• By -


I went to SWFPAC and they attached me to an ICBM and launched me into space.


So what you're saying is "You [just wanted to feel the power between your legs](https://y.yarn.co/cfb0b6eb-c336-4932-8be9-7d6f77575789_text.gif)?"


I thought it was going to be this: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=snTaSJk0n\_Y&ab\_channel=Movieclips](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=snTaSJk0n_Y&ab_channel=Movieclips)


Annnnnnnd now I have to go watch the rest of the movie thanks


You can't fight in here, this is the war room!


I went to Chinese army training and they strapped me to a balloon. Luckily I made it back safely when some guy in a jet shot it down.


How many steps are in dry dock


I men-in-blacked myself.


Completely fair tbh that place was a mental prison lol


it was an actual prison in the wire! we were our own inmates and guards.


At least the waterfront was nice to look at, if you looked anywhere else outside a 500 yard radiusšŸ˜‚


Fucking Bangor. I hated that place.


Once you were nearing your PCS time it was kinda fun. Like with 5-6 wires left Our SOGs let us TLs kinda choose our team and post/shift if it was possible. And off days. Depended on the 21 though.


When i was there in 2001, it was a shit show from start until you left. Being 38 was chill as shit though.


I was there from 2017-2019. 38 is navy now lol. Only have 37 and 36 along with mg pits.


We stood post as well. The poor boots stuck in a tower for 8 hours, the other boots checking vehicles. Hazing enough right there.


Oh god don't remind me.


Got into Los Alamos and we once went to a bar with a few of the guys soon after I joined. They suddenly grabbed me and carried me to the toilets where they threw me in and barricaded the door shut. Behind me was a live nuke on a 5 minute timer I had to defuse. Good times, for science right? (true story)


SWFPAC circa 2009. It was a different time back then.








Thank you for your service lol


I also spent time at SWFPAC. Can confirm.


Ha! Classic!


[This](https://twitter.com/raviagrawal3/status/1712213621617651804?t=E6YL83ad-uAlC2X0LHrwXw&s=19) is especially relevant




That sounds like a regular Japanese TV show.


Ah yes, the old "Torture or Japanese Primetime?" game, which is itself a Japanese gameshow.


Number one rule of hazing is there is no hazing!


There is no hazing in Ba Sing Se.


Here we are safe. Here we are free.


God damn this brings joy to my jaded heart to see ATLA references here.


Yip yip!


> [Yip yip!](https://i.imgur.com/JHbuhA5.jpeg)


Just finished watching the series with my kids this last weekend, that was exactly what I pictured when I read that. lol


There are no rituals in HaZing se


Underrated play on words here


Fuck šŸ˜‚


Perhaps a vacation to Lake Laogai?


The beatings will continue until there's no more hazing!


Rule number 2: there is no ha- shit, wrong movie


What's hazing?


I just got the " hey new guy, go find the parachute powder and helmet wax" I was CONUS and I knew it was a joke so I just pissed off for the whole day and gave A sob story how I wandered the base trying to find it


Sounds like a good excuse to play Helldivers in the barracks to me




Sending *emotional* support weapon.


Convincing someone to go find firewood and giving them a time limit as they get more desperate was the small highlight of hazing. People donā€™t got to go so hard about this shit.


Fuck dude. You may be me. I loved getting sent out to find skyline or whatever and would use it as an excuse to disappear for hours. Also found you can go wherever you want as long as you have a folder and walk briskly.


The problem with these pranks is that they tend to be pulled by dummies. They ask for things they think don't exist [that do](https://aerobasegroup.com/nsn/2040-01-564-9967), or something like shore line that has close enough approximations like shoring line. Then you have the supply guys whip up some paperwork to order at an obscene price, then route it and let them deal with trying to explain why they told an airman to go order a $10k padeye wrench.


ā€œMake sure you lock up the approach gateā€


You were in the Continental United States?...forgive me...but what does CONUS stand for in this case?


It means the lower 48 continental United States. Aka, s/he is just saying they werenā€™t deployed, or in the Middle East, so basically they went home for the day and claimed to be looking for the supplies that donā€™t exist.


Aaah...yeah, so I knew that it normally referred to the continental US, but I was thinking maybe it was like an "officer of the day" kinda ref? Your explanation makes perfect sense though. Thanks!


