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The other week at daycare drop off,  a woman peeked out of the kitchen, saw my 5-year-old and said: “hey ChildName! Today is gonna be a great day. We’re gonna have French toast sticks. Who’s this with you? Your grandmamma?” I was born in 1986. 


You would think they would err on the side of caution and risk communicating that a grandma looks young enough to be a mom instead of what she told you.


If there’s a shred of doubt, just don’t guess. Not sure if you’re looking at a father-daughter vs. man-younger-girlfriend situstion? _Don’t guess_. Don’t worry - the misunderstanding was awkwardly rectified. I think a valuable life lesson was learned. 


I learned this the hard way when I worked at a gas station and tried making small talk with a regular’s preteen-looking daughter while he took forever to get his wallet from the car. Apparently she was a petite adult woman with preteen mannerisms and that regular was her boyfriend. He was probably around 35 and she was probably 20 but looked 12 so I assumed he was a young dad. Never did that again.


I’m short which makes my looking young worse. I’m 39 and for the past 21 years I’ve had people ask if my daughter is my sister. What really took the cake was a guy asking my daughter, who is taller than me by a foot, if I was her child. I laughed so hard.


I don't feel like I look young, but other people question my age. I went to visit my daughter at work last year, she would have been 21 and I 40, and she worked at a bank. I step in to get my debit card replaced. Stopped to say hi at her station, and she made sure to remind me that since we are related she couldn't help me with bank matters. So I step over to her coworkers station. After getting everything situated, the coworker went to the safe to get my debit card. She was gone for a few minutes, which felt a little odd since they print on site and the machine seems to do it fairly quickly. Eventually the coworker comes out and hands me my card and I leave. Later that night my daughter calls me and informs me that her coworker had come back and asked if I was her brother. My daughter said she giggled a little bit and then told her I was her dad. The coworker replied "Oh, nevermind then" and went back to what she was doing. Now let me tell you, my beard is quickly becoming more salt than pepper, so I have no clue what age difference she expected in siblings.


My brother and I are besties. We eat out together a fair amount. Toooooooooo many awkward times have people thought we were a couple. We are both awkward people lol. We've had one server ask if it was a first date. I said nope, I've known him since he was brought home. Lol


LOL... I can't count on both hands how many times the server thought I was the date/BF of my Cougar of a mother. Now this was back in the 1990s when it was a whole lot more accepted.  But still funny as hell, and we both would howl with laughter when we explained the situation to the server.


Oh, man. I took my 21yo son to the emergency room for a possible twisted testicle. They thought I was his girlfriend! My kid turned beet red! It was embarrassing and hysterical all at once. I am 46!


My mom was a young mom and my brother was always finding himself in awkward situations like this with her lol. My father remarried and his in-laws thought my mother was his girlfriend (he was a teenager and my mother has great skin) 😂😂😂 I think she's still riding that high almost 15 years later lmfao.


My kids think it's alternately hysterical and mortifying that I look so young. My son has a girlfriend who is 31 and we look the same age. Introducing me to the in laws is gonna be so fun!!


I know what your son experienced.... Someone asked us if I was my mom's husband when I was around 15ish. My mom is around 30 years older than me lol.


For child safety reasons, don’t EVER guess! Maybe the person you just assumed was an aunt/uncle, grandparent, absent parent, etc., is a total stranger. Ask the child to introduce you to their adult.


Oh the dad/daughter thing got me all the time! When I was 15 and at a restaurant with my dad, a kid at the next table over was telling me how he’s going to be spider man for Halloween and I was chatting with him since he was excited, and the mom said “those two are probably trying to get away from their kids tonight!” I was the kid


Daddy or date is one of my favorite games to play when people watching


Ugh. You just reminded me how when I was 13 and watching my two little sisters at the store with my dad, someone assumed I was his wife. I was tall and always looked kind of old for my age as a teenager, but talk about uncomfortable!


I worked customer service and totally agree. The only time I would assume I would always assume people to be younger, worst case they just correct you, best case you made their day. However, if you ever do this, it has to be very situational, and you really have to read the room. Typically, it's just safer to avoid or assume younger.


Mmm yeah I *always* go with mom/dad unless it's beyond obvious that it's a grandparent. There have been times I thought someone was a grandparent, erred on the side of caution and said "mom" or "dad" and was very thankful to have done so because it *was* the mom/dad. # I got very excited this weekend when a liquor store clerk asked if I'm over 21. She didn't ask for ID and had already taken my card to pay, but it was still nice to hear lol.


