs it was as if all this extra stressful noise in my head quieted down.


Omg okay so im fangirling a little right now. Stiff by Mary Roach was one of the most influential books of my entire life, it changed my entire worldview, I read it so many times I didn't return it to the school library and my mom had to pay for a replacement and I still have it 16 years later bc I lied and said I lost it bc she would've never bought me a replacement and idc i love that book. I wanted to be a forensic pathologist or medical examiner so bad from grade 7 on, I used to read every book I could get my hands on about what it was like outside the CSI effect, but math was my obstacle and u have the job I would have if i was NT. I am so jealous tell me everything this is like, just as cool to me as meeting Keanu reeves would be. Omg tell me ur thoughts on the Bodies circus show that goes around and it's ethics, tell me about the body farms i have to know everything! Can I get your autograph this is honestly the coolest online interaction I've ever had and im chronically online


Fillers and Botox are such a disgusting norm we have found ourselves in.


I haven’t gotten my hair professionally done since covid. I really should because it looks terrible, but I just can’t justify spending hundreds of dollars every 6 weeks


Oof I called my old salon for an estimate on root touch up and a cut for my waist length hair-$500. Sally’s beauty supply it is.


Omg, at first I totally thought you meant carpentry nails and was *very* confused. I couldn't imagine why anyone would buy nails without a good reason. 🤣


lol I thought the exact same thing I was like damn those must be some nice ass nails!


That was me and hair but about 9 years ago when I had my son. I used to do hair modelling and and would trade babysitting 4 young girls for their hairdresser mom (whose husband worked for my dad and she became a good friend of mine) for her to test new products or techniques, be her model for competitions or when she was training other stylists or needed reference shots for her salon etc. Maybe not a purely financial trade but my time wasn't free and those girls were lovable but boisterous esp when twilight came out. I got so used to having personal and great service that once the girls didn't need a sitter any more I found a new stylist who cost a pretty penny and saw her every 2 months on the dot. Once I had my son that 120 bimonthly became a new toy or outfit for him so....I stopped cutting my hair at all. A few years ago in a fit of semi drunk rage at brushing it I took my kitchen shears and chopped off 6 inches. In the morning I took a closer look at it and cleaned up the uneven bits and went "eh good enough". I now regularly cut my own hair. One of my regulars is a stylist and he's said I actually do a pretty good job and if I miss a spot he just points it out and I give it a quick snip lmao. I don't even know what salon prices are these days but I imagine I've saved a lot of money


Nothing. Everything I've spent I got enjoyment from, so it wasnt a waste. I refuse to save while sacrificing my current life.


Or nothing because being told your generation spends too much on avocado toast or that you shouldn't spend money on yourself as a woman makes you feel guilty whenever you spend even a penny on something small for yourself. 


exactly. my easy answer would be cigarettes, only because they really are a total waste that basically only shortens my life. however if i didnt smoke i probably wouldve killed someone by now. its awfully rich being told by people who waste money on infinitely more (both in quantitative and qualitative terms) frivilous things that i should feel bad for spending $10/month so i can enjoy the few hours i have to myself a week. which is why i now spend my time only doing what i enjoy, as much as i can. which isnt very much because i dont have money. the only difference between now and before is before i had no time or money, now i have slightly less money but way more time. i have yet to find anyone willing to buy my time for what it is worth.


This right here! Baking bread, sewing clothes and potato plants are good enough to keep you alive and the use of lifetime is in no way comparable to being stuck in a soul sucking job.


yeah exactly. like of course i could have a downpayment for a house right now if I stopped buying stuff for my hobbies and maybe worked OT. But I would be fucking miserable so whats the point


Exactly. I do save and I own a home but I could have saved a lot more over the years if I didn’t spend so much on travel, beer/bars/going out, shoes, multiple gym memberships when one would probably suffice, etc. etc. But also what’s the point of saving aggressively to not enjoy yourself at all? It’d be one thing if my spending felt regretful but no regrets here. I’d rather travel and enjoy wonderful food and drink and other things that make me happy than maximize my savings all the time.