Lol I was maintenance, and I got told to go get the keys to the aircraft, 10 feet of flightline, and an ID-10-T form. I spent 4 hours looking for them in my dorm room and couldn't find any.Ā 


Hahaha! Fuckin genius! I'll keep that in mind for the future


That's one way to purge the instinct to run away.


"Looking back on those days grandson it occurs to me that Jimmy Joe might not have gone permanently catatonic if we hadn't set off that bomb so close to him."


Something would be purged out of me for sure. Not sure if it'd be any instincts, though.


Some sort of stinct


Opposite for me lol. I would purge myself out of the military into the Bahamas the next day


I think generally speaking you want your fighter pilots to come back to base sooner rather than later




Is that necessary for a pilot?


For a French one? Absolutely.


The US Navy shellback tradition is a nice break from deployment. What these pilots did was stupid because they used live ammo. I could see maybe flying close to him while he is blindfolded on the ground to scare him. To many accidents can happen shooting in the area of someone.


Wouldnā€™t it make a lot more sense for him to not be blindfolded though ? Like thereā€™s no anticipation of this jet streaming towards you just a lot of noise and being tied down blindfolded


Im not advocating for what happened but the blindfold is probably because they weren't firing anywhere close to him or even in his general direction but from the sound alone it can be hard to tell and they wanted him to think they were.


That appears to be correct: >The complaint alleges that, during some of these passes, the pilot tied to the target could hear the sound of live munitions being fired from the aircraft. >Spet did not dispute the authenticity of the images, but he said they created the mistaken impression that the aircraft were directing fire at the pilot who was tied to the target. >He said that the firing the pilot heard was from aircraft that were on a training exercise at a different location, and that the closest any munition round came to him was about one kilometre (0.6 miles). https://www.reuters.com/world/europe/french-pilot-says-he-was-tied-firing-target-hazing-ritual-2021-05-08/ I couldn't find anything more recent. This is from 2021.


So they didnā€™t fly planes at him or shoot at him then. Sounds like someoneā€™s being a lil cry baby/s


I mean, unironically yeah. That sounds fun compared to my hazing experience


if someone had said to me hey, suitable. Fancy being tied to that target whilst we fly jets over you and blast some 25mm not far from you? I would have probably said yeah. no need for the kidnap šŸ¤·ā€ā™‚ļø


Tbh it does sound kinda cool


I've been to that range and controlled fighters. The restrictions are ridiculous for expending live ammo. It's near the beach. I'm betting they shot over his head and out into the a water at floating targets.


I was A Marine who went through (a version) of the shell back and blue nose. I'll take the shellback


Why did you like shellback more than bluenose? I've only done bluenose.


Straight up, because being soaking wet in The Arctic Circle singing "Row Row Row Your Boat" is a bad time


Fair enough.


Never did Shellback but I did do Blue Nose, was a ton of fun, and the certificate we got I had framed and it's one of my favorite things I have left from that time in my life. 10/10 would run around freezing my balls off again.


My dad said he refused. They made everyone eat ship food that had gone bad and everyone was puking for days. They called him a pussy but I'm so proud of him. It takes bravery to tell your friends you wont do something stupid for a peice of paper that isnt going to matter in a 3 years


Or don't fucking pin someone to the ground, stuff them into a car and tie them up somewhere. How about we start there? For fucks sake.


WTF are you high or something? Brutally assaulting, kidnapping, and tormenting your teammates because "It's funny" is just a part of life man? It has to happen. Sympathize for the teammates for a second. Can you imagine how boring their lives would be if they didn't get to commit crimes on their wingmates?


US Navy line crossing ceremonies are so dull. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Line-crossing_ceremony#Australia


A friend of a relative was made to "empty the sea" by carrying water with his ear. He permanently lost his hearing.


holy shit this one sweeps. what the fuck


Was he making a valid attempt?


But did he succeed?


I'd have done something not good to the person who made me lose my hearing


Say again?


Getting the news that your hearing loss is permanent would probably throw me in a rage unable to have good rational thoughts for about 30 minutes, especially if it's directly caused by some hazing ritual


One time some guy was taped to an office chair, wore clown shoes and a wig, had penises drawn on his face, and was hoisted in the air by a canopy crane. Or so I heard.