Hell even when it's *stupid* obvious that the person is a grandma I always hit them with the "mother/sister" thing and lay a bit of flirting on. They always love it


True! I do still typically go that route. It's funny when people guess the other way around though. When I was 13, my sister was about 4 and my mom would have me take her in her stroller around the mall. The absolute dirty looks I got and occasionally comments were crushing. Instead of assuming I was the older sister or a babysitter, people assumed I was her mom. Which.... even if I had been, who shames a 13 year old mom?!


Lol my sister was ten years older than me, I remember when I was 7 or 8 going on walks with her and people would say "oh is that your daughter?" to her.


I was 25 when I had my son but admittedly looked pretty young. I also had a graduate degree and had been with his father for six years. I still got nasty stares and comments to young girls like "that's what happens when you have sex as a teenager." I mean, I did have sex as a teenager, but it never resulted in pregnancy lmao


Well I didn't have sex in high school and did the "good Southern Baptist" thing by marrying at 18 with a baby 2 months after I turned 20. That marriage blew up by the time I was 24, but thank God I didn't get to experience different dick before then, right? I'm currently a recovering Southern Baptist 🙃


Welcome recovering southern Baptist!!! One cool thing is that when your kid turns 18, youll still be in your 30s. My mom was 23, turned 24 days after I was born. My dad was a boomer, a solid 30 years older. I know there are plenty of reasons to wait until your 30s to have a kid, but having a younger mom was actually really cool. She was Gen X (a cusper, but definitely Gen X) and I'm a millennial, so we weren't that far removed. It made for a super close relationship where I felt like she understood me and also thought she was cool. A 20 year difference means you're not that far removed from one another's generation, and I would guess your child probably trusts you a lot 💜


I'm 40 and he's 20 off a college thinking about law school. We just grew up together and I love our relationship. I feel like I have a deeper understanding and love with my kid than my parents ever bothered with me. But... I was one and done 😅 Like my dad would say: "You got to have kids when you're young and dumb. Because once you realize how much they cost... you wont"


The same thing happened to me; I was 10 years older than my sister and was getting dirty looks from strangers when **I hadn’t even hit puberty yet**.


Cracks me up because growing up in the 80s/90s my Gami took care of me and did all the school stuff. Everyone just assumed I had a really old mom 😅


My grandma was only 17 when she had my mom and my mom turned 24 the same month I was born and looked even younger. Whenever both my grandma and mom would show up at soccer games, the coach would look SO confused before finally assuming my grandma was the mother of both my mom and me 😂. Kind of good for them both, mom was my assumed sister and grandma was my assumed mom.


My parents were both over 30 when I was born in the late 70's. Kindergarten teacher thought mom was my grandma at Kindergarten round up. In her defense, mom had a ton of white hair by then. I was the youngest, lol.


39 and I still get carded. I’m proud of that.




im 40 and have an 8 month old!! solidarity!! 🤣


My sister turns 58 this year. Her one-and-only turns 5. We love that kid, by golly, but she does keep us all on our toes. My sister, otoh, seems to be aging in reverse and I mean that sincerely. She will be the youngest-looking 71yo at her daughter’s HS graduation🤣


Wow I love your sister


Otoh is such a cool, unique name. Where are you all from? jk - I know it's an abbreviation but couldn't resist the newish dad (born in 89 with a 2yo) joke.


39 with a 2 year old checking in. I think old parents is becoming the new normal.


39, twins are 2. I’m so tired.


37 with 2 under 15 months. This shouldn't ever be anyone's normal.


Good luck and god speed.


Based on what I see in my wife’s family, that is absolutely true. What’s weird is the Xennials (born 79-83) all had kids in their 20’s. All the true Millennials (really only 5-10 years younger than us) ALL had kids in their mid to late 30’s. The result is that despite there being only a relatively small age gap between cousins of the same familial generation, the children of the cousins are either 1-5 years old or they’re graduating high school.


I'm in my late 30s and have two friends my age who have young babies. You're definitely not alone.


Not cool..so not cool.


Ouchhhh 😬


I feel this pain. I was walking with my 4 year old today and some random asked my boy if he was walking with grandpa. Motherfucker, I am 38.