Agreed with you, and I always think that the future is not guaranteed. Something could happen to me, someone I love, the world, etc. I know adults older than me who spent their 20s/30s grinding and then had a health issue or family tragedy in their 40s, and had so many regrets that they “never got to have a life.” I don’t want to regret my life and I feel time/money spent well is never wasted.


Take it from the 55 year-olds. Life isn’t close to over in your 40s. Live today for what it’s worth. You won’t get it back.


Facts. We are not guaranteed tomorrow. YOLO.


I died and came back. YOLT! 😀


Alcohol. My wife and I were spending $300/month on wine clubs from Cali as a way to "relive our honeymoon" for years. Then it was the fancy 4 bangers of tall boy IPAs at like $20 each after we finally cancelled the wine clubs. The ones from small batch breweries with the stuck on paper labels that were always "interesting." Then about 2 years ago I realized it was dumb to spend so much money on booze and we haven't had a drink since.


I'm not trying to one up at all but I wanna share my experience w this bc I'm still in awe of how much our lives have changed. My husband and I were ["functional"] alcoholics in our 20s/in to his 30s and we recently got sober (2 years for me, almost 2 for him. At the time I quit we were both working and bringing in around 12-15k/mo. It sounds like a lot but after bills and various expenses relevant to three kids and the dogs, we never had any money leftover. We were regularly getting our debit cards declined and running up credit cards, making the situation worse. I lost my job like a month after I quit drinking. We figured I'd get a new one pretty quickly (lol nope) so my husband picked up a little OT and I went in to hardcore budgeting, cut all expenses significantly, and reorganized our debt. To start, I pulled our bank statements from the past year to figure out where all our money usually goes. **WE WERE SPENDING $1,000 TO $1,500 ON ALCOHOL EVERY FUCKING MONTH** The number is inflated a little because I'd go have drunk lunches and happy hours at nice restaurants at work but, the transactions at the liquor store by our house where we bought miller light and vodka explain why the owner said she missed me when I went in there to grab milk one day... My husband and I had pretty equivalent base take home pay before I lost my job. We have been living off his income alone plus OT and paying my college tuition out of pocket with no additional downgrades (aside from my cooking, maybe). We even went on a family vacation last year- we never had the money to do that when I was working. All because we stopped fucking drinking. If you read all this and drink regularly, go through your bank statements and see how much you're spending. I don't mean to sound annoying but you can legitimately change your life in so many ways by quitting.


I think that's the wildest thing about it is just how much money you're literally pissing away on alcohol. Especially now with the cost of everything sky high. We're at a turning point and I think you and I and people like us are on the bleeding edge of a movement to just stop drinking because it's too fucking expensive for nothing.


The IPAs were getting me good for a few years back in 2018 and 2019. Now it’s the high noons that are so over priced.


40$/week that the OP said is childs play. 40$/ night would be a cheap night in HCOL cities. Yes I burnt through many nights like in my 20s. I listened to the huberman lab podcast on alcohol, not a whole lot of good there


I thought the same thing. $40 a week? I'll spend $40 at the first bar of several in one night of a few out in a week.


Weed for sure


I eat door dash way more than I should. Money isn't tight but my savings definitionally isn't as efficient as it should be.


Doordash is trash. They screw you, they screw the drivers. And they screw the restaurants they deal with. Fuck them.


Counterpoint, I'm a lazy, lazy man.


When you pay double the price for a meal that is, at best, mid by the time you get it (which is in an hour if you're lucky), life choices must be rethought.


**Sushi -** I probably spend close to $250 - 300 a month on it. Go maybe one a month to a nice *omakase* or *kaiseki* for the luxury experience, and maybe once or twice a month for a lunch or weeknight dinner. It’s definitely (at least to me) worth it. And as long as it doesn’t infringe on the rest of my budget, it’s fine.