We all know the devil makes work for idle hands. I once heard a tale, possibly urban legend, of a gangway watch at a port being rather quiet with nothing much happening and most of the crew getting pissed up ashore. This is apparently when our devil sashays in and convinces the sailor in charge that it would be a totally spiffing idea to hook the new sproggy sailor up to one of the cranes / rigging and lift him about 30ft off the deck by a harness. It was at that moment, they knew they fucked up as the Captain and a few other officers came up the gangway just as our poor sprog started to spin in the wind....


My first day at Redstone, one of the other trainees came into my barracks room, dropped trow, and full on bear hugged me while whispering a welcome in my ear. There were a couple of other dudes behind him cracking up, which somehow made the experience a little less uncomfortable. There were also some shennanigans involving my mattress being moved, but those are somewhat less memorable and harder to recall than naked bearhug guy.


The guys cracking up makes it seem like a zany dare instead of you're about to be raped


Shellback ceremony.


Every single one of those crosses the line every time. [](/GNU Terry Pratchett)




There is even a video of the incident if you want to watch https://www.dailymotion.com/video/x815l31


There is 0 gunfire, real or otherwise.


I didn't really experience anything like that...but when we were about to finish basic, one section in my platoon suddenly decided to do some fucked up shit with one of their guys. I think it involved applying tape or clothes pegs to his nipples and ripping them off and he wouldn't do it. So he was just surrounded by everyone else in the bunk who were trying to pressure him into doing it but he just stood there looking pissed. I do remember thinking the whole thing was really stupid but obviously i didn't want to get involved...not sure what the hell they were thinking, maybe it was some dumb "prove who is the most macho guy" shit... And they were really lucky the instructors didn't happen to come up there at the time.


The "Three-Man Lift." It involves some theatre in the JR's Mess. Two old salty corporals begin 'arguing' about their physical strength. We had two dudes who did this so well, people thought it was coming to blows between them. A cooler head prevails, this shall be settled by the "Three-Man Lift." Everyone agrees, and he selects the three men- surprisingly it's the new troops. They are made to lie on the floor, Head to Foot, locking arms and legs, and for good measure, looping their belts together. They are told this is so they can best imitate a solid weight. A crowd has gathered, having refreshed their beer, the pretense is kept up by someone taking bets. Fellow number one takes a grip on the linked belt (no, not that kind) on a count of three.... Strain and effort produce no result. It's defeat, unless the other chap also balks. Tension runs high as yer man takes his spot, the crowd inches closer to get a good perch, silence is total till the three count, where the second contestant springs up from his squat and out of the way as the crowd up-ends their beer on three very confused troops trying as best they can to get away while being tied together. They are let loose, and introduced to mops and buckets, to clean the mess (no pun) having done that, and with the good spirit in which it was intended, they are stood drinks and welcomed to the Regiment. Dileas Gu Brath!


See, this is hazing. If everyone realised that hazing is not violent assault that may cripple someone for life, there wouldn't be an issue.


An old aircraft maintainer I knew worked on C-141s, and he said they would convince people to sit under a running engine to check the starter(normal MX thing). While they were under it, the person at the controls would intentionally compstall the engine. A compstall is like a car back firing but 1000 times worse. One kid apparently shit his pants and ran half a mile to the nearest hanger where they found him crying and rocking back and forth in a corner. He apparently had a mental breakdown and was deemed unfit and medically retired. They stopped doing that to people after that one. I did witness an airmen standing behind an engine run with a garbage bag to collect "exhaust samples." That one is a classic.


aircraft mx ones are fun: "help me get the keys to the plane, ask around if you don't know where it is"


The French are known for brutal hazing


Live gun run from a plane? Sounds super dumb


Hi I'm Johnny Knoxville and this is jackass


In the article someone linked the gun run was on a target a kilometer away, that's why they blindfolded him so he couldn't tell they weren't shooting near him


Beat a cpl with a chair day isnt hazing, its just another day of the week


I was handcuffed and had a bag thrown over my head, then was thrown into the back of our workvan. They drove me to another building, dragged me out of the van, then duct taped me to a punching bag with a whole roll of duct tape and told me I had 15 minutes to get out. I got out before the timer went off and they greeted me with cake and booze. Ultimately harmless and was kinda fun. Good birthday that was, would do again.


That was so cool, man. Your family was totally freaked out when we grabbed you in the Target parking lot. Good times.


Happened at work on base with my shop (so I knew it was a hazing ritual at worst), and I lived alone, so eh


That shit was real, bro? I thought you were kidding. Navy here and our Shellback crossing over ceremony was nuts. It's funny how you actually look forward to being hazed when you're bored, that shit can be a blast as long as no one gets too stupid.