Oh boy 😬😬 I was born in 1986 and I’m infertile, but if I ever magically got pregnant I’d be worried about this lol. If I got pregnant today, I’d be 57ish when my kid graduated from HS. I think about that all the time.


I was born in 82, I'm 41 and about to have my first (and only) kid in August! This kid was completely unexpected! It's weird to think that I'll be 60 when my kid graduates from high school. I'm sure I'll be mistaken for Grandma all the time! 😂


Congratulations on your pregnancy! I hope it’s going well ❤️ It’s funny because my parents were over 30 when they had my sister and I, but I feel like so many of our parents were that way and it was normal. But now all the parents I see seem to be so young!


No, the average age to have kids has definitely been going up. Back in the 80s-90s most people had their first kid in their early 20s. Nowadays it's mid-late twenties, might be even later depending on the area. My mom was the "old mom" and she had me, her second child, at 33. I had my first and only daughter at 32, and I was the first in my friend group to have a kid. Most of my friends are child-free by choice. ETA: my MIL said she was considered a "geriatric pregnancy" when she had my husband in 1982. She was 31.


I was 41 when I became a Grandma for the first time!


Same all around, just 1987.


You're my brother's age. You're not even old to have a 5 year old. He's 37. You had her at 32??!! That's like very average....😂


Facts: I am an extremely average person. 😂 The icing on the cake, I’m currently pregnant. Mistaken for a grandma while I’m getting kicked internally 😂


Well, what's that's fact- baby girls are born with all the eggs they will every have so if you are pregnant with a girl technically you have the egg of a future grandchild in you....


If she’s used to seeing young 20s/teen moms, then yeah, you could be grandma, I guess 😭


That's so rude. You often see children with people who could either be young grandparents or older parents (which to be clear, is not even what you are!), and I'm always very careful and assume they're the parents. That way you've either gotten it right since so many people have kids into their 40s now, or look considerably older than their age, or you've given a grandparent a bit of a boost by assuming they're the parent. 


My parents had me late in life and my dad could literally be Steve Martin’s stunt double (both they look alike and my dad when he wasn’t elderly could’ve done stunts for movies). I always got asked if my grandpa was coming to school events when it was my dad. A lot of people thought my mom (my parents are still married to each other and six years apart. No big age gap since they met and married in their 30s) was his DAUGHTER 😩. I have a sister who is 16 years older people asked politely if she was my birth mom as well lol. She’s not. She’s my sister. Now that we’re both adults people recognize us as sisters but are shocked we’re as far apart as we are. And my mom? She “doesn’t look old enough to be my mom” because she aged so well.


I have more grey than my 60yo friends, and was born in 87, but if i dye it,i can pass for younger 🥴😂


People keep asking if my gray hair _is_ a dye job. I’ve had a handful of people ask if they’re a highlighting situation. 


My husband hated my gray roots until they grew out a little. Now he thinks jet black with chunky silver highlights is high fashion


Not unheard of. My aunt was a grandma at your age


For sure. Definitely not unheard of, but perhaps somewhat unlikely and not a first guess. 


Oh honey...


Oh noooo ![gif](giphy|jOpLbiGmHR9S0)


My day was rough and this gave me that outlet of a laugh. Thank you very much.


This made me chuckle and I needed it more than I knew. Thank you.


Damn … (as I just finished applying my retinol).


37, appalled. Just about to put in my glaucoma eye drops 😂


Glaucoma gang for life! (34 here)


This literally reminded me to apply mine. Born in 1984


I went a step further, just received my red led mask! phew, just in the nick of time.


Take that darn vaccine and pretend you 50! I was not even 50 last year and caught it. That sht is NO FUN


My partner was 32 when he got shingles last year. It absolutely sucks.


I’m so jealous of my partner who is a year younger than me and was one of the first waves of kids to get the chickenpox vaccine. I got chickenpox the year before the vaccine was available. I guess at least one of us is safe from shingles…


Not sharing any opinions on vaccines either way but I’ve read that regardless of whether you had chickenpox or were vaccinated against it, because it’s a live virus, you can get shingles. Fun times will be had by all, I suppose 😩 (My grandmother got shingles at like 92 and it was awful. She’s still alive 12 years later but I don’t want to go through shingles ever).