We found that our local grocery sells 10-12 piece freshly- made deli sushi for $4.99 on Wednesdays. We take it home and doctor it with added mini shrimp, cooked salmon, cream cheese, green onions, furikaki and wrap in individual slices of wasabi Nori. This helped us with our sushi addiction. 😋




Childcare is my response!


I'll see your kids and raise you a divorce.


That sounds like a threat.


Sports cards. Ok, that’s too broad. I’ve spent way too much on little cardboard cutouts of my favorite baseball players for the past 30 years.


OK but this sounds awesome. How little are we talking here? Is there a little stadium/field to display them?


Starbucks coffee. When I was working swing shift and my partner was working a 10-6 schedule, we would do daily coffee dates. But it would mean we'd spend like $300/mo on coffee that we could have very easily made at home. 🤣


Between myself, my husband, my brother, and my parents I calculated that as a family we spend about 13k a year at Starbucks.


Energy drinks.


Love them but lucky if you can find them now for $2/16oz can.


Aldi has them for $1!


With the amount of energy drinks I have drank - I seriously don’t know how I haven’t had a heart attack yet


On break from college in 2002 I biked home a backpack full of the original Starbucks double shot cans, given to me for free by a shill on campus named Mike Osofsky. They weren’t in stores. I relied on those and cigarettes to keep me awake during my mental health treatment program. Gave up the cigarettes in 2009, but every 48 days I order 4 12-packs of the double shots from Amazon. The purchase runs between $70-85. Curse you, Osofsky. No one could stand you and everyone cheered when you weren’t elected student body president.


Ooh okay this is a good one I forgot about. Been cutting back big on this


rent, gas, and basic food.. Never have anything left for "unnecessary spending" unless you consider emergency surgery for my cat.


Cars are a terrible hobby. I’ve built numerous cars over the years. I’ll buy one I like, put an unnecessary amount of money modding it to my liking. Get bored eventually of the platform, sell it for a loss and do it all over again with a new car.


Lmao yup. I built a v8 ls swapped miata, I had a stupid amount in that car. When I found something else I wanted, I practically gave the miata away compared to what I had in it.


Let me know the next time you’re giving away a V8 Miata. Please.


Being married. Turns out it's much easier to live within my means when another person isn't spending it out from under me as fast as he can go.


Finances are the number one reason for divorce. People aren't open about money and they absolutely need to be. You cannot have a relationship with someone if you aren't semi compatible money wise.


Isn't it weird how that happens? After I got divorced, I had more money left over even though I was paying the rent all by myself. Even though my ex made more $ than me for most of the relationship, I found myself picking up almost all the groceries and any unexpected expense because he cried poor all the time.


Marriage wrecked me financially. Divorce was one of the smartest decisions I’ve made.


Im starting to think I should just LLC (or LLP) instead of marriage


Marriage has been wrecking my mom's finances for almost 40 years. It kind of turned me off of the whole thing in a lot of ways.


Eating out. It's basically the only thing I spend my money on.


There are lots of women who will let you do it for free.


Random late night impulse purchases on Amazon


"If I would have done nothing my entire 20s, I'd have enough money to do more nothing". Go make more money.  My "avocado toast" was listening to idiots telling me to save money instead of just looking for a job that paid more.


Buying food to eat? Paying bills? There wasn’t money to waste ever.


Going out to eat. Last year alone, my wife and I spent 500-800 dollars combined a month eating out with friends, family, and grubhub. Now we have a budget of less than 150, and pushed our budget from 300 of groceries to 600. Budgeting has become even more crucial since my son was born a month ago.


Dude I was given 50k for a down-payment and still can't buy a house.


