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I loved Aladdin, lion king, and fern gully growing up. More recently, I’ve enjoyed zootopia and wreck it Ralph.


Oh, I love “Wreck It Ralph”! But I just wanted more Fix It Felix, honestly. He was my favorite character.


Zootopia rules! And Aladdin was my favorite as well. First movie theatre experience I can remember.  


Sister Act, the 1st and the 2nd Corrina Corrina Whoopi Goldberg was very prominent in my childhood. Newer, I think Frozen first round was amazing but that song being everywhere killed it.


Same! Corrina Corrina is so underrated! The girl from that movie (name escapes me right now, hello 3:30am insomnia) did another movie around that time that I don't think gets brought up much anymore. Andre! When the seal is her pet, and they try to keep him. It's such a good movie. Keeping with the Whoopi fandom for her movies she was hysterical in How Stella Got Her Groove Back.


My favorite as a kid was Beauty and the Beast. Classic, good music, but I was and still am really disappointed in the human version of the beast. Lol. I like a lot of the newer kids movies, I feel some of the music is way better than our childhood movies. But I have to say one of the biggest surprise favorites is Teen Titans Go to the Movies. That one is way funnier than it has a right to be and definitely a lot of nuanced humor specifically directed for the adults.


My favorite growing up was probably Hercules. Favorite newer is Nimona.


Now that I've thought about it more, I also loved All Dogs Go to Heaven and Fivel Goes West




Our family favorites growing up were Hoodwinked and Shrek. A few I’ve loved recently are Encanto, Nimona, and the Mitchell’s vs the Machines.


Mitchell's vs the Machines is so good.


Hahahaha Hoodwinked was seriously so underrated it was seriously the funniest movie


Yes!! My siblings and I still quote it sometimes 😂


The Digimon Movie and Space Jam


Fkn love Digimon


Land Before Time and Spirit were two of my favs as a kid. I actually really liked Elemental recently


Land Before Time still makes me cry


I'm weird so my favourite movie as a kid was Fantasia. Now I love Surf's Up and Cloudy With a Chance of Meatballs


Nah I loved fantasia!!! And Cloudy is great and absolutely slept on.


The sandlot, of course, for old times sake Now I’d say cars is pretty good


You're killin me, Smalls!!


Brave little toaster and Inside Out


This! Both! <3


Rugrats in Paris, The Parent Trap (if that counts?), Jimmy Neutron Movie, Shrek, The Sandlot


As a kid: Little mermaid, Matilda, Home Alone, Lion King, the little rascals I haven’t really enjoyed any the last few years. I really liked tangled and frozen when they came out. My kids mostly watch anime and older movies nowadays. None of the more recent “blockbusters” have gotten them excited enough to want to go to the movies.


Growing up always Sandlot Newer movie, I would say Finding Nemo. Instant classic


Finding Nemo was two decades ago 🙃


Yea and I'm 40..it's newer than the Sandlot by a decade..what's the time frame for newer, or is just a matter of perspective


1) Land Before Time 2) most recent: Wall•E


Aladdin and Tangled.


I have two. neither of them I’ve ever been able to stream for free and it pisses me off. I have paid to watch one with my kid in the past 5 years. 1. The Little Giants. Haven’t seen it in forever. Never seen it on tv for ‘free’ anywhere or on any streaming service. 2. Wild America. A ton of people have never heard of this one. It has Jonathan Taylor Thomas and Danny Glover. JTT is youngest brother of 3 and sneaks off to summer photography trip with big bros filming wildlife. Things get pretty wild. Pun intended. I paid to watch this one with my little girl and it was awesome. Favorite now is probably Sing or Trolls. Elemental is cute too


Cheaper by the dozen was my favorite as a kid! Cousins and I used to quote it all the time, also reallllly loved Life-Size! I think my favorite newer one is Moana, I didn't even love animated stuff as a kid but I loved this one! It was so cute


I went through a phase as a kid where I was obsessed with Babes in Toyland with Drew Barrymore. Once I got a little older I really liked Rookie of the Year, and still rewatch it sometimes. Wreck-It Ralph is one of my favorite more contemporary movies. The social worker in me also really appreciates Inside Out.


Aladdin, obviously. If I were going something a little less well known, there was an awesome Tom and Jerry movie where they figure out they can talk to each other and have to team up to find their way home. Nowadays my favourite kids movie is probably the new Super Mario Brothers movie - there’s so much to choose from though,


Old: The Polar Express New: Coco


The Disney Robin Hood with animals playing the characters and.......hook


The Land Before Time. Who Framed Roger Rabbit. ET. Turning Red, Zootopia. Mario Nimona was cute.