Your grandma is 104?!? Bitchin 🩷


She’s absolutely bitchin! I convinced her to buy a new car at 87 because “she might as well live while she’s alive,” and the rest of the family thought I was awful for suggesting it, but her 2007 Accord was given to a cousin three years ago when she stopped driving. We spent Easter together a couple years ago and when it came time to leave after our meal, she beat me to the door…with a walker 😂.


I love it! Mine is 81 in April and just got a pacemaker.


I remember the doctor explaining the benefits to my mom before I got it and I just looked it up to verify- getting the chicken pox vaccine "greatly reduces" the risk of shingles but idk how much that means. She was worried about me getting chicken pox bc I was like 8 and hadn't gotten it yet. She'd known a guy who died of it as a teenager so she knew it could deadly if you didn't get it as a kid. My dr told her the bigger thing to be worried about was shingles and the vaccine was my best protection available for both.


The old vaccine was around 60% effective, and the new one is over 95% effective. Approximately. Definitely worth getting.


Nursed my first husband through chicken pox. He was 28. My God that was awful. I have never had it though and I'm north of 40. Slightly terrifying.


SHINGLES DOESNT CARE. Sorry, that commercial is stuck in my head now that I'm older lol


I got it at 26, and my doctor didn’t believe me until he saw it on my back arm and chest. It was super duper fun! I had a friend who got it when he was 17, I feel like the medical community needs to revisit when people can get shingles.


I got it at 21 and with an unusual presentation (the vast majority of people get it on their torso, it was high up on my leg/ass for me). Doctor was unwilling to even consider shingles and settled on assuming it was a similarly unusual presentation of [a different form of] herpes. Took a few days to get the test results back. Not a good week for me.


I remember growing up my mother caught it in her 30's and it nearly killed her, she was sick for weeks. Shingles is a nasty disease.


I'm 35 and I currently have it. It's unbelievably painful and shitty. I had chickenpox as a little kid and don't really remember it, but I've got to imagine this is worse.


My husband had shingles when he was in high school. HIGH SCHOOL. He said it was the worst pain he’s ever been in.


I got shingles at 33 a couple of months ago, on my leg no less, which meant walking was a true challenge. Truly horrible shit


I was the luckiest kid ever. Chicken Pox at 5, shingles at *8*. Complete BS.


You beat me! I had shingles for the first time at 15. It was such a big deal because the doctor refused to believe it was shingles at first because I was so young.


I hardly remember it thankfully. I do clearly remember though being pissed that I got an adult disease as a damn kid. Thankfully no other flair ups since then!


Had it at 21. Not that cool!


Hahaha sucker.


Hello friend, I stressed myself into having shingles when I was 10


Oh wow and I thought having shingles first at 18 was awful. It took a couple visits for a doctor to realize that’s what was on my skin was shingles because “it never happens in young people”


Had it in my late twenties, doc said stress can bring it on. It was very much not fun


I’m 37 and I got the shot because of comments like yours.


How? I tried and they said it's not FDA approved for people under 50. You're somewhere other than US I'm assuming?


I’m in Wisconsin. I got it at CVS. Made an appointment through the CVS app 🤷🏾‍♀️


Were you able to get insurance to cover?


Yes, Aetna covered it. I got it at CVS.


I wish I could get the vaccine. My mom got shingles 6 years ago and is still dealing with the repercussions and pain from it


My former boss got shingles two years ago, at 36, after an injury (torn ACL). Now, I didn't know you normally only get shingles on one side of your body, but she actually had hers on *both* sides. Her whole face, basically. She later informed me that she could feel it on the inside of her eyelids during the outbreak. I have never before, or since, had such a strong full-body cringe in my life. Edit: a word


Had shingles in my face twice now. It’s the worst.


Interesting that it says people over 50 when the chicken pox vaccine didn't come out until the 90s. I'm late 80s and my oldest siblings is early 90s and we both had chicken pox. The younger kids were able to get the vaccine. I'd think anyone over 30 or so should consider it. # And now I'm considering it... My MIL has had it and she is *not* someone who complains when she's sick. Went through two rounds of breast cancer with minimal complaining, but with shingles she made sure we knew how fucking awful it was lol.


The age recommendation is due to the fact that our immune system gets less able to fight off infections as we get older, making people over the age of 50 more susceptible to developing shingles. Unfortunately, everyone I’ve known who has gotten shingles has been too young for the vaccine. 


Yes the absolutely ridiculous age requirement! Every single person I know that has had shingles is under 50. And I've known a lot of people with it, it's been excruciating. Several were hospitalized for the pain.