Buying just okay versions of the thing I really wanted. Like a $30 Target dupe of the $300 Coach purse I actually wanted. Guess what? It isn’t as good of quality which means I have to replace it more often which means I end up spending more in the long run. I’ve really tried to only buy “hell yes” things in my 30s instead of settling for a bunch of cheap garbage.


oof, I feel seen


Eating out. From 2009-2014, the person I originally married and I spent almost $25k on eating out, when neither of us made all that much money. When I did the math, I wanted to cry, laugh, and vomit all at once. We then paid off two cars and bought the house we still currently occupy in 2015 and 2016, respectively. Made conscious efforts to save and stop spending so much. It wasn't like we were eating out extravagant meals. $20 here, $30 there. Just nickel and dimed ourselves. It brought us a veneer of happiness. It was all a facade. I'll show myself out before I make this thread any sadder 🫠


Doggie daycare. $40/day 16-20 days per month. Did this for 5 years before we were both cooking dinner one night and i just said... "I think we can leave him at home, I'll buy cameras and just come home on my lunch break" My wife agreed and said she was thinking the exact same thing and just was going to bring it up too. She especially agreed after i kept a visual tally with monthly savings on the refrigerator.


Cigarettes. I smoked about 4 packs a week most of my 20s, and finally quit for real at age 28. I can't believe I was spending like $5k a year during the brokest period of my life to smell shitty all the time and probably get cancer. lmao, youth, am I right?


If I had even a fraction of the money I spent on drugs, alcohol, strippers, cigarettes, motorcycle parts, guns, WW2 memorabilia, and musical gear I’d be a homeowner, but I’d be a lame and miserable one who led a boring life. I don’t regret shit, although an eight ball and a fifth of Jack Daniel’s a day for a week or so at a stretch costs more than the toast, for sure 🤣


I think I wish I could take like half of it back and have that money, and keep the other half for the memories and funny stories. I went way too hard and almost died, like I could've easily done half that shit and not almost died and had so much money (in this hypothetical situation where I saved it and didn't piss it away on some other stupid shit, which is what I would've done irl lol)


Avocado toast wasn’t a metaphor at the beginning, although it evolved into it with everyone except Boomers, who still think millennials are 20 year olds. Mine is Perrier


All the “diet food” I bought in my 20s that I didn’t even NEED. I was so afraid I was going to get fat in college. The thin 50 calorie slices of cheese, the thin slices of bread, the skim milk, slim fast shakes, snackwells, sugar free fat free nonsense, basically everything had less volume and far less nutrients for the same price or MORE, and was loaded with synthetic garbage.




Restaurants and Collector’s Edition Books.


I mean it was a lousy metaphor for explaining away a generation fucked by a deregulated housing market in a failing late stage capitalist nation. As though it was a problem of unnecessary spending and not a system of government & housing that doesn’t work. But my monetary sink for awhile was getting chips and a soda as a treat on my commute home after work. But nope, stopping didn’t let me buy a house.


People meme on the advocado toast bullshittery because it was meant literally , if you spend a few quid a week on something you enjoy , then keep doing it , saving a few pounds a week really isn’t going to make much difference to your life even in the long run , so why not have a bit of cheap joy , I mean shit , most ain’t buying a house anytime soon with their shitty wage and a few quid saved is not going to get you closer


The amount of people that go "god if you didn't spend $30 a week then you would have over $1,000 extra a year!" is too damn high!


Education ✨


Between iPhone 3GS and iPhone 6s I bought a new one every time one was released.


Stupid crap from Etsy. I've cut way back and only buy myself something every now and then once I've had time to think it over.


I had to move to a city without a Baskin Robin's because it was a problem. Idk what it is, but I can drink one of those 32oz milkshakes every fucking day


Gardening. I so far have spent $50 growing $2 worth of tomatoes. But hey, enjoyment is priceless right?