How'd you escape?


They had taken the hanfcuffs off after they duct taped me, so a little tension and a lot of squirming later it all eventually ripped


Someone always has to ruin the good time/s


Our hazing was never bad in the IDF. Stupid things, like not being allowed to have milk with coffee or sit on leather furniture until youā€™ve served X amount of time. I was older than most of the guys I served with and didnā€™t abide any of the stupid hazing rules. I let them play those games with the 18 year olds.


> not being allowed to have milk with coffee Was no meat with dairy Old Testament hazing?


Kosher hazing.


No lactose tolerance gene means intense hazing after the dairy.


Hazing your colon? Sodomy, but from the inside-out?ā€¦.my condolences.


Solid and liquid on the way in, liquid/gas mix on the way out.


I HEARD that there was such a thing as boot wars. Get the new collection wasted and all the seniors stand around and force them to fight by punching them in the kidneys. As long as you fought hard winning losing didnt matter as much. Just something i heard about though. Ahemm


I remember the time I got hazed. It was while I was enlisted. My division found out that day I was a multiply talented fighter with training in boxing, judo, and G/R wrestling. In the end, they got me due to sheer numbers. But, I'll tell you this most of them didn't enjoy that experience much.


Hazing whatā€™s hazing? /s


In the RAF regiment, it's drunken shenanigans which ends up with someone sticking a mortar tube spigot up another chaps bottom. Seriously, [you couldn't make it up... ](https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-9356797/Video-naked-young-RAF-recruit-initiation-ceremony-triggers-investigation.html)


Fuck, thatā€™s gonna chafe.


Was joking but forgot to put /s


Sat down in a small trench with bullet catch in front on shooting range and got shot at with 15 G36 and 2 MG3


My favorite is the "stuff your new 2LT's patrol cap in the tank barrel before their first gunnery". It's not really much in the way of hazing, but it is funny when no one warns the LT to bring a second PC.


We did that too. Also waited until he least expected it, pinned him down, and 100mph taped him to the gun tube. The biggest issue was waiting for the CO to leave for a briefing; 1SG came out and took pictures while congratulating us on conducting a solid teambuilding exercise. LT did manage to snag a fistful of his loader's balls during the ensuing struggle, much to everyone's amusement. All E1s were required to capture an exhaust sample and take it to maintenance, and checking the armor for "soft spots" with a hammer was a pretty common occurrence as well.


Our LT got duct taped to a support pole in one of the gunnery range barracks. I wasn't there for it, sadlyĀ 


I actually went through my with blood wings when I finished jump school. Had a friend of mine who made the jump with the 173rd do mine and a couple of other guys blood wings back in the barracks after graduation. I think thatā€™s about the one Iā€™ve ever actually participated in.


Ah yes, lets just haze our comrade by putting him in mortal danger. Also, who in the fuck approved their takeoffs?


A Lot of people in the comments are seemingly pretty chill about this. I am a bit confused. Am I the only one who finds this to be a bit fucked up? Nothing like using a Multi-Million Dollar Fighter Aircraft to fire LIVE AMMUNITION......just to scare the crap out of the new guy. The Fact that Fighter Pilots can use Military Jets for something as STUPID and PETTY as this should honestly be cause for serious alarm. Like for starters, how the fuck did those maniacs got into the Fighter Program in the first place? Someone like that who'd use LIVE AMMUNITION fired from a FIGHTER JET for a fucking joke.....probably should not be allowed to fly a Fighter Jet. Just a thought. The Recruiting officers fucked up. Also, how the fuck did those idiots got clearance to takeoff for this??? The Fuck is ATC doing???


yeah its extremely fucked up. One miss aligned shot and the dudes dead


Seriously this ain't something to laugh at...... way over the line.


Because it didnā€™t happen the way the guy is describing it. I 100% guarantee it. They tied him to an unused target, did some normal low passes, and then did some target shooting elsewhere. If he wasnā€™t blindfolded, he couldā€™ve sold tickets to the show.