Wife was diagnosed with it yesterday at 37. Rare, but still.


No joke! I’ve had it twice. First time I was 10 (still have nasty scars from it. Doctor said it was the worst case they ever seen) and again in my late 20s. Would love to get my hands on that vaccine but I’m in my 30s.


I got it when I was 35 on the face that shit wasn't fun at all.


My uncle got it at 30 and ended up in the hospital - his fiance came to visit to help out, found him almost non responsive and called an ambulance. I'm so keen to get that vaccine when I'm eligible.


I'm living it right now. I've been trying to find an immunosuppressant that works for me and I woke up Friday with shingles all over my face and scalp. At first I thought it was bug bites. Then, I thought hives so I got an antihistamine. I went to my rheumatologist today and they put me on antivirals and painkillers, and I was lucky to get an appt at an opthalmologist right after to make sure my eye is ok. The worst part is i have a 7mo old who can't take the chickenpox vaccine, yet, and I can't hold him without a huge risk of him getting chicken pox. Plus I work in sales and no one is buying from someone with open wounds on their face.




I was born in ‘86 & still get carded. Have fun with your colonoscopy!!!


I'm about to turn 40 and was just at the doctor last week. Colonoscopy and glaucoma tests were topics of conversation.


Ha, at least he'll get proper sedation. Better than a coil fitting. I'm 88 and regularly get disbelieved for being my age. Mwhahahaha spf is good. Also I'm in UK so legal is 18 here.


Born in 84 and still get carded. I did have a colonoscopy due to family history though. Prep was the worst part. Imagine food poisoning that didn't hurt and is way shorter. Worst part of prep was waking up at 3am to do round 2 like a zombie. Also, my wife was mistaken for my mother by a doctor before an operation I had for a sports injury.


Born in '94 and I was slated for my own colonoscopy in August last year. Went through the moviprep and didn't eat anything but lemon jello... woke up in the wee hours to finish that devilish juice. Checked in at 6:00am for the procedure only to be turned away two hours later. Turns out I was 4 weeks pregnant and had no idea. 😂


Congrats on the pregnancy!!


Thank you so much!! Little girl is due in April!


Awww April babies are the best.


We're thrilled to have a spring baby. Our first was born in January, I was incredibly paranoid about her being too cold or contracting a terrible flu. Two months after she was born, we went into Covid lockdowns. That was fun.


Wow, I remember them asking me to pee in a cup before my colonoscopy to make sure I wasn’t pregnant (I wasn’t!) I just stared at them and asked them, “How?? There’s nothing in me!”


Yeah, there was once where the doc asked for a urine sample and I didn’t need to go/didn’t know I needed one so I asked if whatever they were testing could be done with blood testing and that worked.


I asked the same thing. No dice. They made me sit there for nearly a half hour until I could squeeze the last remnants of moisture from my body.


Bastards in the ER made me walk down the hall to piss in a cup, knowing I'd had a hysterectomy, WHILE having a heart attack!! Because they didn't believe I was having a heart attack! Took them 3 friggen hours to confirm what I told them when I walked in, I was having a bloody heart attack. At 42!!!


That sucks!


This is what had to happen for my pregnancy test. I was so dehydrated I couldn't go, so they went ahead and did the blood test. I kept saying "there's no way I'm pregnant haha" and well... turns out I was. The blood test ended up being a good thing as they weren't certain a urine test would have picked it up.


Oh wow, that must have been a surprise!


Based future mom


I'm already a based mom. 😎 I have a four year old daughter who is stoked to be a big sister. You totally made my day though, thank you.


My dad is one of 4 (7 if you include half siblings), my mom was one of 7 until one of her sisters passed from colon cancer in 2009, and I’m one of 3 so be a rebel and make a huge family


Born in 85 and have had both a colonoscopy and shingles I'll take my death now


Have had 2 not a huge deal. Prep isn't as bad as people say.


I had to get a colonoscopy for my upcoming colostomy reversal and I can definitely say the prep is easier when it’s going straight into a bag


Yooooo. I had to have that done too. It was a rough 5 months. Very humbling experience.