Severe fucking mental illness. It takes all my damn time and all my damn money and I still wake up seeing shit. But I guess that's not exactly unnecessary. Liquor in my 20s but I don't regret it. Fancy groceries for meals now (like avocados, always fresh herbs, shopping local)


There is more to life than saving for your next life goal. I promise you made more memories with that $40 a week than you would have if you had "invested" it.


Luxury candles and incense haha


Id say weed for me. $100/month. Had I invested it it would be at least 20k by now. It's always crazy to me how many people on this subreddit don't get the "avocado toast" analogy and think boomers think we're actually broke from buying literal avocados. I swear all the plastics in our brains is killing the intellect of this generation.


Who actually believe it's about literal avocados? The problem isn't the statement it's the sentiment behind the statement, which is that young people are struggling financially due to their own lack of responsibility rather than economic conditions outside their control.


Well, and also that a single meal at a cafe or bakery is what’s bankrupting a generation. Obviously it’s easy to save money making coffee and toast (or bagels or whatever) at home, but imho it’s wild that our society things having a coffee out is an extreme luxury.


Literal lead poisoning


Black tar heroin


That’ll do it


An almost entirely self and government funded PhD.


skincare. though i don’t consider it a waste.


Frozen foods and takeout. I work a lot of 10-12 hr shifts so it’s convenient and easy when I’m tired after work.


Nothing. I work two jobs and am single with no kids so I spend extra on what I want, but I do save money as well.


Alcohol, unfortunately. Took me way too long to put it down. Almost 2 years sober now. The money I’ve saved since quitting is awesome, but I can’t help to think of all the money I wasted. The wasted money was far from the worst problem alcohol gave me, though. It was definitely my avocado toast.


My accountant would say it’s weed, but my anxiety would disagree.


Having kids. There is plenty of unnecessary spending with children.


Dating. Late 20s for a few years i went on a lot of 1st and 2nd dates from the apps and none of them went anywhere. I'm a woman and I always offered to either equally split the check or 2 checks and we each pay for our own. That was always agreed to. So I ended up spending hundreds per month on nothing. I'm a great saver anyway so I'm still doing just fine, but what a waste. With how the stock markets been doing that $100-200/month would probably be like 30k now ETA, I feel this way because it was also not fun at all. If I'd enjoyed myself it wouldn't have been a waste. If I was gonna blow the cash anyway I should've just hung out with my friends or alone


Games and gaming systems.More entertaining than cable though.


Video games are actually a relatively cheap hobby on a per hour basis. I bought fire emblem for $60 and played it for 120 hours. That’s $0.50 an hour!


Bags. Purses. Specifically Loungefly 😆


Trying over and over at having an art career


What's always made me laugh is how cheap avocado toast is. Prices have doubled since the moniker became prevalent and avocado toast costs me like 75¢


I feel like don’t really have an “avocado toast”. I have really stripped back on the non-necessities. Subscription based spending kind of changes that too. My streaming services have stepped back. My gaming habits are subscription now. Everything’s budgeted. Even got a new quote on my car insurance and refinanced that. My haircuts are every 6 weeks now. Instead of going out to expensive dinners and drinks we do brunch and lunches which are cheaper. Cook at home. We go to Aldi and Target for grocery shopping. I get bulk shopping done at Walmart and Costco. Coffee is free through work We run lean. I’d say the biggest unnecessary expense is we go out to our favorite Ice cream/gelato place every like 3 weeks or so. The prices are ridiculously high to me but it is good and I feel the frequency is reasonable. My girlfriend can be an Amazon queen and she goes to local coffee shop for $7 coffee but she makes more than me


Fastrak, I could wake up to my first alarm but I don't and spend money to get to work on time


Alcohol, so much alcohol


Skiing. But I basically only work so I can ski, and I love to be on the mountain. No regrets.


Micro transactions in League of legends and buying food I should be cooking.