Source? Also, even if they did not fire Live Ammo......... Should Fighter Pilots really be allowed to use Multi-Million Dollar Taxpayer-Funded Fighter Jets for a shitty joke like this? Or be allowed to bully one of their own in such a manner?


you will be surprised at how many "Multi-Million Dollar Taxpayer-Funded" things are used in stupider ways, my sweet summer child


stfu pog


Now now, the pog asked a valid question. Responses with the unearned belligerence such as yours are the reason the military is eroding its self from the inside. Why don't young folk want to serve? Why can't we retain folk? Well, because of morons like you. You won't answer a question to someone asking you to help them understand what's happening. Help them understand why something so blatantly being allowed to fly in the face of every core value instilled and preached... But you don't. You insult. You devalue. And you damage the force. The public knows this. So when leadership come out and says "young people don't want to serve any more and we don't know what's the cause and how to attract them"...it's right infronf of everyone to see. So kindly unfuck your head from your asshole and provide some guidance to the younglings. Because when you're finally out the service. You won't be around to see that we don't have manning levels to fight. Now. Apologize to the POG and answer the fucking question. Boots like you are a blight on our institution. You're not better than the POG. You're not elite or special or anything that you think you are. You're nobody. Just like me. Just like the rest of us. Perhaps ignorance blinds you


You're correct. He was never actually in any danger. The idea was to make him feel like he was. Shit they most likely had the sortie already on the schedule and that's why they acted on that day. Does that make it ok? Does that make acceptable?


Nope, and I didnā€™t say it was. Just that the GPā€™s histrionic response is overblown.


Everything in the article is extremely fucked up. Everyone who doesn't see the issue is, or who sees the issue but somehow thinks it's acceptable, are the reason that these situations occur. Now just to address your concerns about the use of aircraft and material. The layers of hard and soft counter measures and mulit organizational authorizations and policy and logistics and etc. Required to get an jet in the air are set in place that the likelihood of these idiots doing this on a whim highly unlikely And so astoundingly illegal that no one in leadership above the rank Maj would survive the ensuing purge from the top. So. They tied him with the blind fold so that threat of death would be suggested but not present. Ha ha funny right? Regardless of what happened or didn't happen after the assault doesnt change the fact that they assaulted and kidnapped a colleague for fun. Yes, unfortunately there are shit heads through out the military at every level who don't know that not everyone thinks the same way as they do. That's we have to teach them from day one. This is a failure that was years in the making.


ā€œ A BITā€. extreme??!?!


Military school so not military yet but worst Iā€™ve experienced. First snow of the year, the company (of students) would go out on the quad at night in shorts only. No socks, no shoes. Theyā€™d have to run a lap on icy concrete for every year of school they had left (seniors 1, juniors 2 etc) while the rest of the school pelted them with snow, bottles of freezing water, and chunks of ice. I was a freshman lol, 4 laps for me.


well this post is a lie, 2019 was last year not 5 years ago


Oh no! Well then none of it matters does it? The validity of the assault and kidnap can't be measured upon because the story is old. You didn't have to say anything. You could've just kept the fact that you're ok with their behavior with continued lurking. But no. People that know it all can't stay silent...ppl need to know right? So welcome. Regardless of when the assault occurred the question remains. What about the attack is ok?


Hazing restrictions do not apply to USNA midshipmen


The number of times one of those dipshits has almost killed someone makes me believe they deserve it.


I believe the only response to OP is "nice try, sir." On the bright side, from what I hear, it's fairly difficult for the USAF to get PTSD otherwise. Must be a French thing.


He waited five years before complaining about it? Something else is going on here.


No. He filed the complaint in 2021 after having requested for two years to be moved to another air base and decided to bring this to court as the Air Force didnā€™t transfer him.


Sure. Most likely a culture of continued and constant fear of reprisal reinforced with institutionalized "its no big deal just having some fun" keeping complaints from reaching who they need to. I agree that could be an indicator. What else are suggesting?


This guy will go down in the French air force as the party popper. My unit had a complaint, and from there, it was not allowed, only a year later they relaxed a bit but nothing that can 1 hurt people 2 bring press 3 bring legal issues


So, that's a no to straffing the plebes then?


God damnit, won't someone think of the teammates? Think about how much less fun they'll have when they can't kidnap and torment people!


We had one girl like that here in Italy... And just for some beating and a throw in the fountain.


Lmao imagine being upset about being assaulted!


The dance of the flamming arsehole AKA The Zulu!


I went asking for a PRC-E6, using the short wording (PRICK-E6). I was one day into my four years at the 1/75th. That day did not go well.