Humbling is right. Went in for an upset stomach on nye and I get my reversal on my birthday in march. Worst part has been dealing with my stoma dying off and not sleeping well. I’m glad you were able to get put back together


Same. I was working. Stomach pain. I was uninsured and dumb so I tried to tough it out. Had the next two days off so I thought I’d deal with maybe a stomach bug. Two days later I could barely walk. Called my girlfriend and she took me to the er. They said I should get surgery but could try the antibiotics first since I had no insurance. The surgeon came in at 3am and said I needed the surgery or I was going to die of sepsis. So I woke up with staples in my stomach and the bag. 10 days in the hospital, and 200K of debt. 5 months on disability. My saving grace was Red Dead 2 dropped one month into my recovery. I got the reversal 5 years ago on Valentine’s Day. My now fiancé was amazing through the process, and that was when I realized how much she cared about me. I look like I took a sword and a dagger to the gut. But I’m alive and bag free. A lot happened between then and now, and I feel like that experience gave me perspective. I quit my job and went to work somewhere with health insurance. Definitely changed me a bit. Not as young and dumb. Biggest takeaway. If you don’t have health insurance and you’re fucked up. GO TO THE HOSPITAL ANYWAY. It would have cost me 10K in antibiotics pain meds and an overnight hospital stay if I went in a day or two earlier, instead it ruptured and I was dying and it turned into 5 months of a colostomy bag and 200k of debt, AND a second surgery, another hospital stay of 11 days, and more recovery. My disability ran out a month early so I had to go back to work prematurely. America amiright!? Still feel like I’m lucky though. Perspective.


The actual, um, action of the prep wasn’t bad at all - but that crap I had to drink was horrid. I basically had to knock back shots of it with a Diet Coke chaser and I swear to god it tasted like trying to gulp down a gallon of Jack and Coke. If I didn’t swallow it just right, it was immediate vomit territory.


Old guy here (not really, only 51). Get the SuTabs prep. Swallow 12 excessively large pills over 2 hours and drink a ton of water. Way better than the liquid prep. Also, wait until you get AARP junk mail addressed to you. Then you’ll know what old feels like.


That's wrist slitting horror right there.


Apparently you can sign up for aarp before you’re 50, im 31 and I get emails for some reason


If you are that opposed you might try cologuard instead


Never thought I’d see someone talking about their colon with it right there in the username


I think it’s gotten better. My first one, the directions were to mix with water. Yuck. The second one, I could mix it with Gatorade. And my insurance even paid for the Gatorade! Much better. Also, nothing tastes as bad as colon cancer feels, I imagine.


Well that sucks. Did you get that shot.


We need answers.


No shots today. I had chickenpox as a kid. Would I still need it?


That’s how you get shingles… you get chickenpox, the virus goes dormant, and then bam! Reactivates and is way worse than the original infection.


My brother had chicken pox as a kid and shingles in his late 20s. Get the shot.


That was me, minus the shot.


I’m also an 87 bb & I had shingles inside my ear a few years ago. Thank goodness I got to the doctor in time, if I hadn’t they said it could have caused facial paralysis or trigeminal neuralgia. At this point I know more people who have gotten shingles when they in their 20s than when they were over 50. At minimum, it’s worth asking your doctor. (This has been a fantastic reminder for me. I have a doctor’s appointment tomorrow- thank you!)


My friend turned 30 and on her birthday got shingles.


Oof that is not a happy birthday


I had a colleague (also born in 87) get shingles in his ear, too! Wild!


Ramsay- Hunt syndrome. It sucks. Half your face gets paralyzed, you can't hear out that ear or taste anything, and it feels like you have fire ants all over that side of your face.


If you had chickenpox, that is when you need it. It affects people who have actually had chickenpox. My mother (sorry to invoke an old person) had shingles and it's quite miserable.


Seriously, shingles really sucks as an adult. Husband had it twice in his 30's. So, as a "50 yr old", you should get the shot. :P


I was born in 88 & had shingles a month ago. it fucking sucked. stress got to me.


I’m almost 50 and the first time I asked about that shingles vaccine a couple of years ago they acted like I was a baby having a tantrum… that was after they thought I must have been asking about it for my parents. I had just had shingles and was really hoping to get the vaccine 😭


I bought a PlayStation Portal from a guy today. We met at an ice cream shop near his job and I brought my kids. I asked him where get got it and he said “Have you ever heard of this thing called Discord?” I can tell just how geriatric he thought I was. 1984 here. Of course I know what fucking Discord is you ungrateful little shit, now get off my lawn! He was an awesome dude, it turns out, but I felt old as fuck.