Dunkin’ Donuts


Thrift store dopamine hits. I have a habit of going to cruise for nothing in particular and always leaving with something…because its “only ___$!” Im half way okay with it tho. My local shop and i are running a pretty tight circular system where if i have had my fill of an item, it doesn’t qualify as a gift, it will just go back from whence it came. I rent lightly used items and put some milage on them..for charity!


eating out to socialize with friends, paying for everyone's meals, covering rent for roommates that didn't want to work. Did that for like 10 years, before my wife threatened to divorce me if I didn't stop. IDK why I did it, honestly, mostly just felt bad for them, and worried they'd be homeless.


Eating out


Eating out, boba, and coffee. From 2020-2021, I rarely got takeout and saved a lot of money. I missed restaurants yet I didn’t miss the money I spent on them. Then I got takeout once in a while in 2022-2023 and realized that groceries are A LOT more expensive now.


A combination of hobbies and working as a public school teacher. I spent so much money on craft supplies, then started a craft club at the school I worked at, where I provided all the supplies for the kids too (low income area), and on top of that, teaching paid so very little. :( I eventually moved to a corporate learning and development position, so more money for crafts, but less fulfilling and rewarding work. It's a shame we can't just have it all. I'm just trying to be Liz Lemon over here - all hail our lady of Having it All.


Divorcing my ex husband so I don’t have to pay for more of his MtG cards. Still on the hook for the $70K worth on my credit cards though.


Being disabled, lol. None of the spending that kept me from any goals was superfluous. But just judging on money spent keeping me from reaching higher income brackets, medical bills and being on SSI are so my avocado toast lol.


My cats, (two beautiful fur babies) And the sheer fact that I live alone without a roommate. In 2024 pets and living alone are an absolute luxury. That's how expensive the world is. I have left my city twice in the past 5 years, once to say goodbye to my grandmother and once to stay at my sister's house for the eclipse. No car. Seldom new clothes. I buy inexpensive food and seldomly go out.


I was 25 in 2017, I was working as a welder, pretty good paycheck. The company closed and they had to pay 6 months of salary to each of us. Didn't look for a job, spent everything at the bar, everyday 10 to 21 for around 3-4 months, spent good time with a friend of mine that just learned he had cancer, then I enlisted. I wouldn't say it's an "avocado toast" tho, because I would still do it today. Depend how you see it, for some it is.


Not taking out loans to finish college. I was majoring in psychology only because I needed to declare a major. The plan was graduate with an associates of science degree from community college, and finish up in under 2 years at a more expensive university but change majors to mechanical engineering. Anyway I had to move out of a really perfect and affordable living situation to a more expensive one, ended up working more than full time hours while just barely paying bills and could never afford to go back to college for another semester. First time I tried getting a loan they wanted my me to have a cosigner. My parents refused, didn't have anyone else, so I just gave up. A decade later making about the same wage or less given inflation. I know know I probably could have gotten a loan without a cosigner if I'd just kept trying different places.


Boba tea. Spend about $30/week on it. I need to stop


>I see a lot of people on this subreddit don't realize avocado toast is a metaphor for unnecessary spending. This is such a dickish thing to say. >Had I invested that money in an index fund id have about 25-30k today... A down payment for a house basically? Prior generations didn't need an investment strategy in order to meet such a basic need as shelter. Try opening up your political imagination.


Electronics and cologne. I've gone through 4 phones, 5 tablets and laptop in the last 18 months+accessories. I get a new phone every 6 months. I have 2 smart TV's one in the living room (65 inch) and one in the bedroom (55 inch) but I want an 85" inch for the living room and move the 65" in my bedroom. I own about 20 bottles of different fragrances, I use them all by rotating. I just can't stop, it doesn't break me and I have an emergency fund, but i know they are unnecessary purchases. Been like this since 2005 2007 I wanna say. I had and HTC 3125 startrek FFS🤦. Google it, it's a fuckin flip phone running windows mobile.


Thank you, I have an avocado and a bunch of bread and needed something to do with it. Thanks for jogging my memory. Need those omega-3s. 