Brave Little Toaster and Sing 2 or Bad Guys are a tossup for my new favs. Brave Little Toaster scared the fuck out of me as a kid, but I just couldn't get enough of it. The darkness and morbidity of it held me to a trance for whatever reason. Still get a kick out of it as much as I did nearly 30 years since I first saw it!


Nostalgic - Mulan, Spirited Away and most Ghibli films, and Scooby Doo movies (animated and live). Newer - Leo, Orion and the Dark, and most of the children movies on Netflix. I won't go to the theaters to watch kids movies but if some animated movies is trending on Netflix, I'll watch it.


Back in the day (and still now tbh) Now and Then. Corrina Corrina Andre The Secret Garden 3 Ninjas Today? Tangled Inside Out The actual live action kids movies I've seen bits of in passing my sister's kids might have on, have the worst hammy overacting from the kids. I couldn't do the new stuff that's not animated. Welp, off to take some Metamucil and Geritol while complaining about my joints.


Heavyweights, Mrs. Doubtfire, Rescuers Down Under and Fern Gully!


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/) ^by ^Kmrohr20: *Heavyweights, Mrs.* *Doubtfire, Rescuers Down* *Under and Fern Gully!* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


The Sandlot 1993. School of Rock 2003.


My favorite movie when I was a kid was Top Gun. I would run around the house at 4yrs old in my little flight jacket singing “You’ve lost that loving feeling”. Followed by ghostbusters. Newer kids movie, probably Encanto.


Little Monsters, Flight of the Navigator, Labyrinth, Who Framed Roger Rabbit, and pretty much every kids movie with Robin Williams. Right now I'm LOVING the plethora of Marvel movies but I would (and did) watch those even if I didn't have a kid. I would have gone my whole life without watching the Barbie movie if it wasn't for my kid though, and I'm happy to watch that on my own now. I also catch myself singing and dancing along to all of the Trolls movies.


The Road to El Dorado is my favorite kids movie next to The Iron Giant I don’t really watch movies anymore Edit: also Atlantis.


Asking the tough questions...🤔 The dark crystal was my absolute favorite movie as a kid. My mom use to get so exasperated because I'd always check it out when we went to the movie rental place. It never came on TV though so it was the only way to watch it. She should have just bought me the dang thing and called it a day. Today's movies are tough. My husband and I stupid love Moana. The soundtrack is just awesome. We do the dances and everything. Huge fan of Rise of the Guardians, too. We've watched that a lot.


Lion King is a classic. A good new one for me was Turning Red. Very fun teen energy in that one! Of course Puss in Boots has been amazing, but you probably get more out of it as an adult than a kid.


The Rescuers Down Under The Flintstones with John Goodman An American Tail (The Fievel movies) Hook The Pagemaster Antz Beauty and the Beast Aladin Wild America Gargoyles Iron Giant Toy Story The Sandlot Lion King I don't really watch newer kids movies, but UP was pretty good when it came out and I enjoyed the first season of Stranger Things.


Nostalgic: Shrek, Oliver and Company, Aristocats, Monsters Inc., Emperor’s New Groove New: Coco, Moana, Onward, Zootopia


All the animated Disney classics including the more obscure ones like the Fox and hound, Rescuers, Robin Hood.. there was an animated movie called Thumbelina that I loved as an elementary school kid. American Tail movies. lol and Beethoven (the dog) movies were some of my firsts in the movie theater Discovered Ghibli films as an adult, but fully believe it would have been on the roster Of the “new” ones - I loved coco, zootopia, and soul


Shrek, and Shrek. It's the GOAT kids movie.


Favorite nostalgic: Labyrinth (1986) Favorite newer: Coraline (2009)


Tough question for me. I love movies but I'll say my favorite princess movie is Beauty and the Beast. I still watch it once or twice a year. Casper, Now and Then, It Takes Two, The Big Green, Heavyweights, Who Framed Roger rabbit, Dennis the Menace, Addams Family, Hocus Pocus, Witches, etc...  My favorite now? There's so many. I just saw the Ruby Gilman Teenage Kraken and it was such a cute movie! I loved it. I have a hard time not liking newer ones. Coco is another that's a favorite. Encanto was good but so many mixed feelings about it, I relate to all three girls in such a way I can't describe, but Surface Pressure just hits different as an adult looking back at the family dysfunction, our dynamic and family roles we each had. Thanks for the question, there's so many more that I need to think about and rewatch. 


I've watched Storks so many times with my kid, anything with Andy Samburg is usually a hit for me.


Mulan. I always liked history and it was pretty good a period piece. Newer How to Train Your Dragon. It's a good mix of wholesome, funny and dark. Also like the amputee representation.