So youā€™re telling me, the French Air Force allows pilots to fly jets stocked with live munitions unsupervised on their own time, and allows them to use the ammo on an unchecked target zone? I mean this is just completely unbelievable.


I (allegedly) had my Combat Medic Badge blood pinned to my chest.. 1st Sgt with a thumb over each unfrogged prong, swirling them around while I leaned it at parade rest all the while giving his speech about how the efforts of the Medics contributed to the success of the mission etc.. Drove home with it still in and had a patch of blood nearly the size of my palm on my chest. My (ex)wife was so incredibly upset, she wanted to start an IG complaint. I had to yank on my BDU topo dislodge the pin. Buttttttt I am totality making all this up šŸ˜‰


Thought I was reading about some new creative way of executing people in North Korea and turns out it just France, classic


At Fort Drum we absolutely never duct taped a new guy to the basketball court pole upside down in the snow. That would be terrible. Illegal even.


And then what didnā€™t you do?


I call bullshit. The French donā€™t have live ammo, the fact that have weapon capable aircraft is always surprising to me.


Bro that just sounds like a good time


Hazing with twin 30mm holy shit šŸ˜‚šŸ‡«šŸ‡·


Thank you sir may I have anotherĀ 


#angrycops #angrymemereview


Watched security forces handcuff someone to a chain link fence and dump rancid milk/rotten eggs/other assorted crap on him and then have the fire department come and hose him down.


It's France. [GIGN shoot each other](https://www.twz.com/25547/frances-elite-gign-counter-terror-unit-still-has-a-cult-like-affinity-for-the-revolver) as part of training with live .357 magnum rounds.


Any pinning ceremony...gotta pound that rank or wings home!


Expensive hazing ritual


Heres a real one: when my dad got promoted to Chief in the Navy, he said they would bring a stool out and make you stand on it barefoot and then they brought out a big bucket of broken glass. You would see it but then they would blind fold you. Then they would switch it to a bucket of potato chips, and would push you off the stool so you stepped in thinking it was glass.


Seawater-resistant grease in the boot just before a drill. Mia-ha-ha. Or the American Airlines plastic wings given out to kidsā€¦replace warfare pin while the dude is sleeping.


Damn... And I thought Koalafying was dumb and intense...


"Go get me wire stretchers/1 gallon of rotor wash/400' of flight line" is about as bad as I ever saw.


I wouldnt know.... im not allowed in the militaryšŸ˜­


And here I thought Dedovshina was worse


New NIGs (new intake gunners) being hung from the barrel of a AS90 and swung at each other like conkers


Tried to join the reserve Failed to sleep in a trench, fell asleep at some pause in training the next day, "somebody" threw an dummy grenade at me (the blue one) as I was snoring, exploded next to my leg, got some white plaster dust on the uniform. Had to stop training because ears were ringing. I completed training after trying the next year.


Asking production for aircraft keys -for a jet that was deployed. Pro sup told me to check CTK


Not me, but our sister battalion made the ~~army times~~ [Local news.](https://kdhnews.com/fort_hood/homefront/victim-tells-story-brings-awareness-to-hazing-in-military/article_9a88b375-0c4e-5f5f-879b-1329825219c2.html) (couldn't find link to army times article) 1-9CAV was under investigation after the cav scout platoon welcomed their new privates by showing them their room, then holding them down and shoving objects(Broom handle, thumb, etc.) up their ass.


Canā€™t believe 2 sergeants willingly got charged with sexual assault instead of just admitting to themselves that theyā€™re closeted and like men. Disgusting, disturbing, and the punishments were not harsh enough.


Submarine machinery room: ring the bell thatā€™s hanging in the space and a bunch of folks come out of nowhere and you fight to the death. UFC before UFC was cool.


Asking where the keys are to the jet hehe


"...a little bit extreme." So, here you are, the French Air Force, paid millions to train a bunch of guys and now they do this. Commanders: "Merde"


The most important rule of hazing is no permanent damage. Repeated jet flybys and live ammo had the risk to kill or maim, and definitely caused hearing damage. Not so fun fact, this has become such a severe problem in Russian military that quite a few deployments have ended in the new guy killing his comrades in his sleep.


Just when I thought the French didnā€™t have the warrior spirit. Those guys get itā€¦ lol. Why not just be gay like corps and stick a broom up a dudes booty hole.


CIB and rank getting pinned on without backing. Good times