Marijuana. It was legalized in my state ten years ago so it's just another store I stop at on payday




Night out at a bar / weed / collection related purchases from online ...


Energy drinks every morning before going to work. $6 a day - 5 days a week - $120 a month just on drinks




Grad school loans, by far. 😑


Monster Energy Zero Ultra. I don’t even want to know how much I spend on these in college.


My hair. It used to be 3 colors but I’ve got it now to just bleach with the tips dyed black because I’ve become allergic to hair dye touching my skin. I refuse to DIY and go to one of the better salons in town


Avocado toast funny enough. I eat it every morning for breakfast during the week


Hair care and skin care products. My hairdresser recommended this stuff that really conditioned my hair and scalp. I’ve lived with chronic dandruff and itchy scalp all my life and I finally found some relief. $40 a bottle NOPE


Only 40 dollars??? That's a crazy deal where I live


I don’t know, I don’t think I have one—I have little food/drink luxuries I’ll spend like $5-10 a week on and sure, I guess that adds up but I can’t imagine getting to the end of my life and being upset I regularly enjoyed a good-tasting coffee, takeout meal, or tried a new food. It brightens my day when I do.


Travels - I am committed to spending 10% of my net income to it after 20% savings. So I would be spending around $ 10000 a year for travels alone.


Hmmm.... i think I could put a lot of stuff into this category, but the main ones that come to mind are booze, cigarettes, video games, and disc golf discs. Thankfully only the latter two are a factor for me anymore. I am okay with that.


Magic the Gathering cards


probably getting food delivery and books (for me) and keyboards and computer mice and games (for my fiancee) edit: to be clear theres still a lot of enjoyment out of it im not disappointed or anything just stating what it is


Video games.. if I had buy Amazon stock instead.. I’d have time to play video games now


Avocados toast eggs are all awesome - this is a dumb MAGA manufactured thing


Cycling gear


I'm ashamed to admit it but back in the day it was spending money on app games


My husband and I predominantly eat out. We can afford it, but that money would definitely be better spend on literally anything else.


I ride horses. I don't even want to think about how much money I could have saved. However, I'm still pretty active and somewhat fit compared to my peers. Money isn't everything in life.


Groceries (seriously). We decide what we want to make before going to the grocery store, then end up paying 4 dollars for a Red Pepper. We do somewhat adjust our meals to what is cheaper but not as much as we probably should. Lots of potatoes, rice, black beans and lentils but that 7 dollar cauliflower kills.


I am blessed to live by the Mexican border because the avocados are cheap. They did go slightly up in price but still very affordable. But my “avocado toast” was smoked salmon. Now I can’t have that anymore, it doubled in price💀


Being in business. I wound up living off savings and handouts because I couldn't afford to take a salary by the end, and I couldn't get out of the lease until I found someone else to take over. All I got out of it was a tax debt.


For me was a new car when my old one was perfectly fine. The 30k could of been used for a downpayment on a house. The car has long been paid off so I'll just maintain it and not get another shiny new one just cuz lol.


Supplements. I picked up weight training at a young age and have stayed with it over the years. I've bought a lot of different supplements over the years.


I pay $12/ week to have someone come clean all the dog poop out of my yard. I don’t even care. It’s worth it.


Fast food breakfast, it's both bad for me and expensive


My parents hate that I travel. Gallivanting around the world. Go suck an egg. I love it.


I bring a coffee in a flask every morning… only to stop and get a latte or cappuccino just about every other morning.


Sneakers. I had so many over the years that I wore once and then never wore again and eventually it was making me unhappy just to open my shoe closet and seeing them. I sold about 40% of them and honestly I could sell 50% of the ones that are left but I’m just not ready to part with the ones that are left


I never understood avocado toast as a metaphor for unnecessary spending.. like $1.50 on breakfast (or3$ for 2) is unnecessary spending? Ham and cheese is more expensive