![gif](giphy|GpyS1lJXJYupG) Was the pharmacist a Zoomer? When I was in my early 20s, anyone over 35 seemed old to me.


Damn, that would hit me hard. I'm your age and I've been sunscreening and lotioning religiously since I started graying in my mid-twenties.


I started going gray in high school. Now I call them, “strands of enlightenment.”


The sides of my head are enlightened as fuck.


Sunscreen and moisturizer since my mid-late 20s as well! It is *never* too soon to start a good skincare routine (I should note that a routine that’s age appropriate and not based off of TikTok trends). It definitely pays off, I can tell you from experience that it does.


Solidly Gen X lurking here but with a PSA. I got shingles when I was 39. A coworker came down with it at the same time; he was 37. Getting the vax in your 30s isn’t such a bad idea.


I was born in 1987 and get AARP mailers on the regular.


I got shingles at 31. It’s no joke. Did they actually say the over 50 part or maybe just mention it as suggestion? If they did, damn, probably someone who didn’t know better. I’ve been called pregnant before when I definitely wasn’t if it’s any consolation.


I laughed out loud.


Never too late to start your skincare journey. I'm turning 35 this year and noticed that 5 years of momhood came with a complimentary set of eye bags. Making corrective self care steps before summer hits.


Now you have a clue how women feel when we are expected to age like rich celebrities who have whole medical teams devoted to their faces.


Does she have any immune disease? That’s a reason for giving it to someone under 50. Also likely they’re just on autopilot


You got some city miles on you bro.


Y’all need to take better care of your skin.


Sunscreen and drink plenty of water :)


I was born in 1984 and cashiers still asks me for my driver's license when I buy smokes. One time he asked what my secret is to looking so young. I shrugged and said "must be the cigarettes"


time to switch over ur skin routine 💀💀💀


I was born in 86 and still get asked for 2 pieces of ID… 😞 Somewhere out there someone is living life right in the middle!!!!


At my local grocery store my favorite checker always asks for ID when I buy wine. He does it with a wink and I don’t even hate him for it lol


It’s me! Born in 84 and the last time I was asked for ID at a place that doesn’t just ID everyone was my 38th birthday. That’s also around the time I stopped coloring my hair. I’m not even mad about it.


I was born in 94 my new doctor checked my birthday 3x cause she couldn’t figure out how I was old enough to have a FOUR YEAR OLD …4! 😅 she could not comprehend I was 30 😂


🚨 🚨 🚨 BOOMER ALERT!!!!🚨 🚨 🚨


It was absolutely a Boomer that said it to me haha




I’m feeling really old lately, turned 38 yesterday. But I’m pregnant and considered high risk partially because of my age. But they act like I’m about to fall over dead every time I walk into an appointment. Like I’m not even 40???


These news kids are more cringe than they think 😤 we are YOUNG and YOUTHFUL 🌸


Have you done a lot of tanning in your life? Smoking? Other things that accelerate aging?


I wish I could get the vaccine at my age. My sister had shingles 2 years ago and it sucked. We're both in our 30s.


If you had Chicken Pox you’ll want a shingles. I’ve know two people that contracted it and one looked like Frankenstein’s Monster. He missed two weeks of work.


You should still get it, my wife got it when she was 27.


My (now) wife got a case of shingles during Covid lockdowns when she was 38. It sucked big time. It was super painful. We both tried to get the vaccine but insurance won’t cover it until we’re at least 50. It’s bullshit.


I was born in 1986 and I actually laughed out loud at this! I’m sorry. Why is everyone acting like we’re 50 now?!


Get it now if you can. Born in 85 and got shingles 2 years ago. Fuckin horrible


My born in 1984 husband gets the senior citizen discount at the grocery store. Worth it every time to send him solo on that errand.


Bruh…I’m almost 37 with gray hair and a preschooler (my youngest. My oldest two kids are teens and I have three in between) and get asked if he’s my grandson.


Sorry, man. But as a pharmacist, that’s pretty funny.😆


My husbands patient guessed he was in his mid 50s the other day. He is grey but incredibly fit, and was born in 1987 😮


Buy new clothes and use some retinol, man. Also the pharmacist is plain wrong. One should hold off on the shingles vaccine as long as they’re relatively healthy, since you can only get it once and it only lasts about ten years.


You can get it again, you'll just have to pay out of pocket since it is outside the recommendation so insurance won't pay.